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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Karri - I need to do more weights too but I am beat after my treadmill work out and I read the calories burned on the treadmill - I don't know how may calories are burned when working out - I want to get a trainer for a week or two - but the guy I think I want is always busy when I am at the gym - plus I am a little intimidated (sp) by them - but I do see other older women working out with them..

Do you have to do Soup for 3 weeks :w00t: I only have to do them for 1 but ususally move to mushie/soft after 3 days..

Well, reported that I didn't have to cook - but guess what ladies - I don't want mexican food - I want veggies- talking about a NSV - wanting something healthy instead of something greasy & fattening - I am steaming some yellow califlower - I have never had it before - but suppose to be good I don't know what it's hybred with... But I am craving healthy food not bad foods... Things do change :eek:

We went out to dinner tonight and I had some chicken fried steak, but it just didn't taste good so I didn't eat very much. But then my BF wanted to go for dessert and I figured that I hadn't eat much so I would share what he had. However, once we got there I really didn't want pie...I wanted fruit:w00t: So I had a fruit bowl instead. Look a mom and daughter healthy food NSV:thumbup:

No I don't have to be on Soups for 3 weeks (technically only 2 days), but after the last fill experience I had I am just planning for it mentally. That way if it does come down to that I won't be blindsided. And unless it is a fill that is so tight that I can't get liquids down, I would have to wait three weeks because that is when spring break will be. I am so far behind on grading right now that I am taking Monday off to get caught up. I can just feel this terrible headache coming on as I type :cool2::lol: Because I have had to take so many sick days this year I am almost out.

As for the gym I went out and bought the biggest loser workout book that shows you all the workouts that you need. I balked at the price of 21$ but then said to myself, you bought a tummy slimmer for 26$ to hide your flab, perhaps you should buy something that will just get rid of it:biggrin: Wow for once I had a logical thought.

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So, what about the rest of you--how did you spend your Saturday?

Hi, Linda and All,

We took a ride today.. wind is back in the desert so I wanted to get out and do something. Took the mail out to our neighbors who are out at the Salton Sea camping for a couple of weeks and then ended up at "Slab City" and "Salvation Mountain"!! Pretty Interesting!! Take a look at these websites:

Salvation Mountain - Official Website - Niland, California

slab city

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Good Morning Gang

I am up early again today - I might go to the gym - it's really my day off but I will be having BDAY CAKE today... But I have a little headache I think I need Water - yesterday I know that I didn't get enought - I am on my 3rd cup of coffee so that does count ..

Not much to report - gotta wrap presents - go to chuckie cheese (ugh not looking forward to that - kids and noise - but gotta do it. Linda you will enjoy these things with your 1st grandchild but by the time you get to your 3rd you will think a little differently :laugh: My age does show at times. But I will go and fake having fun - well will have a little fun cuz I get to eat cake today :drool:

Yep Karri - it's funny how our taste does change :biggrin: - I ate about a full cup of my califlower and it hit the spot -- I might have to look for that book - I need some help in that area - I have a $40 gift card from Barns & Noble that I got at Xmas -

Well just wanted to ck in this morning - I need to get my butt in gear - I still need to go to the grocery store - wrap and figure out what to do until we go to chuckie cheese - I am so indecisive - don't know where to start - cuz I really don't want to do anything but feel guilty for just sitting around ... OMG I use to sleep my weekends away - things have changed:biggrin:

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Phyl--I did check you your links. Salvation Mountain is intresting. The artist sounds like an interesting fellow.

Janet--I hear you about Chuckie cheese. You're a good grandma! Enjoy your cake and kids--you're making a memory.

I just ate a whole Mc Donalds chicken baccon ranch salad for lunch! Got to go check how many calories that will be--more than I've had at any one meal in a very long time, I'm sure. Sure am looking forward to getting refilled--it'll be worth the $300!

Looks like I'm having problems with my internet. Better try to post before the whole thing shuts down!


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Phyl--I did check you your links. Salvation Mountain is intresting. The artist sounds like an interesting fellow.

Janet--I hear you about Chuckie cheese. You're a good grandma! Enjoy your cake and kids--you're making a memory.

I just ate a whole Mc Donalds chicken baccon ranch salad for lunch! Got to go check how many calories that will be--more than I've had at any one meal in a very long time, I'm sure. Sure am looking forward to getting refilled--it'll be worth the $300!

Looks like I'm having problems with my internet. Better try to post before the whole thing shuts down!


Yeah, some other people we know who have gone out to Salvation Mountain thought the old guy was more than a little bit wacko... but we didn't think so. I did notice his eyes being a little glazed... maybe he's on something, maybe he just has inhaled too much of that paint over the last 24 years! But seemed pretty sane to us, just very zealous about his faith and there's nothing nuttty about that.

Thinking of Janet at Chucky Cheese this afternoon... don't think their pizza is all that great. She'll find something healthy to eat... to go along with the birthday cake!! :laugh:

DH BBQed steak for us this afternoon, so we'll probably have salad for dinner later. Hadn't had steak in at least several weeks, so it tasted good. 7_6_1.gif 7_2_103v.gif

We had power shut down for 2 hrs this morning, and spotty internet so far today, so I sure understand that!!

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Hello all my lovely's (sp?) Just wanted to check in. I have had a pretty busy weekend. We held a 50th wedding anniversary party for my in laws yesterday so had to get everything ready for that. Didn't get to go to the gym the past couple of days.

WARNING!!!!!!!! MAJOR RANT COMING UP FAST FORWARD TO MISS THE b@tch SESSION 4_2_104.gif 4_3_4.gif 23_29_19.gif 4_2_204v.gif

Then today hubby pissed me off, (he's been really irritating me lately. LOL He has been off of work since last Wednesday because he cut his finger and can't get it dirty) don't really know what he did to start it now that I think about it but to much together time is terrible for us. I am a pretty anal person with the way I want things done and he has been stepping on my toes. I deep clean every 3 days and sweep vacuum and dust everyday. Today I start picking up the rugs in the house because it is my day to deep clean and he says 'we just did that yesterday' Talk about piss me off!!! I said 'I do that EVERY day and today we are deep cleaning!' I said 'I am not the only one who lives here so you can help.' He walked outside and stayed out there until I was done. I was breathing FIRE!!! I really don't ask him or the kids to do any deep cleaning but to keep their things picked up but it would be nice of them to offer even though I would decline. When I done the deep cleaning on Wednesday he sat in a chair while I cleaned around him and then I said could you move and he got up and went into another room and played games until I came to that room and then he got up and went back to the living room to recline in the recliner and watch tv and snooze. UUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH I have no idea how the hell we will ever make it through retirement!! God Bless anyone who is living with their mate and you or they are retired. Anyway something good came out of it. I was going to take the 2 kids and go shopping because I was trying to get out of exercising and then I thought 'get over it. You haven't done it for 2 days' I told the kids we will shop next Saturday and asked if they wanted to go to the YMCA. They said yeah and away we went. I was so damn mad when I got there I really worked out HARD!!! I was on the treadmill for 1 hour. Walking 3.8 and different inclines (automatic intervals of incline). I walked at 3.8 for 5 minutes and then I would run for 1 minute at 5.8-6.0. When I was finished their I went up to the track because my aunt had come in and asked me to walk with her so we walked another mile up there and then we went back to the machine room and I rode the bike for 15 minutes and then the eliptical for 10 minutes and then I finished off with the nautilus machines. 2 FREAKIN HOURS OF EXCELLENT WORKOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I honestly wasn't angry anymore when I was finished and even came home in a great mood. Was nice to hubby but he was still grumpy and I told him he needed to go do something instead of setting at home stewing all day. As I type he is still in the living room laying on the floor as he says that is where he is sleeping tonight pouting. I told him 'good for you stay there. I like having my whole bed anyway!" Man I can't wait for him to go back to work!!!

Anyway I have done pretty good with the eating. Today I grabbed a piece of cake and sat down to eat it and then I thought 'am I really hungry or just pissed.' I was pissed so I got up and threw it away. I had an aahhaa moment and called my eating at that moment for what it was. I was trying to eat my anger. Instead I let er rip!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHA

Better get. Law and Order Criminal Intent is on. Take care and hugs to all of you. Thank GOD I have lapbandtalk to come to. I would probably end up right back where I was with the eating!!!!! Thank you all!!!!!!!! Love ya!



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I loved your story Jackie! :thumbup: Sucks that you got so angry, but great that you used it as a motivator. Even better that you recognised your bad eating habit BEFORE you buried your face in the cake. Terrific NSV. Go you! :(

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I wanted to thank lindaa, Karri and Janet (rubs butt from spanking) for your encouraging words. You're all right. One pound is a reason to Celebrate because it came OFF!

I wonder if I'll ever stop beating myself up. :confused2:

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Hey, if Janet can WANT to eat veggies, and Jackie can exercise instead of eat, Ruby, you can stop beating yourelf up! It takes time to break bad habits. Recognizing them and what your triggers are is the first step. Choosing to respond differently is the second one. Implementing new choices is difficult at first, but with time and practice it starts to come automatically. Of course, there will always be times when the old demons pop back to test you, but it you learn how to push them back where they belong--or you give in to them just enough to get them off your back and move on. It sounds so easy doesn't it? Believe me, it is an ongoing process. As soon as I think I've mastered one, another pops up. But we're winning more than we're losing, and so are you!

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Good Morning Gang

Well I survived Chuckie cheese !!!! pizza is AWFUL even my GS said too greasy - I had to give him one of my pepcids:eek: - I ordered a salad - had a couple of bites - wasnt going down too well - then when to the kids house to open presents - ate 1/2 piece of cake & 1/4 ice cream - DIL gave us cake to take home - I said OH NO THATS TOO MUCH - my GS chimed in - ya she can't eat (but in a nice way - like she doesn't eat that stuff anymore) that and I won't eat that much - so we sent the rest home with family friend.

BUT!!! DIL had brownies they made the day before (my DIL is a big girl) instead of the cake I took a piece about 3x3- well I ate it when I went to bed - you know what - I just ate it cuz it was there - it was good but not GREAT. The only saving grace is that I had 1200 calories including the brownie & little cake - so did ok that way but I am still eating cuz of the memory of food - I don't find it as appealilng as I use to but - still want to eat it does that make any sense??

Well I found a great snack food with Protein - dry roasted edamame's - 1 oz 130 calories 10 grms of protein - 1 oz is a lot the bag is 6 oz (baggies size) I ate 1 oz yesterday - good for the salt crunchy times - and you are getting your protein.

Jackie - Congrats on the exercise - Men - what can I say :thumbup: can't live with then - can't live without them (well I can uz I just don't have the patience anymore:blush: )

Well, it's 8 got get my desk ready for the day... Will ck in later



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Greetings Everyone:

It's been months since I've been on to see how everyone is doing. I can't believe all the success. WOW!!!!

I see so many familiar names that some of you may remember me. But, for those who don't a real quick refresher. I went in to have my lap band surgery on 7/16/07. There were complications and my esophagus and liver were punctured, so the doctor had to repair those and because of where the injury was, I was no longer a candidate for the lap band.

I had to heal for six months, and in the meantime I hadn't lost any weight and my co-morbidities were getting worse. (Diabetes, enlarged liver, Barretts esophagus, high blood pressure and high cholesterol).

Consequently, I went in for an open gastric bypass on February 6, 2008.

The Wednesday morning of the surgery they weighed me and I was 219.8 lbs. I was released late Saturday- 7:00pm- on the 9th and because of all the IV fluids, my release weight was 242.8 lbs. I was in shock.

At my first week check up I was 226 lbs. At my second week check up I was 209 lbs. and I am currently at 202 lbs.

I'm feeling better every day, but because I had had an open gall bladder surgery in the mid 1970's and then the laprascopic lap band attempt, I had a lot of scar tissue and as my doctor stated a longer scar than usual for the open bypass. But, at 54 years old, I don't plan on wearing a bikini when I get down to my ideal weight anyway.

So, in conclusion, I'm happy I did it. And wanted to let those of you who remembered me what I've been up to.

All your success is encouraging and an inspiration. Thanks again for listening and being there when I needed it.


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Congratulations MsPris. I wish you continued success with your bypass surgery. Those are some big numbers in a short amount of time. Good for you :angry:

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All your success is encouraging and an inspiration. Thanks again for listening and being there when I needed it.


MsPris! :thumbup: I was just thinking about you the other day. :biggrin2: I'm so glad to hear that things are working out well for you now. You're SO close to Onderland too! It's good to have you back and posting. Don't be a stranger. :angry:

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Well I decided to get the fill tomorrow. Last week from Sunday to Thursday my band was good and tight. It was like I had just gotten a good fill. Well I decided to see if I could eat more this weekend because I had a fill appointment for Tuesday and was trying to decide if I should cancel it. I made the appointment 2 weeks ago when I started eating more.

Saturday... I was able to eat more. Breakfast.. 2 oz of chicken and 1 oz cheese. pizza rolls mid day. My boyfriend made them and I wanted to see if I could eat them. I ended up having about 6. Then I made a homemade chicken pot pie for dinner.. yummy. Ate about 1/6 of it. No problem with the crust. Plus candy was in the house so I had some of that. I know it's terrible.

Sunday. Ate more again. Breakfast. Fried egg with cheese on one slice of toast. Lunch- piece of chicken pot pie 1/6 of 8" pie dinner - half a pork chop, 1/4 cup peas and 2 tablespoons of rice. Not to mention about 3 pieces of candy (mini reese) and 1/2 avacado.

I know I shouldn't have pushed it. But I wanted to see if I could eat and really needed the fill. I need to start spring cleaning so I stop grazing or looking for food during the day when I'm bored. I'm not working right now and it seems like I'm always concerned about what I'm going to eat next. Can you say Addiction!!!:angry:

Needless to say I decided to go for the fill tomorrow. I can't wait.


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Sooooooooo......Guess what......I know I wasn't supposed to weigh until Saturday but:tt2:......I did anyways:tt2:.... and I AM IN THE 160's. 169.5 to be exact. :thumbup::thumbup::cursing: I was so excited I almost peed my pants. It is a good thing that I had just gone to the bathroom or I just might have!:angry:

Well I am major busy and I actually started this VERY short post about an hour ago. Prolly won't be on until late tonight because I am playing in the staff vs. student volleyball game for charity. FUN!!!

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