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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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<p>Phyl: I am sorry about your sons cancer. I sounds like you are able to see some of the unseen things done through it. I have a son who hopes to go to the Academy. He loves Navy. The lady doing my fill thought that they just took out too much when they "removed some" of my fill. I never for a minute felt restricted after that fill and really lost no weight until I did for stress reasons.</p> <p> </p> <p>Yes, this was the friends daughter whose web-site I had posted. They are amazing. Continued prayer for them is appriciated. CC

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. We do have to trust God in these situation, don't we? We were devastated when our son lost an eye to cancer last year, but he's a career Navy officer and guess what? It kept him from going to Iraq this summer. So, who knows?? Only God can see the "big picture".

Phyl - Sorry about your Son's cancer - but you are so right - Only God know the big picture.

Yes, this was the friends daughter whose web-site I had posted. They are amazing. Continued prayer for them is appriciated. CC

Sydney Thweatt - Memorial Service Recap, October 6, 2007

CC - Please know that you and this family are in my prayers - How very devistating - but to know that they find comfort in the Lord and that Sydney is in Heaven is a blessing.

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Phyl: I am sorry about your sons cancer. I sounds like you are able to see some of the unseen things done through it. I have a son who hopes to go to the Academy. He loves Navy. The lady doing my fill thought that they just took out too much when they "removed some" of my fill. I never for a minute felt restricted after that fill and really lost no weight until I did for stress reasons.

Yes, this was the friends daughter whose web-site I had posted. They are amazing. Continued prayer for them is appriciated. CC

Sydney Thweatt - Memorial Service Recap, October 6, 2007

Yes, I remember now. Sydney. How very sad. Will keep the family in my prayers and pray God will comfort their hearts.

Our son was diagnosed about 4 yrs ago, Choroidal Melanoma. that was treated with radiation and tumor was pretty much dried up and shrunken. Then just after Thanksgiving last year another tumor was discovered right next to the old one. Three days later he was in surgery. There was no choice but to take the eye since the radiation had failed. Now we just continue to pray that it doesn't show up somewhere else. He's doing very well. Has an artificial eye and you'd never notice it if you didn't know. The Navy is letting him stay in, but no combat duty, and the FAA gave him his private pilot license back, too. I can hardly believe it, but he's been in the Navy almost 21 years now!! They all still seem like "kids" to me and I'm having a hard time dealing with the fact that two have already celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary and a third one next year!! And we have a grandson who will Celebrate his 19th birthday this month!! Time FLIES!! Wonder why I'm not getting old!! :faint:

I seem to have quite a bit more restriction than I did after the first fill. I haven't had Breakfast yet, so I'm really hungry right now, but I know one or two bites and I'll start to feel full! This is the first I've really HAD TO eat slowly and concentrate on chewing. I'm taking longer to eat. If I eat too fast, I'm not able to eat more than a few bites. And I'm definitely staying satisfied for much longer and eating much less. I'm down 4 lb. since Monday! So I'm pleased at this point, and hoping it stays this way. I have another appointment for the 29th and the doctor is planning to give me another "tweak", but we'll see. If nothing changes by then, I don't see being able to tolerate more than about another 1/2 cc. I will be so happy to get to our RV park in Dec and be able to start Water aerobics again!


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Yes, I remember now. Sydney. How very sad. Will keep the family in my prayers and pray God will comfort their hearts.

Our son was diagnosed about 4 yrs ago, Choroidal Melanoma. that was treated with radiation and tumor was pretty much dried up and shrunken. Then just after Thanksgiving last year another tumor was discovered right next to the old one. Three days later he was in surgery. There was no choice but to take the eye since the radiation had failed. Now we just continue to pray that it doesn't show up somewhere else. He's doing very well. Has an artificial eye and you'd never notice it if you didn't know. The Navy is letting him stay in, but no combat duty, and the FAA gave him his private pilot license back, too. I can hardly believe it, but he's been in the Navy almost 21 years now!! They all still seem like "kids" to me and I'm having a hard time dealing with the fact that two have already celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary and a third one next year!! And we have a grandson who will Celebrate his 19th birthday this month!! Time FLIES!! Wonder why I'm not getting old!! :faint:

I seem to have quite a bit more restriction than I did after the first fill. I haven't had Breakfast yet, so I'm really hungry right now, but I know one or two bites and I'll start to feel full! This is the first I've really HAD TO eat slowly and concentrate on chewing. I'm taking longer to eat. If I eat too fast, I'm not able to eat more than a few bites. And I'm definitely staying satisfied for much longer and eating much less. I'm down 4 lb. since Monday! So I'm pleased at this point, and hoping it stays this way. I have another appointment for the 29th and the doctor is planning to give me another "tweak", but we'll see. If nothing changes by then, I don't see being able to tolerate more than about another 1/2 cc. I will be so happy to get to our RV park in Dec and be able to start Water aerobics again!


Phyl - will keep your son in our prayers too... I had an uncle w/a glass eye - but he got his as a kid after he threw a bullitt in the old fashion wood burning stove - he looked in - lost his eye...

I look forward to my 2nd fill - did lose this week :clap2: now 1 lbs away from the half way mark.. But i am hungry most of the time - I am working harder than my band... 10/24 can't get here soon enough...

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Dini--So good to hear from you again! 157? That is amazing!! Good for you girl! How much more do you want to loose? My DH and I were in NYC a couple of months before 9/11. We stayed across the street from the towers and our windows looked out into them. Nice hotel and reasonable for NYC, but I wouldn't want to go back there today. Too sad.

We had a blast in the city--went to the theater, and of course lots of shopping. You'll be there for the famous Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Bring lots and lots of money when you come!

Is anyone creative enough to come up with a Spiced pumpkin Protein shake? I broke down tonight and just had the real thing when my DH and I went out for hamburgers (no hamburger for me--only the shake). It tasted sooooo good, but I bet it was close to 500 calories (made with frozen custard!) No more of that!! Where is Lynette these days--she was so good with the recipies. Do any of you IM or PM her?

Well, I need to put together a presentation on special needs kids to give to an adoptive parent group on Saturday, so I better get my PowerPoint up and get busy. I'll check in later.

hey there darling! thanks for the warm welcome!

my goal is 126lb cos that is exactly 9 stone in irish weight terms. i'm hoping by NYC on the 24th nov i'll be able to get down to 140 that would just be fantastic. with a lot of hard work by christmas i'd love to be at my goal weight cos i'm going to adams family home in wales this year for xmas and the last time they saw me i was quite large and not looking after myself very well. so this will be great for them to see the new me. :) is thanks giving on the 22nd this year ? will i have just missed the parade?

have you ever seen the film 'Mirical on 34th st.' how sweet is it!! it always reminds me of Thanksgiving. We dont Celebrate that holiday here :Banane30:

your shake sounded lovely and of course your alowed treat yourself every now and them. i treat myself everyday i need to stop!! best of luck with the presentation

Thanks everybody for the congrats. My next goal is onederland by Thanksgiving, but I will be happy if it happens by Xmas. Heck, I will be happy whenever it happens. I never though I would be there again.

Dini- NYC is just fabulous. And the food is the greatest you will ever have. I have been there a couple of times, one before and one after 9/11, and both times I stayed at the New Yorker, it's not at all fancy, but in a good location by the Madison Square Garden and not far from the Empire State Building. I booked it on hotwire.com

I am jealous, you will have lots of fun!

babes you'll be in onederland in NO time at all. i' going to go check out that web-site after finishing this thanks babes. i;ve got a place call RedRoof booked but i've got up till 48 hours b4 to find somewhere nicer but it dont look to bad i'm just being silly. its on 33rd st and i think thats a good place. i'm going to get my band losened the day b4 i go. its too tight as it is but i'll wiat til them to get it de-filled. feel free to come join us your more than welcome, anyone is!

MY GOSH I MISS YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Life has been so hectic lately. LOl Seems I don't have time for anything. I have lots to catch up on but I cheated and read just this page and I want to congratulate you all. You are all doing wonderful with weight loss!!!! Dini, hey girl, what a wonderful surprise to come on and see you had posted. Miss seeing you.................HECK I MISS ALL OF YOU!!!

The body bugg and I are wonderful friends now. I don't go no place without it. (Except the shower because it is not Water proof) I wear it at ALL other times. I burn about 700 calories sleeping at night. LOL

I got another fill today. Number 4. Seems like a whole lot to me but the doc told me that is because I had lots of fat on the inside around my stomach and that is shrinking so my band is loosening. I am still really hoping to be at my mini goal of 210 by Halloween. I am at 221 now so I have 11 more pounds to go. I have been on a platea losing 2-3 lbs and then regaining them for about 2 weeks now so I am hoping the new fill will get me off this platea.

I better get. I need to go watch private practice. I admit I am a tv junky at night during the fall and winter. I have most of my shows tivo'ed so that I can fast forward through the comercials. I am like clock work though from the beginning of the seasons to the end of the seasons on my favorite shows.

I promise I will read ALL the posts that I missed and catch up on everyone's news. G-nite all!!!

ok so firstly i misses you too and everyone else too and i love the welcome back i'm getting off everyone! it must be my irish humour you guy like cos it ain't my looks!!!. .

secondly i too am a t.v junkie. i try to stay away from it or there is no getting me off the couch.

thirdly this body bug sounds amazing. do you know if it will work with me being in ireland?

finally sugar best of lck with your halloween goal. you can do it!!

Got my second fill today. Turns out my first fill was a big fat 0! She said the new bands are filled to 3.8 at surgery. My Dr. added 1 at my first fill. I couldn't swallow Water (slimed big) so they "took out half." It was no where to be seen today (5 weeks later). I got 1 so I am at 4.8. This was at a fill center. I was reluctant to go here instead of my Dr., but after I am thrilled with the place - finally someone cares!! Everything was right about this visit.

I finally learned to make my next appt. immediately! I have had a lot going on and haven't made the phone calls to get timely fills. Since I paid cash, I figure I better get on the ball and get as much out of this first year as possible.

My dearest friends daughter died last Monday of complications from her bone marrow transplant. These are strange times, but God is good, very very good. This was a long hard road and I don't know how anybody could do it without a true understanding of God and having what he offers believers. Whew. Hard days but beautiful comfort and peace!

Most of our Lucky Sevens are doing excitingly well. I am back on track.


i am so sorry CC to hear the sad new you and your friends family are in my prayers.

i wonder where all your liquid went to!!! strange huh?

So sorry to hear about your friend's daughter. You posted her web site once, didn't you? Or was that someone else? I remember looking at one and being really touched. Such a young girl. We do have to trust God in these situation, don't we? We were devastated when our son lost an eye to cancer last year, but he's a career Navy officer and guess what? It kept him from going to Iraq this summer. So, who knows?? Only God can see the "big picture".

So are you saying that you lost some of the Fluid that was in your band? My doctor said he put in 3cc last month but when he withdrew it this week there was only 2cc. His explanation was "air bubbles", but I don't really understand how that would account for the missing 1cc?? anyway, he put back the 2cc and added one more, so I am again at 3cc. But I definitely see a difference in the amount of restriction since Monday.

aunti phyl i too am sorry to hear about your sons cancer but he;ll also be in my prayers so that it does not reappear ever.

i'd love to know how much is in my band. i'm supposed to have 5cc but i thik its a lot more cos i can not eat much at all.


so how is everyone doing? i myself and not too good i've got a lump in my throat and wiat till you hear this i brought Annafrancesca to the doctors this morning and she has a full blown chest infection. he asked me how i was and i said i was fine just a cold then an hour after i left i got this lump and i feel awful. wouldn't you know this would happen now if its not better by saturday i've to spend another 60 euro on the doctors you'd think that the symptoms could have come up a few hours earlier and saved me some money!!!!! :)

i'm going to check out hotwire now them head off to bed :notagree. sweet dreams to all i'll talk to you all tomorrow. xxx:kiss2:

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A chest infection sounds very un-fun! I hope both of you get some rest and get rid of this thing soon.

Have y'all already figured this out: My NP at my fill said the new bands hold either 10cc's or 14. I really thought getting the small one meant a 4cc. She promised me 10 was the new small. No real reason why I care, I just want to know all this stuff. Goodnight. CC

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Hello everyone. Hope you are doing doing great. I am doing ok but I am definately TOO tight from my fill a couple of days ago. I am calling the office in a few minutes when they open up and trying to get in for a slight UNfill. It doesn't hurt or anything but I have reflux terribel and I was told by the PA that can cause dilation of the esophagus or other problems if the band is too tight for to long and could result in me losing my band so I am going to get it taken care of right away. When I would bend over yesterday the fluids that I would be drinking would just come out like pouring Water or something from a glass. Then as the day went on even while sitting it would happen a little. It was not painful or anything thank GOD but I want to get it taken care of. My throat feels really thick.:omg:

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Hello everyone. Hope you are doing doing great. I am doing ok but I am definately TOO tight from my fill a couple of days ago. I am calling the office in a few minutes when they open up and trying to get in for a slight UNfill. It doesn't hurt or anything but I have reflux terribel and I was told by the PA that can cause dilation of the esophagus or other problems if the band is too tight for to long and could result in me losing my band so I am going to get it taken care of right away. When I would bend over yesterday the fluids that I would be drinking would just come out like pouring Water or something from a glass. Then as the day went on even while sitting it would happen a little. It was not painful or anything thank GOD but I want to get it taken care of. My throat feels really thick.:omg:

Jackie - its a good thing you are taking care of this right away - I pf'd last night on my midnight trip to the kitchen - ate too fast didn't chew.

That's the only time I have pb'd is inthe middle of the night when i eat

Yesterday i was hungry - and ate too much (good foods not bad) but ate 1500 calories OMG can you believe i am saying 1500 is too much when it use to be 3000 c would be just a daily intake... :cool:

I guess there has been some change to my mental food issues.. I might still over do it a tad - but it's no longer brownie - whole tamale pies - etc...

Oh ya - gotta report that I didn't exercise yesterday - i HAVE to go today :)

Hope everyone has a good day - Dini hope you are feeling better...

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Hello everyone. Hope you are doing doing great. I am doing ok but I am definately TOO tight from my fill a couple of days ago. I am calling the office in a few minutes when they open up and trying to get in for a slight UNfill. It doesn't hurt or anything but I have reflux terribel and I was told by the PA that can cause dilation of the esophagus or other problems if the band is too tight for to long and could result in me losing my band so I am going to get it taken care of right away. When I would bend over yesterday the fluids that I would be drinking would just come out like pouring Water or something from a glass. Then as the day went on even while sitting it would happen a little. It was not painful or anything thank GOD but I want to get it taken care of. My throat feels really thick.:omg:

jackie best of luck at the Doc's today. let us know how you get on. x

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CC - I'm so sorry for your loss. I read Sydney's web site and I'm sitting here bawling (apparently I needed a little release and she gave that to me). Thanks for sharing her with us.

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Oh, yeah...notice that my ticker is FINALLY moving again! Oh yeah, baby! 2lb.s, but I'll take it! I think I found myself a good fill!

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Oh, yeah...notice that my ticker is FINALLY moving again! Oh yeah, baby! 2lb.s, but I'll take it! I think I found myself a good fill!

Congrats Marcy :clap2::clap2:

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Hi all. Didn't get a chance to check in this weekend. This was my convert our office to the merged office weekend. We managed to swap out 85 computers, monitors etc and move all the old equipment and have everything operational by Monday morning. I put in 30 hours overtime between Friday and Sunday. Came home last night and passed out. Thank goodness that is behind me. I have been dreading this weekend for four months.

Anyway speaking about football I live in St. Louis and we have the Rams and we are now the proud owners of a 0 and 5 record about to be 0 and 6.

Take care congrats to everyone on their weight loss.

I live in Farmington, just south of St Louis. Who did your surgery? Sounds like a tough weekend.

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Marcy, Doesn't it feel good to finally be moving again? Glad the fill is working out for you.

Jackie--how did it go with the unfill? I hope you are more comfortable now. If you can't keep even Clear liquids down, you are definitely toooo tight! You did the right thing.

Indigo--you gotta have some days like that--a couple hundred more calories stimulates your metabolism and is not necessarily a bad thing. Hopefully you got the exercise in today and are not wallowing in artificial guilt (like I tend to do when I splurge). Remember, we're in it for the long haul, and little oopses aren't going to matter in the scheme of things! You are so good at encouraging others--so I just want to give a little back!

Dini--you feeling better hon? Hows Annafranscesa? (I hope I spelled it right)' Do you have any recent pics of the two of you for us to see? Is Adam behaving himself and appreciating what he has?

Hope you all have a great weekend. You can send some positive energy my way. I have to give that presentation tomorrow, and while I can lecture to a classroom of students, getting up in front of a group of strangers and speaking for 1 1/2 hours is NOT my gift!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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