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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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I think u should have boycotted that restaurant. Why would you want to give them your money when they didn't want to accomodate you in your situation? You ended up putting money in the pockets of people who aren't compassionate about your medical needs.

I had this uncontrollable desire to put something over on them! I figured out who it was that sent me those emails just by looking at them! One was older and bitchy looking... it had to be her. and it was SO FUN to wait until she was in the back room and the other girl was occupied somewhere else... i think she ducked in to the rest room!! Then I looked at my DH & said, okay... NOW!! And he pulled out the container and I dumped my food in to it!! It was really GREAT FUN!! I probably wont' go back, though, for the reasons you stated. I just had this compulsion to do it to them ONCE!!

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I don't think you OR Chim will be the last July Bandsters to get a fill!! My dr's office left me a message today that they rescheduled my fill for Sept 24!! I as so mad I didn't even write down the time. It doesn't matter because I will be in New York state visiting my mother and sisters from the 20th-29th. The message went on to say that if that date didn't work for me their next available is OCT 8!! :faint: I CRIED AGAIN!! My surgery date was July 20.... Oct 8 is like 11 1/2 weeks past that!! Give me a break!! :help:

So, I've been freaking out mad all evening! I got the message like ONE MINUTE too late to call them back. Their phones shut down at 5 pm! So I have to wait until morning to call back and throw my fit! And I WILL!! :mad: Turns out this research study nurse left a message, too, and wants me to call back and let her know how I'm doing! Boy! Is she going to get an earful!!?? I'm going to call her first before I call back the fill scheduling ladies! Maybe she can persuade them Oct 8 is WRONG!! ;) And, that gives me less than a month for any more tweaking before we leave for the winter!

I agree that under fluroscopy is a GOOD thing and maybe they'll get it right the first time, but I think its unreasonable for them to expect me to wait 2 1/2 months for my first fill!!

Another bitch of mine... sorry... I am sooo angry!! I have had four appointments at that clinic... three with the doctor and one with his physicians assistant. ALL THREE appointments with the doctor were cancelled BY THEM and rescheduled!! And I had to call and call and call and BEG for my surgery date!! So my DH thinks we should fly up for Christmas and schedule an appointment for another fill. Yeah, right!! So they can call me and cancel it after we spent $$$$ to fly up here!!

Anyway, Janet, you are doing GREAT!! I'm so proud of you for all that walking you're doing! I am so hoping I can start to do some walking before too long. I am trying very hard to walk more, but my left knee hurts pretty bad. I am thinking maybe a recumbent bike would be a good way to exercise. But I am so ready to be at Sky Valley and doing my Water aerobics every day!! I can't wait!!l

I could go for some pizza!! if they don't treat me right tomorrow I might need another TREAT!! :hungry: I'm so bad!!

Marcy, I LOVED your proposed dialogue!! That was a kick! My DH probably couldn't pull it off, but it was sure funny. Oh.. and you know what.. that Mongolian Grill.. their lunch time spread did NOT include the prawns and crab... that's only for dinner! So I got to have their puny little strips of meat that cook away to nothing! I am a seafood NUT! I could live in Alaska just for the seafood!

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Wow, Auntie Phyl! You've got some good reasons to be angry. All of this canceling and delaying is absolutely unacceptable. I hope you will be able to convince them to get you in sooner. I just hate it when people are treated like that.

I too miss some of the "oldies" Remember Felicia's picture? Seems like so long ago. . . Not that I'm not enjoying reading everyone's postings. I have learned a lot from the discussions and rely on you all as my support group. Thanks everyone.

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Oh, I forgot--Kathy asked about motivation. I have to be honest here. I have a son and daughter who are in serious relationships with wonderful people. I suspect there will be two weddings coming up, and I didn't want to let worrying about what to wear spoil my happiness for them. The other thing was that I was feeding a baby one day and couldn't hold her on my lap because there wasn't much lap there. I had to hold the baby off to the side to feed her the bottle. (Remember when you were pregnant?) I thought that it would be so sad not to be able to hold and enjoy my grandbabies. Honestly, that's my motivation. The good news is that I held another baby last weekend and had a LOT more room on my lap this time. A NSV!

Now of course it will be wonderful to pitch the sleep apnea machine, not have joint pain and carpal tunnel, get off the blood pressure and cholesterol medications, and have more energy!

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Hello all,

Well at long last I am back. For those of you that don't know me I am the first of the Lucky #7s to be banded if I remember correctly (actually banded 6/19 - they had a cancellation so I went in June instead of July).

I have been lurking for about a week now. Trying to catch up on what is going on here with the Lucky #7s. I was gone for the summer at camp and didn't have easy internet access so I was pretty much MIA all summer.

Well we have closed up camp and I am now home for good. I have started school. I homeschool my kids! Yes I am crazy :speechles.

I look forward to "meeting" all of you who have joined since I left for the summer ;)

As far as my band journey...

I had my 2nd fill on 8/31. Thanks goodness. The first one did nothing and I had stopped losing. This 2nd fill seems to have helped and I have lost a bit of weight. It certainly has slowed my eating down considerably. I have to take much smaller bites now. This is good though.

I have to say, had I had this restriction right away it would have been quite the shock. I am glad that I was able to ease into it over a period of 2 months.

My surgeon does the fills (she's done over 1,000 fills). She is so fast it's not even funny. Before I know it she is done. No pain, just a little prick. Heck giving blood is worse than getting a fill.

An interesting note. When I had my surgery I had to have a hiatal hernia repair as well. My surgeon told me on Friday when I was there that she has noticed in her practice that those that she has to do a hiatal hernia repair on for some reason it takes longer to get to the right restriction. She doesn't know why she just knows that is what she is seeing. So it looks like it may be a bit slower for me but that is fine. I knew this wasn't going to be a sprint but a marathon!

Sorry for being so long winded just wanted to catch up.

I hope everyone's journey is going well thus far. Just remember we are in the very beginning so it's going to take TIME.

The word "Patience" should be printed on our foreheads for this time....

Looking forward to reading and keeping up with everyone now that I am back.


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Hey gang! This will be another short one until later this evening. It seems everyone is doing so well!

Auntie Phyl, I am so sorry. I would DEMAND that they give me a fill on the original day. Just go show up at the office. This is absolutely ridiculous and they should be ashamed of themselves. It's not even me, but I'M ticked off at them. And I loved your Mongolian Grill story! YES!!! Chalk one up for you! LOL.

Chris, This has been a long haul. I really need some restriction. I'm starting to stress and wonder if I'm eating too much. I'm sure I'm at about 1 cup of food. I know exactly what you're going through. I will get my fill on 9/27. HANG IN THERE!!! We WILL do this.

Breadlady, welcome back dear! We've missed you!

Lynette, where are you????

IndioGirl, awwww...thank you! I try to stay and think positive. I just love encouraging others.

Dini, what's up?

I'll be back later tonight to talk some more. I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

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Phyl - I have changed my mind about looking at it as a good reason.

It's scene time. I would demand a fill. I'd show up and tell them get it done or I'm gonna throw a fit up in here. I ain't waiting no 2 months.

AWWWWW Hell NO!!!!

What triggers my eating? It's food. I see it, I want it. Everyone else is eating. Why I gotta be the fat one?

Why did I decide to band? Cause I'm tired of being the fat one. I was gonna get a breast reduction this summer. A friend who has enormous bazonkas like me got one. Now you can really see how fat she is. I figured why do that when I'll still be fat. At least now I hide behind the bazonkas. Plus my daughter is getting older. I will not stuff this package in a size 24 or above mother of the bride dress.

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OMG Jackie :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: You go girl on that exercising :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

I can only do 40-60 minutes 3.0 on intervals 2 of flat 2 on 3.. and i am DEAD after that - I couldn't do anything else...

Congrats on the weight loss too... You are doing ficking fantastic....:bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce:

Indio-Thanks so much for the encouragement. I am just trying to stay focuses!!! I started at 20 minutes on the treadmill at 2.4 and let me tell you I was winded. It feels great to be walking at an incline of 4-5 and 3.4. I even boosted it to 3.6 the other day but was only able to do that stride for 3 miutes!! WWHHEEEWWWWWW that was work. LOL

Auntie Phyl- I am so sorry they keep delaying your fill. Can you look for a different fill doctor or is your surgery an 'all in one price' deal. How the heck can they expect you to keep waiting. Damn you got this surgery for a reason!!! Can Steve and give him hell.

I understand the fluro thing though. I am really glad my doc does it that way. I feel alot safer for me. They did tell me that they would not do a fill without fluro though because of the possibility of 'sticking the needle through the band'. I know other doctors do fills without fluro though and things are fine. For me though I am glad mine are done that way. Also I was told it is easier to get to the sweet spot this way.

I wish you success in getting your fill sooner. Keep us posted!!!

Kathy- congrats on the hubby getting full time!! Will that affect the trip you two are taking to Palm Springs?

Marcy- Happy 10th Anniversary!!

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Good Day to all,

I have to say, I am in a funk. I feel like the past week has been a whirl-wind with the kids going back to school. I expected it to be easier, but it has been hectic. I not in a funk about the band, just how crazy life is. I would love to just pack my kids up and move to a very small town (Norman Rockwell like)----OK- time to wake up now.

Because of the pace of the week, as you can see, I have been absent from here as well. I have read alot to catch up and my head is spinning.

Aunti Phyl--I am so sorry about your fill......I hope that you can do something to move up the date. I would call them and demand that you been seen earlier than that. I work in a dental office- the squeeky wheel really does get the grease.

Breadlady- welcome back.....I am curious about "Breadlady"- what does it mean? I give you alot of credit for homeschooling your children. What are thier ages? I could never do that- I just dont have patients.

Chim-always a pleasure to read your posts.

Kathy- Yea for your husband and you!

Laurend- How is school going?

Lynette-Jackie-Denise-Ruby-Chris-Lorna-Indio-Linda- HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!

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Phyl - I have changed my mind about looking at it as a good reason.

It's scene time. I would demand a fill. I'd show up and tell them get it done or I'm gonna throw a fit up in here. I ain't waiting no 2 months.

AWWWWW Hell NO!!!!


LOL!!! I was cracking up at this. It's scene time...AWWWW HELL NO!!!! HAHAHAAAA!!!! Mango, you are s'thing else.

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Kathy, congrats on your husband's full-time job! I'm sure e'thing will work out for you w/the differing shifts. We'll just pray he gets moved to days in record time!

As for yesterday's question of the day:

What is motivating everyone to lose weight?...

For me, I want to be healthy. Diabetes and cancer are all over my family and I don't want to be included. I also have PCOS and I want to have children one day, so I have to lose wt. I want to look as beautiful on the outside as I am on the inside. I'm determined to become that Hottie Jalottie by New Year's!!! LOL! I'm also determined that this will be my last fat summer!

Guess that sums it up.

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For me, I want to be healthy. Diabetes and cancer are all over my family and I don't want to be included. I also have PCOS and I want to have children one day, so I have to lose wt. I want to look as beautiful on the outside as I am on the inside. I'm determined to become that Hottie Jalottie by New Year's!!! LOL! I'm also determined that this will be my last fat summer!

Guess that sums it up.

Chim- I like that "Hottie Jalottie"--

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What is motivating everyone to lose weight?

:cry My motivation comes from an unexpected source. Unexpected for me at least. It's from this forum and all of you. Each time I've battled with my weight, I've battled alone. My husband has always been very, VERY supportive and I couldn't ask any more of him. But everyone here knows exactly how I feel. That no matter how hard I've tried at losing weight, nothing has worked. You all understand my frustrations from experience. You all know that sometimes there's no logical reason for me to be hungry or to want an extra slice of pie, but I do. You understand how in the past how good it felt to eat and how awful it felt once I was done stuffing my face.

I can come here 24/7. I don't have to wait for an office to open or for a returned phone call. I come here and everything is there in black and white to encourage me forward. I get all of this for free. I'm not going to get lectured. You're not going to shake your heads with disappointment. You're not going to tell me to suck it up and try harder. The harshest (if you can call it that) thing anyone ever says here is "hang in there!"

I don't know any of you personally, but I know you share all my griefs, frustrations, confusions and sorrows. And you do it willingly. And just as importantly, you share my victories and allow me to share in all of yours. I never feel like there's a contest and that I should be doing better because someone else has the pounds dropping off them faster than me. If I felt like that, I think it'd all turn against me and I'd fail. Again. This is the first time ever where I can see a long term (lifetime) goal which is one of success. And it's all thanks to all of you. :humble:

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What is motivating everyone to lose weight?

:cry My motivation comes from an unexpected source. Unexpected for me at least. It's from this forum and all of you... You all understand my frustrations from experience. You all know that sometimes there's no logical reason for me to be hungry or to want an extra slice of pie, but I do. You understand how in the past how good it felt to eat and how awful it felt once I was done stuffing my face.

I can come here 24/7. I don't have to wait for an office to open or for a returned phone call. I come here and everything is there in black and white to encourage me forward. I get all of this for free. I'm not going to get lectured. You're not going to shake your heads with disappointment. You're not going to tell me to suck it up and try harder. The harshest (if you can call it that) thing anyone ever says here is "hang in there!"

I don't know any of you personally, but I know you share all my griefs, frustrations, confusions and sorrows. And you do it willingly. And just as importantly, you share my victories and allow me to share in all of yours. I never feel like there's a contest and that I should be doing better because someone else has the pounds dropping off them faster than me. If I felt like that, I think it'd all turn against me and I'd fail. Again. This is the first time ever where I can see a long term (lifetime) goal which is one of success. And it's all thanks to all of you. :humble:

Frustrated, your post made me tear up. I loved reading it! You are so right. I consider ya'll to be my Lap-Band family. And all of you do inspire and encourage me. I love how you said you can come here 24/7 and get what you need. That is so true!

Thanks for blessing me w/your post. It was great. :wacko:

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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