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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Good Morning Gang

How is everyone this fine Monday morning???

Phyl & Peaches - there was a glich in the avatar program - it's working now - try again (Alex Fixed it - we weren't the only ones who couldn't do it - I posted along with another chick and he fixed)

Lynette - Great on the walking and calories for the day!!!

Chim - I still tract calories and Protein in my little food diary - I think it really helps me stay on track

Kari - Don't you just love the fact that food isn't as important as it was before. You can order that fake Pasta on line I got like 5 bags of it for $20 bucks- gave one to Phyl and will have enought for a year :wub:

Ok my desk is a mess since I was out 2 days last week and we had friday off, so I need to get busy.... I will ck back later ... Have a great day everyone..

P.S. Chim & Lynette is is great having you guys back....

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Online this morning!! Yippee! Never know how long it will last!!

Yes, it's good to see Lynette & Chim back again!

Watching people eat.... an eye opener, huh??!! We had a potluck after church yesterday (AGAIN). I did pretty good.... I'm very selective at these things now. Unfortunately, they didn't anticipate how many people would show up and had only 2 hams for over 200 people, so I had only a very small piece & by the time DH went through the line it was gone. So I took about a tsp of a couple of kinds of veggies, teeny bit of potatoes, salad, etc. and DH brought me a bite of carrot cake... I left most of the frosting. So I'm sitting there slowly eating my little bit of stuff when this couple sits down to my left and they each had TWO plates of food!! Regular size plates! One was filled with almost all desserts! And the othere was piled about two inches high with stuff. Her potato salad alone was more than I had on my entire plate. And as we sat there and chatted, she ate the WHOLE thing.. and him, too! They both cleaned BOTH plates! Unbelievable! At my worst, I don't think I ever ate that much at a sitting. She was kind of overweight, but not morbidly so.

We are all made of the same mold, I think... Cadbury Cream Eggs....Oh, my!! And green shakes from McD's.. two of my very favorite things. No temptations around here this Easter weekend... no chocolate, and just that potluck lunch, so I had a healthy weekend.

Never mind... it was a very tiny piece of carrot cake!!

Almost time to go to Water aerobics.

I better get off the computer soon!



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Good morning all,

Welcome home Chim and Lynette, it's great to see you both back here again.

I made it through Easter. Didn't feel the need to scoff down any eggs. ;) I didn't replace the marshmallow ones I ate the previous week because I would have been into them again. :wub: Hopefully they'll all be cleared off the shelves today. I need to go grocery shopping.

Lately I've been trying all kinds of different combinations of stir fry vegetables. Zucchini, Tomato and mushroom seem to be my fave combo at the moment. I cook them in sesame oil for a different kind of flavor. Tastes great!

I've been very well behaved as far as food goes. My exercise has kind of fallen by the wayside. There was a change in my routine with my son being off school all last week for spring break, so instead of my usual trip to the gym on the way home from dropping him at the bus stop, I slept in for an extra hour or two instead. :) But I did manage to get him out and about with me every day and got some walking in, which was good for the both of us.

He and I share a computer, and possession is 9/10ths, so most mornings he was up before me and stayed on it until I dragged him outdoors :) So that's a big reason for my absence last week.

My surgery is healing really well *touch wood* and I asked for an extra week of antibiotics just to be on the safe side. I finish those on Wednesday. I don't like them, but they're a necessary evil. Hopefully once they're out of my system my weight will be a little easier to deal with. I was at 180 this morning, only 3lbs heavier than my pre-surgery weight, so I'm pleased about that. I can't bring myself to change my ticker to increase it, so it will stay the same until there's been a loss. :tt2:

That's about it for now. I love my son, but I'm glad he's back at school during the day. :biggrin2: It took me away from this forum more than was healthy for me. :D If I'm going to succeed in getting to my goal I need the support of each and every one of you. Thanks for being there for me. :)

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Thanks ladies, it's good to be back. I've needed this, the motivation alone from all of you is going to get me through. Thanks a bunch!!

Chim- I've started tracking my calories on Fitday.com again yesterday, and it does help.

I've done really good again today, turning down any extra food offered to me at work, and skiping the sweets that people brought in left over from Easter. I keep saying if I didn't log it, I'm not eating it!!

Still need to get on the treadmill today, but it's early, and I'm getting ready to make dinner.< /p>

So who all is going to the Mall of America?? Isn't that in Chicago? Sounds like a great trip, especially for all of you to go home with new skinny clothes!!!

Have to go get dinner started. I'm going to check in on the recipe thread to see if there's anything new I need to try!!

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Ruby - Yep it's hard when you have a break in your routine - I am very routine now a days - and hate it when it gets disrupted :)


Mall of America is in Minnesota - I think it's the biggest Mall in America - it has an amussement (sp) inside of it and a QVC store - there are a few of us who are QVC shoppers (me step & mango). You are welcome to come this is for all lucky #7 - 7/25 to 7/28 Arrive friday and go home Monday - that leaves us Sat & Sun to hang out - shop ...


Don't you have a body bugg.. Use it girl....


Another nice day - except I have had to use A/C this weekend :eek: baby gd went swimming yesterday - it was too cold for the rest of us about 69-70 - I like it about 80 if remember correctly... but a few more days like we have been having it won't be long...

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So who all is going to the Mall of America?? Isn't that in Chicago? Sounds like a great trip, especially for all of you to go home with new skinny clothes!!!

Hi, Lynette,

Mall of America is in Bloomington MI, about 30 miles from St Paul/Minneapolis, I think. So far those going are Janet, Peaches, Linda, Jackie, Stephanie & Phyl. Do you think you might be interested? It's the weekend of July 25-28.

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Thanks for the invite ladies. I will think about it. Sounds like loads of fun, and what woman doesn't like to SHOP!!!

I know I'll have the vacation time to go, just need to check on the money situation and start saving!!

dinner is done, now I need to work on the treadmill, but I need to go grocery shopping, so I'll have to do it when I get home.

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Went to the gym tonight and did 3 miles in 30 minutes on the elliptical, then 2 miles in 30 minutes on the treadmill. I'm pooped!:):lol: but my exercise log looks a little healthier now because of it and I feel good about working my butt off. :eek:

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Help girls. Some friends want to go to Lonehorn steak house. this will be the first time i have eaten out with them and they don't know about the surgery. It is a restaurant that is 2 hrs away so w don't visit it. Does anyone eat there and can share some suggestions? we eat at the local places and i know what will make me pb or slime. but this will be hard with them not knowing about the surgery. (and no i will not telling them they are skinny and would give me hell)


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Went to the gym tonight and did 3 miles in 30 minutes on the elliptical, then 2 miles in 30 minutes on the treadmill. I'm pooped!:):sad: but my exercise log looks a little healthier now because of it and I feel good about working my butt off. :eek:

Ruby- CONGRATS on the elliptical for 30 minutes. I have worked my way up to 15 minutes at a time but I tell you that machine is hard work.

Ruby - Yep it's hard when you have a break in your routine - I am very routine now a days - and hate it when it gets disrupted :lol:

Janet- I know what you mean about routine. I didn't get to go to the gym Friday or Sunday due to Good Friday and then Easter. Sat I didn't go either because DH and I were having 'date day' so I was itching to go today. Can you believe that I said that?!?! LOL Went today and worked out for 2 hours straight. I am feeling really pumped about this whole journey again.


Mall of America is in Minnesota - I think it's the biggest Mall in America - it has an amussement (sp) inside of it and a QVC store - there are a few of us who are QVC shoppers (me step & mango). You are welcome to come this is for all lucky #7 - 7/25 to 7/28 Arrive friday and go home Monday - that leaves us Sat & Sun to hang out - shop ...


Don't you have a body bugg.. Use it girl....

Chim- I thought you got one also. I absolutely love mine!!! It is on my ALL the time except when I shower. Can't imagine going without it.


Another nice day - except I have had to use A/C this weekend :eek: baby gd went swimming yesterday - it was too cold for the rest of us about 69-70 - I like it about 80 if remember correctly... but a few more days like we have been having it won't be long...

A/C? What is that. LOL We got up yesterday morning and it was freakin snowing!!! Granted it didn't stick and it is already gone but IT WAS EASTER!!! Can't wait for the warmer weather. We are supposed to get to 53 tomorrow and in the 40's and 50's this week. Can't wait!!!!

Lynnette and Chim I am so happy to see you 2 again. Do either of you ever talk to Dini anymore? I think about her and Sunny alot. Haven't heard from Sunny in months!!!

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Help girls. Some friends want to go to Lonehorn steak house. this will be the first time i have eaten out with them and they don't know about the surgery. It is a restaurant that is 2 hrs away so w don't visit it. Does anyone eat there and can share some suggestions? we eat at the local places and i know what will make me pb or slime. but this will be hard with them not knowing about the surgery. (and no i will not telling them they are skinny and would give me hell)



Here is a link to their website - menu

LongHorn Steakhouse - Great Steaks and a Large Time!

Ck it out before hand and figure out what you can and can't eat - i went to dinner for my lil bro's 50th bday & gs 17th last week - I had surf & truft but slimed a little on the lobster cuz I ate it too fast - once i slowed down I was fine - just ck it out and make sure small bites and chew..

If they coment on how little you eat - just say you had a big lunch...

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Help girls. Some friends want to go to Lonehorn steak house. this will be the first time i have eaten out with them and they don't know about the surgery. It is a restaurant that is 2 hrs away so w don't visit it. Does anyone eat there and can share some suggestions? we eat at the local places and i know what will make me pb or slime. but this will be hard with them not knowing about the surgery. (and no i will not telling them they are skinny and would give me hell)


Beth- I always find something on any menu that I am able to eat. I haven't told many people about my surgery either. Usually they are so focused on chatting and eating their own food that they don't notice how much I have eaten. If they do and mention it I just tell them that I am really trying to watch it so I don't eat much at a time or that I wasn't really hungry. Good luck!!

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Here is a link to their website - menu

LongHorn Steakhouse - Great Steaks and a Large Time!

Ck it out before hand and figure out what you can and can't eat - i went to dinner for my lil bro's 50th bday & gs 17th last week - I had surf & truft but slimed a little on the lobster cuz I ate it too fast - once i slowed down I was fine - just ck it out and make sure small bites and chew..

If they coment on how little you eat - just say you had a big lunch...

thank you that website looks great and i can figure out what i can have. I told my husband he has to be very supportive of it. (it is his freinds) He normally teases me about how slow i eat but promises to be good. He could run acouple of laps before i am done with the new eating process but he is very supportive except for that .

thanks again


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Thanks for the invite ladies. I will think about it. Sounds like loads of fun, and what woman doesn't like to SHOP!!!

I know I'll have the vacation time to go, just need to check on the money situation and start saving!!

dinner is done, now I need to work on the treadmill, but I need to go grocery shopping, so I'll have to do it when I get home.

Lynette - I'm still cking on hotels - but the homewood suites sounds good - I may call a travel agent to get some help - I sure and the heck don't want to pick a bad one and we want to be close but most of the sites I have gone to have shuttles to the mall

Went to the gym tonight and did 3 miles in 30 minutes on the elliptical, then 2 miles in 30 minutes on the treadmill. I'm pooped!:):blink: but my exercise log looks a little healthier now because of it and I feel good about working my butt off. :eek:


You go girl on that eliptical - :lol: and another 2 on the treadmill :sad:-

Can you beleive us x-slug bugs are turning in to gym rats :lol:


A/C? What is that. LOL We got up yesterday morning and it was freakin snowing!!! Granted it didn't stick and it is already gone but IT WAS EASTER!!! Can't wait for the warmer weather. We are supposed to get to 53 tomorrow and in the 40's and 50's this week. Can't wait!!!!

Lynnette and Chim I am so happy to see you 2 again. Do either of you ever talk to Dini anymore? I think about her and Sunny alot. Haven't heard from Sunny in months!!!

Jackie - Yep I guess when we pick a hotel - it better have exercise equipment for us excercise babies :eek: Yep A/C its 6:45 and 86 degrees outside .. But remember 110 - 115 - 120 in the summer :eek: I hope minnesota is cool... What did you and dh do for your date - we know about afterwards - but what fun thing did you do together - and that after stuff counts and exercise:tongue:

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Jackie - Yep I guess when we pick a hotel - it better have exercise equipment for us excercise babies :) Yep A/C its 6:45 and 86 degrees outside .. But remember 110 - 115 - 120 in the summer :eek: I hope minnesota is cool... What did you and dh do for your date - we know about afterwards - but what fun thing did you do together - and that after stuff counts and exercise:tongue:

Janet- we went shopping to start the day. Then we ate a late lunch and then to the casino we went again. LOL After the casino we went to a movie and then done a little more shopping. It was a pretty good day. We are trying to get to kow 'us' again. Actually really fun!!!

I agree, we need a motel with equiptment. I will know by the end of June if I can stay for the weekend or just drive up for a day. I only have 3 and 1/2 hours to drive. I have driven to the cities many times for a fun day so no big deal. :biggrin2:

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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