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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Good morning everyone!

I am so proud of ya'll. I've been reading, trying to catch up, and everyone is doing extremely well!

I'm off from work today, busy moving into my new place, so I'll have to check back in a bit.

Later gang!

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You still need to do Ab's - it's not going to hurt your port as you are healed and the more muscle you have the better the tt will be

Congrats on becoming and exercise fiend :frown:

Trainer cost for me was $60 a session for once a week or $50 a session for twice a week and now I have a training buddy so It will be $30 a session for twice a week. So right now $240 a month - which isn't cheap but cheaper than $400 I was paying and It's worth it to me - I am fortunate enought to have a little inheritance that pays for the extras so I will continue with him and my new found buddy for as long as I can. I love my trainer and the motivation that he provides - I have become a lot calmer since I have been going too him - don't ask me why - even with all the family drama I have had - I gotta say I have been pretty calm - I haven't been stressing like I use to...

Denise - Yes - you still aren't giving us a date - we want to know when you are going and why didn't you go today???

Nichole - Great Picture - School proud of you - Way to go !!!

Chim - Are you still working 2 jobs??

Ok gotta get to work - CBL :thumbup:

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Before I went on vacation DD and I went to TJ Maxx to get me somethings to wear. I tried on a skirt in a 14 and 12. The 12 was too tight, but I liked it so much I bought both sizes and wore the 14 on vacation. So today I wanted to wear the skirt to work. I grabbed the 14, put it on, and thought, "It's kinda baggy" so I tried on the 12, and it fit perfectly. Now I last weighed myself on Friday, and my weight hadn't changed. But I still went down a size. That's the thing about sizes--they're not always related to weight. I've noticed that before too. That when I'm on a plateau weight-wise, I go down size-wise. I also still wear some of the things that I had 100 pounds ago, but believe me, they don't fit the same!

On another topic: I'm planning a shower for my future daughter in law on July 5. Anyone have any ideas? The wedding will be an outdoor wedding in her parent's back yard, follwed by a pig-roast. I'm at a loss for a theme and the obligatory shower games.

Ok, I pressed quote and it went directily here so I haven't read any of the other posts so maybe I'll have to add later. One suggestion I have to offer is something DH family does for showers. Rther than spend money on wrappings and ribbons, put gift in a grocery bag and add a non-perishable food item. Help stock the newlyweds kitchen cupboards.

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Ruby - WORK ON YOUR ABS! The stronger your ab muscles the less work they have to do on the muscle repair...which is the most painful part of the surgery. When you get a TT they don't just remove skin...the also repair the muscles underneath and the stronger they are they less work they have to do. Also SQUATS, SQUATS, SQUATS. I haven't been doing them because of all the running but LosingJusme will tell you that you need incredibly strong leg muscles to get you on and off the toilet since you won't want to use your stomach muscles.

I wish I didn't have to have the surgery in the middle of summer. I was looking forward to hiking this year. However since that is really the only logical time for me to do it...I will look forward to hiking NEXT summer. Besides...after a binder all summer...I won't have to wear compresion garments EVER again! I have to wear HEAVY duty ones when I run and they rub against my skin and cause "rug burns" and they REALLY hurt.

I just wanted you all to know that I am going to be gone for the evening and all day tomorrow. I have to go to my band doc to get medical clearance for my TT. Yep a 6 hour drive for him to shake my hand, say congrats and sign a paper for the doc. He has to see me in person before he can sign off, but with gas prices...it sucks to go. The good thing is that I am meeting another lady from LBT for "coffee" (I don't drink it but she does), I get to visit with my brother, and I am having lunch with my dad...oh yeah and I get a day off of work!

If I don't check back in before I leave have a good evening and day tomorrow!

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You still need to do Ab's - it's not going to hurt your port as you are healed and the more muscle you have the better the tt will be

Congrats on becoming and exercise fiend :frown:

Trainer cost for me was $60 a session for once a week or $50 a session for twice a week and now I have a training buddy so It will be $30 a session for twice a week. So right now $240 a month - which isn't cheap but cheaper than $400 I was paying and It's worth it to me - I am fortunate enought to have a little inheritance that pays for the extras so I will continue with him and my new found buddy for as long as I can. I love my trainer and the motivation that he provides - I have become a lot calmer since I have been going too him - don't ask me why - even with all the family drama I have had - I gotta say I have been pretty calm - I haven't been stressing like I use to...

OUCH! I didn't think a trainer would be that expensive. :thumbup: I don't know if I'm willing to part with that much money. Still, I'll see how this free consult goes and take it from there.

I know doing ab exercises won't damage my port. I just don't like them. I never have. The last time I did crunches I ended up in the hospital the following day with a kidney stone. I know it has absolutely nothing to do with the exercises the previous day, it's just a negative association I have with it.

I realise these are excuses not to do something that will benefit me.

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Ruby - WORK ON YOUR ABS! The stronger your ab muscles the less work they have to do on the muscle repair...which is the most painful part of the surgery. When you get a TT they don't just remove skin...the also repair the muscles underneath and the stronger they are they less work they have to do. Also SQUATS, SQUATS, SQUATS. I haven't been doing them because of all the running but LosingJusme will tell you that you need incredibly strong leg muscles to get you on and off the toilet since you won't want to use your stomach muscles.

Thanks for your input too Karri.

I watch a lot of plastic surgery shows. Mostly it was research for my boob job, but I was also interested in the TT as well. Early on, even before my lap band, I wanted to make a decision as to which surgery I was going to do first. I decided to go for the boob job because losing weight wasn't as high a priority for that as it was for the TT. Most surgeons prefer you to be within 10lbs of your goal weight before a TT to get the best results. That's not the case with the boob job I had.

Listening to so many of the doctors on these shows say "It doesn't matter how many crunches and sit-ups you do, you can't get rid of the mummy tummy because the muscles are damaged, torn apart from pregnancy and nothing but surgery will bring them back together again." I did a lot of "helpful" exercises during my pregnancy to help with the recovery afterwards. It was probably the healthiest time of my life. None of it helped.

I fully expect it to be difficult to do even simple tasks like getting off and on the toilet. I was surprised with the lap band surgery how difficult it was just getting in and out of bed. It not only hurt to get up, it hurt laying down as well for a couple of days. Maybe doing ab work for a few months leading up to the TT will help. But to be honest, I don't see it helping enough to make a difference.

There are some exercises I can't do because of a torn meniscus and osteo-arthritis in my right knee. Squats is one of them. So are lunges. Anything that involves bending my knee more than 45 degrees is out. So is running because of the impact it has when I land on my right. So is doing a lot of jumping around and changing direction quickly in a lot of cardio workout routines. I fully admit that I make up excuses not to do ab work, but my knee limitations are not excuses for avoiding those exercises I've mentioned here.

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OUCH! I didn't think a trainer would be that expensive. :frown: I don't know if I'm willing to part with that much money. Still, I'll see how this free consult goes and take it from there.

I know doing ab exercises won't damage my port. I just don't like them. I never have. The last time I did crunches I ended up in the hospital the following day with a kidney stone. I know it has absolutely nothing to do with the exercises the previous day, it's just a negative association I have with it.

I realise these are excuses not to do something that will benefit me.

Ok Ruby - you said the word - excuses :thumbup: - so now no more - do your ab work - I don't like it either - trainer has me do 3 sets of 15 on a slant board at the end of my workouts.. I can't say I have ever been sore - but i do do them...

Your guy might not be as expensive - and since he is just starting again maybe he will be cheaper - If you can - do it for one month - it is a great motivater and you will learn the proper techinque ...


Have a safe trip - enjoy your time off - who are you haveing coffee with anyone I might know?? Have a great visit with your bro & dad.

I understand about using your vacation to recup from surgery - I have 25 days pto each year - and don't know if I want to use 2 weeks doing nothing but recuping -

We have a bid on one of the ranches and if it does sell I will have $$$ for PS - but afraid of the pain and becoming a ps junkie :wink2:

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Holey cats you guys!!! I'm gone and you all just go nuts posting!!! Let's see if I can remember what everyone said....

Linda?? I think you were thinking of shower ideas. I loved the shower my work gave me. They did a tupperware party. Maybe something like that or pampered chef or home interiors. Whatever would make her house more homey for her. We didn't do party games....I'm not that kind of gal. I enjoyed that a lot.

Denise, when I went to my last nutritional class the nut said something that made me really rethink plateaus. She said that studies are beginning to show that they are actually benificial in some ways. There is a school of thought that our bodies have set points. Places where they are comfortable being weight wise. She says that when you plateau your body sets itself a new setpoint and that it allows our bodies to get more settled. It's a way of getting out of the yoyo diet scheme and works. Very interesting I thought.

Karri, I know it's got to be frustrating to have to run all that way just to get a sign off. I'd be grumbling the whole way...but there are those benefits because of the family time. Enjoy those. And a day off work, though I always thought those were worse to prep for than being there would be.

Ruby, I envy you a trainer. I know it is expensive but I haven't heard anyone complain that they wasted their money on one. Maybe just a month's worth to get you on track and get into the routine. I kow it's a lot of money though....I'd be hard pressed to spend it. Good luck with your decision.

Okay. The last few days have been very long and I'm going to call it naptime for a half hour or so. I'll talk to you all again soon.

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My date was moved from today because the doctor had to do a cancer reconstruction surgery today. I go this Friday.

Ruby - No amount of crunches will help, however duck tape will, just don't get it on your nipples. It'll pull those little buggers right off.

Karri - Drive safely

I'm leaving work now, tomorrows my last day. Yippee!!!!!!! :lol:

Except I won't be able to go swimming after Friday. Well, ya can't have everything.

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Oh Ruby one more thing - You don't have to get a trainer, Do like Grace did on Will n Grace. Just find someone with a trainer at the gym, and do everything they do. Just don't get caught.

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My PS told me to do ab workouts...not crunches but core stabalizing workouts because it can help. Not only does it help your ab muscles, but it helps your back.

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Oh Ruby one more thing - You don't have to get a trainer, Do like Grace did on Will n Grace. Just find someone with a trainer at the gym, and do everything they do. Just don't get caught.




Lucky you no more work for the summer - I hate working - I hate my job - same old crap day after day... Hopefully I can retired in the next couple of yrs.

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My PS told me to do ab workouts...not crunches but core stabalizing workouts because it can help. Not only does it help your ab muscles, but it helps your back.

OOOO now this is the second time today I've heard someone mention core exercises. I was watching the Breakfast chat show on Fox this morning and they were talking about the alarming rate of ACL injuries in adolescent girls. I did a quick Google search because it was an area of interest to me, the knees and all, and found this page.

BostonHerald.com - Blogs: Step Up!

The shape of the second figure is just what mine is like. I always thought I was bow legged because my lower legs kind of splay out like that naturally, but it's more to do with my hip/knee ratio.

They also encouraged core exercises to help strengthen the knees. Balancing on a ball and stuff. It kinda sounds strange that you would work on your mid section area in order to benefit your legs and knees, but it made a lot of sense to me. Doing aikido, almost everything is centered around your core, or 'center'. So it didn't seem weird or strange at all. As luck would have it tonight is my first night back at aikido so I have an even bigger incentive to continue going. We do a lot of centre (core) work.

Thanks Karri. :lol:

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When I took a weight training class a couple of years ago we did 3 "core" exercises but I can only remember one, called "good mornings" I'll have to look deeper. I remember they really helped my lower back when I was doing them a bit. I need to do something for my abs. I've had 3 c-sections and they are just sooooo weak. I know if they were stronger my back wouldn't have nearly the struggles. I agree on the crunches though. I am soooo bad at them. I need to get back on my total gym. I just never seem to get to the basement. I wish there was somewhere for me to set it up upstairs. Oh well....

Denise, I don't think you should be given duct tape EVER!!!! I'll remember to hide mine if I ever see you. Holey CATS!!!!

I need to go get a few phone calls done. I'll see you ladies later.

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