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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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My ultimate goal is to run a full marathon next year, but I am wondering if I am pushing myself too fast and too hard to get to the 1/2 marathon. Or am I just being a pansy and just need to run through the pain? I don't want to make excuses, but I want to be realistic and not set myself up for failure.

If you ask the perfectionist me, it will tell you that you need to try to do both. There's a big risk of failure. But Madam Perfect doesn't take that into consideration. You should push yourself.

If you ask the sensible me, it will tell you that there are other marathons. Many, many, many more to come. Miss Sensible will get herself healthy and injury free first and then reach for those past unobtainable goals that are now no longer quite so unobtainable on another day when she's 100%.

The choice is still yours sweetie, and I couldn't honestly tell you which one I would choose as I'm far too fickle. :unsure:

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I fully understand the point – and I think we actually all agree on the basic principal but there is absolutely nothing wrong with the statement that “muscle weighs more than fat.” It does---- about 30% more! It’s not a myth. That is how a 225lb weight lifter can have only 18% body fat.

I don't know what other mean when they say "muscle weighs more than fat" but I do know what I mean --what a physicist (like Albert Einstein) means -and what my medical team means. It means that all the elements in the universe have unique weights for the same volume. A pint of lead, mercury, helium, oxygen, fat, muscle, and Water all have different weights. This law of physics is very important to me as I work my weight loss

plan because when I step on my scale and I lose very slowly or even gain a little when I KNOW that I have been eating and exercising well – that I understand that I have been replacing lighter fat with heavier muscle mass. It’s also possible that because of my time in the month or because I have been taking in too much salt, water (which is heavier than fat) is being retained. I also know that certain medications or hormonal changes can explain what is happening to me. I’m also know that if I’m going to be successful I can not use this understanding to kid myself because another reason I may have slowed or gained is because of what or how much I have been eating. When I consider all of this together I realize that I must be honest with myself but that I must also learn to be patient and gentle with myself. One way I can scientifically see if I am replacing heavier muscle with fat is to use a tape measure to see if I am losing inches. Another way is to go to a lab where they can accurately track my fat/muscle ratio.

I understand what you are saying and you are right. I think it is a matter of semantics that she was talking about. A pound is a pound is a pound. The volume of a pound of fat is more than the volume of a pound of muscle and therefore takes up more space and so if you are staying the same "size" yet gaining weight it is because you are replacing muscle.

I have the same issue with the word "diet". I have a diet. Everyone does. Our "diet" is what we consume for food. It drives me nuts when I say something about my diet and I get blasted for "We are NOT supposed to be on a diet". It's a little thing but sometimes we just have to say it.

I think Janet's explanation was good about what is happening in our bodies. I think she gave good advice. Is it ALWAYS the answer? Heck no....but it is for a lot of the time. My thought was, if you are stuck on a plateau and want to try something, that's a great place to start. It made sense, it had sound medical reasoning behind it. So, if you don't have any other medical issues causing your stall, a step up on the exercise front MAY get you restarted.

Okay....this took me 4 hours to reply to because of other things happening....so this issue has probably been beaten to death. Oh well. Those are my 2 cents.

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Okay so my foot hurts REALLY bad. I am going to go to the gym tonight and try the eliptical.

Honestly...do you think with this injury/fitness level that I can run the entire 1/2 marathon? If I can't run the whole thing I am going to feel like I didn't accomplish what I wanted. Or do you think that I would be more likely to be successful running/walking the full marathon.

My ultimate goal is to run a full marathon next year, but I am wondering if I am pushing myself too fast and too hard to get to the 1/2 marathon. Or am I just being a pansy and just need to run through the pain? I don't want to make excuses, but I want to be realistic and not set myself up for failure.

I wish you had seen someone about the foot by now! Because it boils down to this.... what is the reason for the pain?? It's possible you could have a stress fracture... not at all unusual with runners. Or you could have a pinched nerve... sprain... muscle strain..??? I forget... did this happen before or after the new shoes??? You don't want to do permanent damage to your foot. Also, I know you said the shoes "worked great", but the level of exercise/running that you are doing... you should be wearing a really good pair of shoes appropriate for running. I know you said they were $75 shoes that were on sale, but are you sure they're giving you the support you need?

To answer your question, though,

I think I'd do the walk/run if I were you.

So.... that's my two cents!

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Karri, Your body has undergone tremendous changes in the last year. It's wonderful that you are so determined, but at the same time, you are risking permanent dammage by pushing too hard, too fast. I think your foot injury is a sign that you need to be realistic about how much you can do. You are planning major surgery this summer. Healing from that is going to require that you be as well nourished and healthy as you can be. That's your first priority. If you push yourself to run 13K, that alone is going to deplete whatever reserve you have, and I'm a little surprised that your surgeon would even operate on you knowing that. Completing a marathon--even if you walk--is a huge first accomplishment. To me, if you have to do one or the other, I'd think run/walking the full marathon is more realistic.

Bad news today: Insurance denied my PS. They said that at minimum I have to be 18 months post-op (from the surgery they refused to pay for) and maintain my target weight for 6 months. I'll have to wait till next summer or take time off of work next winter. I'm bummed.

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Sorry I've been MIA for a few months. I'm hoping everyone is doing well with their bands and weight loss. :thumbup:

My life over the last few months has been super busy. I think I've been on since my Dad passed away, but if not... here's the update. My dad lost his battle with cancer in January. Although it was incredibly sad, I was so happy his suffering stopped. My family is coping well, and moving on with our lives... but I still have a voicemail message from him, which I play every few days just to hear his voice. It makes me feel good.

I LOVE my band!!! Throughout all the stress, family gatherings, emotional eating, crazy schedules, etc, etc, I didn't gain an ounce!!! In fact, I lost 2 lbs during the week of his funeral.

After I returned to work, the Sh#t hit the fan so to speak, and I had a major revelation that life is too short to be unhappy. So I found a new job. I started it 3 weeks ago, and love it. So no more spices... now I'm into mattresses :biggrin:

My weight loss is coming slow and steady... just the way I want it. I'm down about 10 lbs since Feb. and just got through a tough plateau. In the past, I'd have lost that battle, but now I just waited it out. I still can't believe how much I love the band. It really has changed my life!

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Bad news today: Insurance denied my PS. They said that at minimum I have to be 18 months post-op (from the surgery they refused to pay for) and maintain my target weight for 6 months. I'll have to wait till next summer or take time off of work next winter. I'm bummed.

So sorry to hear that, Linda! What a bummer!

I LOVE my band!!! Throughout all the stress, family gatherings, emotional eating, crazy schedules, etc, etc, I didn't gain an ounce!!! In fact, I lost 2 lbs during the week of his funeral. My weight loss is coming slow and steady... just the way I want it. I'm down about 10 lbs since Feb. and just got through a tough plateau. In the past, I'd have lost that battle, but now I just waited it out. I still can't believe how much I love the band. It really has changed my life!

So sorry for your loss, Kathy.

Sounds like you did great through all that stress and heartbreak.

We're happy to have you back!

One thing you missed while you were gone....

we're planning a weekend to the Mall of America July 25-27 to Celebrate our one year "bandiversary". We're staying at Homewood Suites.

Maybe you can join us!

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Linda - Sorry to hear about the insurance. That was why I didn't go through with the insurance. There was no way I could live with the back pain and the inconvenience and disgust that this belly for the several months worth of documentation that it was going to take. I am lucky that I have essentially no bills (no mortgage, no kids, no credit cards) so that I could pay for both the lap-band and the PS. Don't get my wrong. We live paycheck to paycheck and are broke 99% of the time, but I would take that over being fat any day.

Kathy - Sorry to hear about your loss, but you are doing tremendous after overcoming that kind of grief. After my mom passed I think I gained about 20 pounds.

Alright as for the foot. I talked to the athletic trainer as someone had suggested and he confirmed my fear. He honestly believes that it is a stress fracture. He doesn't think that it is a BAD one and that it should heal quickly. I asked him about the run on Sunday and he said it would probably hurt but because the distance is so short that I probably wouldn't do any damage, but that I should then stay off of it again next week. He did say that it would be fine to do the eliptical and the bike so that is what I did tonight. I did an hour on the eliptical and 1/2 hour on the bike. As for my goal, because it is in miles, I am going to count all the miles on the eliptical and half the miles on the bike which totals out to the 5 miles I was supposed to run today.

Thanks for the advice on the marathon/half marathon. It is funny because my face to face friends still think that I can push through and run the 1/2 marathon...and most people on here think I should walk/run the full marathon. Literally it is split right down the middle. I need to make my decision by the 21st of May when I need to sign up so I guess I am going to take a wait and see approach. I am stubborn so even if I have not completed the entire training for the half marathon, I could probably push myself to run the entire thing. As for the PS, she doesn't care as long as I promised to be over 150 grams of Protein the days following the run. She actually thought it was a good idea because it will increase blood flow to the muscles and increase blood volume which all promotes healing.

Well even though it is early...it is my bed time! Off to the shower and then off to bed. I will check back in after the shower though to see if anything exciting has happened.

Ruby- Slap my hand...I only got in 2 bottles of Water today. I forgot my water at work, but I did get in the 2 bottles at the gym. I will TRY to get another 16 oz of juice in before I go to bed, but I am going to fall a little short.

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Good morning all. I just thought I would check in. Missed my first class this morning because of an IEP meeting and then 1/2 of my second. I really feel like I need to be there because I want to be this kid's advocate and on mom's side, but it really throws my day into a dither. I have had a cup of coffee this morning but I'm now not counting coffee as liquid intake. Water and v8 fusion only. Oh...and iced tea. If I can't count tea I quit! It is my liquid of choice all summer and usually drink about a half gallon a day. I will still work on the 3 bottles of water, and maybe this summer will be different. Who knows.

Last night on the total gym I did my leg pulls and my arm pulls and then added in butterflies. Then I read that the first two should be the limit for the first two weeks for "non-exercisers". Do I fit that category? I haven't lifted weight for over a year. I know I've been walking so I'm not sure if I fit. My plan was to do it every night adding in one new exercise until I built up to the full 20 minute workout. That would take about a week because there is 7 exercises and I'm guessing I won't make EVERY night.

I have been wondering about the calorie tracking....on the daily plate it gives me my gross calories and then I track my exercise and that gives me calorie burn and then they subtract those and give me net calories. Like calories in/calories out. For my weight, height, and activity level, to lose 2 pounds a week they say I can consume 1180 cals daily....which is about the 1000 limit surgeon told me. Okay...so my question is, would you consider that 1180 NET cals like they do or 1180 gross cals. I've been sure to stay under NET (almost every day), but not always gross (okay, usually not gross). My difference looks like this since I've been tracking.

Mon: 1201/872

Tues: 1344/955

Wed: 1184/1184

Thurs: 1485/1485 (really bad day....slaps her hand)

Fri: 1250/1049

Sat: 985/985 (had I exercised I could have had a GREAT day, dangit)

Sun: 1352/1218

I'm not overly concerned because of my weight loss...it is dropping like it is supposed to. I do know, however, that as it drops it will get harder and I will need to revise. See Janet, I was listening....See Karri, I am making a plan!!!!

So, what is your advice. I would like everyone's opinion. What do you all think? And yes, I know I have to get those bad days under control. Finding it easier now that I'm doing something in the evenings besides tv. And honestly most of the calories are GOOD choices, just too much food. My carbs are higher but that's because I'm adding the Kashi and that adds Protein and Fiber so it is a toss up that I have chosen to accept.

Okay...time for lunch....gotta run. I'll check back in later

Steph - As my trainer say - if you are losing weight then stick to what your are doing and you are going to be adding your exercise on your total gym and I would stick to net calories - and keep up with the good food choices and that one bad day - is needed sometime to boost your metabolism..

That sight is wonderful. i love that it does the calculations for u. I have a body bugg but it doesn't tell me what to do to lose. Thank you for the information. And yes this week i have flipped my meals (as suggested) and changed my workout so we will see. You girls must know what i need when i need it. You guys are always posting when i am thinking things. (maybe we are hitting the same problems at the same time) thanks girls

Beth - I think it's cuz we are all banded in July so we are all in the same place - it's time to mix things up a bit.

So I sent this email to my DH...love that guy! But now I am going to pose the same question to my wonderful family. I know ultimately the decision is mine, but I have learned that sometimes others can give you a perspective that you can't see. I get VERY tunnel visioned in life sometimes!

Okay so my foot hurts REALLY bad. I am going to go to the gym tonight and try the eliptical. If I can't do that I am going to ride the bike, but there is something that I want you to think about. I HAVE to do the run on Sunday. I paid for it and I am determined to do it. But more important then that I HAVE to do the marathon in Sunriver. Not because of money, not because of pride, but because it is something I have to do for me. That is my moment and my time. That is my gift to me for everything I have gone through. What I would like you to think about is this...I either want to run the entire 1/2 marathon or run/walk the full marathon. Honestly...do you think with this injury/fitness level that I can run the entire 1/2 marathon? If I can't run the whole thing I am going to feel like I didn't accomplish what I wanted. Or do you think that I would be more likely to be successful running/walking the full marathon. I can tell you right now that if I finish the entire marathon I will feel like I accomplished a goal even if I don't run the entire thing. We have to consider the training.

1/2 marathon - running (much shorter distances but running the entire time)

Full marathon - combo walking/running (much longer distances, but can do cross training: walking/running/biking/elipticalling)

My ultimate goal is to run a full marathon next year, but I am wondering if I am pushing myself too fast and too hard to get to the 1/2 marathon. Or am I just being a pansy and just need to run through the pain? I don't want to make excuses, but I want to be realistic and not set myself up for failure.

Karri -You are far from a Pansy - I have to chime in with our medical women (Linda & Phyl both nurses) that before you make any decisions you need to find out what's up with your foot. Your desire and determination to do the 3K this weekend and the 1/2 or full before your surgery is admirable - but not to the detriment of your health - it's no diff that you excusing over eating no matter what it did to your body - this is something healthy but if your foot does have a stress fracture and you run on it - you are damaging your body - what does it matter if it's healthy or unhealthy - it's still damage - (just like my pound is a pound :w00t: not matter if it's lead or feathers :eek:)

So until you see a doctor - and we know what we are dealing with a decision can't be made.

First, you guys make me hungry by talking about food...........now you are all over exerting my brain. I am a blonde, you know. LOL Give me a break. Gonna start my third bottle of water so I should get it all in today. Gave myself a break today, went to Subway for lunch. I forgot to post my NSV yesterday. Anyway, when I was hospitalized four years ago, they removed my wedding rings and by the time I was released, my ring indentation had filled in and I couldn't get my rings on. They would slide over the knuckles but then go no further. Then, I put on the weight after quitting smoking. I tried them on yesterday. Slid right on, right where they are sposed to be. They even turn. Man, they feel weird. Got to get used to them. DH has too much time on his hands. Decided he needed a haircut and was too cheap to pay the price for a haircut. He gave himself a buzz cut...........Looks like a cone-head now. I told him I was too embarrassed to go anywhere with him till it grew out. Got to find something for that man to do. Hm-m-m-m maybe I can get him a one way ticket on a slow boat to China. Nah, he'd still have too much time on his hands.


Kari - Congrats on being able to wear your wedding rings :thumbup:

The ring I wear on my right had is flopping all over the place - I need to take it in to get sized.

Bad news today: Insurance denied my PS. They said that at minimum I have to be 18 months post-op (from the surgery they refused to pay for) and maintain my target weight for 6 months. I'll have to wait till next summer or take time off of work next winter. I'm bummed.

Linda - HUGS - I am sorry about this - I know how disappointed you must be. Didn't you go to mexico to get banded?? Have you thought of that option??

Sorry I've been MIA for a few months. I'm hoping everyone is doing well with their bands and weight loss. :biggrin:

My life over the last few months has been super busy. I think I've been on since my Dad passed away, but if not... here's the update. My dad lost his battle with cancer in January. Although it was incredibly sad, I was so happy his suffering stopped. My family is coping well, and moving on with our lives... but I still have a voice mail message from him, which I play every few days just to hear his voice. It makes me feel good.

I LOVE my band!!! Throughout all the stress, family gatherings, emotional eating, crazy schedules, etc, etc, I didn't gain an ounce!!! In fact, I lost 2 lbs during the week of his funeral.

After I returned to work, the Sh#t hit the fan so to speak, and I had a major revelation that life is too short to be unhappy. So I found a new job. I started it 3 weeks ago, and love it. So no more spices... now I'm into mattresses :frown:

My weight loss is coming slow and steady... just the way I want it. I'm down about 10 lbs since Feb. and just got through a tough plateau. In the past, I'd have lost that battle, but now I just waited it out. I still can't believe how much I love the band. It really has changed my life!


So glad to hear from you - we are always wondering where all our old timer disappeared to - we have missed you..

Yep life is to short and I think when we experience a death in the family it really brings that aspect to the for front..


Ok did my gym 1 hr weights worked my legs - 58 oz of water so far and 345 calories for the day so far - I haven't had dinner yet - scallops 100 pasta or rice 120 - veggies 25 - popcorn 100 - and I can still have another 200 calories -

Well with all the wind we have been having - my hat flew off - so my bipolar high from this morning - is gone - I am pooped - heck I got to work at 7 today - and tomorrow - I have a dentist appointment @ 2:30 to put on my new crown and replace an old silver filling - hope they can just replace and not have to crown...

Ok gotta go pay bills - :lol: - Will CBL

P.S Where is Kristin - Nichole - we haven't heard from you ladies in a while...

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Good evening all. I have a few minutes so I thought I would hop in and read all the stuff I missed today. It was definitely crazy.

We started the day with a staff meeting lecture about the kids getting out of control in our classrooms and it had better stop. All because in one class two kids were tossing an eraser back and forth and it got a little heated when one kid missed and got hit in the head....and in another one kid goosed another and the first turned around and slugged him. That's the extent of the "violence" all year and we get a 5 minute growl about how we need to have better control. GRRRR.

Then the IEP that got me all discombobulated and it didn't get better all day. Then I went to the bathroom this afternoon and thought "Oh crap, I was supposed to leave 10 minutes ago for my dr. appointment!" So I was late for that, but she is always behind so it actually was a positive. Then she wanted to see the eldest quack after school so she could evaluate his new med regimen....it was just crazy. Anyways, on a good note we weighed in and even though the numbers haven't dropped she looked up and when I came in to see her the first time in 1999 I weighed 176 and now I weigh 172. She is amazed at my progress and so encouraging.

I ate much better today but haven't tallied on daily plate so can't tell the numbers. I think I may post them daily here so I am a little more accountable. It would be humiliating to tell you guys I ate 1500 cals and didn't exercise. It might make me think twice about that bad food choice.

After dinner I then went out and walked. I made it on my 3 mile look even though when I left I was having stomach cramps. I really was trying hard to talk myself out of going but convinced myself that if I got a couple blocks away and it wasn't better I would come back.....but it was better until almost the last 3 blocks. Then the cramps came back. It was either the salad, the bit of salmon patty, or the zithromax that I drank before dinner. Whichever it was, I'm better now.....and when I got home I checked time and I did 3 miles in 40 minutes!!! I thought the other night it was a fluke to have done 2 in 30 minutes but I sustained the pace for an extra mile AND there was a 3 block hill at the beginning that wasn't there last time.

Karri, I vote for walking/running the full. I was thinking that there will be other marathons for years to come and if you want this to become a regular occurrence then you need to take care of your body now. You don't want your determination to push you so hard that you can't make the marathon a ritual. I understand determination and disappointment, but I can't imagine how much more disappointing it would be to be injured forever. Remember, you are young and you have a good 50 years left to use those feet.

Linda, so sorry to hear about the insurance. They will do anything to NOT have to pay out. Frustrating when you think that their reason is probably because they know that few people have the dedication to sustain. But remember, you do. You will do just fine. Waiting may be frustrating but the end result is going to be worth it. Just keep your eye on the prize.

Going to run. Not sure what I'm going to do about the total gym.....My abs are a bit sore but I know that is a good thing....so I should continue. But don't want to get burned out either so may just take a quiet night with the rest of the family....We'll see.

as dear Janet says, will check back later:tt2:

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One thing you missed while you were gone....

we're planning a weekend to the Mall of America July 25-27 to Celebrate our one year "bandiversary". We're staying at Homewood Suites.

Maybe you can join us!

Sounds like fun... but can't take vacation then as I've just started my new job. BTW, where is it?

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Sounds like fun... but can't take vacation then as I've just started my new job. BTW, where is it?

Minnesota - the Mall of America the biggest mall in the world I think

Me & Step are qvc shoppers and they have a store in the Mof A (oh you don't know Steph aka Twilight- She was banded in Dec but is one of us - We have adopted Karri aka salsa and Steph - the are offical Lucky #7's) anyway - she and I can't wait to go there..

Phyl, me, Linda, Peaches, Steph, Jackie (maybe) and it seem like I am forgetting someone - Chim said she was going to try and make it to but she poped in for one day and hasn't been back..

Well, I just stopped by to turn off the computer - (45 minutes ago) but had to respond to a couple post & email - Yes it's offical LBT IS MY LIFE AND TRANSFER ADDICTION.

So sweet dreams - See ya'll in the morning....

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Water Patrol

66 oz of water (58 water - 8 oj)

food Patorl

850 calories today.. see if it's the same in the morning - you know midnite raids :smile::lol::lol:

nighty nite...

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So I sent this email to my DH...love that guy! But now I am going to pose the same question to my wonderful family. I know ultimately the decision is mine, but I have learned that sometimes others can give you a perspective that you can't see. I get VERY tunnel visioned in life sometimes!

Okay so my foot hurts REALLY bad. I am going to go to the gym tonight and try the eliptical. If I can't do that I am going to ride the bike, but there is something that I want you to think about. I HAVE to do the run on Sunday. I paid for it and I am determined to do it. But more important then that I HAVE to do the marathon in Sunriver. Not because of money, not because of pride, but because it is something I have to do for me. That is my moment and my time. That is my gift to me for everything I have gone through. What I would like you to think about is this...I either want to run the entire 1/2 marathon or run/walk the full marathon. Honestly...do you think with this injury/fitness level that I can run the entire 1/2 marathon? If I can't run the whole thing I am going to feel like I didn't accomplish what I wanted. Or do you think that I would be more likely to be successful running/walking the full marathon. I can tell you right now that if I finish the entire marathon I will feel like I accomplished a goal even if I don't run the entire thing. We have to consider the training.

1/2 marathon - running (much shorter distances but running the entire time)

Full marathon - combo walking/running (much longer distances, but can do cross training: walking/running/biking/elipticalling)

My ultimate goal is to run a full marathon next year, but I am wondering if I am pushing myself too fast and too hard to get to the 1/2 marathon. Or am I just being a pansy and just need to run through the pain? I don't want to make excuses, but I want to be realistic and not set myself up for failure.

If a "runner" complains of pain... I can only assume that you are not a woosie or a whinner.

GO GET YOUR FOOT checked out today!!! :smile: Stay off of it, you may have a small fracture in your foot.

You won't do yourself any good if it IS a break, and you could do yourself some LONG term damage and then all your running goals will be for not.



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We are going to the doctor as soon as school is out at 3PM. It does feel a lot better today, but I am still going to go in and have it checked out. Perhaps the doc can give me some tips on wrapping, stretching, and cool downs to prevent the injuries in the first place. My legs are sore after my workouts.

Alright I have to be done here...I MUST get 1st period grades done before I check back in.

Thanks for the concern everyone...I promise I am going to the doctor!

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
      · 1 reply
      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

        This is a place to feel safe to vent, seek advice, hopefully without judgement.

        Compassion goes a long way :)

    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
      · 2 replies
      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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    • Stone Art By SKL

      Decorative Wall Cladding & Panels | Stone Art By SKL
      Elevate your space with Stone Art By SKL's decorative wall claddings & panels. Explore premium designs for timeless elegance.
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