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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Gee, the excitement here is electrifying. I wonder why. I don't know if my heart can take it. LOL Talked with my DD this morning. Her MIL is coming to stay and take care of the kids during the day. I could have gone to MofA. I already told hubby that I was NOT going to miss Vegas next year.

Candace - Tomorrow is probqbly going to be pretty hectic for you with having to keep a schedule and all so it would probably be better for us to meet up on your way back thru Michigan. That's Monday, right? or is it Tuesday?

aLL YOU MALL RATS - Have fun and think of me back home wanting to be there with you.........at least once. OK? And take lots of pictures.36_13_13.gif I want to see everyone. I'll be checking this thread out to see if you're having fun. (Yeah, right........as if you all will have a miserable time) JUST REMEMBER THAT WHEN YOU DRINK.........................JUST ADD ICE CUBES............ALCOHAL HAS TOO MANY EXTRA EMPTY CALORIES. (have one for me)


wish I were there,.




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Amen to what Kari said. I'm envious and wish I could be there too but am so excited for those of you who can. Take lots of pics for us. :thumbup:

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Gee, the excitement here is electrifying. I wonder why. I don't know if my heart can take it. LOL Talked with my DD this morning. Her MIL is coming to stay and take care of the kids during the day. I could have gone to MofA. I already told hubby that I was NOT going to miss Vegas next year.

aLL YOU MALL RATS - Have fun and think of me back home wanting to be there with you.........at least once. OK? And take lots of pictures.36_13_13.gif I want to see everyone. I'll be checking this thread out to see if you're having fun. (Yeah, right........as if you all will have a miserable time) JUST REMEMBER THAT WHEN YOU DRINK.........................JUST ADD ICE CUBES............ALCOHOL HAS TOO MANY EXTRA EMPTY CALORIES. (have one for me)


wish I were there,.



Amen to what Kari said. I'm envious and wish I could be there too but am so excited for those of you who can. Take lots of pics for us. :)

We wish ALL of you could join us!! We'll miss you!

It's going to be quiet around here this weekend, huh??~~!!

Our train leaves in exactly FOUR HOURS!!

We are sitting here sipping wine,

all dressed and ready to go out the door.

I do have to go over to Albertson's & get my daily latte at the stand next door and buy myself a small can of Fiber to stick in my back pack!! And get the mail. Dh is going to "hide" our laptops in the closet!! Like if anyone broke in they wouldn't find them there??? Our attack cat would get them before they ever got that far I suppose!


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We wish ALL of you could join us!! We'll miss you!

It's going to be quiet around here this weekend, huh??~~!!

Our train leaves in exactly FOUR HOURS!!

We are sitting here sipping wine,

all dressed and ready to go out the door.

I do have to go over to Albertson's & get my daily latte at the stand next door and buy myself a small can of fiber to stick in my back pack!! And get the mail. Dh is going to "hide" our laptops in the closet!! Like if anyone broke in they wouldn't find them there??? Our attack cat would get them before they ever got that far I suppose!


you are just too funny!!! I am envisioning this tiger roaming your house....and that must be why you need FOUR little boxes!

It is going to be so quiet here this weekend. But...I am bringing my laptop so I will try to upload a few pics every day. That way everyone will get a chance to see us. I talked to DH about bringing the wii and he's all for it. I really thought he would have more of a problem with it. Sometimes he surprises me. I just never know what to expect. And so we will figure out how to use it one of the days. I've got two remotes....if you think we need more, bring yours Phyl. We'll see.

I'm getting so excited about this trip. I can't even function today. I don't know what to do because I'm getting distracted! How funny is that???

Okay. I'd better get something done before DH comes home from work.

Janet said she'd be busy, but she didn't say she'd be completely gone did she?????

Karri, I hope you're feeling better. I remember you saying something about being very tired. I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed that it goes away soon.

Okay....honestly....I have to get to work!

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I am not completely gone - just very busy - Had my ultra sound this morning on my right booby - there is a 1 cm lump - they don't know what it is - it could be a wart - a cyst - a plugged duct or **** so I go for a biopsy on 8/1 at 8 a.m.

I am a little bummed about this... More so than I was last year when I had to get the calcificaations ck'd out - Don't ask me why - but I am a little rattled - so this weekend will be a good thing to keep my mind of of it..

I forgot what I was going to say.. OH Ya - Kari - we will be having cocktails - yes empty calories but this is a vaction too and plus I think I am going to owe Linda a drink - I don't remember what I bet her about - but something where I promissed her a drink - and then Phyl piped in wanting one too... But we won't go crazy...

Steph you wii - Don't really think we will be up to it with all the walking at the 4 story mall for 2 days... But if you want to bring it go ahead..

Phone just rang gotta split - will ck back after gym

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you are just too funny!!! I am envisioning this tiger roaming your house....and that must be why you need FOUR little boxes!

It is going to be so quiet here this weekend. But...I am bringing my laptop so I will try to upload a few pics every day. That way everyone will get a chance to see us. I talked to DH about bringing the wii and he's all for it. I really thought he would have more of a problem with it. Sometimes he surprises me. I just never know what to expect. And so we will figure out how to use it one of the days. I've got two remotes....if you think we need more, bring yours Phyl. We'll see.

I'm getting so excited about this trip. I can't even function today. I don't know what to do because I'm getting distracted! How funny is that???

Okay. I'd better get something done before DH comes home from work.

Janet said she'd be busy, but she didn't say she'd be completely gone did she?????

Karri, I hope you're feeling better. I remember you saying something about being very tired. I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed that it goes away soon.

Okay....honestly....I have to get to work!

DH won't let me bring my remote

:) He's such a party pooper!

We're so excited we can't sit still. He keeps popping up out of his chair to do something else he just thought of!! And that's after two glasses of wine... he still can't sit still. Ordinarily, after two glasses he'd be snoring!

See.... now he popped up again because he decided to should go shave!

DD will be here to pick us up in 1 hr! I am sitting here with my purse on my lap ready to go out the door. Just came back from my trip around the neighborhood... got cash, my latte, DH wouldn't let me buy more fiber.. he put some in a Vitamin bottle! Just because we have a costco sized jar on the kitchen counter!? I got him two hard rolls at his favorite place while I was out, said goodbye to my favorite barista. And I feel like I forgot something! I switched everything from my wallet to a different thingy, then didn't like it and put it al back again! Gotta get out of here and on that train before we both have a stroke! I wanted to do my Wii exercises, but I don't want to SWEAT!!


My mother called a little while ago.

She was amazed that we were leaving this afternoon.

She didn't know we were stopping in St.Paul/Minneapolis.

Didn't know anything about our M of A weekend!

I'm sure I told her!!

She is 86 so have to cut her some slack.

She was trying to figure out when she had to pick us up at the train station! But we don't drive with Uncle Ed!!

One sister has to work, so I told her I'll see if the other one can pick us up becuase she has an SUV and we have lots of stuff!

Yeah, where's Janet???

She's still cleaning off her desk so she can leave I guess!

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I am not completely gone - just very busy - Had my ultra sound this morning on my right booby - there is a 1 cm lump - they don't know what it is - it could be a wart - a cyst - a plugged duct or **** so I go for a biopsy on 8/1 at 8 a.m.

I am a little bummed about this... More so than I was last year when I had to get the calcifications ck'd out - Don't ask me why - but I am a little rattled - so this weekend will be a good thing to keep my mind of of it..

I forgot what I was going to say.. OH Ya - Kari - we will be having cocktails - yes empty calories but this is a vacation too and plus I think I am going to owe Linda a drink - I don't remember what I bet her about - but something where I promised her a drink - and then Phyl piped in wanting one too... But we won't go crazy...

Steph you wii - Don't really think we will be up to it with all the walking at the 4 story mall for 2 days... But if you want to bring it go ahead..

Phone just rang gotta split - will ck back after gym

Don't worry... if you have a history of calcifications... probably all it is.

I know... easy for me to say, but it'll be okay.

We'll get your mind off of it!!

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12_13_2.gifOkay Mall Rats...............................Take Janet out and ply her with Margaritas. That should take her mind off her biopsy. Or stuff her with that sweet sugary crap. 7_4_15.gif Nothing like chocolate or booze to take your mind off things.

HAVE FUN ! ! !


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Don't worry... if you have a history of calcifications... probably all it is.

I know... easy for me to say, but it'll be okay.

We'll get your mind off of it!!

Phyl - It's a lump behind my nipple - not a calcification - but it could be anything I am just being a big baby for some unknown reason... I will be find ... Tomorrow is going to be a "b" cuz I still got stuff on my desk - hair @ 4:30... the bank and home to pack...

12_13_2.gifOkay Mall Rats...............................Take Janet out and ply her with Margaritas. That should take her mind off her biopsy. Or stuff her with that sweet sugary crap. 7_4_15.gif Nothing like chocolate or booze to take your mind off things.

HAVE FUN ! ! !


Kari - Too funny - I might take you up on a little of the sugary crap before the drinks - but doubt I will do to much of either - getting away will be nice..

Ok gotta go see what's to eat - I am hungry...


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Kari - Too funny - I might take you up on a little of the sugary crap before the drinks - but doubt I will do to much of either - getting away will be nice..

Ok gotta go see what's to eat - I am hungry...


I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you and will be sending positive thoughts for a good outcome. Getting away will be the best thing for you. Plus you'll have fantastic company. It doesn't get any better than that. :)

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Hello Everyone, I have been keeping up with the post, but I haven't posted in a while. I've been depressed. :lol:

Janet - You're gonna be fine hunny, I just know it. I'll say a little prayer.

Phyl - your pictures look great, you have done superbly!

Steph- your pictures look great too!!!!!!

Congratulations everyone on your bandiversairies!! (sp?)

Mine is tomorrow. I just got a fill on Monday. I told her I have very little restriction. I can eat a 6" subway. She said, "Oh my." I'll check your whole amount." So she pulls it out and says, "Oh my, I wasn't expecting that." You have it all still. Then she leaves the needle in and goes check my chart and says, "have you ever been too tight." I said once in the beginning, and I had some removed. So she says I'll give you a big fill. So now I have 7.5. Since yesterday, I have been FREAKIN OUT. I spent hours last night reading about stretched pouch. I don't understand why I have so little restriction when she only removed a little for surgery, I have more in now. I was tight before surgery. If she suspected something she should have said. After tomorrow, I will have to pay cash.

I have been shopping since last night in honor of the MoA trip I can't go on. I got five pairs of shoes. Everythings on sale!!!!! I got a sweater, a silk shirt, and beautiful size 12 pants at Talbots. All on sale!!!!!!!!!! I just about set to go back to school. I go back next week. UGGGGHHHHH!!! :thumbup:

Janet- I got a animal print flat fur coat last night from QVC.

Oh, by the way, last night on the food channel the new road show with the Neeley's was in Minneapolis.

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Denise!!! Don't panic. If there was something she was really worried about, do you really think she wouldn't tell you what she was worried about? I would hope you have better providers than that.

I wish I could help you at all. The only thing I have read to test pouch size is in my "Success habits of weight loss surgery patients". It says to start in the morning with a small tub of cottage cheese....wait. Let me find it and then I will type it in. It is around here somewhere.

I'll be back in a few.

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I had to check in and tell you all I am so envious of you for your trip and really wish I could afford it but I just can't swing it right now. I will be thinking of all of you all weekend.

Today is my bandiversary and I now down 105 lbs. 30 more pounds to goal. I can't believe it. I am getting worried though because my lower back is hurting terrible lately and I think it is because of the skin in the front. I don't have a lot of hang just skin. I don't know. I am going to go to the doctor and chiropractor and see if that helps. If not I will be checking into PS. Problem is I still have 30 more pounds to go and I dont want any ps done until I am at goal but I don't know how long my back can take this.

Well I better get. I have had a very busy day with work and family and I am just wiped out. Good night and sweet dreams everyone. Have a wonderful time and take lots of pictures. Be safe and we will be waiting here for your returns.

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Okay...let me quote....

:Step 1: purchase a container of small curd low fat cottage cheese

:Step 2: begin the test with a full container of cottage cheese and perform the test in the morning before eating anything else. This will be your Breakfast on that day

:Step 3: Eat fairly quickly until you feel full (less than five minutes). Note that the small soft curds do not require much chewing. You are eating rapidly so you will fill the pouch before there is time for any food to flow out of it.

:Step 4: After eating you "fill" of cottage cheese, you will be left with a partially eaten container that has empty space where cottage cheeses used to be.

:step 5: Measure the volume of cottage cheese you have eaten by filling a two cup measuring cup with Water. Pour water into the container of cottage cheese until the water level rises to the original top level of the cottage cheese.

:results: The amount of water poured into the container is the functional size of your pouch.

Still quoting: "Dr Flanagan's research indicates that the average volume of the mature stomach pouch of a RNY patient measured by this method is 5.5 ounces. Additionally, he reached the conclusion that "sizes ranging up to 9 ounces have NO IMPACT on the person's success in weight loss"

That means that unless your pouch holds a volume greater than 9 ounces, the exact size of your pouch is not a critical factor in whether or not you can lose your excess weight and then manage your weight as time progresses."

I hope you can use some of this information. If you have more concerns I would ask your dr. Don't let her scare you and then send you home. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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