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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Everyone seems to be quiet lately.... must be busy busy busy with holidays and everything else that comes with this time of the year. What happend to Dinni? Well just wanted to stop by and say hello! Anyone have anygood progress pictures to show everyone for inspiration? Whenever I feel blah i go to the before and after section... makes me feel all better again! LoL

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Peaches - Love the new Picture !!!!

Brandy- You are doing great

Phyl- Let us know how your TOP meeting went since you are running the meeting this week

Ruby - It's a good thing not to get on the scales every day (imho)

Well, gang I was beat yesterday when I got off work - So I flaked on the gym and plus my lil bear (fur baby) is a little sick - he has bad hips - (puppy mills :angry long story but he's only 3 yrs old little blue black pomeraian) I gotta go get his meds refilled - since we got Angel (toy white poodle) he has been doing alot better - the vet said it's his tertesteron (sp) you know that guy thang = but I think the cold is getting to him - I am so afraid of the day that we have to put him down - hopefully once he gets back on his meds he will improve.

Doing good with food - I really think I am at my sweet spot - suppose to go back to dr b on the 19th but really don't think i need anymore in my band - I do eat more than 1/2 c per meal - more like 1 1/2 per meal - but I think thats a good amount and so far the weight is coming off.

I am going to the dentist today :) haven't been in a couple of yrs and my bridge is loose.. I love my dentist - won't to to anyone else and have to pay more $$$ as he isn't an approved dentist - but he is well worth the extra $$$ - he give me GAS :D.. Love all the women there too. But I just hate the dentist period...

Well, I gotta get to work - will ck in later - have a good day....



Oh Janet, I am so sorry to hear your puppy is not well... I just hate it when they can't tell you whats wrong.

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When I go to parties, I take grape tomatoes, baby carrots or sliced cucumber. Put it on a fancy little plate. THEN you'll have something to nibble on while others are nibbling on the bad stuff.

I think we just need to feel that we are 'doing' what everyone else is "doing" so just substitute a healthier nibbly...

What about Raw almonds?

At my work its terrible, Cookies, brownies everywhere... I pack my purse with Clementines this time of year...

Good luck:hungry:

Your new picture is great!

I thought your suggestion about taking a plate/tray of your favorite fresh veggies to a social gathering was a really good one and I used it in my TOPS lesson today! We have to learn these survival techniques and that is a good one. I've been keeping a bag of beef Jerky handy for some of my hungry moments.

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Everyone seems to be quiet lately.... must be busy busy busy with holidays and everything else that comes with this time of the year. What happend to Dinni? Well just wanted to stop by and say hello! Anyone have anygood progress pictures to show everyone for inspiration? Whenever I feel blah i go to the before and after section... makes me feel all better again! LoL

Yeah, I thought we'd hear from Dini after her trip to NYC. Many of those who were so active here back in the summertime are now among the missing most of the time! I'm assuming no one is really interested in the cruise idea anymore? I think I'm still going to keep watching for a good deal on an Alaska cruise for next fall. DH and I have gone twice, but I found a little different itinerary.. and he loves the Alaska cruises! Especially when we can find one out of Seattle.. no airplane trip! It's such a hassle to fly these days.

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Ibut i am sure that i will come up with other excuse when I actually do have time.

I had just enough to give it some flavor, but not so much that I drenched a perfectly healthy salad in 1000s of calories! I I didn't really think the whole distance thing through when I decided to have my surgery. . :rolleyesI was dead by then so I didn't get a thing done, except surf around here! I am much more of a morning person than I am an afternoon person.Chat Later

Salsa I think it is so funny how we all have something in common besides the band The bold in your statement above is Me 100%

Distant was the big factor in going w/Dr Bobbie - I hate going to doc anyway - and if I had to take a day off of work just to go I wouldn't.....


You're too kind. I didn't exactly "run" the meeting, but just did about a 15 minute lesson on social eating. I got lots of thank yous & compliments, so I guess it went pretty well. I really like that "THREE BITE RULE" thing I found so we talked about that, and I brought an issue of "Nutrition Action" newsletter that featured an article on the calories, sodium, etc. of menu items from Olive Garden and macaroni Grill. How many of us "fluffy" people consider Italian food our very favorite??!! Spaghetti and Meatballs from Olive Garden... the same calories,etc. as two Big Macs and a 21 oz. Coke! Yikes!!

Also, I was down 5.4 lb for the week!!! Woo Hoo!! I was very excited about that. The scale is moving again. DH was only down 1.8 lb.

How did the dental appt go?? Next time we need a dentist in the desert I will call you! DH had a dental emergency last winter and it went okay, but could've been better!! He ended up having to go to an orthodontic surgeon. No fun!

Phyl - Since I have the honor of meeting you in person - I bet you would be a good speaker - and your DH doesn't need to lose weight - he looks just fine - but you know how it is with us fluffy people - some one who needs to lose only 10 or 15 lbs is skinny to us - come back and see us when you have 100 to loose - then we will think - ya you need to loose:)

Dentist went fine - I am going to loose a tooth - that anchors my bridge right now - but still have my rear molar for him to build a new one - the tooth should come out find since it's loose already - It's find now no pain - it already had a root canal but was infected around the root - i just can't chew on that side of my mouth and that's the side that i always eat with... - I go back 1/3 to get the tooth pulled and temp bridge and then the rest of my teeth xrayed etc.. I haven't been to him in about 3 yrs... I think it's when he put the bridge in ... I will send you his info

CONGRATS ON 5.4 LBS - THAT JUST SO GREAT :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Everyone seems to be quiet lately.... must be busy busy busy with holidays and everything else that comes with this time of the year. What happend to Dinni? Well just wanted to stop by and say hello! Anyone have anygood progress pictures to show everyone for inspiration? Whenever I feel blah i go to the before and after section... makes me feel all better again! LoL

Kristin - I normally pop in an out while at work - but as you see I was at dentist & then ended up at the vets. Were all the other are - I guess they don't love us any more - I know Lynette's Dad is sick = so she is most likely really busy - but Chim & Dini who were the leaders of the Lucky #7 to begin with along with Breadlady have vanished.. Come back ladies - don't just lurk - say hi - what's up..:P

Oh Janet, I am so sorry to hear your puppy is not well... I just hate it when they can't tell you whats wrong.

Peaches - Thanks - They would not refill the script without a blood test (meds hard on the liver or kidneys) and had to see the dr. So had to get off work at 3:15 - they took his blood (which i knew would be find cuz the last time i got the meds filled was a year ago - so he has taken only 30 in the last yr - not every day - it's all about the $$$ pisses me off) - we sat there for over 1 hr - finally my Grandson when up and asked what's up - they say the result were being printed - next thing they just brought me his pill and the bill - OMG Lil Bears meds were $45 1 yr ago - guess what they are now $75 frigging dollars... I am going to ck pet meds - his meds are like viox (you all know i can't spell or type worth a sh*t but you know what i mean) We didn't even see the doc $176 :).. So after here I am cking pet meds to see if i can get it any lower - I guess i need doggie insurance for presciption:embarassed:

He does seem to be doing alot better - and that's the most important thing I am going to try and just give him a pill every 3 days and see how that works.. - but what do people do who can't afford that i guess it's no diff than not being able to afford your own meds....

Well gang - didn't exercise again today :mad: after being at the vets all afternoon and cuz they had the grand opening of the fresh & quick corner makert today - I live in a new area of North Indio "Shadow Hills" and there is no retail on this side of town - I have to go all the way on the other side of town to get milk (you who live in big cities won't understand - but this use to be a small town - now it takes 15 min just to go across town - where it use to take 5 mins) So I went and ck'd it out - it's suppose to be like a trader joes (never shopped there myself) but it does have a few organic items - pre-made meals - meat looked good - I bought some fish - but here is the BIG PROBLEM - they have tons of sweets - individual pieces of cake, cookie, cheese cake etc - I can walk to this place it is on the corner infront of my development - In those weak states of mind - I could be in BIG TROUBLE...:D - I did buy some oatmeal raisan cookie - 3 for 130 calories - we will see how they taste and if i can stop at 3 - they may end up the in trash...

We are suppose to get a supertarget by next october and the home depot and walgreens are almost done. We are getting tons of stuff out here which will be good cuz what I save on gas I will be spending at target - I may have to get a 2nd job :P

Well - all that has been going on - I have not eaten all day except for a yogurt this morning - was getting hungry around 11 - but then gooing to the dentist killed that :) so i guess the dentist is good for the waist line:) I am not even hungry really - but know it will hit me when I go to bed - so I better go fix me something to eat..

Well that's my day gang - not much else to report on - will ck back in a bit



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Janet, I can't wait to feel that full!!! LoL Although i do have some restriction my tummy grumbles really loud and i start feeling starving after 4 or 5 hours! I can't wait for fill #4 i think i will be perfect!

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Phyl - Since I have the honor of meeting you in person - I bet you would be a good speaker - and your DH doesn't need to lose weight - he looks just fine - but you know how it is with us fluffy people - some one who needs to lose only 10 or 15 lbs is skinny to us - come back and see us when you have 100 to loose - then we will think - ya you need to loose:)

Dentist went fine - I am going to loose a tooth - that anchors my bridge right now - but still have my rear molar for him to build a new one - the tooth should come out find since it's loose already - It's find now no pain - it already had a root canal but was infected around the root - i just can't chew on that side of my mouth and that's the side that i always eat with... - I go back 1/3 to get the tooth pulled and temp bridge and then the rest of my teeth xrayed etc.. I haven't been to him in about 3 yrs... I think it's when he put the bridge in ... I will send you his info

CONGRATS ON 5.4 LBS - THAT JUST SO GREAT :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Peaches - Thanks - They would not refill the script without a blood test (meds hard on the liver or kidneys) and had to see the dr. So had to get off work at 3:15 - they took his blood (which i knew would be find cuz the last time i got the meds filled was a year ago - so he has taken only 30 in the last yr - not every day - it's all about the $$$ pisses me off) - we sat there for over 1 hr - finally my Grandson when up and asked what's up - they say the result were being printed - next thing they just brought me his pill and the bill - OMG Lil Bears meds were $45 1 yr ago - guess what they are now $75 frigging dollars... I am going to ck pet meds - his meds are like viox (you all know i can't spell or type worth a sh*t but you know what i mean) We didn't even see the doc $176 :).. So after here I am cking pet meds to see if i can get it any lower - I guess i need doggie insurance for presciption:embarassed:

He does seem to be doing alot better - and that's the most important thing I am going to try and just give him a pill every 3 days and see how that works.. - but what do people do who can't afford that i guess it's no diff than not being able to afford your own meds....

Well gang - didn't exercise again today :mad: after being at the vets all afternoon and cuz they had the grand opening of the fresh & quick corner makert today - I live in a new area of North Indio "Shadow Hills" and there is no retail on this side of town - I have to go all the way on the other side of town to get milk (you who live in big cities won't understand - but this use to be a small town - now it takes 15 min just to go across town - where it use to take 5 mins) So I went and ck'd it out - it's suppose to be like a trader joes (never shopped there myself) but it does have a few organic items - pre-made meals - meat looked good - I bought some fish - but here is the BIG PROBLEM - they have tons of sweets - individual pieces of cake, cookie, cheese cake etc - I can walk to this place it is on the corner infront of my development - In those weak states of mind - I could be in BIG TROUBLE...:D - I did buy some oatmeal raisan cookie - 3 for 130 calories - we will see how they taste and if i can stop at 3 - they may end up the in trash...

We are suppose to get a supertarget by next october and the home depot and walgreens are almost done. We are getting tons of stuff out here which will be good cuz what I save on gas I will be spending at target - I may have to get a 2nd job :P

Well - all that has been going on - I have not eaten all day except for a yogurt this morning - was getting hungry around 11 - but then gooing to the dentist killed that :) so i guess the dentist is good for the waist line:) I am not even hungry really - but know it will hit me when I go to bed - so I better go fix me something to eat..

Well that's my day gang - not much else to report on - will ck back in a bit



Wow! You had a busy day. I'm glad your dog is feeling better. Vet bills are outrageous these days. DH gets mad every year when we have to take the cat in for her shots and checkup. If that's a routine med you need for him all the time, I wonder if you could get it on the internet cheaper.

So you're down near where that Super Target is going in. Lots of development down there I guess! We went shopping today, too. DH can never resist buying some steaks! He got some really big rib eyes. I just rolled my eyes and told him ONE will more than feed both of us for one meal. He bought two. But he did buy some seafood, too. Shrimp and scallops, which are my favorite. Wasn't very hungry all day, though. Feel like I might be coming down with something.

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Janet, I can't wait to feel that full!!! LoL Although i do have some restriction my tummy grumbles really loud and i start feeling starving after 4 or 5 hours! I can't wait for fill #4 i think i will be perfect!

Kristin - 4-5 hrs is good lenght of time between meals - Yesterday was so busy i didn't eat til last night and didn't hardly even drink one 20 oz Water :embarassed: - but at least the scales were down this morning :bounce:even missing 2 days of exercise - today will be 3 cuz GD has winter ball dance tonight and gotta take her to that so don't think I will bea ble to get to the gym cuz i have to stich her dress - we will see how I feel at 6 tonite - but ususally for me that's too late.

Wow! You had a busy day. I'm glad your dog is feeling better. Vet bills are outrageous these days. DH gets mad every year when we have to take the cat in for her shots and checkup. If that's a routine med you need for him all the time, I wonder if you could get it on the internet cheaper.

So you're down near where that Super Target is going in. Lots of development down there I guess! We went shopping today, too. DH can never resist buying some steaks! He got some really big rib eyes. I just rolled my eyes and told him ONE will more than feed both of us for one meal. He bought two. But he did buy some seafood, too. Shrimp and scallops, which are my favorite. Wasn't very hungry all day, though. Feel like I might be coming down with something.


Phyl - I did ck online - 1800PetMeds 60 pills for the same price that I paid for 30 :) - so guess where I will be getting his med.. Vet is so stupid to price themselves out of the market - but i guess when you buy on the internet they don't have the overhead etc...

It's funny - my eyes & brain are still in fat mode - I would still buy 2 steaks when one would feed both of us (me & GS) - In fact at the new Fresh & Quick they had pre made meals that were pretty healthy and they fed 2 - well looking at it - I said to myself - ya right that's really only one serving - but i bet you 100 bucks i could not eat it all...

I don't know why i am afraid of being hungry - there really has never been a day in my life that i went hungry -

Super Target - Yes I will be right across the street from them (north side of Ave 42) I will have you and Earl over for dinner or lunch after the holidays and you can see this end of the valley.... Ya gang be jealous - I love it that I have my Lucky #7 GF so close...

As to the curise issue - I think our biggest problem is the time of yr - we could do the 3 - 4 day out of long beach or San Diego - not to afaird of hurricanes on this coast - but it will be HOT and the cost for a 7 days is a bit much for the ladies with families - We really need to think of something though - even if we flew and met somewhere in the middle and stayed at a hotel??? The 3 or 4 day curise is pretty cheap thought especially in July - and if people book air far enough in advance.

On the April 07 thread (another dr bobbie patient I know is there) they did a secert santa between themselves... I don't know how they picked names - but though we could do it for our 1 yr anniversary (since we are too late for xmas)... I will ck w/pam and see how they picked named - I think it would be cool for us to send little gifts for our 1 yr anniversary.

What to you all think of that...

Well my producer won't be here today - so it should be a good day..

Will ck back later ...



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'Phyl - I did ck online - 1800PetMeds 60 pills for the same price that I paid for 30 :) - so guess where I will be getting his med.. Vet is so stupid to price themselves out of the market - but i guess when you buy on the internet they don't have the overhead etc...

It's funny - my eyes & brain are still in fat mode - I would still buy 2 steaks when one would feed both of us (me & GS) - In fact at the new Fresh & Quick they had pre made meals that were pretty healthy and they fed 2 - well looking at it - I said to myself - ya right that's really only one serving - but i bet you 100 bucks i could not eat it all...

As to the curise issue - I think our biggest problem is the time of yr - we could do the 3 - 4 day out of long beach or San Diego - not to afaird of hurricanes on this coast - but it will be HOT and the cost for a 7 days is a bit much for the ladies with families - We really need to think of something though - even if we flew and met somewhere in the middle and stayed at a hotel??? The 3 or 4 day curise is pretty cheap thought especially in July - and if people book air far enough in advance.

On the April 07 thread (another dr bobbie patient I know is there) they did a secert santa between themselves... I don't know how they picked names - but though we could do it for our 1 yr anniversary (since we are too late for xmas)... I will ck w/pam and see how they picked named - I think it would be cool for us to send little gifts for our 1 yr anniversary.

What to you all think of that...

Well my producer won't be here today - so it should be a good day..

Will ck back later ...



Secret gift exchange sounds fun. Wonder how they managed that. Sounds a little complicated, but fun.

Yeah, July will be expensive whatever we do probably. I was looking for a cruise for us for right after school starts because that's when the prices go down usually.

Sounds like you're going to have another busy day! I'm going to lay low today as I feel like I am coming down with something. I think I'll go to Water aerobics anyway, but take it easy after that.... stuffed up head, achy, etc. i had my flu shot, so maybe I'll get a light pass!

Oh, on the portion size again..... DH asked if I'd like some shrimp cocktail yesterday afternoon... snack. I said yes & I see him get out these two huge bowls! I said "No! No! Smaller" so he got out a much smaller bowl for me, but I still could only eat a few bites and had to finish it in the evening. He hasn't changed his mindset on my portion sizes yet. And he still doesn't get it that I'm not feeling all that great!

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So I have a weird question. Before I had to become unfilled I was consuming about 1000 calories per day. After I was unfilled I continued to eat only 1000 calories per day. Can not being filled to the proper restriction cause me to stop losing weight? Someone on the other board said that she had lost 3 pounds this week, so her fill must be working. Am I just crazy or doesn't the fill just cause you to not be able to eat as much, hence lowering your calories, or does it ACTUALLY help you lose weight (I don't think it does, but thought MAYBE someone's doctor said something). I think I am just looking for the answer as to why my scale isn't moving right now. It actually did drop to 193.5 this morning, but I think it is because I am doing Atkins right now. I think I will gain a little back when I starting adding carbs in. Probably not as bad as in the past when I would gorge myself on BAD carbs.

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Phyl - How ya feel better soon!!!

salsa - the fills have no magical quality that cause weight loss. It's all about calories with the band. 1000 with a fill, 1000 without, is all the same. I find that I can get the same amount of cals. 800 with carbs and not lose as much as if I get 800 without carbs. I'm talking trash carbs. not good ones.

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My secretary just sent a student in my office and said, "Good luck she's in a bad mood." When she got to the door I screamed,"Whata ya want?" She jumped and almost peed her pants. What a hoot. It made my day. He he heeeeeeeee

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You teachers are terrible :) To bad I don't have anyone to trochure ...

Salsa - no the band (tightness) has nothting to do with losing weight - if did - heck everyone would be skinny and never gain an lb back - it's just as you think calorie in calorie out.

Phyl - Hope you feel better - we have some people with colds around here.. chicken Soup really does work :biggrin1:

Mango - how ya doing..

Well just got back from my monthly facial - eating my one pot wonder 1 cup cabbage ground white turkey and rice w/soy sauce ...

Well it's all gone - so back to work I go.. I got on the doc scale down stairs - 3 lbs higher than mine - but i am fully dressed and at home weight naked - so i guess my scale is pretty good #..

Ck yall later...

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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