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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Well, I think I am going to change my name to frustrated. I'm reading all these posts about dropping sizes and smaller boobs...I turn on the TV and see a chick in a bikini saying "I lost 61 lbs on the Pure Weight Loss Diet and went from a size 22 to a size 4." Well, I have lost over 50 lbs so far and I have gone from a size 42DD to a size 42DD. And I've gone from a size 22 to a size 22. Where have all those pounds gone???? Well, I have noticed my toes are a lot skinnier. But they are still size11. I am just getting so tired of looking in the mirror and still seeing FAT and no change that I am ready to hit the kitchen and binge. I mean, WHY NOT?? 50 some odd pounds and I can't even see it. I NEED CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Oh kirajh. :) We are our own worst enemies. The rest of the world will see a difference in our bodies before we ever will. Remember that. And even when we do see a difference, we get down on ourselves that it's not enough and we're still fat anyway. Our "fat heads" are responsible for our addictions to food and our lack of self-esteem. We have to stop allowing our "fat heads" to control our brain and way of thinking and take that power back! And NEVER give it up again!!! We don't need to eat the entire pack of chocolate. We don't need to buy a dozen donuts. We don't need to eat as much as we can fit in us before getting sick. Our "fat heads" have told us we do. They've lied!

Something else you need to consider is that it's just not the fat you see in the bulges in your tummy and the extra chins and dimpled limbs we also have a lot of fat on the inside. They're coating our organs. Our very important organs. The ones keeping us alive! THIS is the fat that is so deadly to our bodies! THIS is the fat that can kill us and has killed many before us. It's responsible for heart disease, diabetes, and all those types of things. Getting rid of that fat first is more important than getting rid of the wobble on our butts and thighs.

So if you're not seeing the results in the mirror, or on the scales, or on the measuring tape, it could be that you're losing that killer fat that's surrounding your organs. Don't let your "fat head" take control of your thinking and encourage you to do something you'll regret. "Fat head" needs to never be in control again! :P

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Kirajh...Give it time girl, Im sure all of a sudden you will see some drastic results...Remember good things come to those who wait...

Brandy...WOW...you go girl :whoo:

Janet...ONEDERLAND minus 2... :clap2: I knew you would be there in no time..Im proud of you, I know you have worked hard..

Phyl...Where are ya woman??

As for me, only down 1 lbs this week, its TOM so i can deal with that...

And for your viewing pleasure...

The first one is a before pic...199 lbs....size 14/16

The second one was taken last week...158 lbs...size 8



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I think one reason we're all so cold is that besides losing some of our insulation, our metabolism isn't as reved up either. But, yeah, as a 50-something woman, the hot flashes aren't as frequent or as intense either.

Janet--YOU MADE IT TO ONEDERLAND!!! Good job! You need to go out and buy yourself something to celebrate!

Ruby--Thanks for reminding me that it's not all about appearances. I stopped taking my blood pressure med this weekend. I was feeling dizzy all the time, so I am trying without it for awhile.

Distant--Lookin good! But, I have to tell you that I would be delighted to look as good now as you did at 199! No way can I wear a 14-16. Maybe a stretchy 16-18. . .

I have decided that I can not be trusted to bake Christmas Cookies ever again. Cookie dough goes past the band real easy. Like a typical addict, I felt sick afterwards and have been kicking myself ever since. Someone else is gonna have to bake them from now on.

Make it a great week, everyone!

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Kirajh...Give it time girl, Im sure all of a sudden you will see some drastic results...Remember good things come to those who wait...

Brandy...WOW...you go girl :whoo:

Janet...ONEDERLAND minus 2... :clap2: I knew you would be there in no time..Im proud of you, I know you have worked hard..

Phyl...Where are ya woman??

As for me, only down 1 lbs this week, its TOM so i can deal with that...

And for your viewing pleasure...

The first one is a before pic...199 lbs....size 14/16

The second one was taken last week...158 lbs...size 8



I'm here lurking!! You look GREAT!!

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Distant - Thanks!!!! - ya I did work very hard - till 2 pieces of cake - 2 Cookies and ya i forgot to tell about the cheese cake - but i didn't drink the calories and really enjoyed the sweets instead and my food calories weren't too bad. I did exercise M/W/T/F last week didn't on Saturday and did 2 miles today... Am back to fish and veggies for dinner - plus i am having a tooth problems and can't chew really well - can't get into the dentist til 12/12 - thank God no real pain ...

I agree with Linda - you looked good at 199 - but you will look good at 135 and you will be healthier too. I think those of us who weight in the mid 200 & above look at the lower weights and bmi as skinny already - but I know you weren't - You werent as fat as most of us but you were overweight and your bmi was not normal.. Looking GOOD Girl - you keep of the good work :clap2:

I am proud of you for getting a handle on it while you are young and not waiting until you have major health problems - You have extended your life...

Linda - Xmas cookies - OMG - put me in a major depression last week just thinking about them - I will be baking them at my DIL's and will bring a baggie home for GS and will allow myself 5 of them (may change that to 10) Plus I have the whole tamales issue too... They aren't diet food - masa lard cheese - OMG they are great - going to make and cook them too.. We will just have to increase our exercise for all this EXTRA food... This is why I am only a level 2 for Kathybad's challenge:p and am in Nichol's exercise challenge :( gotta pay for the sweets some how...

If I had trays of xmas cookies in my kitchen - they would be eaten by me - band or no band... My drug of choice - so what i bring home for my gs will be hidden from me and once my 5 or 10 are gone then that's it no more - tamales too - will bring home just a few and when they are gone they are gone - won't have ton's of junk - but will have some - .....

I will continue to eat healthy and exercise during the month of December - but will allow myself more treats than I have in the last 4 months - plus I go on 12/19 for another fill - (only need a tad as of right now)

We will survive!!!!! We will continue to lose... We will eat healthy 98% of the time and we will EXERCISE !!!!

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So my food choices haven't been bad but the scale has finally stalled. I think it could be for a few reasons.

1. I don't know if I am eating enough. I struggled to get to 900 calories today.

2. I really have ramped up the weight lifting (my arms are sooooo sore) 3. My stress level is at a very high level and I tend to hold on to weight when I get stressed out. That is the reason I am looking for another job. I just can't do the whole teaching thing. I don't like the job, but despite the fact that teachers complain they don't get paid enough, try finding another job that pays what I am getting right now!

4. I am eating the same thing over and over and over. We can't seem to get out of a rut!

5. I lost a ton of weight last week so maybe my body is just trying to balance out.

On a good note (weight wise, not pocketbook wise) I essentially do not fit into any of my clothes. I tried on a bunch of stuff before we moved and it was a tad big, but still fit. When I went to find an outfit to wear to work on Friday, NOTHING FIT! I went shopping and am happy to say that at 1 store I was out of plus size clothing all together. At JC Penny's I didn't fit into any of the plus size shirts (too big) and I didn't fit into anything in the regular section (too small). But jeans I am officially at a size 16 regular:clap2:. That was exciting.

Well I am off to do my sit ups with my new exercise ball. Gonna hold off on the arms though for tonight. I could barely write hall passes today they were so tired!

I am doing the exercise challenge for the August Bandsters too, so I will just leave my signature for that one as well as the one going on here.

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Kirajh - 50lbs is awesome!!!! Do you notice that your clothes are a lot looser? You have to feel physically better.

Distant - Looking Good!!!!!

I got my 5th fill yesterday. When I went in I wanted to make sure my total was the same as the nurses, so I had my note filled out with what I have. She said her total and mine will never be the same, because the band is a semi-permeable membrane and some liquid will evaporate or come out. She said that's why each time she fills, she first pulls all the liquid out to see what's in. I was really nervous about the total, because I completely shut last time at 5.5. I think I am back up to 5.5 this time. So I'm doing liquids and being carefull cause I want it tight.

So when I got to work today, cause I didn't go in yesterday, I was filling in my calender. I marking that Auntie's here and I see she was just here 2 weeks ago. This time is even worse than the last time which was hell, this time it's vicouis. I think I am definitely going through the change.

Good News - I have officially moved down one level in the obesity category. I am officially in onederland.

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Distant - you're looking great! I look at your before pic and think to myself, I'm only 4lbs heavier than you are there, but it's not possible that I look that good. :heh:

Congrats mango on making it to Onderland. I'm not far behind and am looking forward to getting there myself.

I need new clothes. My 18 jeans are too big and even when I wear a belt with them they look saggy in the butt and the front. My 16s are loose and will probably soon be the same as my 18s. And I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but I can't bring myself to go and buy size 14 jeans. I worry that I'm going to get in the store and try a pair on and they won't fit. Not just won't fit, but I won't be able to get the button anywhere near the hole to do up. It's stupid. I know it's a stupid way to think. Somewhere in my head I know I should be able to get into them, but it's such a distant voice....

I've always hated shopping because whenever I've gone I've had to look in the plus size section. And the sizes I've had to wear in that section increased slowly, but surely. And I can't get my head past that feeling of needing a bigger size each time I went in. Of feeling worthless, ugly and disgusted with myself. Those are powerful emotions.

When I finally got into my 18s again I was over the moon and felt and looked good. When I put them on now they hang and sag and I feel they make me look fatter. How is that possible?

I'm trying to convince myself that if I go and I can't fit into a 14 that it's okay to still buy a 16 because sometimes sizes differ with different brands. And then that other voice in my head tells me "You're making excuses...." because I got so good at that. Like a 20 wasn't that much bigger than an 18, and prior to that an 18 wasn't that much bigger than a 16, a 16 wasn't that much bigger than a 14. But going down I'm just so afraid that I'll go in there thinking I need a 14 and I'll discover I need a 16 and those old emotions will flood back in and send me in a spiral of depression. :)

Damn these fat demons!!!!! :)

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So my food choices haven't been bad but the scale has finally stalled. I think it could be for a few reasons.

5. I lost a ton of weight last week so maybe my body is just trying to balance out.On a good note (weight wise, not pocketbook wise) I essentially do not fit into any of my clothes. I tried on a bunch of stuff before we moved and it was a tad big, but still fit. When I went to find an outfit to wear to work on Friday, NOTHING FIT! I went shopping and am happy to say that at 1 store I was out of plus size clothing all together. At JC Penny's I didn't fit into any of the plus size shirts (too big) and I didn't fit into anything in the regular section (too small). But jeans I am officially at a size 16 regular:clap2:. That was exciting.

Salsa - CONGRATS ON ONELANDERS:clap2: and yes if you lost tons last week this week is going to be slowing if anything.. Just keep up the good work

. I am officially in onederland.

Mango - ONEDERLAND - FANTASTIC !!!:clap2:

. And I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but I can't bring myself to go and buy size 14 jeans. I worry that I'm going to get in the store and try a pair on and they won't fit. Not just won't fit, but I won't be able to get the button anywhere near the hole to do up. It's stupid. I know it's a stupid way to think. Somewhere in my head I know I should be able to get into them, but it's such a distant voice....

I've always hated shopping because whenever I've gone I've had to look in the plus size section. And the sizes I've had to wear in that section increased slowly, but surely. And I can't get my head past that feeling of needing a bigger size each time I went in. Of feeling worthless, ugly and disgusted with myself. Those are powerful emotions.

When I finally got into my 18s again I was over the moon and felt and looked good. When I put them on now they hang and sag and I feel they make me look fatter. How is that possible?

I'm trying to convince myself that if I go and I can't fit into a 14 that it's okay to still buy a 16 because sometimes sizes differ with different brands. And then that other voice in my head tells me "You're making excuses...." because I got so good at that. Like a 20 wasn't that much bigger than an 18, and prior to that an 18 wasn't that much bigger than a 16, a 16 wasn't that much bigger than a 14. But going down I'm just so afraid that I'll go in there thinking I need a 14 and I'll discover I need a 16 and those old emotions will flood back in and send me in a spiral of depression. :) amn these fat demons!!!!! :)

OMG Ruby - we are Sisters - I can relate to all of the above - start out with 14/16 in plus size section then move to regular section- i am 14/16 in pants in plus size - some xl tops in regular womens - and 1x in plus.

I kept a couple of pairs of 16 pants cuz some times I don't want the tight waist - 16 are way to baggy but comfey (sp) i did buy a 2 x when i went shopping a couple of weeks ago - cuz it was a cute top and 1 x was too tight... Yes some brands are cut smaller than others and sometimes - you can try on a 14 and it fits and then try on a 16 and it doesn't - I don't try to be ruled by this size but how it looks on me and makes me feel.

But yes I can relate to trying to down size and being so afarid that they won't fit and I will say - WHAT'S THE USE...

Take baby steps - do plus size 14 1st - then move to 16 in womens and then include a 14 - it will really depend where you carry your weight too and make sure they have some streach - that always helps..

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Distant - Thanks!!!! - ya I did work very hard - till 2 pieces of cake - 2 Cookies and ya i forgot to tell about the cheese cake - but i didn't drink the calories and really enjoyed the sweets instead and my food calories weren't too bad. I did exercise M/W/T/F last week didn't on Saturday and did 2 miles today... Am back to fish and veggies for dinner - plus i am having a tooth problems and can't chew really well - can't get into the dentist til 12/12 - thank God no real pain ...

I agree with Linda - you looked good at 199 - but you will look good at 135 and you will be healthier too. I think those of us who weight in the mid 200 & above look at the lower weights and bmi as skinny already - but I know you weren't - You werent as fat as most of us but you were overweight and your bmi was not normal.. Looking GOOD Girl - you keep of the good work :clap2:

I am proud of you for getting a handle on it while you are young and not waiting until you have major health problems - You have extended your life...

Linda - Xmas cookies - OMG - put me in a major depression last week just thinking about them - I will be baking them at my DIL's and will bring a baggie home for GS and will allow myself 5 of them (may change that to 10) Plus I have the whole tamales issue too... They aren't diet food - masa lard cheese - OMG they are great - going to make and cook them too.. We will just have to increase our exercise for all this EXTRA food... This is why I am only a level 2 for Kathybad's challenge:p and am in Nichol's exercise challenge :) gotta pay for the sweets some how...

If I had trays of xmas cookies in my kitchen - they would be eaten by me - band or no band... My drug of choice - so what i bring home for my gs will be hidden from me and once my 5 or 10 are gone then that's it no more - tamales too - will bring home just a few and when they are gone they are gone - won't have ton's of junk - but will have some - .....

I will continue to eat healthy and exercise during the month of December - but will allow myself more treats than I have in the last 4 months - plus I go on 12/19 for another fill - (only need a tad as of right now)

We will survive!!!!! We will continue to lose... We will eat healthy 98% of the time and we will EXERCISE !!!!

Wow! Good to have our CHEERLEADER back. We missed you!! Glad you had a good visit with your sister!

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Wow! Good to have our CHEERLEADER back. We missed you!! Glad you had a good visit with your sister!

Yep I am back - So watch out everyone the food angel is back I am patroling again :).... You can have your sweets (moderation) - but remember you gotta pay for them with increased exercise and very healthy food choices for all your meals...



Had a great time with my Sis & BIL - but omg I was tried by the time they left - it's not that we did alot - i would have done more with them not here but - would have had quiter evenings.. Not talk talk talk... You would never know it but I am an introvert... Being around people for a long time - wears me out - I love my time to myself to recharge... I like getting back to my routine...

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Ruby - This is what I'm doing. I'm getting my jeans in the same brand, same style. Once the 16's were so loose that I'm putting them on and off without unzipping them I went and got the 14's. Same brand, same style.

Some 14's didn't fit, so I'm sticking with the same brand.

I think, Lee's, boot cut, relaxed waist.

Indio - Welcome back.

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All this talk about clothing sizes...does anyone else have THIS problem: my legs are probably a size 16, but 16s won't go around this ball of fat/skin that hangs down in front of me! I have to buy 18s (and they're TIGHT, but keep me from eating crap) and then they're loose on the legs! Same thing with dresses...have to buy the bigger size for my damn tummy, but it's loose everywhere else!

Now I blame this pannis (technical term) on my 12 1/2 lbs. baby (and subsequent large babies) and just a little on my weight gain so sometimes I think I DESERVE to have this "badge of honor", but I'd sure like to have some pants/jeans that fit properly!

I'm not having trouble with holiday treats...but I do make fudge for Christmas and ALWAYS have too much of that...maybe I'll do something different this year? ...... nah, I'll just work out more! :-)

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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