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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Indio- I am reading the VC Andrews books again. I just love her writing. Very mysterious and dramatic family novels. I have read all of them once over the years but I started reading them over again. She had a new one that came out this past March and I hadn't read that one yet so I am now onto that one.

I agree with the scale thing. One day I am down and the next I am up. I figured I better get the fill now since I am hungry so much. Especially with Thanksgiving around the corner. Heck I will end up eating half the turkey before it is served. LOL

I have always lived in Iowa so those temps you talk about for Christmas are crazy sounding to me. I guess if I wasn't used to the snowy Christmas I would want the other. I hate the cold but honestly I don't think I could ever live any where else. We talked about going on a cruise over Christmas last year and I said I didn't want to go because it just wouldn't seem like Christmas for me. The family thought I was nuts but I like closing up in the house on cold days in December and baking Christmas Cookies and making the candy. Of course I won't be eating it but I never really did anyway. I love to make it and then we make platters and give it to friends and family. Last year we WAY over made and had so much left we made up ice cream buckets full and started giving it away. LOL At least I am not a big candy nut. If I were I would definately be in trouble. LOL

Your supper sounds good. Have you tried those ziplock steamer bags? I love chicken breast and veggetables out of those with a little garlic seasoning. MMMMM

Have a great night. I am going to go back and try sleeping again. HOHUM

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I don't reply very much but over the weekend the site was down and I realized how much encouragement I get from all of you. I read the logs and know I can do it. BIG THANKS TO ALL OF YOU

great support

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How is everyone this morning - I love this time change - my furries baby woke me up at 4 a.m. (she doesn't know time changes she thinks it's 5a.m) - took them out to potty - made coffee watched the last half of Dancing with the Stars - got dress - went to the gym @ 5 a.m. and did 2 miles !!! Came home showered dressed (pretty cute in a xlarge - not plus size dress) feeling really strong and very good today (prayers do work - i asked God in my nightly prayers last nite to make me strong today) and I am feeling really good today.....

Well, hope you all have a GREAT DAY - make good healthy food choices and get your exercise in...

Talk to ya'll later - gotta get to work :D

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Just checking in to say hello. Nothing to report on.

ssankofa - how are you doing ??? no one is here ;o( - how's the exercising going?????

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Indio - Thanks. It really takes a lot of getting used to. What is really hard to understand is, that six months after Jayli died, I ended up in the hospital with Legionaire's disease and should have died. Why??? Well, my daughter now has a son and another daughter but we won't forget Jayli.

You mean if you donate your excess skin, you get the surgery for free??

Where can I find that doctor?

Jackie - I know exactly how you feel. Head hunger is the PITS!!! Only four more days til my fill. In fact, I'm fighting head hunger right now. I'm starving and I just had lunch an hour ago and just finished a bottle of Water. (I think what I need is a pepsi......NO I DON'T!!) Bite your tongue, Kari.

Distant - It was hard enough just losing a granddaughter. I'd have been devastated if it were one of my kids.


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Indio - Thanks. It really takes a lot of getting used to. What is really hard to understand is, that six months after Jayli died, I ended up in the hospital with Legionaire's disease and should have died. Why??? Well, my daughter now has a son and another daughter but we won't forget Jayli.

You mean if you donate your excess skin, you get the surgery for free??

Where can I find that doctor?


Kirajh - that's what i heard i don't know if it's true or not -but it would be worth contacting a burn center.

My 16 grandson lives with me and is truely my son in my heart - I couldn't not take his or either of my 2 granddaughter dieing - it's just not the way it's suppose to be - us grandma's are suppose to go first.. Again - blessing on you and your family...

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So lately I have gotten very bored with my food. :tired I have found that the only way that I can get it all the Protein is by eating primarily protein based foods. For example, my meals yesterday were a hard boiled egg for Breakfast, 1/2 cup of of fajitas for lunch, a Protein Bar, and taco meat with 1/2 tortilla for dinner. My problem is that we are only eating 1 dish meals. When I do add veggies or heaven forbid a starch I get too full and can't eat all of my Proteins and then fall short. If I eat my protein first, I am too full to eat my veggies/carb. Do you see my problem? Any suggestions? Should I cut down on the amount of protein that I eat. I consume about 70 grams a day. I have been hesitant to change anything because I am losing weight very well (avg 2.8 lbs per week), but I am afraid that I am going to fall off the band wagon soon if I don't start mixing things up a bit. Since being banded I have never eaten more than 1000 calories. I did have a small piece of apple pie, but even then made sure that I did not eat too many calories. So is it okay to eat less proteins as long as I stay under the 1000 calorie mark, or should I just keep on doing what I am doing for the next 54 pounds? What are you doing?

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So lately I have gotten very bored with my food. :tired I have found that the only way that I can get it all the Protein is by eating primarily Protein based foods. For example, my meals yesterday were a hard boiled egg for breakfast, 1/2 cup of of fajitas for lunch, a protein bar, and taco meat with 1/2 tortilla for dinner. My problem is that we are only eating 1 dish meals. When I do add veggies or heaven forbid a starch I get too full and can't eat all of my Proteins and then fall short. If I eat my protein first, I am too full to eat my veggies/carb. Do you see my problem? Any suggestions? Should I cut down on the amount of protein that I eat. I consume about 70 grams a day. I have been hesitant to change anything because I am losing weight very well (avg 2.8 lbs per week), but I am afraid that I am going to fall off the band wagon soon if I don't start mixing things up a bit. Since being banded I have never eaten more than 1000 calories. I did have a small piece of apple pie, but even then made sure that I did not eat too many calories. So is it okay to eat less Proteins as long as I stay under the 1000 calorie mark, or should I just keep on doing what I am doing for the next 54 pounds? What are you doing?

Salsa - Your restriction is better than mine and i think i have pretty good restriction- i think i am at my sweet spot - i would not want to be any tighter than i am.

here is my menu for the day

breakfast - 1/3 cup egg beaters w/cheese = 90 c - 10 pt

Lunch - cabbage bell pepper onion pork rice (one pot wonder) 250 c - 10 pt (1 cup food am full)

Clear Protein Drink - 70 c - 15 pt

Dinner - 4 oz 0Fish - 1/2 cup veggies - 1/4 cup brown rice= 280 c = 25 pt ( i will be stuffed on this dinner)

Snack - yogurt 5 gr pt - or pudding 2 grms pt - or fudgecicle 3 grms

calories for snack 60 to 80

so thats about 1030 caloires for the day and about 65 grms pt.

My doc says to try to eat HIGH protein food the very first thing so that by night time you can get some carbs & veggies 1 oz meat = 7 grms of protein..

Instead of an egg for breakfast - how about a Protein shake - that has 20 grms of pt or egg beater which has 1/3 the calories of a real egg and just as much protein... heck add some veggies to make an omlette - I love my veggies and i eat zuchinnee & yellow crooked neck squash almost every night (very low in calories) - cook them really well and it's like eating Soup - try that. I really don't count the calories from my veggies - i just add 50 c for veggies weither i have one or two cups... to me veggies are free - see i am a ww girl ;0)

You are doing great !!!!!

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I have only had one fill. If I only ate when I was hungry, I would eat once a week. I only eat because I know I need to. It has been that way since I was banded. Nice, but I don't want to accidentally overeat and hurt something. It is amazing how paranoid one can be when they pay 17000$. I have never pb's and only slimed a couple of times because my teeth forgot that their job is to chew! I will try the squash, because it will at least be something different. Mornings are really hard for me to eat because I get to school at 5:30 and don't want to eat until around 7, so I need something that I can pop in a microwave or just eat cold. I need to work on the breakfast thing! Thanks for the advice.

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I have only had one fill. If I only ate when I was hungry, I would eat once a week. I only eat because I know I need to. It has been that way since I was banded. Nice, but I don't want to accidentally overeat and hurt something. It is amazing how paranoid one can be when they pay 17000$. I have never pb's and only slimed a couple of times because my teeth forgot that their job is to chew! I will try the squash, because it will at least be something different. Mornings are really hard for me to eat because I get to school at 5:30 and don't want to eat until around 7, so I need something that I can pop in a microwave or just eat cold. I need to work on the Breakfast thing! Thanks for the advice.

Lucky you not being hungry - I still find myself hungry - especially at nite.... I have pb'd only a few times.. never really slimed to much - i see we are the same weight just a few yrs dif in our age:eek: - my goal right now is 170 - but may go for 150 - gotta see how i will look...

You are doing GREAT !!!! - Special K make a Protein Water packet 5 grms pt 30 calories - i have lemon aid not bad - you may want to try


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Hey guys,

Just checking in. It's been a while, and although I'm struggling with 2 jobs, and trying to get my excercise in, I'm still down to 195, so somethings working!!

Hope everyone is enjoying the nice fall weather, and the time change. Sure beats those 100 degree days of July!!

After my 3rd fill, I find I can't tolerate breads what so ever, but crackers are still ok. Had a few sips of coke, but it doesn't even taste the same anymore.

Had a great time trick or treating with Hunter this year. He was tired after about an hour, but he ended up with over 5 pounds of candy, OMG. We've limited it to 3 pieces a day, and I think he's ok with that. Last year with him only being 2 was only a practice run for this year, but still I ended up up with so much candy, I threw some of it out. I'll probably do the same this year too, but my step kids who are older now and don't go will help him eat it all. As long as I stay out of it, I'm good!!

Hope everyone's doing well, and losing. I'll check back later.

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Hi Indio

I'm ok. I exercised twice over the weekend and went for a short walk today.

Today was the 1st time I slimed. I was eating a chunk of chicken breast and a bite of a sandwich after work and I didn't really chew well before I swallowed (this is not like me but I guess since nothing ever really gets stuck when I eat, I felt a little "cocky"). I felt the food get stuck as my nose began to tingle like I was about to sneeze. I ran to get a tissue to blow my nose and while blowing, I began salivating a WHOLE lot, my eyes watered and I started having a sharp but bearable pain in my back. I had a slight "about to vomit" feeling but I hate throwing up so I kept swallowing and swallowing in order to try to keep the food down. After about 30 seconds the feeling passed. I've had a not too sharp pain in the middle of my back since this happened. This was a good reminder to pay attention and chew, chew, chew.

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Hi Indio

I'm ok. I exercised twice over the weekend and went for a short walk today.

Today was the 1st time I slimed. I was eating a chunk of chicken breast and a bite of a sandwich after work and I didn't really chew well before I swallowed (this is not like me but I guess since nothing ever really gets stuck when I eat, I felt a little "cocky"). I felt the food get stuck as my nose began to tingle like I was about to sneeze. I ran to get a tissue to blow my nose and while blowing, I began salivating a WHOLE lot, my eyes watered and I started having a sharp but bearable pain in my back. I had a slight "about to vomit" feeling but I hate throwing up so I kept swallowing and swallowing in order to try to keep the food down. After about 30 seconds the feeling passed. I've had a not too sharp pain in the middle of my back since this happened. This was a good reminder to pay attention and chew, chew, chew.

Ssankofa - I never really slime bad- i just get the golf ball and have pb'd and once on pudding and there was tons of slime in the pb - i know tmi:)

I had a small pb last night on a piece of meat - that I did chew - but then drank some Water - (midnight kitchen raid) and the Water came right back up - I love dry salami (sliced kind) can't think of the brand and even if i chew - i get that small golf ball

My doggies don't understand the time change - so Angel woke me up at 4 a.m to go potty - I had went to bed really earlies the night before - like at 9 so i had had my sleep - so i just stayed up drank my coffe and went to the gym @ 5 a.m - did 2 miles then tonite went back for another 2 - :clap2: - I think i may have hit a platue (sp) - I have been getting on the scales too much this last week and they don't stay down. like right now weigh 204.5 - but in the mornings weigh 206 or 205.. I have been weighing less in the mornings - but i am off the one blood pressure med that did have a water pill in it. so may be its that - NOT - i have been hitting the Peanut Butter lately - so i threw it away tonite... better in thee than in me.... I am so close to Onelander - that i can taste it... Well Thrusday morning is my offical weigh in day - so we will see what's up then

hopefully I can get up in the morning and go to the gym again..

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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