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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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CONGRATS RIBEARTY!!! Brag away, it's your right and privilege!!


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ONDERLAND!!!! GO YOU!!!! Congratulations! What an accomplishment.


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I normally don't toot my own horn, but have to in this intsance. I finally hit onederland. I haven't been there for over six years. My goal was to be there by Labor Day and I made it. I have lost over 28 pounds Now only 64 pounds to goal.

CONGRATS, Band Buddy!!!


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ONDERLAND!!!!! Wow! I'm very proud of u ribearty!

I can't wait to get there 1 day.

Walking record

45 minutes up and down the neighborhood. I'm hoping to get to bed early tonight because tomorrow i have to go back to work after a lovely summer and I need to be able to walk early in the morning...I'm shooting for 30 minutes of walking tomorrow. I'm not used to a full day of work and excercising and I don't want to play myself, over do it and have it turn me off for the rest of the week.

To all my bandster buddies.....Have a wonderful nite!!!

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23_50_4.gif 36_1_75.gif 36_1_67.gif 23_50_5.gif 23_32_7.gif

WOW!!! What a day this is for you. Congrats on all the success you've had. Onederland is my first goal and I can't wait to see you there. Save a seat on the bench for me. I'm right behind you, only 6 more lbs. to go.

Chim, I love Raisin Nut Bran, so I guess I'll have to get some and start having it for Breakfast. Yum!! I'll see what i can do to get a pic up this week of the new hair do. My DH loves it straight, so it's straight now, but I like it curly, so I'll post one of both and see what you all think!!

Hope eveyone had a great Holiday weekend. I actually went out and walked tonight. I'm proud of myself. I did a 1/2 hour by myself, about 20 minutes with my son, and then we walked to the Dairy Queen to get my DH and son an ice cream. I came home and drank my Water, I was so thirsty!! I can still down my water in no time, which makes me wonder where my fill went!!! I just got it on Wednesday!!!

Have a good night everyone.


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OK, food finally got the best of me. I went to the party yesterday and did fine, ate the 2 pieces I had planned on. Today I had another birthday party, it was a dinner, and OMG there was sooooooo much food, of such amazing variet, I ended up eating way more than I had planned on, including a piece of fried chicken pastry, and I had sworn no more fried stuff. I also had 2 scoops of rice and 2 scoops of chicken strogonnof (sp). But at least I did not have any dessert, and there were 6 types to chose from! Let me tell you there was enough food to feed a couple of armies.

As my favorite heroin, Scarlett O'Hara, says ' Tomorrow is another day." So I will totally have to watch it.

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I hope everyone has a great day today. :bounce:

Caz, you're right. Tomorrow is another day. It's all good and you're doing just fine. We're all still learning to change our lifestyles and that includes habits we've had for years! No worries. We're gonna do this together!

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Hi all. My post-op outing went well I think. I ate 3 chicken wings for an appetizer. I ordered this Mexicali chicken thing with broccoli and cole slaw. The chicken had cheese, onions and peppers on it and it was pretty spicy, so I only ended up eating about 4 bites of that. And I ate about half of the broccoli and a few small bites of cole slaw. I don't really like cole slaw that much, but I wanted to stay away from the fries and potatoes!

I had a good time with my neighbors and enjoyed the ball game even though we lost.

I did pretty well not drinking with the meal, but the chicken was so spicy I did have a few sips of Water. Then after an hour I ordered some iced tea and accidently found myself drinking it through a straw. But it didn't give me any problems. I haven't had a fill yet. Does that have anything to do with it?

Hi Shannon; Yes that definetly has something to do with it. While you are Un-filled you will have a bit more "wiggle room" with the Bandster rules... but don't get to used to them... once you have your 1st fill OH MY your habits will change.

Trust me on that - I got stuck this a.m. at breakfast for the 1st time on Toast with an soft egg on top... I just forgot and took too big a bite and didn't chew well enough...

Oh that dull ache in the centre of my chest was not nice... couldn't eat the rest of my breakfast...

Good luck to you

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I normally don't toot my own horn, but have to in this intsance. I finally hit onederland. I haven't been there for over six years. My goal was to be there by Labor Day and I made it. I have lost over 28 pounds Now only 64 pounds to goal.

sorry this is late but CONGRATULATIONS,

your going to be at your final goal in no time what so ever.


Dini, your back!!!! We missed you!!! That was wonderful that you got a chance to pamper yourself and have some me-time. And you have a bit more me-time since your baby's w/your mom.

Thanks Chim!! oh my you work on a millitry base, you lucky girls is there lots of hottttt men there?? i'm getting all hot and bothered just thinking about men in uniform!!!!

how are you baby girl? have you any juicy gossip for me? its been like forever.

SO HOW IS EVERYONE??today i was in H&M and i was checking myself out in there mirrors. actually if i'm honest I was checking myself out in ALL the mirrors in the WHOLE shopping center!!!!! and while i was checking myself out i was drinking a chocolate cream frapaccino (sp) with whipped cream from starbucks ah well it was a treat!!! that sounds so wrong .. dont it!!!!Annafrancesca is definatly starting play-school on Monday! i've gone out and bought her lots of cute little things. i'll have to post her 1st pic. i can't wait for her to play with other kids. in italy she was a different child with all the other kids i was so so so proud of her. except she kept robbing other kids food! you know what i can't believe how good were all doing? we really are AMAZING aren't we!!!!well ive got a chicken in the over and i've got to go check on it. i'll be back in a bit hope everyone is having a great day!! x

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IRONY: it seems everyone else can eat chicken...this is the ONLY thing that CONSISTENTLY causes me issues...what a pain in the butt! Also, soda is not an issue for me...now, I don't gulp it, but I can sip it. Strange...

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Dini - You missed my chicken slaughter...there's pictures a few pages back...something you shouldn't miss! :-) I'm jealous of your trip to Italy, it's a place I've always wanted to go. My grandmother gave me a trip "anywhere in the world" when I was a teenager and after nixing Russia and Egypt she CONSIDERED Italy until she insisted on Germany so I could utilize my German...needless to say, all I can say in German is "How much is this?" and "Where is the WC?"...see how that trip paid off? I have to say, I have stronger memories of the Hoffbrauhaus than anything else! Haha!

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Marcyinak, my darling how are you? Italy was great i've made a pack with myself that i'm going to go back more ofter. maybe every 3 months! its only 2 and a half hours away. oh yeah and my father lives there most of the year!!! can you believe that adam spent less than 200$$ the whole week. i spent more cos i bought a fair bit. we went out to eat every night no granted my parets paid for 3 of them but the others we paid.

if you ever get a chance you should go its so amazing. when Annafrancesca is around 8 or 9 i'm going to go over for a year or 2 if not before then!!. i'm off to find your chicken pics xx

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IndioGirl: I know you're not being mean. :D I'm more angry at myself than anyone else because I dropped the ball on this one and it's got me freaking out that perhaps I've made more of the same mistakes. Yes, I know it was my responsibility to check and I should have. The surgery co-ordinator told me I didn't have to make any arrangements, that she would do it herself. She had my insurance details and I trusted she would have arranged for services covered by my company in particular. But I didn't check and that's my fault. I don't want others to go through the same experience and intend to speak with the surgery co-ordinator about it when I go in for my first fill on Friday.

There were a few things that haven't quite measured up to expectations, this sleep study being the straw that broke the camel's back I guess.

- This was the very first time I'd been contacted about owing money for this procedure and I had it done more than 6 months ago. The insurance company paid their share back in February. What took them so long to get around to notifying me?

- I willingly paid $4200 for my out-of-pocket expenses for the surgery assuming they would be my total out-of-pocket expenses as I'd been told. However when I went for my final pre-op appointment AFTER I'd been approved by my insurance company, when I got a detailed account of what that money covered, it also stated "Hospitals may require further payment that is out of our control" or something similar. This was never mentioned at any previous appointment or call.

- I paid extra for pre-op exams at the hospital. I'm assuming now it will be the same for the post-op exams I had the day after surgery. There better not be charges for fills and I know for sure they said the money I paid covered ALL fills. I'll make sure I ask when I get there.

- I was notified by the hospital where I was to have my surgery less than 48 hours prior to it that I was required to pay a deposit of $400 that may or may not be reimbursed by the insurance company. This was just in case I needed an extra procedure or medication. This message was left on my voicemail and despite 3 calls each following day and leaving my own messages, I was never contacted by anyone to discuss the matter. My appointment had been made 4 weeks prior and confirmed the same day I got this voicemail. Nobody told me of this extra cost either time.

- I have written documentation up the wazoo, and even have a detailed list of whom I've spoken with on the phone and when throughout this entire process. Unfortunately I didn't keep notes on what was mentioned in all of the calls, and there have been many, many of them to get to the point where I'm at now. So even though I can say who I called and when, I don't always know what specifics were discussed on those times. At times pre-notification was required, at other times they weren't. Little things like that I've not kept track of.

These are the hidden costs that I think are unfair. If they'd told me at the time I would possibly have to pay another $1,000 to cover these costs, I still would have opted for the surgery. What I don't like are these little surprises I wasn't expecting that dull the shine off what is meant to be a brand new start on life for me. :straight If I'd known about them I could have been more prepared. I thought everything would fall into place the day my insurance company accepted the claim. It seems I'm mistaken.

I'm trying to stay positive and not let is stress me out as I know what effect it can have on me. At the end of the day it was my responsibility and I should have taken more care.

Well, after reading this I am stressed for you :) - My program fee covers my fills and all appointments for the next 5 yrs with my doc. But it's still his way of making $$$$$$ - and getting around insurance... I don't think that my cost (my side of the insurance) would have been as much as the fee - but I wanted a local doctor - didn't want have to take a day off work just to see the doctor for a fill etc.

My best to you in dealing with all this Ruby --- I would be screaming at someone in a very nice way at first then then would get my temper

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. Then after an hour I ordered some iced tea and accidently found myself drinking it through a straw. But it didn't give me any problems. I haven't had a fill yet. Does that have anything to do with it?

Shannon - I too have accidently found myself drinking through a straw (Starbuck Ice Tea) had no problems - I thinks it's the air issue - I go to the doctor tommorrow and I am going to ask .... My 1st Fill !!!!

I normally don't toot my own horn, but have to in this intsance. I finally hit onederland. I haven't been there for over six years. My goal was to be there by Labor Day and I made it. I have lost over 28 pounds Now only 64 pounds to goal.


OK, food finally got the best of me. IAs my favorite heroin, Scarlett O'Hara, says ' Tomorrow is another day." So I will totally have to watch it.

This is my fav saying too... "I'll think about it tommorrow"

Food got me this weekend too - Thrus had 3 1/2 pieces of pizza

2 for dinner and 1 during the middle of the night. Friday - was my DIL bday - went to Outback - had a few bloomin onions - 1/4 cup clam chowder - all my baked potato w/sour cream and a couple bite of steak - came home had 1/2 slice of cake - then during the night ate the rest of my steak and another piece of cake... Ate popcorn on Saturday the whole freaking bag... Also make a great turkey meat loaf on Saturday and again ate too much of that during the night and next day - did ok yesterday - and am fine now that i am back to work... Nights are so very tuff for me... If i wasn't so hungry at night - i would have lost more weight by now - but after this weekend i most likely gained :mad: I NEED MY FILL!!!!

Marcyinak, my darling how are you? Italy was great i've made a pack with myself that i'm going to go back more ofter. maybe every 3 months! its only 2 and a half hours away. oh yeah and my father lives there most of the year!!! can you believe that adam spent less than 200$$ the whole week. i spent more cos i bought a fair bit. we went out to eat every night no granted my parets paid for 3 of them but the others we paid.

if you ever get a chance you should go its so amazing. when Annafrancesca is around 8 or 9 i'm going to go over for a year or 2 if not before then!!. i'm off to find your chicken pics xx

Dini - only 2 1/2 hrs away and things cost so much less... I would go once a month. Do you drive there or take train/bus etc ...

I know gas cost alot more over there than here - but we are catching up... Today $2.69 is the cheapest per gallon here in the desert.

There should be a warning about Macry's ck picture... I don't think we want to piss her off... She just might ring our necks like the chickens :eek:

Marcy - Sorry you can't eat what you kill (chicken) - but i could never do that.. I am a city girl - i buy my meat at the store ....

I don't even gut fish - will scale them but that's it... I guess that why you live in Alaska and I live here in the city... I am not a country girl :o

Well - lunch hour is over ... gotta get back to work - talk to you all later...

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Oh sweet IndioGirl - I did not grow up doing this! Sure, I learned how to clean fish with my dad, but that's about it...I made the rest up as I went along! I also prefer buying things in the store, but I figured the experience would be great for the kids - and the fact that we have a fenced yard (quite a luxury here) that made it pretty easy. I give everything a try once...why not? (now that would be MY favorite saying)...although, I've "calmed down" a bit since having kids...there's no need to risk my life anymore! ;-)

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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