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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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The pain pump delivers numbing medication directly to the tummy. It doesn't make me groggy, but the vicodin does a little. I doze on and off.

I am not eating much. I had 2 half cups of cottage cheese and a Protein Bar. I just don't have an appetite. I have been drinking though. She was was more concerned about liquids than food today. Tomorrow I will resume a more normal diet but today all she cared is that I ate when I took my antibiotics and that I either had a Protein bar or a Protein Drink.

I am resting. I am sitting in my chair with my computer on my now expansive lap and check in every once in a while. I am not a big TV watcher so I get bored just watching TV. I would much rather be reading. I can't do a lot of it cause my eyes start to get droopy but in short bursts I can do just fine.

Alright I have to say one more time that I have the BEST DH in the world. The poor man has to go with me when I go to the bathroom and yes...I had to pee in front of him for the first time ever. I know...TMI! But he doesn't even bat an eye. He checks on me regularly but is not overbearing. I think I have the perfect man. He has to empty my drains and doesn't think a thing of it. In fact...I think he likes playing doctor! The fact that he is not working right now makes finances tight but it is very reassuring that he is going to be here with me.

Okay enough mushiness from me. I am going to get up and walk. My butt gets sore if I sit too long. And yes...I am allowed to get up and walk every 1.5 to 2 hours.


I am so glad to here that you are doing so well and REALLY happy that you have a great DH... I am not super shy so the going pee-pee in front of DH wouldn't bother me - My Xdh would but hot wash cloths on my hemroids (again tmi) but imho that's what you do for someone you love - to me that's a sign of love..

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I'm back!!! With a time of 50:40 I didn't feel so great for about half of it. Shouldn't have had v8 fusion for Breakfast. Shame on me.

Just thought I'd check back in.


I am going to kick your butt

Shame on me !!! What you are you talking about...

3 miles in 50 minutes is fantastic !!!!!

Like you said the idea of walking 5 blocks last year would have killed you. Now you are walking 3 miles in 50 minutes


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Good Morning Gang

Hope everyone is having a good day - I don't have any plans except going to restock the fridge since i didn't do any shopping last weekend and I am out of veggies and GS is starving saying there is nothing to eat..

I was up at 6:30 - went to they gym (I love going in the mornings when I have more energy) did 3.5 miles in 1 hr - didn't hold on and had incline up to 10. Trying to get off the 2 lbs I gained from last weekend.

I discovered something new today - I was sweating like a pig from my work out - my tee shirt was soaked in around my neck - so came home and got in the pool to cool off - well guess what !!!! I can't float !!!! I sink !!! I use to bob like a whale - now I sink :thumbup: Funny how something that silly can make you happy - muscle outweighs the fat and saggy skin..

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Sorry guys/....just a quick check in....gotta run again....

The shame on me was for drinking v8fusion before the race because half way through I had such a stomach ache and TMI!!!! diarhea and had to make an emergency stop in the bushes.....

I'm super proud of the race and the time....just not of the stupidity of what I did before and the aftermath.

Going for a bike ride. I'll check in this evening with more details. I am super excited, really.

Sorry you are all worried about me. I'm great!!!

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Alright, I'm back for awhile. It is 100 degrees out there. It was super hot riding bike. I couldn't even convince myself to leather up it was so hot. So we didn't go for long. Maybe it'll be cooler tomorrow. I want to go ride for a few hours, not a few miles. I'm dying to really get out there and really ride.

Now for more info on the walk. It was a scholarship walk for a teacher here who died of cancer this year. There was a great turnout. The first half was all uphill which really made it tough. About a mile in I was really regretting the decision to drink the v8 this morning. I should have known what it would do to my system. I don't know what I was thinking. And then there wasn't a bathroom stop anywhere. It was pretty embarrassing to have to dash to the bushes. But at least there were bushes. I had a great time and am so proud of me. I think I will start walking that hill all the time. The distance to the top and back to the house is just at 4 miles and with the 1 1/2 mile hill it's great for the legs. My goal is to run it next year. There were about a dozen people who ran it and it did look like fun. So, that will be what I strive for next year. Sorry I worried you all with my shame on me earlier. I was so high on life that I had walked it that I didn't think about explaining myself. It all made sense in MY head. Oh well....live and learn.

Karri, I hope you are doing as great today as you were yesterday. I'm guessing you're a little soarer today. Don't try to be a tough guy. Take the pain meds. Take it easy.

Janet, hope you find some good veggies. I'm dying for some REALLY fresh stuff but that's not going to happen here in the boonies and since I was going to be gone for so long earlier this summer I didn't plant anything. Now I'm dying for garden peas, cukes, and tomatoes.

I think I'm going to take a little siesta. The heat and the walk this morning have gotten the best of me I guess. Everyone enjoy your evening and the fireworks. I don't know if I'll be back on tonight or not. If not, happy 4th to you all and love to any of you with family and friends out defending our freedom on this day. Tell them I say thank you. They may not know me but they are important to me. Super kudos to them.

Night all.

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How funny that I take for granted always having fresh veggies year round - don't think many are grown here in the summer except Grapes (season over iby 7/15) & Corn but seems like all that stuff gets shipped out and doesnt stay in the valley - I got avocado - strawberries - watermelon - sweet onion - zuchinee - yellow squash -Cabbage - bell pepper - green onions - plus my frozen veggie (I don't do canned) its either fresh or frozen - I got about 6 tiny red potates to make myself a little potato salad - it's funny I made enough for 4 servings with lite mayo - it was werid to make such a little amount - pre banding I would make potatoe or mac salad just for me (gs doesn't eat it) but I would make enough to feed 4 pple not one - and I got 2 pork ribs ($2.50) which I am going to bbq with some chick breast - I won't have to cook the rest of the weekend - well until sunday

You did really great - we thought you were upset with your time.. Ya that would be awful to have to make a pit stop in the bushes - what about TP??? The only thing that will do that to me will be a frapaccino sometimes...

Well I did take a little nappy while watchin rear window - love that move - but the smell of my pinto Beans woke me up - they are almost done (made a little pot of beans too - good protein) I found High Fiber oatmeal at the store got it (instant quaker 10 grams i think) the weight control has 7 grms pt this has only 4 but a lot more fiber - and the same amount of calories.

Well, need to drink my fluids - I was really retaining Water this morning my eyes all puffy - but heck its summer and when it's hot I tend to retain water

I can't beleive in Montana you have 100 degrees is your house have a/c?? - it's 100 today with clouds & humidity 32% which is humid for us...- feels like 105 per the weather channel - they were saying it was suppose to be like 111 today - but the clouds have kept the temps down.

Well, back to my t.v & kitchen - I might not be cooking for my family but I gotta cook for me and I like real food just not as much as before - I would have cooked a whole chicken & slab of ribs - I would cook for an army even if it was just me - always afarid i would run out of food - I don't know why - I never went hungry as a child - we always had food - I guess it comes from my mom trying to control how much I ate...

Ok - I know you all get sick of my chatter - but I am a little bored :thumbup: and I run on an on when I am - :thumbup:

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Janet I feel you on being bored. This is killing me! All I do is sit here and watch TV. It sucks. I tried to read but my eyes get to tired...just not tired enough to sleep. I haven't been able to get more than about 20 minutes of sleep.

The pain is a little worse today, but not by much. I feel like I have done about 300 too many situps. We took the binder off to see what I look like but I am totally covered by a bandage so I won't be able to see anything until the doctor changes the bandages on Monday. We will take pictures at that time.

I have been drinking a lot but I am just not hungry. I did get over 1000 calories today and I am hoping to eat a few more in a little while. I just don't have an appetite. I am making sure that all of the foods that I am eating are all high in Protein to aid in the healing. The worst part of all the drinking is all the peeing! I swear I am going to the bathroom every half hour! Speaking of which I need to go there now. I know TMI!!!!

Steph I am glad to hear that you were not dissapointed with your time. I know that I always get the post run runs!!! I haven't had the issue during the run but I usually have to go right away when I am done running. Alright...enough bathroom talk.

I will try to check in later

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Janet I feel you on being bored. This is killing me! All I do is sit here and watch TV. It sucks. I tried to read but my eyes get to tired...just not tired enough to sleep. I haven't been able to get more than about 20 minutes of sleep.

The pain is a little worse today, but not by much. I feel like I have done about 300 too many situps. We took the binder off to see what I look like but I am totally covered by a bandage so I won't be able to see anything until the doctor changes the bandages on Monday. We will take pictures at that time.

I have been drinking a lot but I am just not hungry. I did get over 1000 calories today and I am hoping to eat a few more in a little while. I just don't have an appetite. I am making sure that all of the foods that I am eating are all high in Protein to aid in the healing. The worst part of all the drinking is all the peeing! I swear I am going to the bathroom every half hour! Speaking of which I need to go there now. I know TMI!!!!

Steph I am glad to hear that you were not dissapointed with your time. I know that I always get the post run runs!!! I haven't had the issue during the run but I usually have to go right away when I am done running. Alright...enough bathroom talk.

I will try to check in later


I can't beleive that you have those many calories in - good girl... Yep pain meds do that to me too - I remember in the hospital time seemed to move so slow - I would sleep wake up - sleep wake up they should have given you some sleep meds, but heck they never really worked for me - but maybe they would now since I don't weight so much.

You said they took off like 9 lbs or was it 7 (see what age does to you) so you are going to be in the 130's once you heal - How great (yep I know we aren't suppose to be about the #'s but heck Karri still young & short like me so I think it's a good weight range for her she could really go down to 120 and still be healthy) - yep you are going to have to watch out for those boys

Learn something new every day - runners run - took me re-reading it to understand :thumbup: but I got it finally.. :mellow:

Ya when I am bored I seem to want to cook - gives me something to do..

Ok i found the receipt somewhere - I think online but it didn't have calories but it was a lite version of bannana pudding -

Lite Cool Whip 25c per serving

SF Bannana pudding (well it says use vanilla but I always use bananna) 25 c per serving

Nilla wafers 75 c for 4 cookie

banana 50 for 1/2 of a banana

Shouldn't be to bad in calories should it - I figure 150 max calories per serving - I google it but can't find anything - Whadda ya think...

(see making you use your brain so you won't be so bored)

You need to do a cookbook - I find lite receipt for the above but not the calorie contents of the completed dish.

Well timer going off - gotta ck my ribs (pork country ribs - will make 3 meals if I can eat :thumbup:)


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Hope you all had a great day. Heading to bed. We went out for the local band tonight and then sat out back for a bit for fireworks....but it's too hot out there.

I'm tired so I hope I can sleep. DD didn't want me to nap earlier when I was dying to. Oh well....I should sleep tonight I guess.

Karri, do you get tight after a run? I was really tight all day today. Had pulled pork tonight and was stuck for probably an hour or more and only after a can of pineapple juice and an awful fit of slime. It sucked. I guess I should have not tried it since I knew I was tight, but I was hungry. At lunch I had an elk burger and that went down fine so I thought I had loosened up. I don't know but I think pork balls up on me. I can't eat steak or pork anymore it seems. I really have to stop trying to eat things I know can't. Why I don't learn is beyond me.

Okay...now I'm rambling. I'll talk to you all in the morning.

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Happy 4th Everyone!!

I am SO tired tonight! Busy day. Youngest DD, SIL & our three little rugrats were here by noon.... had lunch wiht us, only their 2nd time to our condo!! Last time was a year ago!! Took them to our little play area.. they enjoyed the swings, slide, etc. When we got back I cut hair on all three. Little trim of the bangs for Johannah, trimmed Charly's buzz & cut off all Thomas' beautiful locks so he has a buzz now, too! That was the challenge. Two holding his screaming little body down to the chair while I cut!! He's 2 1/2 and though he said otherwise, he definitely did NOT want his hair cut!

Later we all went over to older DD. Then they shot off rockets... not the firecracker kind, real rockets. New hobby of SIL. Later we ate again!! DH & I just had salads at lunch, so I had a little steak & macaroni salad!

It was just a very long, busy day & I picked up Thomas a few times, and I just ache all over and I'm exhausted! DH went to hot tub. I wanted to go, too, but didn't speak soon enough & he got away with my scooter still locked up.

Think the casino across the street is doing a fireworks show because I am watching them go off just out my window & that's the only thing across the highway... have to be coming from there. Could have gone to SIL's mother's place on the lake, not more than a mile away, but we did that last year & I felt like I was sitting in the middle of a battlefield so I didn't want to go this year.

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Good morning Gang !!!

Up at 5:30 a.m. :mellow: Angel needed to potty but I went back to bed - well guess what - my body didn't want to sleep anymore - so here I am with my coffee..

Steph you would die in the desert :thumbup::lol: I don't run but I do find my self tight after exercising (walking or weights) it could be those crunches.

I had 1/2 c pinto Beans - 1/2 c potatoe salad (lite mayo) 1/2 pork rib

no problems - I really think I need a tweak in my band.


Yep we had neighborhood fire works here too - 1st you have to know that my developement is full of cops - fireworks are legal here in Indio but they have to be the kind on the ground - well guess what - we had tons of shooting ones - and the cop down the street was doing them :tt2:

I went out and watched for a minute - but the humidity was a bit much for me - I can take the dry heat but hate when it's humid..

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Good morning! I feel much better today. I got a couple hours of sleep last night. More than I did the night before!

Steph- yes I do get tight when I run. That is why I struggle to get in calories on my long days. Even though those are supposed to be free days I barely get above 1500 calories because I am pretty tight.

I don't think there were many fireworks around here. I kept dozing on and off last night so I didn't hear too many. When I was awake I was listening to my book on tape so I wouldn't have heard them.

Well i wanted to check in but I am going to try to nap again.

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Good Morning Again Gang

Well, back from the gym 3.5 mile 400 calories later - now I gotta figure out what to do today - I could wash & clean house, I could go shopping, i could play on the computer and do a new before & after pic - got a good pic of me in my dress from Vegas - could watch tv - but none of that is super appealing - I hate it when I don't know what to do with myself...

it's 89 degress 53% humdity - it's suppose to get to 110 so it's awful hot today with the humidity..

I really don't feel like shopping - can you beleive that - ms shopacholic

Well, I really need to figure out what I am going to do with my day - think I will call my gf and see whats up with her


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Morning all. Good to hear you all had a nice day yesterday. Phyll, that sounds like a full day for you. Would you like to come here and cut my little quack's hair. They are so difficult. Take them to the barber and then almost pay double in tip because they are so bad.

I haven't tried to eat yet today but dd got up last night in the middle of the night and was starving....I think she really had a bad dream from all the banging and then didn't know what to do... anyways, gave her a banana but she didn't really want it. I ate about a quarter of it, but was still feeling tight. I think I'll have some coffee this morning. Maybe the warmth will loosen me a bit.

Going to go on that long bike ride today. Going to do some geocaching while we're out. So probably won't be around for quite awhile. Have a great day all. Love you.

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