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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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6/20 11/9

Arms 15 13

Chest 44.5 38

Waist 44 38

Hips 50 43

Thights 29 25

Found this card this a.m. with measurments - so got brave and took them..

That's impressive! Wow!! Did you go shopping today??

I took new measurements a couple of weeks ago, too. A couple of inches here, there and everywhere, but the most awesome was 6" in the hips. My shoulders have shrunk! I can tell because all my sleeves are too long! My favorite nightgown is like a tent. It's going to fall off my shouldes soon. In fact, I have about three like that. I should get rid of them and then I could buy a new one! I need some new bras but I HATE trying them on. I'd just buy one size smaller except the ones I have are so old you can no longer read the size on the tags and I can't remember what size they are!!

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A good Thanksgiving dinner....turkey, fresh cranberries, green Beans.< /span>


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Hey Phyl--My son just got his pilot's license and he took us flying a couple weeks ago in a rented 4-seater. There is a resort area about an hours flight from our city, so we went there, borrowed someone's car and went shopping and all of that for a day, then flew back home. It was a wonderful day!

Good job fighting the food demon! He attacks when we least expect. We've got to constantly beat him down. Sounds like you won that battle--Congratulations!!! Hearing your story is inspiring to me. Helps me know that I am not in this alone. Thanks for being so honest.

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Ruby - Yes Mom's get to change the rules - I love it ;)

CeCe - Congrats on that pound - :clap2:

Linda - Since I do eat I don't know if I would have a hard time or not going back to sleep - but I agree with you since i do plan for it - and have been losing weight - whats the big deal... I have done a lot of ready on weight loss through my life - and it's no diff than anything else out there - One doc says eat every 3 hours - One doc says only 3 meal - One doc say don't eat after 7 or 3 hrs before bed - and I have read it dosent matter what time you eat - it's calories in vs calories out...

So since i am doing ok and planing i think i am just doing great ...

GOOD JOB PHYL !!!:clap2::clap2: on beating down the food devil.......

The wine is ok - omg 4 oz is only a sip - he got his cig - you get your drink . Sorry about your friends - 80 and still driving a motorhome.

I know that it fun to do stuff with other people - I miss that about being married - My hubby and i would go to mexico etc with other couples and it was always fun...

Thanks on the measurement - but i do have to say that I started to do them about a month ago - and there wasn't a big diff - so stopped and it seems like in the last month things have changed alot..

I am really worried about my arms - i have bat wing badly already and still have 43 lbs to go... I have read where arm lifts leave scars that are some times worst that the bat wings... My legs are the same way too.

It's funny how you didn't notice the fat so much before as you do now,

now it just hangs on you where as before it was filled out...

If it was up to me I would love to sleep all nite... But I guess it's just something in my DNA... Both of my parents drank so have that in my DNA - so for me my drug of choice is food... My addiction..

OH Yes I went shopping - bought 4 tops from Mevins (OMG the store was so junkie and the dressing rooms too) these tops were XL :woot: a couple a little tight on the back fat - but with proper foundation they will be ok plus i am not at goal yet - bought 4 pairs of pants at the Avenue size 14. At the waist i have a tad of muffin top - but these pants bag easy and again not at goal - Macy's bought a pair of slacks size 14 & 1 top - that top was a 2X - Not paying attention to size (it's just a number - did anyone watch Oprah last week:eek:) - Lane Bryant 4 bras 2 38 and 2 40 for my fat day :biggrin1: - 2 more tops and a night gown... some spanks tights & trouser socks.. Do you think i shopped or what :woot:

Came home cleaned out my closet - 6 sacks of clothes to give away!!!!

Kept a few things that I will take to taylor when I get to goal - OMG there were clothes that I never wore in there (only 2 but still)...

Am sort of afraid to give the stuff away - do you know how many times I have done this - 2 or 3 in the last 10 yrs... But with the band I am not going to regain the weight! - for me it's not so much losing it but the regaining it - and i think that is true for most of us - we have lost it a dozen times - but it always comes back plus some:omg: This is why i am always harping on this being a life style change and not a diet.....

I was beat and went to bed around 9 - but really didn't go to sleep til after 10 - am up at 6 this morning - finishing my washing - should Iron but gotta go to my Uncles today - since i flaked out on him last weekend - I know i will enjoy being with him but I know I have other stuff to do. But gotta do the family thing - and I will be on vacation in another week so.. All that stuff can get done then..

Well still drinking coffee and smoking my morning cigs - Good thing to know Phyl - that you don't HATE us smokers :P - I was concerned about that, now adays people just hate us with a passion...

Jackie - How did you do yesterday:biggrin1:

Hope everyone has a Great Sunday - I will post this and see if anyone else is here - it's 7 now - so maybe some early birds are up too,,



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Wow!! You DID shop! Good job! I haven't been in a Mervyn's in a long time but what you described doesn't sound like the norm for their stores. They have been in financial trouble for several years and closed all their stores in WA state and I seem to remember they closed almost all the stores in OK when we were living there. Kept one open in Tulsa which was 2 hours away from where we lived. They'll probably go bankrupt sooner or later. If they're not doing a good job of maintaining their stores people will stop shopping there

Using DH computer since I'm outside in the RV and mine is inside my son's house! We're parked out in front. I'm finding not all of his keyboard keys work! I've been bugging him to get a new laptop. I didn't know about these sluggish keys!

I don't hate smokers, but I do bug DH all the time to quit! He's down to about 3 a day. Not bad. I just hated it when he sneaked them behind my back so I like this new arrangement! He has me keep his pack so he's not tempted to smoke more. He just went off to the airport with our son again and I don't think he even had his morning one before he left!

I got rid of a bunch of clothes just before we left on our trip. Last year I got rid of a BIG bunch of clothes and probably shoiuld have kept some of them because they were smaller!! And some of them I'd never worn. But we were getting ready to move from OK to WA so we were purging!

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YESTERDAY ROCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got up planned that I would have a Cambells Soup at hand Tomato Soup for lunch and goulash for supper. Went outside and started working on the yard and house decoration at 10am. We worked consisitantly!!!! Very little time for talk let along food. YAY!!!!!! Anyway, mom called asked if we would mind coming over and mowing her lawn so she could get her yard ready to decorate. Said no problem since DH was going bow hunting he could drop me off with the mower and I would mow and he could picl me up when he was finished. Before we knew it it was almost 3pm and we had to get going to moms/field. I thought BEFORE I left though. I hadn't eaten and I knew once we got to the gas station to fill the gas can to mow I would want something so I came in the house and nuked my Campbells soup at hand for 45sec and took it with me drinking it on the way to moms. I was fine. I did buy a small beef Jerky (fat free) to eat at mom's if I got hungry before going home. Did eat that once I got done mowing. Cam e home and was to tired to cook goulash. DD is 16 and she wanted to go to her friends and stay so I said you haven't eaten and she said I am not really hungry anyway right now I will eat with Tabby, DH said he wanted to eat a ham sandwhich and son wanted a grilled cheese. I came home and made DH sandwhichs and made my son and I grilled cheese. (diet bread with FF butter and low fat velveeta cheese). I ate my grilled cheese and sat in the chair for a while. Still wanted something to eat so got out some deli sliced turkey breast and put 4 slices on a plate. Ate 2 and fed the other 2 to my dogs.!!!!!!!!! The best part of all of this was I wear my bodybugg ALL the time except for when I get in the shower. Take it off right before and put it back on right after. I also have the display that tells you at all times what your calories burned, steps, activity level and etc are. My alarm on it went off at 3pm yesterday that told me I had met my daily steps (10,000 steps) and at 4:30/5pm it said that I had met my daily calories burned (2550). I was so happy I still had numerous hours until midnight so everything I did after that was extra for yesterday. When I went to bed last night I had walked almost 16,000 steps and burned 2,993. 6,000 more steps and 443 extra calories. I was very pleased with myself yesterday to say the least. I love my band AND my bugg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Wow!! You DID shop! Good job! They have been in financial trouble for several years and closed all their stores in WA state and I seem to remember they closed almost all the stores in OK when we were living there. If they're not doing a good job of maintaining their stores people will stop shopping there

I don't hate smokers, but I do bug DH all the time to quit! He's down to about 3 a day. Not bad.!

I think Target & Mervyn's are owned by the same company as for shoppers quit going there not in the Coachella Valley - it's that way because of who shops there and they have just way too much stuff - it use to be a nice store -but now instead of 100 racks they have 300

I plan on quiting once i get this weight off ;) I smoke more than him about 1/2 pack a day during the week and a little more on the weekends - I don't smoke in my house - smoke 1/2 cig put it out and smoke the rest later.

YESTERDAY ROCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got up planned that I would have a Cambells Soup at hand Tomato Soup for lunch and goulash for supper. When I went to bed last night I had walked almost 16,000 steps and burned 2,993. 6,000 more steps and 443 extra calories. I was very pleased with myself yesterday to say the least. I love my band AND my bugg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's all about the planing... OMG the exercise GOOD JOB...:clap2:

Maybe for xmas I will get the body bugg...

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VERY IMPRESSIVE!! WHAT a GREAT DAy you had! Good work! That Body Bugg sounds really cool! I'm watching a few on eBay. Don't know if it'd be practical for me because I'm not getting much exercise now and when I get south it'll be Water exercise. But I LOVE techy gadgets like that!


I momentarily forgot what it's like to shop in Coachella Valley! Yes, that drives me crazy when people open up packages and scatter the contents. Open packages of socks, underwear, etc. I think you're right about Target & Mervyn's.

Well, I suppose it's time to get dressed and go in the house! I'm not a morning person and it takes me a few hours to get in gear in the morning!

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1. Distant0098 168/158 -3 lb

2. Phyllser/Phyl 282/272 -2 lb

3. IndioGirl/Janet 210/200 -7 lb

4. forgve70x7/Nichole 235/225 -5 lb

5. cazulay/Cece 204/194

6. lindaa -7 lb

7. frustrated/Ruby 205/195

8. marcyinak/Marcy 236/226 -7 lb

9. Brandy 166/156 -2 lb

10. jackie506 218/208 -4 lb.

11. Stacymak 236/226

12. Mango24 202/192 -3 lb

13. SHAND Down -4 lb.

14. Chimboree

15. Kirajh/Kari - 5 lb

16. NewCC -2 lb

17. ribearty -4.5 lb

18. Car 187/177 -6lb

19. ssankaofa73 237/227

20. Dini 154/142 -4.6

21. Unruhlyhd 291/281

22. mikesmom

23. Peaches

24. lapedtolive

25. Kathybad - 4 lb


Haven't heard back from too many, but here's the latest update. We have several who are - 7 lb.!! Congrats!! You're going to make it to the 10 lb. mark and maybe more with 10 more days to go!! Good work!

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Hello Everyone,

I'm so excited I finally past the 30 pound mark. Yeah!!

Congrats Allaboutme:clap2::clap2: it's funny that those 30 - not 29 makes us happy - we must like things in 5's - 5 10 15 20 25 30 - not 2 4 6 8 etc

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Hi all, I met my mini goal last week, I have just been out of town for the last several days and didn't have internet access. I had to go Wed to Wed because I didn't have a scale to weigh on Thursday. In one week I went from 206.5 to 204. When I got home today I stepped on the scale it was down to 202. I am only 2 pounds away from onederland. My original goal was to be below 200 by Christmas! Blew that one out of the water:clap2::clap2::bounce::bounce:

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Hi all, I met my mini goal last week, I have just been out of town for the last several days and didn't have internet access. I had to go Wed to Wed because I didn't have a scale to weigh on Thursday. In one week I went from 206.5 to 204. When I got home today I stepped on the scale it was down to 202. I am only 2 pounds away from onederland. My original goal was to be below 200 by Christmas! Blew that one out of the water:clap2::clap2::bounce::bounce:

Congrats Salsa :clap2::clap2: Onelander by turkey day :bounce::bounce:

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Where are you - aren't you coming to the States next week??

I was talking to my Uncle last nite - he has a daughter who is engllish and we were talking about Europe and he told me that there aren't places to go out to Breakfast is that true in Ireland?? Like here we have Denny's - Ihop (pancakes). He said the english don't eat out as much as us Americans do - there is pub food but it's not like going to a real restaurant.. I know that you work in your family restaurant - is it a restaurant or a pub... Do you have places to go out and eat breakfast? Do you eat eggs, bacon etc like us... Just wondering -

Let us know how you - Ana (cant spell her name) and Adam are...



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Good Morning Gang

Hope everyone had a good weekend...

My little Angel (doggie) woke me up at 4:30 a.m. this morning to go potty - i get up at 5 so just stayed us (it's 5:30 now)

This will be a busy week for me at work cuz - i will be on vacation for 2 weeks starting the week of thanksgiving.. No great plans except going to the gym in the mornings - cleaning out the garage - doing a little xmas shopping and put up my tree.

Visited with my Uncle yesterday and he was in the Air Force and was a merchant marine so he is well traveled - as you can see by my post to Dini - he said that in Europe that they don't eat breakfast out like we do (he was married to an english woman - i have a cuz in England)

Thought it was interesting...

Well I guess I will head to the shower and get ready for my day...

Talk to you all later - have a good day and make good choices...



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