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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Janet I can totally sympathize with you. II haven't convinced myself that broth based Soups don't violate the no drinking rule so when I can eat real foods I just eat the stuff from the Soup and leave the broth behind. I know, such a rule follower:rolleyes2:. On a good note we got cable today and we are getting a DVR next week. I know...about time I got into the 21st century:rolleyes:. or even worse, snacking constantly!

Phyl - Aren't those fill prices crazy! I know most of it is because of the liability of taking on another patient. Well despite the fact that it is a friday night and I am in my 20's and supposed to be out partying...I am going to bed. I seriously can barely keep my eyes open. WAAAAAAAYYYY to many late nights this week. Tomorrow I have to stay up late too. My dad and his son (sorry can't bring myself to call him my brother) are coming and the kid is mad that we are going to the opera together so he pouted enough that we are going to the 9pm showing of Rambo. Again, past my bed time. However, I don't have to get up at 4:45 tomorrow morning so that will make the difference. I do have to go to the gym though. Nighty Night.

Karri - Soup is soup it's food - but ya i was thinking after my soup last night why can't i drink after eating soup since it's a liquid... Interesting concept..

as to if it's allowable or not - will ask the queston - If I remember

Cable & DVR - you are going to get hooked on the dvr - It's so great - program it to record all my shows - then wait about 1/2 after they have started to watch - cuz that way I can fast forward thru all the commercials. I hate it when like on biggest loser - they are weighing in and then cut to commercial - I just fast forward... and you don't have to watch all those food commercials - that make you what something you usually don't even eat - I am not a big fast food person - but those 3 dollar burger commercials really get me..

So you aren't going to the opera at all or just doing both - how old is your dad's sons - how funny - ..

Well hope you had a good night sleep - and partying isn't all it's cracked up to be - it's fun but - I guess I have done enough of it for a lifetime...

I do wonder what happens if you move - say you moved from there to here - I would think that my doc should take you as a patient after getting your medical records - but again my doc has a big program fee - to compensate imho what he doesn't get from insurance - well - i don't plan on moving anytime soon so I guess I really don't have to worry my pretty little brain about it - but heck I really think there should be doc's who will fill you while you are on extended leave/vacation from your primary residence.

Janet, I'm just 5' 3'' to 5' 3 1/2" so I was severely overweight, not morbidly.

Brandy - well it's a good thing you got ahold of the problem before you got moribidly obese...

Janet, I can feel for you on that liquid thing. I too get fills every 2 months or so and this last time when he filled me, I had been complaining about being able to eat anything, including the kitchen sink, so he put .6cc in my band this time (was averaging .2cc at a time) and OMG was I tight. I bet I did not eat more than 300 calories a day and nearly nothing to drink from that Monday till that Friday. I was kinda getting worried but suddenly on Friday it eased up a bit. I am still tight but no where near as tight as I was. I like where I am right now so this may be my sweet spot (if Doc agrees that is...I lost 6 lbs that week alone and cont. to loose a bit faster than I was).

The Protein power I was talking about is smoothie King's signature Protein Powder. Do they have Smoothie Kings where you live? They are like a "coffee If you are currious, you can look them up online at Smoothie King Look specifically for the Gladiator Low Carb Meal Replacement under supplements. It is so YUMMY!


Katrina - I am that way with Water right now - I really have to take small sips - I did eat a trisket with butter last night with no problems - but liquids even soup go down slowly - I will give it a bit - and really try and keep sipping my water - I worry about that the most.

For some reason since they changed the look of the site - when you put a link to another site - it doesn't show as a link - but if i click on smoothe king above (see it is blue) it wil take me there... I will have to check it out - i don't know if we do or not - I think we have a java juice in the mall but that's not the same

Drink extra water to push that fat out of your body - you will get to onelanders...

Since banding, we've been told to stay away from Nsaids ie, Asprin, Motrin, Aleve, Naproxen, Celebrex... and use Tylenol

If anyone is interested in a NON pill headache remedy I have a few suggestions:

1) Dr. Ho's Muscle Relaxer T.E.N.S. unit, it treats headaches and pain anywhere else in your body.

2) Accupunture

3) Ice Packs placed on the head for 20 minutes, rotated with hot packs, then finish with ICE pack.

4) Homeopathic remedy that you APPLY to your forehead HEADON... you've see those crazy commercials... and I use it carry it in my purse at all times. It works!:cool2:


I read on another thread they don't have liquid tylenol in Canada... Is that true.. It's hard to find here - but a few stores carry it -

I have a lady I work with who wears a tens unit all day - she was in a bad auto accident and I guess without it she is in major pain..

How are you doing - do you sleep at night :) i think it said you posted around 12:40 AM - I was nighty night by that time - heck I think i went to bed around 9:30 10 - and slept till 7:30 well was up at 5 a.m with babies to potty - but went back to bed.

Well Gotta jump in the shower - going to see mad money with a few gf's and then dinner:eek: hope i can get some good soup - but gotta watch everyone else eat :mad: I don't like being this tight I hope it loosens up soon...

Talk to you all later - Have a good Saturday

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So you aren't going to the opera at all or just doing both - how old is your dad's sons - how funny - ..

Well hope you had a good night sleep - and partying isn't all it's cracked up to be - it's fun but - I guess I have done enough of it for a lifetime...

We are going to the opera tomorrow and to the movie tonight. Andy (his son) is a freshman in high school, but really acts like he is 5. I work with this age all day long, and he is by far one of the more immature ones that I have seen.

I did get a good night's sleep last night, but am considering going in and taking a nap right now.

Enjoy the movie and the soup!

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Hey everyone. Sorry I have been MIA. Don't really have a reason. I check everyday and read the posts but haven't posted myself. It has now been 6 months and 3 days. I didn't get my six month pictures taken right on my aniversary so I took them today and amposting. The first is 8 days before my surgery and the other is today. I can definately tell the difference. :) Let me know what you think.


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Wow Jackie! You look great. The stance of confidence is amazing! You look so much more sure of yourself and proud. AND YOU SHOULD BE! Thanks for the inspiration

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Karri - Soup is soup it's food - but ya i was thinking after my soup last night why can't i drink after eating soup since it's a liquid... Interesting concept..

as to if it's allowable or not - will ask the queston - If I remember

Cable & DVR - you are going to get hooked on the dvr - It's so great - program it to record all my shows - then wait about 1/2 after they have started to watch - cuz that way I can fast forward thru all the commercials. I hate it when like on biggest loser - they are weighing in and then cut to commercial - I just fast forward... and you don't have to watch all those food commercials - that make you what something you usually don't even eat - I am not a big fast food person - but those 3 dollar burger commercials really get me..

So you aren't going to the opera at all or just doing both - how old is your dad's sons - how funny - ..

Well hope you had a good night sleep - and partying isn't all it's cracked up to be - it's fun but - I guess I have done enough of it for a lifetime...

I do wonder what happens if you move - say you moved from there to here - I would think that my doc should take you as a patient after getting your medical records - but again my doc has a big program fee - to compensate imho what he doesn't get from insurance - well - i don't plan on moving anytime soon so I guess I really don't have to worry my pretty little brain about it - but heck I really think there should be doc's who will fill you while you are on extended leave/vacation from your primary residence.

Brandy - well it's a good thing you got ahold of the problem before you got moribidly obese...

Katrina - I am that way with Water right now - I really have to take small sips - I did eat a trisket with butter last night with no problems - but liquids even soup go down slowly - I will give it a bit - and really try and keep sipping my water - I worry about that the most.

For some reason since they changed the look of the site - when you put a link to another site - it doesn't show as a link - but if i click on smoothe king above (see it is blue) it wil take me there... I will have to check it out - i don't know if we do or not - I think we have a java juice in the mall but that's not the same

Drink extra water to push that fat out of your body - you will get to onelanders...


I read on another thread they don't have liquid tylenol in Canada... Is that true.. It's hard to find here - but a few stores carry it -

I have a lady I work with who wears a tens unit all day - she was in a bad auto accident and I guess without it she is in major pain..

How are you doing - do you sleep at night :) i think it said you posted around 12:40 AM - I was nighty night by that time - heck I think i went to bed around 9:30 10 - and slept till 7:30 well was up at 5 a.m with babies to potty - but went back to bed.

Well Gotta jump in the shower - going to see mad money with a few gf's and then dinner:eek: hope i can get some good soup - but gotta watch everyone else eat :mad: I don't like being this tight I hope it loosens up soon...

Talk to you all later - Have a good Saturday

Yes, we do have Liquid Tylenol in Canada but jus the KIDS flavored stuff... Grape I think.. Yukky and an adult has to drink 1/2 the bottle so not very economical.

My DH was snoring like a bear with a sinus condition last night, I took a sleeping pill, had my ear plugs in and STILL I could hear the S.O.B. so that's why I was on the computer 3 a.m. (my time)

Slept in this a.m. and then hubby made it up to me (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) and brought me coffee in bed. I can't stay mad at him long. :cool2:

You';ll be proud of me Janet, I actually went to the gym this a.m. and did a great workout.. Felt good too... I've been working way too much and not making myself a priority!!!!

Well have a great night everyone

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YOU LOOK GREAT! what a proud moment. You are a great insperation.

What an exciting day for you.

Today was a great day for me, It was the first time since surgery that I went through my closet and got rid of (5 bags of clothes while crying tears of joy). I figured it was time to let go and it felt so good. I got rid of all the baggy clothes that I was hiding behind and I finally feel there is a new me under there somewhere!

Chimboree, I started the couch to 5k, I have been waiting to hear from you and see how you are doing? when your going to start or if you already have? I am surprising myself everytime I get out there and do it. I really never thought I would run again.

this is such a great thread, you all are a great encouragement!

ttfn, becca

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It's almost 11pm and I want to be tired....but I had a bad day so I could be up for awhile...

I had a great eating day. By noon I had already gotten half my Water in. That NEVER happens. Normally I'm drinking 48 oz. at 9pm just to say I got my water in. Had a glass of diet v8 fusion and a glass of Protein Drink for Breakfast. A bowl of Protein oatmeal from that diet place I was talking about the other day. For snack I had some soy nuts. dinner was a WONDERFUL beef enchilada. Night snack some soy nut mix. It was so awesome for me. And at no point today was I feeling like I NEEDED something.

On the other hand I did NOTHING for the entire afternoon. I did make myself walk a mile with my video before I could eat dinner, but that was the sum total of movement today. I was horrible....even took a NAP! So now I will pay for it by not sleeping tonight. I guess I deserve that.

Tomorrow I will make sure I get more moving in. Having an eating day like today mixed with a good exercise day and I can call myself successful. I can't even blame my back because when I do get up and get moving it feels better.

Have a great Sunday everyone. I will check in sometime tomorrow.

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It's almost 11pm and I want to be tired....but I had a bad day so I could be up for awhile...

I had a great eating day. By noon I had already gotten half my Water in. That NEVER happens. Normally I'm drinking 48 oz. at 9pm just to say I got my water in. Had a glass of diet v8 fusion and a glass of Protein drink for breakfast. A bowl of protein oatmeal from that diet place I was talking about the other day. For snack I had some soy nuts. dinner was a WONDERFUL beef enchilada. Night snack some soy nut mix. It was so awesome for me. And at no point today was I feeling like I NEEDED something.

On the other hand I did NOTHING for the entire afternoon. I did make myself walk a mile with my video before I could eat dinner, but that was the sum total of movement today. I was horrible....even took a NAP! So now I will pay for it by not sleeping tonight. I guess I deserve that.

Tomorrow I will make sure I get more moving in. Having an eating day like today mixed with a good exercise day and I can call myself successful. I can't even blame my back because when I do get up and get moving it feels better.

Have a great Sunday everyone. I will check in sometime tomorrow.

Sometimes you just have to pick your battles and be happy that you won on that front. I too sometimes take naps on the weekends...makes up for the lack of sleep I get during the week! I didn't go to the gym tonight either...so you are ahead of me. I will make up for it tomorrow.

So turns out my dad is not going to make it over. I am still going to the opera... my BF gave in and will go with me. I would have gone by myself, but he was nice enough to agree to at least try it. The weather is just too bad in the mountains and my dad just didn't want to risk an accident. I don't blame him, but I was still upset. My dad and I have only been talking for the last 6 years and during that time have spent a total of 2 hours alone really getting to know each other. His wife does not like me and feels threatened that we are trying to rebuild our relationship. That is why I was ASTOUNDED that he was coming over here. But alas if it isn't Kyla not cooperating it is Mother Nature! Anyways my BF is being a real sport. He loves the symphony and the theater but he has always drawn a very firm line on Opera. But he knows that it is important to me so he is going. I told him that if he hated it that he could leave and I would just call him when it was time to pick me up. He seemed to light up when I said that.

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It has now been 6 months and 3 days. I didn't get my six month pictures taken right on my aniversary so I took them today and amposting. The first is 8 days before my surgery and the other is today. I can definately tell the difference. :lol: Let me know what you think.

You look FABULOUS!!! What a difference!!! Look at those shapely hips!!


Slept in this a.m. and then hubby made it up to me (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) and brought me coffee in bed. I can't stay mad at him long. :angry:

Is there a comma after the "wink, wink, nudge, nudge":heart: and before the coffee???:coffee: Do we get exercise credit for that kind of activity???


Hey guys,

Does anyone know of a GOOD bariatric clothing exchange online?

That is a GREAT idea!! Don't know of one, but maybe someone will come up with something! They do that at the Seattle Bash, I know. I still might get to fly home and go to that. Sounds like great fun.

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I had a really fun day today. My sister was down here from OR (in San Diego for a hospital conference), so they drove over last night and I got to spend her 60th birthday with her today. We went to a street fair and shopped for about 3 hours, then we drove over to Palm Springs & went up the Aerial Tram and had dinner up there. It was great fun. Had a nice dinner of grilled scallops, had a little garlic mashed potatoes, nixed the bread, had a glass of wine (bad) and one bread stick.. the hard, pretzel type. I think I did pretty good all day except for that one glass of wine... way bigger than what I usually have. It was snowing hard up there by the time we came down. And pouring down rain here now! So much rain this winter!! The desert is turning green!

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I had a really fun day today. My sister was down here from OR (in San Diego for a hospital conference), so they drove over last night and I got to spend her 60th birthday with her today. We went to a street fair and shopped for about 3 hours, then we drove over to Palm Springs & went up the Aerial Tram and had dinner up there. It was great fun. Had a nice dinner of grilled scallops, had a little garlic mashed potatoes, nixed the bread, had a glass of wine (bad) and one bread stick.. the hard, pretzel type. I think I did pretty good all day except for that one glass of wine... way bigger than what I usually have. It was snowing hard up there by the time we came down. And pouring down rain here now! So much rain this winter!! The desert is turning green!


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Look at you, Phyl, wearin jeans and lookin good! You look like you're having a great day with your sister. You probably got in a lot of exercise, so the couple extra ounces of wine was a wash. Did you use your scooter at all?

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Amazing difference, Jackie. Hard to believe ít's the same person. You've had your hair styled, you're poised--you look sensational. Steph nailed it when she said "attitude." I am seing a confident, stylish woman emerge. What fun!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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