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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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I wish I could run away to a beach on one of the islands - sounds good right now...

Pouch test - girls I don't envy you - I am not doing it - funny last night 1/2 taco was stuckest - today had salad for lunch no problem and ate the whole thing...

My weight is stable - did dip to 149.5 but not on my weigh in day so it didn't count (was 150 this morning) but sure did like seeing that 4 :biggrin2:

I don't drink with meals or right after - I can't do oranges either the pith (the white stringy stuff) is too much for me (haven't tried in a while but since I am looser right now I bet I could) - but all the rest of the fruits i can do.. I am a live and well - and thanks' for missing me :blink:

Glad to see you didn't fall off the face of the earth. If I didn't see a post from you tonight, I was ready to pick up the phone!

I know you must be missing your family now that they're so far away. Nice they were able to visit. August will be here before you know it!

We had a little visit with our DIL & two GDs from CA today. We spent some time shopping at the mall. We'll see them again on Sunday. They're coming up to see our condo and we're going to have a family get together at DD's.

Pouch test is going okay. I'm starving, but I"ll live! I've had two Protein Drinks today and a mug of Tomato Soup. This is just about the end of the second day, so tomorrow I get to eat soft Protein. I'm going to have eggbeaters for Breakfast, maybe tuna for lunch and I'm going to go buy a piece of orange roughy for dinner. Mmmm!


You've had quite an adventure!! Were you taking a really hot shower when you passed out?? With the heat, plus your body recovering from major surgery, then hot shower... probably just an accumulation of all that stress. Your BP is okay, right? And no temp. Nap is good. Rest and recuperate!

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What a day. I am very tired and sorer today than I have been because we have been running around since 10:30 this morning. I went to the plastic surgeon and she checked out the scar to make sure that I didn't hurt anything during my graceful (NOT) fall yesterday. She was very concerned that I was still light headed and that my pulse was at 90. Normally it is at 60. She didn't think that it had to do with the surgery however. She said I lost VERY little blood. Her best guess was that it is a combination of the heat and low blood sugar, but she wanted me to get checked out by my primary care physician. The she removed the drain (will take pictures tomorrow) which didn't hurt too bad. I now know what it would feel like to have a moving snake under your skin though. It felt kind of weird. Then she gooped me up with neosporin and sent me on my way with the promise that I would see my other doc.

Alright...back in the car and headed back to our town. Called my doctor and described my situation. When the receptionist took the info back to the doc and the nurse they said there was NO way they could fit me in today and that I was to go to Urgent Care or the ER immediately. They were not happy with the fact that my pulse was so far away from normal. So we drove to urgent care where I had the DUMBEST doctor in the world. He said that your pulse being 30 beats per minute higher was not a big deal. He said it was just a big combo of everything culminating together that caused me to faint and that he feels that anyone that faints within 20 feet of bathroom has nothing to worry about. I still don't know how that can be true...just ask my very sore heiny, shoulder and back! So he did decide to run a few tests just to rule out anything substantial. (Great I should just start a tab at the local lab...just got a pre surgery bill for 138.00$ today) They did a urine analysis to check if I was preggo (he wouldn't take my word that I couldn't be even though they did the day of surgery...go figure...this guy was a real creep) and to see if there was blood in the urine. Both came back negative (yeah...coulda told you I wasn't pregnant) Then they did an EKG which turned out perfect. Finally they were going to do some blood work to check for anemia, electrolyte imbalance and Protein levels. This is where things got FUN!

I have pretty tiny veins so they had to poke me 4 times. Now I am not afraid of needles at all. The problem was the way they had me seated. My muscles were burning. I could literally see my belly swelling as I was sitting there because my PS doesn't want me in my binder except at night or if I am really sore because of the heat fact...so it was in the car. After almost 2 hours in the urgent care office...we were starving. So we finally got something to eat. I can't be below 2500 calories so I am going to have to drink some calories for the next couple of days.

Well I am tired and going to go take a nap with DH! That guy is amazing!

Karri - What does fainting 20 ft from the bathroom got to do with a gosh darn thang???? Fainting is Fainting - I fainted once when I was like 22 - to this day don't know why I had laid out in the sun - ate fish for dinner - went to a party (at my bro's house) had one of those cocktails in a can (yep when you are young you drink those) and fainted.. I bet it was the heat - blood sugar - stress - I am glad you really didn't hurt yourself any worse than you did - it could have been worse - -

You need to rest - eat and let that darling dh of yours baby you... Again how old is his dad - is he single or maybe he has an older uncle - Now with a man like that I think I could get back in the loop :angry:

Glad to see you didn't fall off the face of the earth. If I didn't see a post from you tonight, I was ready to pick up the phone!

I know you must be missing your family now that they're so far away. Nice they were able to visit. August will be here before you know it!

We had a little visit with our DIL & two GDs from CA today. We spent some time shopping at the mall. We'll see them again on Sunday. They're coming up to see our condo and we're going to have a family get together at DD's.

Pouch test is going okay. I'm starving, but I"ll live! I've had two Protein drinks today and a mug of Tomato Soup. This is just about the end of the second day, so tomorrow I get to eat soft protein. I'm going to have eggbeaters for Breakfast, maybe tuna for lunch and I'm going to go buy a piece of orange roughy for dinner. Mmmm!


You've had quite an adventure!! Were you taking a really hot shower when you passed out?? With the heat, plus your body recovering from major surgery, then hot shower... probably just an accumulation of all that stress. Your BP is okay, right? And no temp. Nap is good. Rest and recuperate!


Yep a little sad to see them leave - know it's the best thing for them not to be here and they aren't that far away and some things I won't miss like having to pick gd's up from school :blink: -

They really like it up there and they have my sis & cousins - so they are fine and that's all I really care about..

On top of that all of a sudden I am spotting - so I think hormones have some play in this - well at least it's not a full fledge visiit (from aunt flo) - but it's a little aggrevating to keep getting these surprise visits every 6 months.

I am having scallops for dinner - went by costco after work and go some -then realized I have left overs from last night -but they will be good for another day - I want the fish tonight...

Can't beleive it's 7 already... Well gotta go feed the dogs - start my dinner - I do have to say that this afternoon I wasn't hungry - I ate the whole cobb salad (it was the small one) and had the dressing so would say 400 calories - plus fiberone bar for bf 130 (apple struddle really good) Omw just realized I don't have any evoo - i aready undressed - well maybe it will be the left overs for dinner and scallops tomorrow...


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Well I survived day 1 of the pouch test. Well, almost. I cheated and had some Peanut Butter M&Ms. My son doesn't like Peanut Butter and had one of those mini packs that a friend gave him. I was reading a book and he tossed them in my lap saying "I don't like these". Without thinking I opened them and started munching. It wasn't until I tossed the bag in the trash and looked at it that I realised what I'd done. :wink2: So the Phyl gets to stick me with a pin. :lol::w00t:

Karri - that ER doctor is an idiot! :lol: What the flip does it matter WHERE you faint? :tt2:##$@#*!!! If you can, call your doc tomorrow and tell her what he told you. Mention the test results and things and ask if you can get her opinion. With any luck they'll be able to give you input over the phone to save a visit.

Steph - I have the same problem buying for my hubby. It was his birthday yesterday. He's very particular. For instance if he says he'd like a blue coffee mug, it'd have to be a certain shade of blue and made out of a particular type of ceramic. :blink: So now I give him gag gifts. Yesterday I got him a gift certificate with a little note that said "Nothing says I love you like a $5 gift certificate from K-Mart. :biggrin2: " He loved it. :lol: It was ironic that ended up spending $1,900 at the dentist on myself to top things off. :tt1::angry: I love that he enjoys my warped sense of humor though. :tt1:

Well, a cup of Soup and some more Water and perhaps some Water to tie me over for the rest of the evening.

I wanted to ask..... is microwave bacon okay for day 4 and/or 5 on the pouch test thingie?

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My plastic surgeon called me back and left a message as we were out "trying" to buy air conditioner (more on that later). She seemed as dismayed as I was and told me to call her night or day if anything happened. She agian reiterated that I need to eat, eat, eat and drink drink drink. She did give me some antibacteria cream as there was one small part of the incision that looked a little iffy. But I don't have a temp and she thinks it is more just a little irritation from the fall but didn't want to take any chances. Have I mentioned how much I love her! I do think that it could be a food issue because I don't have any issues of light headedness for 1-2 hours after eating!

Okay as for "buying" the air conditioner. This will tell you how DUMB Wal-Mart employees can be and how out of it I am. We went to Wal-mart today as my plastic surgeon REALLY wanted me to get an air conditioner as she was concerned about the heat. So my brother (who owes me 4500$) said that he could give me 200$ of that money so that we could go buy one. So...I gave in and we picked one up when I bought my meds. We bought some other groceries but we obviously didn't put the air conditioner on the belt and just left it in the cart. She rang up our groceries and then hit total...she never rang up the a/c. So we got a 157$ a/c for...NOTHING! The total came to 32$ and I didn't even think anything of it. DH was loading the cart and I ran my debit card through and we left. As we were walking out the door he asked how much the a/c rang up for cause there was some confusion in the signs by the units. That was when I realized that she never scanned it. I said..."well according to my reciept it was 0.00$" I figured if she was lazy enough to not see the large a$$ box in my cart then I wasn't going to turn around and pay for the thing. So I am thoroughly enjoying my new air conditioning unit and my bank account! Probably should feel guilty but the cashier was in a bad mood and complaining about her job and how miserable she was...sooooooo I don't feel bad...just nice and cool!

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Well I survived day 1 of the pouch test. Well, almost. I cheated and had some Peanut Butter M&Ms. My son doesn't like Peanut Butter and had one of those mini packs that a friend gave him. I was reading a book and he tossed them in my lap saying "I don't like these". Without thinking I opened them and started munching. It wasn't until I tossed the bag in the trash and looked at it that I realised what I'd done. :blink: So the Phyl gets to stick me with a pin. :w00t::wink2:

Karri - that ER doctor is an idiot! :tt2: What the flip does it matter WHERE you faint? :angry:##$@#*!!! If you can, call your doc tomorrow and tell her what he told you. Mention the test results and things and ask if you can get her opinion. With any luck they'll be able to give you input over the phone to save a visit.


I think you'd be better off with WEBMD!!!

Well, a cup of Soup and some more Water and perhaps some Water to tie me over for the rest of the evening.

I wanted to ask..... is microwave bacon okay for day 4 and/or 5 on the pouch test thingie?

15_4_131.gifYou're kidding about the bacon, right?!!!

And I will stick you with a pin if you eat any more M & Ms!!


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My plastic surgeon called me back and left a message as we were out "trying" to buy air conditioner (more on that later). She seemed as dismayed as I was and told me to call her night or day if anything happened. She agian reiterated that I need to eat, eat, eat and drink drink drink. She did give me some antibacteria cream as there was one small part of the incision that looked a little iffy. But I don't have a temp and she thinks it is more just a little irritation from the fall but didn't want to take any chances. Have I mentioned how much I love her! I do think that it could be a food issue because I don't have any issues of light headedness for 1-2 hours after eating!

Okay as for "buying" the air conditioner. This will tell you how DUMB Wal-Mart employees can be and how out of it I am. We went to Wal-mart today as my plastic surgeon REALLY wanted me to get an air conditioner as she was concerned about the heat. So my brother (who owes me 4500$) said that he could give me 200$ of that money so that we could go buy one. So...I gave in and we picked one up when I bought my meds. We bought some other groceries but we obviously didn't put the air conditioner on the belt and just left it in the cart. She rang up our groceries and then hit total...she never rang up the a/c. So we got a 157$ a/c for...NOTHING! The total came to 32$ and I didn't even think anything of it. DH was loading the cart and I ran my debit card through and we left. As we were walking out the door he asked how much the a/c rang up for cause there was some confusion in the signs by the units. That was when I realized that she never scanned it. I said..."well according to my reciept it was 0.00$" I figured if she was lazy enough to not see the large a$$ box in my cart then I wasn't going to turn around and pay for the thing. So I am thoroughly enjoying my new air conditioning unit and my bank account! Probably should feel guilty but the cashier was in a bad mood and complaining about her job and how miserable she was...sooooooo I don't feel bad...just nice and cool!


I think you are my daughter - that's something my son would do - oh ya me to0 back when I was 29 - I rememer one time when i was a teenager with my son being like 8 months old and $$$ was super tight the cashier gave me too much change back and I didn't realize it till I got to the car in fact it was soo much that they paid me to shop in thier store and my stuff was actually free plus some..

Well I am glad you are cool now - hows the food going?? I ended up eating my left overs - 1 enchillda - and a little Beans.

Off to bed gang I am beat - Sweet dreams.... :blink:

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food SUCKS. I hate eating this much. I am so full I feel like I am going to die. We bought some peanuts so that I can eat quite a few calories with little volume. Dr. suggested those because they were nutrient dense and still high in Protein. I never thought that I would actually be complaining about eating. Also she said I might have to break the rules about eating and drinking together in order to get in as much as I can. I refuse to drink while eating but I have cut down the time that I wait. I now only wait 20-30 minutes. Well I just downloaded a new book on tape so I am going to transfer it to my ipod, get my meds spread on my tummy and head to bed to lay there for hours and PRAY to fall asleep by midnight. I am exhausted physically...but not sleepy. GRRRRRRR

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Well ladies. I had a pretty good day. Taco salad for lunch. Mahi Mahi for dinner. It wasn't great because I had some granola for snack and it's more cals than I needed today. It would have been fine had I walked tonight like I had planned but dinner with family took longer than I had planned.

tomorrow morning I'll get up and go for a long walk to make up for it.

Didn't get dh anything but LOVED Ruby's idea. I'll have to keep it in mind for next year because THAT WAS HILARIOUS!!!

Karri, I'm so appalled at your medical care. I would be insanely crazy at this point. I'm so glad you have such an awesome plastic surgeon. Between her and your wonderful dh you have people to take care of you.

Janet, glad you made it back to us. We do worry about you when you disappear. I'm sure it's tough to watch your family leave. But they are on to bigger and better places.

Okay....I'm off to bed. I'll talk to you later. See you all in the morning.

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It's been a year for me and although I'm a little ashamed that I haven't been around a lot, I DO keep tabs on all of you and am astounded at the weight loss that everyone has had! I have to say that I was surprised to read that Salsa had surgery already...I can't imagine doing that for at least another year, although I have to admit that if I had the money I'd probably do it sooner than later. Congratulations to everyone!

I know my progress has been slow, but it's still progress and I didn't gain all this weight overnight! I'm down 50 lbs. that I know I won't gain it back! That, in itself, is just a wonderful feeling!

Thanks for your support!



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Marcy - You look AMAZING! I can't believe the transformation. It certainly looks like you have transformed into a whole new person. 50 pounds is a lot of weight and right on track with what my doctor considers a success! Congrats!

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15_4_131.gifYou're kidding about the bacon, right?!!!

And I will stick you with a pin if you eat any more M & Ms!!


I actually wasn't kidding with the bacon. :sleep::lol::eek::confused: I figured it had Protein in it. And if you cook it long enough it would be firm. Making it a day 4 food. Or that it was (originally) white meat, making it a day 5 food. :(

*crosses bacon off the list* :drool:

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I can't even eat bacon any more. DH made some yesterday morning and since I need to eat more calories I figured bacon would up it a little. I took one bite and spit it out. It was AWFUL! I couldn't stand the texture and I felt like I had drank oil.

So...bacon and peanut butter...2 things I don't like anymore! Damn I miss them! It is funny when you get to the point that you miss the thought of eating the foods but you know that eating them now is just nasty to you. VERY weird feeling.

Been up since 4AM and only slept about 1 hour before that. I couldn't fall asleep last night because I was miserably full. Then I would sleep for 20 minutes at a time. I was so exhausted after all of my activites yesterday but not sleepy. I am off all narcotic pain meds as the PS didn't want to add to any complications I am having with the whole lightheadedness issues. I am actually in more pain today than I have been since I had surgery. I have to take a shower this morning and then I am pretty much going to TRY and sleep most of the day. Usually my binder is pretty loose in the moring from the swelling going down but not today. It is still tight and figure it is because I didn't get the rest that I needed last night.

Well I am going to try and catch a nap before DH gets up. Don't know if it will work, but I am going to try!

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Food SUCKS. I hate eating this much. I am so full I feel like I am going to die.

Isn't it weird how things change like that? For so long we lived to eat.

Congrats on the a/c acquisition. :biggrin2: I probably would've done the same thing in your situation. When errors like that occur I generally weigh things up and ask myself if I could deal with the guilt trip. Sometimes I can, sometimes I can't. I would've been able to confidently live with my ill-gotten a/c in that situation. :lol:

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I know my progress has been slow, but it's still progress and I didn't gain all this weight overnight! I'm down 50 lbs. that I know I won't gain it back! That, in itself, is just a wonderful feeling!

Thanks for your support!

50lbs?!? Wow Marcy. It honestly looks like more than that. You're looking great. :biggrin2:

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NEW NSV - Went to the doctors today for a checkup. First off, blood pressure was 109/54. He cut my blood pressure meds in half. (I've had high BP for over twenty years) Three months ago, he took me off all insulin for my diabetes. This time he's cut my metformin in half. And if my numbers still are in the same range in two weeks........cut it back to one half pill per day. He weanted to take me off Zoloft, but after last year, I'm afraid to quit taking theI've decided that I like living now. And, my weight is 188.3lbs. Down 24 lbs in three months. I LIKE THIS BAND ! ! !36_2_35.gif


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      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

    • Ladiva04

      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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