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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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So here is the thing with this fill. I went to mushies (yogurt and cottage cheese) today and I am not having the excruciating pain that I was having yesterday, but there is a little pain and discomfort (pressure feeling in my chest). However, I am getting hungry in between meals. So I don't know if I am too tight, just right, or whining too much. I can still drink Water pretty quickly so I really just don't know. The obvious thing is that I am not chewing well enough, but really (I would take an oath) I think that I am chewing quite well. I don't want to have the fill taken out and then be too loose, but I also don't want to do anything that will hurt me. I just got my fill back after being completely unfilled and I don't want to go back to that feeling. I really wish I would have thought this long distance doctor thing out more. I just went in with this positive attitude that I wasn't going to have any problems and for the most part I haven't. Does anyone think it would hurt me to wait a week or two before making the trip across the mountains or do you think I should go in? :help: I checked on the doc here and it is 350 for a non-patient unfill, 500 for a fill:eek:! It would be cheaper for me to fly to my doc.

Mango - A DEAN AND AT A MIDDLE SCHOOL! I get second place:scared: for the worst job! That is awful. There is no way that I could do that. I can't stand middle schoolers (no offense to you parents of middle schoolers). I am certain that during those years they become sub-human.

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Salsa, you have to make your own call on that one, but if it were me and I were still able to get in my Protein and Water, I'd hold off. At least for another couple of days. Why not try taking smaller spoonfuls of food and waiting a couple of minutes in between? I wouldn't have been able to handle that kind of torture pre-band, but I did it when I got my second fill that seemed a little too tight in the beginning. It took me a good half hour to eat 1/4 cup of food. Something I thought was impossible! Have you tried fish crackers or those 100 calorie snack packs? At times when I'm having tightness problems, I can still get in a few crackers or chips/cookies from those calorie packs.

I don't think you're whining. It's good to get your thoughts out and hear/read what other people think. Call your doctor and explain what's going on and see if they have any suggestions about what you can do to get more food in. Oh, and I'd check around to see if there are other doctors close by who won't charge you an arm and a leg for fills and unfills.

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Hi Distant

Try cutting your food up into half square inch bites then chewing each bite 40 times. Experimenting with this is much cheaper and better for you than getting an unfill. </p> <p> </p> <p>Last night I was eating steak and my 1st 2 bites were stuck for 1 minute or so before they passed because I wasn't paying attention to what I was eating. I remembered the advice about bite portion and chewing and it worked for me.</p>

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Well I talked to the doctor and he said to just stay on liquids and mushies until the 21st. Then I am to go in and have a small unfill. He said I could come in earlier and if it gets any tighter I will, but it is really tough for me to get days off. Planning for a sub is almost worse than being at school. The 21st is a not a school day so it should be easy to get over there. I guess I am back to post op diet!! He wants me on liquids no thicker than Protein Drinks until Friday and then thin mushies for 3-4 days and then I can advance to cottage cheese and refried Beans for the remainder of the time, assuming that they are not too difficult to get down. Oh well, I can do it. My doctor is all about not living on mushies and liquids. I know, from reading other posts, that some doctors allow their patients to be so tight that they can never eat anything but liquids and mushies. My doc believes, just like I do, that this is a lifestyle change and wants you eating real foods! I am not so tight that I can't get liquids and thin mushies down so he is not worried that I am going to close up like I did last time.

Well I have to finish grading some tests so I will chat later.

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I read something here once about being too tight. Thing is, with my memory, I can't remember whether they said to drink something hot or maybe it was cold. Any way, the person was doing one and someone suggested she do the other and it worked. I am a big help aren't I?

Barium swallow??? I think I had that before. I had been hospitalized and on the vent for three weeks and had to have a swallow test before they would stop the feeding tube and let me eat. It wasn't too bad.

Ruby - dean of Middle school. You deserve a medal. I have to agree with Karri on this one. I was a substitute teacher for a few years and I have to admit that the best place to sub at was the high school.

Karri = $300. for a fill is ridiculous. Get a list of all the bariatric doctors within a so-many mile radius and start calling. It may take a while but that is what I did and I found 6 different doctors who would do fills and the amount charged differed from $110. all the way to $350.00.

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Wow! I've finally hit the 6 month mark. This hasn't been bad at all. Only thing. Since mid-October I haven't dropped but a couple of pounds. I've had 2 fills. Just seems as though I can eat a lot more than I should be. I guess it must be time for another fill. Hope that will jump start me back on my journey.

Love reading everyone's progress. It's so motivating. Hopefully in 6 more months I'll be at my goal.

Good luck to everyone!

Lapedtolive - Congrats on your anniversary... Make an appointment for a fill and make healthy food choices - those pounds will come off..

So I went to the doctor again yesterday for my fill. Havent been since October when they wouldnt give me anything. I was hoping for at least a tadbit of a fill (feel like a crackhead wanting crack) but once again he said no. I had lost like 15 pounds in the past 6 weeks. I am starting to feel like I can eat a lil more but he seems to think I am just right.I dont go back until April 1st now. He said that I was making remarkable progress, and that alot of times people that start out with a lower BMI (mine was 35.5) dont do as well as people that are bigger. He even said that I was actually at a healthy BMI now...

As for Sliming...I do that ALOT...And it is oh so gross...I hear that its because I dont drink enough Water, so I am going to up my Water intake and see if that helps. PBing sucks but i think Sliming is the worse. Any ideas on how to get this sliming under control?????

Distant You and I are in the same boat - this is why I was posting about questioning if fills are more phyisoclogical - I didn't get a fill on 12/21 cuz I had lost 17.5 - but I go back on the 21st this month - he wanted to go with Feb - but I said no lets do January = plus i need to go for my blood work.

Sliming - IMHO i think it's your bodies reaction to food not going down easily - it produces the saliva to lubrecate you so the food will go down - i don't think it has anything to do with the amount of water your drink.

This is just dr. janet's common sense kind of thinking :0) - I really can't state it as a fact.:rolleyes:

Try cutting your food up into half square inch bites then chewing each bite 40 times. Experimenting with this is much cheaper and better for you than getting an unfill. </p> <p> </p> <p>Last night I was eating steak and my 1st 2 bites were stuck for 1 minute or so before they passed because I wasn't paying attention to what I was eating. I remembered the advice about bite portion and chewing and it worked for me.</p>

Hey Ssankofa we haven't heard from you in a while - How are you doing!!!

Well I talked to the doctor and he said to just stay on liquids and mushies until the 21st. Then I am to go in and have a small unfill. He said I could come in earlier and if it gets any tighter I will, but it is really tough for me to get days off. Planning for a sub is almost worse than being at school. The 21st is a not a school day so it should be easy to get over there. I guess I am back to post op diet!! He wants me on liquids no thicker than Protein drinks until Friday and then thin mushies for 3-4 days and then I can advance to cottage cheese and refried Beans for the remainder of the time, assuming that they are not too difficult to get down. Oh well, I can do it. My doctor is all about not living on mushies and liquids. I know, from reading other posts, that some doctors allow their patients to be so tight that they can never eat anything but liquids and mushies. My doc believes, just like I do, that this is a lifestyle change and wants you eating real foods! I am not so tight that I can't get liquids and thin mushies down so he is not worried that I am going to close up like I did last time. Well I have to finish grading some tests so I will chat later.

Karri - I would just do what he says - take it slow and easy.

This whole Doctor issue sort of bugs me - ok say I move to where you live - what would I do.. I do have insurance but - still the way my doc talks - they don't like to see other doc's patients. That's crappy that he charges soo much -

I read something here once about being too tight. Thing is, with my memory, I can't remember whether they said to drink something hot or maybe it was cold. Any way, the person was doing one and someone suggested she do the other and it worked. I am a big help aren't I?

Barium swallow??? I think I had that before. I had been hospitalized and on the vent for three weeks and had to have a swallow test before they would stop the feeding tube and let me eat. It wasn't too bad.


Kari - it's drink something hot :) to open your band .

Why were you on a vent for 3 weeks - OMG that's scary...

Our ports are in the same place..

Mango - Dean for middle school - OMG i feel for you...

How's everyone doing tonite - I was super busy today - so never got a chance to post - All is well on my side of the world, just another day in paradise ...

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Janet - I had Legionaire's disease. I was hospitalized for 6 weeks and then spent 2 weeks in rehab regaining my strength. My kidneys shut down for three weeks and had to have dialysis 3X per week. My doctors told me that it was a miracle I lived. Anyway, that is when I quit smoking. I still miss it so-o-o-o much. that is when I gained an additional 60+ pounds.

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Karri - I would just do what he says - take it slow and easy.

This whole Doctor issue sort of bugs me - ok say I move to where you live - what would I do.. I do have insurance but - still the way my doc talks - they don't like to see other doc's patients. That's crappy that he charges soo much -

I really have not heard many good things about the doctors that are here and was one of the main reasons that I didn't have the surgery done here. They don't offer a support group (mine does, but they are obviously too far away, but he did suggest this site), they charge $32000 for a selfpay surgery and that only includes 2 fills, and you have to pay for the nutritionist, psychologist AND all pre-op tests on top of that. I met with the staff once and cancelled the consultation before I even met the doctor. I made the appt with my actual doctor over the phone and his nurses/office staff called me twice a week between the time of my initial call and my actual visit to make sure that I didnt' have any questions or apprehensions. I paid 17000 and that covered EVERYTHING. 2 years worth of fills, all pre-op visits, and any complications that would occur in the 2 years after surgery. He will pay the hospital bills, the anethesia, EVERYTHING if something goes wrong. I couldn't have asked for a better doc. His staff is AMAZING. I just wish he was closer.

On a good note, I was still able to get my workout in and I finally found a Protein drink that didn't curdle my stomach and make my tongue want to turn inside out. I only got in 550 calories today so a little low,but I found a few more things that I will have tomorrow.

Have to finish watching the biggest loser!

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OK I am feeling better today after the scarey reading of other threads. I am taking Janets advice and not venturing from you all here. So if anyone reads anything interesting on another thread (not something that will send my worry antena's (sp?) haywire) please come back and share your knowledge. LOL

Got my blood work back today. The only thing they don't have back yet is my Iron level. Don't understand that since it has been a week but I will get it in a couple more days I am sure. Everything was ok EXCEPT MY FREAKIN CHOLESTEROL!!!! Now listen to this because I was just baffold and really confused. Before surgery when they did my blood work my cholesterol was 243 (in July). In October my doc ran it again because it had been 3 months. It was 222. They told me before surgery they didn't want to start me on meds because with weight lose it may go down and if not then it was prob due to genetics. So in October I was really happy thinking that things were going in the right direction and doc said he was not worried. So I go in last week, (I know this sounds nuts) but I was excited because I wanted to see 'how much it has gone down not because I have lost 31 lbs since the last draw. I get my results today and my cholesterol is now 285!!! I honestly thought that it had to be wrong and still think that. I was so upset. Doc told me he thinks mine is genetic. I said are you serious that it can go up that much in 2 1/2 months? I said I haven't done anything different than what I have since being banded, I'm eating ALOT healthier than I was pre band and it was going now and now it is higher than before surgery. He assured me that the machine the hospital uses is very accurate but I am just floored by this. He is going to recheck it in a month and if it is still high like that I will prob be on cholesterol pills. I am so frustrated!!!! I look at labels and cholesterol, calories and etc. I am hoping that next month it is lower and I won't have to take pills but I will do what I must.

I called the surgeons office to talk about it with them also. (My family doc did my labs and I have to take result to surgeon for my 6 month check). The nurse was very nice and listened to me talk because I was upset. She asked if I wanted to come in for an appointment to talk with the PA and I said I already have an appointment set for tomorrow so I will just talk to her then.

About fill cost. My surgeons office only does them under fluro also. I got a statement from my insurance and was looking at what they charge insurance for fill. Ready for this?!?!?! $1,515.00. I didn't have to pay before January 1st because I had met my out of pocket max of $2,000 last year but now they will cost me $285 for each fill. UUGGHHHH

Better get. It is 12:45 AM here and hubby is tossing and turning because my 'pecking' as he calls it on the keyboard. Good night all. Hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday!!!

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Re. Cost of Fills: I've read that doctors don't want to do fills for other doctor's patients because they don't make enough money at it (unless they overcharge). Unfortunately, that's one of the things that makes health care so unaffordable, drives insurance costs up, and makes things like Lap Band surgery a "cosmetic" rather than medically-indicated procedure. I am self-pay, and did find a wonderful surgeon relatively close to where I live who charges $300/fill. That's why I've only had one fill so far, but may get another on Friday (now that my flex spending account starts over). It's annoying to pay so much b/c I could do it myself if I had access to the right kind of needle. It's not a difficult procedure--nurses do it all the time when administering chemotherapy or drugs for other chronic diseases. I think the manufacturer of the band system has everyone worried about damaging the band and being sued. From what I've read, it seems to be a political issue more than anything else.

Jackie, 285?--I bet you were astonished! Good thing you are on top of it now while you are still relatively young. Is there a family history of heart disease or strokes?

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I wish! For me I can feel that huge lump in my chest and know that I''m not going to feel better until it get rid of it. Most times it doesn't want to go down, so it has to come back up and out. It's awful. It's just a big blob of slime, tmi.

I've cheated with Water and drank it before and during a meal at times because I know if I don't, something's going to get stuck. It's probably not the best thing to do, but sometimes I'm really hungry and haven't been able to get anything down in the morning and want something to put in my stomach just to shut it up!

But I'm with you. I think I've been slipping with my Water intake a lot of the time and need to keep track again. It starts again today. Now.

*runs off to get water bottle*

I am going to increase my water intake, it cant hurt!!

Hi Distant

Try cutting your food up into half square inch bites then chewing each bite 40 times. Experimenting with this is much cheaper and better for you than getting an unfill. </p> <p> </p> <p>Last night I was eating steak and my 1st 2 bites were stuck for 1 minute or so before they passed because I wasn't paying attention to what I was eating. I remembered the advice about bite portion and chewing and it worked for me.</p>

Thanks for the advise, Im willing to try anything


Distant You and I are in the same boat - this is why I was posting about questioning if fills are more phyisoclogical - I didn't get a fill on 12/21 cuz I had lost 17.5 - but I go back on the 21st this month - he wanted to go with Feb - but I said no lets do January = plus i need to go for my blood work.

Sliming - IMHO i think it's your bodies reaction to food not going down easily - it produces the saliva to lubrecate you so the food will go down - i don't think it has anything to do with the amount of water your drink.

This is just dr. janet's common sense kind of thinking :0) - I really can't state it as a fact.:P

Janet....fills are like addictions...Im convinced!! As far as the sliming do you think Im just eating the wrong foods?

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Ok gang this is going to be quick - cuz I got tons of work - but gotta put my 2 cents in for the day - don't want you all to forget about me. :P

Janet - I had Legionaire's disease. I was hospitalized for 6 weeks and then spent 2 weeks in rehab regaining my strength. My kidneys shut down for three weeks and had to have dialysis 3X per week. My doctors told me that it was a miracle I lived. Anyway, that is when I quit smoking. I still miss it so-o-o-o much. that is when I gained an additional 60+ pounds.

Kari - OMG - thank God you survived... Where you on a cruise or did you just pickup the germ in your world..

On a good note, I was still able to get my workout in and I finally found a Protein drink that didn't curdle my stomach and make my tongue want to turn inside out. I only got in 550 calories today so a little low,but I found a few more things that I will have tomorrow. Have to finish watching the biggest loser!

Karri - I think a lot of doc's are just in this to make $$$ that $32K is just too far out there pluse all the extras - My doc does have a large program fee - but it includes the nutristionst - fills for 5 yrs...

Glad you are getting your Protein - I tivo Biggest Loser will watch tonitee.

. So if anyone reads anything interesting on another thread (not something that will send my worry antena's (sp?) haywire) please come back and share your knowledge. LOL

and my cholesterol is now 285!!! I honestly thought that it had to be wrong and still think that. I was so upset

About fill cost. My surgeons office only does them under fluro also. I got a statement from my insurance and was looking at what they charge insurance for fill. Ready for this?!?!?! $1,515.00. I didn't have to pay before January 1st because I had met my out of pocket max of $2,000 last year but now they will cost me $285 for each fill. UUGGHHHH


Jackie - Your cholesterol is genetic - there is nothting you can do - even someone who weighs 110 and eats healthy can have high cholesterol - it's just the way your liver is built - it is out of your control - so relax and just take the meds that your doc gives you... Don't worry .... You are doing everything you can to help - it will be ok once you get on the meds...

Janet....fills are like addictions...Im convinced!! As far as the sliming do you think Im just eating the wrong foods?

What is making you slime????

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I'm doig ok, Indio. I gained 6 lbs over the holidays but my weight is now 1/2 a lb lower than what's posted in my signature so I'm fine with that.

BTW everyone,

I named my dog Buppy and she is a Bichon Frise. Very cute but peeing in her cage at nights while I'm sleeping. She refuses to use the wee pads so I think I'm going to get doggy diapers for her and call it a day because I don't feel like cleaning her cage anymore. On a good note, she is forcing me to walk daily due to the toileting situation. On average I get at least 30 minutes of walking out of her.

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Any ideas on how to get this sliming under control?????

It is most likely the foods that you are eating. Not to say that you are making poor choices it is just that your band may not respond well to some types of foods. For example, when I told my doc that I had tried to eat eggs the other day, he said that it may be one of those foods when cooked the way they were, might not be able to be eaten because of a texture. I know that I can't eat any of the meat subsitutes (boca burgers, veggie burgers) because they are not kind to my band. Maybe you should really note what foods you are sliming on to determine if perhaps this is the problem.

Holy cow I am hungry!!! I never went through bandster hell because I was never hungry post op, but I think I know what it feels like now! However, I am thinkning the feeling that I swallowed a soccer ball is worse than the hungry feeling though, so I will be sticking to liquids. Anyone want to volunteer to grade papers for me? Anyone? Do I sense a wonderful soul? No. Dang...It was worth a shot.:biggrin1:

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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