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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Man this thing is slow tonight!! I've had time to take a short catnap while waiting for pages to come up.:blushing: I just finished my fourth bottle of Water. will probably have at least one more before bed.

Steph=Love the idea. go for it. :lol: I am pretty much computer illiterate. This is about it for me.........so, go ahead. I can't wait to see it.

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Good girl Kari. I missed you off my list. So far all the brave ones have been checked off the list. :blushing:

Cross me off the list:tt2:... I just finished the last of my Water for the day...and now I am finished for the day. To the shower and then to bed. I am exhausted!

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Good evening ladies. Just taking a quick break while the middle quack gets his bath. Mom and I went out for our walk and I pushed the stroller. I'd say we did 2 miles. Not as quickly but with added resistance. After kids are in bed I'll go down and do some work on the total gym. Imagine that....working out more than once today. How does THAT work?

Water patrol checking in. 2 bottles before lunch, a bottle of ice tea before dinner and working on my 3rd bottle. I'll probably have another after lifting before bed. So I'm safe!!! Who else are we waiting for?

I'm going back to the doc tomorrow to see if I can get rid of this crudd. It should be gone by now I would think but it just keeps hanging and everytime I work out I get a headache. I'm pretty sure it is a sinus thing. Last sinus infection I had took 4 rounds antibiotics. I thought I was going to DIE before I got rid of it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. But then again it could be something horrible so maybe I should pray for a sinus infection.

Well....middle quack wants out of the tub sos I guess it's time to run. I'll be back later.

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Man, I hate to be so blunt, but come on people!!! Let me ask you all a question: Does a pound of lead weigh more than a pound of feathers? NO!!!! A pound of feathers is equal to a pound of lead–period. A pound is a pound is a pound……the end!

Muscle however, is much denser than fat. A pound of muscle occupies a smaller space than a pound of fat does because it is more compact–so, the next time someone tries to tell you that muscle weighs more than fat–beat them over the head with a dumbbell.

OK, enough of that–it is just that so many people try to explain why they weigh more or haven’t lost any weight–

It is not because of the muscle weighs more than fat myth–it is because your body fat % probably dropped and you replaced it with lean body mass and kept your weight the same–

Losing weight is all about calories consume vs calories burned (unless you have a medical problem) We have a BIG tendency to under estimate the actual calories that we consume.

If you have been walking 2 miles a day on a flat surface for a while your body has gotten use to this exercise and it's not burning the same amount of calories as it was when you weight 250 - than it does if you now weight 200 - you are really burning less calories now as your body has lost weight -(you need less and less calories as you lose weight) so what you now need to do is increase the intensity of your exercises - walk fast - do hills - When I weight 250 lbs and walked 30 minutes briskly I burned 172 calorie for the same mile now at 164 i only burn 113 reason is that it took more energy to carry around 250 lbs than it does 164 - so I have gradually increased the length of time that I exercise and the intensity in which I exercise (do inclines on the treadmill)

So if you have been doing the same exercises eating the same meals you now need to change things up - to lose 1 lbs a week you have to reduce your calories by 3500 - So say that for me to maintain this weight I would have to eat 2000 a day x 7 =14,000 and to lose a 1 pound a week I have to eat - 3500 less = 10500 /7 = 1500 calories a day and as your weight decreases the amount of calories you eat will have to decrease to if you want to keep losing weight. as stated above the amount of exercise will have to increase too

It's all science - not making atom bomb kind of science but just grade school science..

Heres a link to see how many calories you need to maintain your weight and how many you need to lose


I suggest that you check it out and then track your daily calorie intake

Fitday.com - dailyplate.com - calorieking.com

If you do these things - you will be surprise because I really believe that you haven't changed things us since you lost the original 50 - 60 - 80 lbs.

If you don't have good restriction go get a fill - but the band is not going to lose the weight for you - you have to do the work - and yes it is work - do you really think that what we call skinny people are that way cuz the don't work at it - yes they do - it's that we didn't and we want our cake and it it too - we want to be able to eat - not feel deprived (to us just having 1/2 piece of cake is being deprived - we don't understand why we can't have the whole thing and still be skinny cuz that's the way that we perceive skinny people - but that is a misconception - they watch what they eat they get hungry too - they just don't give into it)

Which now brings us to the root of our problem - addiction to food which is mental and not physical..

Well, that enough of me on my soap box - We can get into the whole mental aspect of why we turn to food at another time... I need to fix dinner -

Again - this is tough band love - sometimes we just need it.

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Water patrol checking in. 2 bottles before lunch, a bottle of ice tea before dinner and working on my 3rd bottle. I'll probably have another after lifting before bed. So I'm safe!!! Who else are we waiting for?

We're waiting for Linda, Candice and Denise. The site seems slow at the moment. Perhaps it's weighed down by all the water we've got in today. :lol: So maybe the others haven't been able to log in. Or maybe I scared them. :blushing: :sad:

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Man, I hate to be so blunt, but come on people!!! Let me ask you all a question: Does a pound of lead weigh more than a pound of feathers? NO!!!! A pound of feathers is equal to a pound of lead–period. A pound is a pound is a pound……the end!

Muscle however, is much denser than fat. A pound of muscle occupies a smaller space than a pound of fat does because it is more compact–so, the next time someone tries to tell you that muscle weighs more than fat–beat them over the head with a dumbbell.

OK, enough of that–it is just that so many people try to explain why they weigh more or haven’t lost any weight–

It is not because of the muscle weighs more than fat myth–it is because your body fat % probably dropped and you replaced it with lean body mass and kept your weight the same–

Losing weight is all about calories consume vs calories burned (unless you have a medical problem) We have a BIG tendency to under estimate the actual calories that we consume.

If you have been walking 2 miles a day on a flat surface for a while your body has gotten use to this exercise and it's not burning the same amount of calories as it was when you weight 250 - than it does if you now weight 200 - you are really burning less calories now as your body has lost weight -(you need less and less calories as you lose weight) so what you now need to do is increase the intensity of your exercises - walk fast - do hills - When I weight 250 lbs and walked 30 minutes briskly I burned 172 calorie for the same mile now at 164 i only burn 113 reason is that it took more energy to carry around 250 lbs than it does 164 - so I have gradually increased the length of time that I exercise and the intensity in which I exercise (do inclines on the treadmill)

So if you have been doing the same exercises eating the same meals you now need to change things up - to lose 1 lbs a week you have to reduce your calories by 3500 - So say that for me to maintain this weight I would have to eat 2000 a day x 7 =14,000 and to lose a 1 pound a week I have to eat - 3500 less = 10500 /7 = 1500 calories a day and as your weight decreases the amount of calories you eat will have to decrease to if you want to keep losing weight. as stated above the amount of exercise will have to increase too

It's all science - not making atom bomb kind of science but just grade school science..

Heres a link to see how many calories you need to maintain your weight and how many you need to lose


I suggest that you check it out and then track your daily calorie intake

Fitday.com - dailyplate.com - calorieking.com

If you do these things - you will be surprise because I really believe that you haven't changed things us since you lost the original 50 - 60 - 80 lbs.

If you don't have good restriction go get a fill - but the band is not going to lose the weight for you - you have to do the work - and yes it is work - do you really think that what we call skinny people are that way cuz the don't work at it - yes they do - it's that we didn't and we want our cake and it it too - we want to be able to eat - not feel deprived (to us just having 1/2 piece of cake is being deprived - we don't understand why we can't have the whole thing and still be skinny cuz that's the way that we perceive skinny people - but that is a misconception - they watch what they eat they get hungry too - they just don't give into it)

Which now brings us to the root of our problem - addiction to food which is mental and not physical..

Well, that enough of me on my soap box - We can get into the whole mental aspect of why we turn to food at another time... I need to fix dinner -

Again - this is tough band love - sometimes we just need it.


AND, good common sense stuff!!

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We're waiting for Linda, Candice and Denise. The site seems slow at the moment. Perhaps it's weighed down by all the Water we've got in today. :lol: So maybe the others haven't been able to log in. Or maybe I scared them. :blushing: :sad:


Linda chimed in - it's on the other page - 32 oz - 1100 calories but lacking in Protein today..

I am on my 5th bottle - how many brownie points do I get :blush: 85.5 ozs:tongue:

I haven't totaled my calories yet - waiting for dinner - but will be around 1000 - plus I went to the gym tonite - ran 1/4 mile of my 3 miles (had to stop for 30 seconds in the middle) in like 50 mintues... Burned 345 calories and the running is killing me - by killing me I was VERY pooped at the end of the 3 miles. But like I said above as we lose weight we really have to increase the intensity of our exercise if we want to continue to lose..

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That was an interesting post and made a lot of sense.

Warning: Thinking out loud ahead. :sad: :biggrin2:

I need to re-evaluate things I think. I'm really lazy and don't bother with a food log. I think it would do me a lot of good if I knew exactly what I was putting in my body on a daily basis.

I've gotten into such a comfortable routine with my morning treadmill. I hate to screw around with that as it gets my day off to a positive start. :huh2:But I'm doing the same speed at the same incline that I was not long after I started. Maybe I should kick it up another notch. Yeah. I'll do that tomorrow! And probably curse all the way home because I'm worn out. :wink2:

I question my restriction. It's there in the morning and I'm not hungry at all. I forced myself to eat some cream of wheat this morning and almost PB'd :lol: I still haven't been able to stomach my Protein Drinks since my most recent fill. I've just been really put off by anything frothy. So maybe I need to find something else. Maybe I could try some bacon. Or get my juicer out and try carrot juice or something. :blush:

Hm. Back to the drawing board. I need to give my head a bit of a shake and see what falls out. :blushing:

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AND, good common sense stuff!!

Can't wait to see their responses... I truly hope I don't piss them off.

But I am really tired of hearing - muscle weighs more than fat - How we delude ourselves...

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Linda chimed in - it's on the other page - 32 oz - 1100 calories but lacking in Protein today..

I am on my 5th bottle - how many brownie points do I get :wink2: 85.5 ozs:tongue:

Oh so she did. I'm glad someone's paying attention. :lol: No brownie points, brownies are bad for you.:blush: As a reward you get to wear this really pretty hat. :blushing: It'll also protect you from aliens and a nuclear fallout. :sad:

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That was an interesting post and made a lot of sense.

Warning: Thinking out loud ahead. :sad: :biggrin2:

I need to re-evaluate things I think. I'm really lazy and don't bother with a food log. I think it would do me a lot of good if I knew exactly what I was putting in my body on a daily basis.

I've gotten into such a comfortable routine with my morning treadmill. I hate to screw around with that as it gets my day off to a positive start. :huh2:But I'm doing the same speed at the same incline that I was not long after I started. Maybe I should kick it up another notch. Yeah. I'll do that tomorrow! And probably curse all the way home because I'm worn out. :wink2:

I question my restriction. It's there in the morning and I'm not hungry at all. I forced myself to eat some cream of wheat this morning and almost PB'd :lol: I still haven't been able to stomach my Protein drinks since my most recent fill. I've just been really put off by anything frothy. So maybe I need to find something else. Maybe I could try some bacon. Or get my juicer out and try carrot juice or something. :blush:

Hm. Back to the drawing board. I need to give my head a bit of a shake and see what falls out. :blushing:


I am a FIRM believer in loging your calories - we really do under estimate and I have always been increasing my intensity of my workouts - slowly so that I don't burn myself out and make it so difficult that i can't do it - and give up totally - but over the last 9 months I have increased speed - and inclines and now have thrown it the trying to run at least 1/4 mile of my 3 miles besides adding the weights..

Try it - you might really be suprised.. Can't hurt - you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain...

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Oh so she did. I'm glad someone's paying attention. :lol: No brownie points, brownies are bad for you.:blush: As a reward you get to wear this really pretty hat. :blushing: It'll also protect you from aliens and a nuclear fallout. :sad:

How about this one????

She'll be soaring to NEW HEIGHTS with this one!


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Good morning all. I hope you all had a refreshing sleep. It is amazing how much better I sleep when I exercise in the evenings. I was a little worried about it last night because I got such a late workout in but it didn't seem to matter at all. I slept like a baby.

I thought I would be sorer (is that a word??) today but I guess I didn't really work it as hard as I thought. I only did about 30 reps with my legs and 30 with my arms so it wasn't a MAJOR workout, but it was HARD!! Last night I thought the girls were going to revolt they were so sore. Today, not so much.

Ruby, how did the girling up go? Are your nails wonderful? I wish I wasn't so hard on mine and I have mine done, but they are always breaking or I'm chewing them. I chewed my nails for 30 years and then quit after my dad died (it drove him crazy and I figured he was ALWAYS watching then). It was a huge habit to break and I still slip up....so no expensive manicure for me.

About the meth situation. We had some millionaire donate a bunch of funding for meth awareness in Montana. They started the Montana Meth Project. If you want to see some sad, very scary stories, go to Montana Meth Project and watch the commercials. The sad part is the stories are all true of Montana meth users. It's not fiction. We have a huge meth problem. I had one student a few years ago I would swear was using but couldn't prove it. There is a ton here on the Indian Reservations. It is so sad to see. I could talk for days about that, but I won't. I agree...who would put that crap in their bodies????

Karri, you behave with your foot. You've been working very hard and I love your goal and your determination but it isn't worth hurting yourself permanently for. There will always be another half marathon even if you have to take an extra month off. Let it heal and maybe have someone at your gym look at it to see what they say. They might have some good ideas....or if you have a trainer at the school maybe they can help. Whatever you do, be careful. I regret all the time the damage I caused my back in high school because I wouldn't listen to my drill team instructor.

Janet, you're so close I'm sure you can almost taste it. I can just imagine the feeling. So proud of you.

I was thinking.....okay that is always dangerous, but....I was wondering if you all would like to be part of a Lucky 7 slideshow. I love using powerpoint and playing with it and designing those things so I was thinking it might be fun for the M of A trip. Even for those of you not going to be there, it would be a way for you to be there in spirit. If you would like to be part of it, what I'm thinking is pictures and quotes from everyone. Things from the journey. Goals, why you did this, important things that happened that you didn't expect. You could email it all to me and then I can put it all together in a presentation. I may try to dig into past posts and find things for you all too. I thought I would see if you all were interested before going any further. School gets out in May and I'll need a project to keep my busy on days when the kids are in daycare. It's something I would love to do, but only if you all are interested.

I could then post it on the web somewhere private so that only us 7's could find it and those who aren't there can see it to.

Anyone interested or are you not. Looking for feedback is all. Let me know.

I think its a fab idea!! Are you sure you don't mind doing the work involved??? Can I help at all???:smile2:

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Phyl--You're always good for a smile! I'm so glad you're one of us!!

Another insane day today. I feel like I'm constantly on a treadmill that is going faster and faster with the incline getting higher and higher. The end is in sight, but about 2 weeks out yet. Until then, like Karri (?) my students are swirling about trying to make up a semester's worth of work. I don't even have time to shop for some clothes, which I desperately need. Poor DH is fending for his own food. I hope I make it. . .

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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