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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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My bicycle is working for me. I bought my bike 2 weeks ago and have ridden 100 miles. Today I can't ride because we are getting dumped on from Hurricane Ike. Next Sunday I am planning on riding a 46 mile ride. I thought about a century ride taking place on 10/12. I have to see how I do on some of the other rides before I take on 100 miles in the same day. If I don't ride it, I will volunteer and ride at least part of it. I also continue to lose weight and inches from Curves. Down another 7.2 inches in a month. We have gotten over 4 inches of rain since 3 a.m. this morning. I have lost 8 pounds in two weeks. I have 33 pounds to get to goal. That is a normal BMI. I

Two more pounds and I am at a 29 BMI only overweight and not obese. I'll be there by next weekend.

Way to go ! ! ! ! I used to ride my bike for hours after dinner, years ago. I loved it. Then I got fat and was too embarrassed to ride it. Now, my knees are just too bad to handle a regular bike. The best I can do is at least an hour a day, on a recumbant exersize bike.



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Well, yesterday I managed to stay on liquids till dinner time. I couldn't take it any more. Had some meat loaf and garlic potatoes. Then, right before I went to bed, I got nausious (sp) and threw up again. Same thing. Caught a little of it on a kleenex but it was too hard to figure it out. I really liked the suggestion of a baggie. I'll do it if it happens again tonight. My stomach does feel a little better today. I'm mostly sticking with liquids again (as much as I can) till dinner.

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okay...I am back...for good now.

Here is what has been going on in my world!

1. Weight...As you can see from my ticker it is up....WAY up. I have had some major issues with medications, being sick, and just making poor choices due to some major stress at work and with my band. But things have been back on track for the last few days and I am feeling better.

2. My band - I got spinach WAAAAAY stuck the other day and ended up going in for a complete unfill. I slimed all the way to Washington last weekend. I slimed for a total of 14 hours before I finally got the unfil. It was AWFUL. So the totally unfilled me which turned out to be horrific on the weight front! I was totally upset with everything that had happened. Then add to that that I got back home after sliming all day and nly got about 2 hours of sleep before I had to be at work. As a result I haven't watched anything that has gone in my mouth. I have just eaten what I can get at school and that is NOT been a good thing. I am going in on Friday to get another fill. When I met with my doc that evening he told me not to worry about the weight. I needed to get my head on straight and when I come back to get the fill it will be like starting over. I am going to start the "starting over" process a little early. I finally feel like I am back in charge of my life.

3. Meds - I am off of them. TOTALLY and I refuse to ever go back on them. The first one made me pass out, the second one made me feel like a drug addict, and the last one made me feel like I didn't give a crap about anything. So I stopped taking them all together. We got a substantial raise at work this year and with DH working it will allow me to go to a therapist. I already have an appt scheduled for Wednesday. I am hoping she can help me deal with the obsessive feelings that I am sure to have when the meds wear off. Right now I really need those feelings to come back with a vengence!

4. Work. My kids are great but the teacher that I am working with is a total A$$. He does nothing and we have already had to have a meeting with my asst. principal because he won't do anything. There is a constant flow of kids from his into mine and my numbers are crazy. For one period I have to meet in a different room because my room just isn't big enough. The kids are well behaved though because they know the alternative is to go back to him. I guess in that case it is good.

4. Family - My DH's mom is very ill and is not expected to make it for more than a week. This is her 3rd time in ICU in less than 2 months.

5. Running - I have my first race next week. I have been running consistently and not doing to bad. I know my real personality is coming back because I am getting mad that I am not at the same level as I was before surgery. I want to be able to run as fast and as far as I did before...and of course that is not possible. I was running and lifting weights for the last couple of weeks but I decided that I could not handle be "sub-par" at both so I backed off the weights until I can get my running back to where I want it to be. Then I will ad the weights. I figured that was the best thing to do for my mental state!

All in all it sounds like my life is miserable right now, and for the last few weeks it has been. But I feel it turning around and I have a much better attitude and outlook. The beauty of the band is that you can always have a fresh start. I look forward to being back on the boards. Not that I ever stopped caring about any of you, but I just didn't care about anyone or anything really. I had 11 voice mails that I never listened to on my phone...cause I didn't care. It was a HORRIBLE feeling.

Well I have to finish my power point for tomorrow's class...but I wanted to check back in and let you know I am still alive and ready to get rid of these 11 pounds that I seemed to find!

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My bicycle is working for me. I bought my bike 2 weeks ago and have ridden 100 miles. Today I can't ride because we are getting dumped on from Hurricane Ike. Next Sunday I am planning on riding a 46 mile ride. I thought about a century ride taking place on 10/12. I have to see how I do on some of the other rides before I take on 100 miles in the same day. If I don't ride it, I will volunteer and ride at least part of it. I also continue to lose weight and inches from Curves. Down another 7.2 inches in a month. We have gotten over 4 inches of rain since 3 a.m. this morning. I have lost 8 pounds in two weeks. I have 33 pounds to get to goal. That is a normal BMI. I

Two more pounds and I am at a 29 BMI only overweight and not obese. I'll be there by next weekend.

Way to Go - 8 lbs in 2 weeks Fantastic !!!!! Traffic makes me nervous and as a kid I hate to major bike accident - so I stick to my treadmill- 46 miles - that is great...

Kee up the good work !!

Well, yesterday I managed to stay on liquids till dinner time. I couldn't take it any more. Had some meat loaf and garlic potatoes. Then, right before I went to bed, I got nausious (sp) and threw up again. Same thing. Caught a little of it on a kleenex but it was too hard to figure it out. I really liked the suggestion of a baggie. I'll do it if it happens again tonight. My stomach does feel a little better today. I'm mostly sticking with liquids again (as much as I can) till dinner.

Darling - Call the Doctor on Monday - That's and Order !!!!

okay...I am back...for good now.

Well I have to finish my power point for tomorrow's class...but I wanted to check back in and let you know I am still alive and ready to get rid of these 11 pounds that I seemed to find!


So glad that you are feeling better - Hugs to you and DH on his Mom thats awful - Glad you are running and goiing to see someone..

Heck you wil have those 11 lbs off before you know it - Slimed all the way to washington - omw - you couldn't get it back up - awful..

Well just a fast ck in - My Son is here til tuesday - So I have been visiting with him...


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Nope it wouldn't come up. They figured that it was laying flat over the stoma. It took them to unfill me and have me drink barium before it would go down.

Make sure you chew spinach very carefully!

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Nope it wouldn't come up. They figured that it was laying flat over the stoma. It took them to unfill me and have me drink barium before it would go down.

Make sure you chew spinach very carefully!

Well I cook the crap out of my veggies - I guess I have been lucky - it always comes back up - my problem is usually eating too fast or one bite to many even with spinach...

I just can't imagine sliming for that whole trip over the mountain...

Glad to have you back - you have been missed and proud of you for adjusting your ticker - that took guts - i have been up a lb or 2 but I never adjusted - and when I have been below a lb or 2 I haven't adjusted either :lol:

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Nope it wouldn't come up. They figured that it was laying flat over the stoma. It took them to unfill me and have me drink barium before it would go down. Make sure you chew spinach very carefully!

SPINACH!! Who'd a thunk it!!

Shows to go ya.... have to be careful with EVERYTHING!!

Glad you're back, and back on track! Kudos!!

We went to the fair yesterday... both DDs & both SILs, the three littlest grandkids and one SIL's Mom & step-Dad... old friends of ours in town from Atlanta for the weekend. I was worried about eating "Fair Food" since I knew we'd be there all day. But I think I did pretty good. Everyone else was eating scones, elephant ears, corn dogs!! I bought an ear of roasted corn. Later, I bought a BBQ turkey leg, most of which DH ate, and some cole slaw. I had a very few bites of the elephant ear and a couple of handfuls of DD's kettle corn. (!) But, no onion burgers, or all the other stuff everyone was eating. One SIL I am very concerned about. BIG belly.. way too much weight, triglycerides 400+. He was the one that went straight for the scones as soon as we got through the gate,

then he went for corn dogs. Not 2 hrs later he led us all to his favorite BBQ stand for lunch!


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O.K. I've had just bout enough of IKE... and the rain/wind...

Woke up today really feeling bummed... I havn't been so good about takeing me Anti-depressant pills of late... dah!

Gotta do better than this

Salsa/Karri, so glad to see you back. We missed you too much!

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Good Morning Gang..

Phyl what's an elephant ear??? Yep you did very well yesterday !! I have such a hard time trying to figure out what I can and can't eat at food courts - fairs - fast food.. I find it very over whelming - it's mostly cuz everything is bread - and yes I can eat sandwhich bread - but there is no way I could eat a hamburger bun and all - everything at the fair is deep fried - bread loaded - cinnaboma's (sp) those are my weakness..

Candice - I am confused you are getting Ike up there in Canada - or do you mean watching it on tv and not taking your med and are just in a blue mood. If that's the case take your pill - blue moods = eating and you don't want to do that.. Watching 9/11 stuff did that to me 2 days very sad.

What I can't understand is they told pple not to leave Houston now it's a mess.. I really haven't watched the news this weekend...

Well, gang - I gotta get my butt in gear... I will CBL :embaressed_smile:

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Ruby, your totals are great, Sorry I've let you down today & yesterday... emotional eating... I was kinda bummed after going to a funeral. But that shuldn't be any excuse.

Don't be silly! You haven't let me down. Knowing there are others counting along with me keeps me going. Knowing it's just as hard for you and Steph (where is she?) helps me a lot.

There are excuses and there are reasons for emotional eating. I would consider attending a funeral a reason, not an excuse. :tt2: Today's another day and you can start anew again.

Yesterday's totals are:

Calories = 1,207 (net = 1,207) :bored:

Carbs = 131g

Fat = 52g

Protein = 60g

Water = 16oz :mellow:

Last night I thought I was slightly under my calorie allowance until I remembered the chocolate shell topping I put on my ice cream. That put me 72 over. :embaressed_smile: It's not too bad though. I can live with it because Sunday is my lazy day.

My water intake sucks AGAIN. I really need to get my act together in that area.

Karri - I'm so glad you're back. I can already see the grit and determination in your posts so hopefully it won't be long before you're back to where you need to be again. :cool2:

Today is nice outside. There's a crispness to the air that I really like. I enjoy the brief time between the seasons. I'll be complaining about the cold soon enough, just like I complain about the heat and humidity, but today is a lovely day. I need to go outside and enjoy it.

Catch up with you all a little later. :w00t:

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Thanks for the welcome back. It is nice to be back.

As for the spinach, it was raw and apparently I didn't chew one whole piece. It managed to slide down with ease...just didn't want to come back up. It really was awful. I guess that is the downside to having been so loose this whole time. I never really learned to chew very well.

I do have my determination back...and I am going to need it today. Mondays are the days that I teach my college class so my days are 14 hours long and that doesn't even count going to the gym. Normally I take Mondays off but I will be going to the gym everyday until I get these extra pounds off. My workout tonight will not be as grand as the other days, but I want to make sure that I am doing something.

As for changing my ticker...that was really hard to do. But I also changed it to reflect my new goal. Fortunately all my clothes still fit so it isn't as disasterous as it could have been.

Well best get my behind in gear. Only good thing about not being on the boards all the time was that I got a lot of school work done! But I really did miss you all!

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Good Morning Gang..

Phyl what's an elephant ear??? Yep you did very well yesterday !! I have such a hard time trying to figure out what I can and can't eat at food courts - fairs - fast food.. I find it very over whelming - it's mostly cuz everything is bread - and yes I can eat sandwhich bread - but there is no way I could eat a hamburger bun and all - everything at the fair is deep fried - bread loaded - cinnaboma's (sp) those are my weakness..

Candice - I am confused you are getting Ike up there in Canada - or do you mean watching it on tv and not taking your med and are just in a blue mood. If that's the case take your pill - blue moods = eating and you don't want to do that.. Watching 9/11 stuff did that to me 2 days very sad.

What I can't understand is they told pple not to leave Houston now it's a mess.. I really haven't watched the news this weekend...

Well, gang - I gotta get my butt in gear... I will CBL :embaressed_smile:

Well Janet, yes we are getting IKE up here in Canada too. Weird eh? but it does travel up that far. Quite the storm! THe wind was so strong and loud last night that I had to wear Earplugs to bed.

:crying:Yes, I will have to be more dillegent on my Rx taking... dumb really... just kinda gets away on me... I havn't felt BLUE for a very, very long time. Probalby just this time of year, and that my weight is not budging much.


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Afternoon, Ladies.

KARRI -Glad to see you're back and are doing better. You will get those 11 lbs off in no time. 18_3_110.gifDoesn't it feel great to feel back in control. I made the comment a few days ago, that it felt great to be alive. Before the band, I was praying for death. Kudos to you for going off antidepressants. I'm not brave enough to go off my Zoloft.

JANET - I called the doctors office today and I have an appointment tomorrow. I know everyone is right, but I just don't want to hear any bad news about my band. I'm scared. Threw up again last night but it was clear with bits of chewed up ham in it, (dinner) But, that was seven hours after eating. Shouldn't it have gone through and be digested till then? Elephant Ears. 36_33_14.gif Yummy. it is kind of a dessert, a pastry. dough, rolled out and deep fried. Sprinkled with cinnamin and sugar or with pie filling on top. They are really loud when they call your name.

PHYLL -23_11_62.gif Good for you for resisting those carnie foods. Especially those elephant ears. They are so good, although, I had one last summer and it just didn't taste quite as good as I remembered. DH talked me out of another one when I wanted to make sure they weren't as good. (different fair) Maybe you can talk your SIL to get lapband. My triglycerides were sky high too, but now they are on the low side of normal. (that's the best I could do for a carnival smiley.......but it is appropriate)

Candace - Know what you mean about IKE. I went to the gym this morning and I couldn't believe how many yards and fields are waterlogged and flooded. It's been raining steadily here for three days now. Hard and soaking. Yeah, we needed the rain, but enough is enough.11_1_204.gif

LINDA - Cheer up. We love you. That empty nest feeling is familiar. It's hard, but try to take control. You'll be fine in no time. Just say the hell with them all.

Okay, gonna let you all go for now. Got a little wordy here and don't know how to shut up. Just tell me "SHUT UP< KARI" Gotta get my Water in. Man is that hard. I've only gotten one bottle in today so far. I'll let you all know how it goes at the doctors tomorrow. I'm praying that it's nothing. Just a little unfill.


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Elephant Ears. 36_33_14.gif Yummy. it is kind of a dessert, a pastry. dough, rolled out and deep fried. Sprinkled with cinnamin and sugar or with pie filling on top. They are really loud when they call your name.

Oh no! I wish I didn't know about these now. :thumbup::drool::tt1: They sound divine. I'm a sucker for pastry, cinnamon and pie filling.

I'm struggling today. I tried to eat some leftover seafood stir fry from Saturday night and could get anything down. Yes, I chew chew chewed like a runaway train but it came back up instead of going down. Now I'm starving. Guess it's Soup for the rest of the day. :biggrin: I'll bet I could get a dozen of those elephant ears down though! :)

I've had 16oz of Water today. Big whoop. :tt1: At least I'm doing a little better than the past few days.

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Kari - I am glad you called the doc - I totally get that you are afaird -

But I listened to you all and went and got my foot x-rayed and everything was ok - so I know it will be for you too- Prayers being sent

So those elephant ears are sorta like funnel cakes -

Ruby I too love cinimmon & sugar and dough :tt1::w00t::):w00t: Sounds good I am hungry it's not even 2 - just had lunch at noon (stuffed chili pepper) slider food I guess - gotta wait til 3 for my fiberone bar..

I am on my 2nd bottle of Water

OK were in the Hell is Steph !!!!! Has anyone heard from her...

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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