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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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I am in the fill waiting stage and I am GAINING weight. I am not eating all that much. I did start exercising seriously but not 3 pounds worth in 6 days!!! My fill is Wednesday. I need encouragement. Why oh why can't I lose weight without the band restriction? When am I going to learn to just eat less? Why do I even want to eat? Why can't I get my thinking changed? ...........I did well for 5 weeks and I am beating myself up for "failing" for a few days, because it is just like before the band, great for 3 weeks, impossible for 1 week. How do I get past this. Will my fill do it for me? CC

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NewCC, hang in there with us. You can do it, just limit yourself, and sit back an ask yourself if you're satisfied, not full. We only need to be satisfied from the food we eat. If you eating until full, then you could be overdoing in this stage a little, and the fill will help you. Te excercising will help if you are overeating a little, to work off the extra calories.

Don't beat yourself up, we all do it, and it's going to take more than 5 weeks to change the thinking we've done for years. We've got plenty of time, there's no hurry, just enjoy the ability to eat a little more now, as you'll not be able to do this after the fill. Good luck to you.

Dini babes, you're home!! Sounds like you had a fab time in Italy, and got to treat yourself to a little R&R and some beauty things. Don't feel bad about leaving Annafrancesca for a few days, you do need the time with Adam. My mom is watching Hunter tonight for us, so we can have a night out. It's a holiday here tomorrow, so we're off work, and can have some time together.

Hope everyone's having a great weekend. No cookouts here to attend, but I'm kind of glad. Haven't been feeling the best. TMI coming up, but I've had the worst case of Constipation the last day and a half. Never had to use anything in that area, ever, but imodium to stop things up so this was all new to me. Wonder if the fill had anything to do with it cause I had to go on liquids for 2 days after, don't know, but it was bad. Had to send my DH out twice for two different things to try. Finally I have relief today, but I hurt so bad I was crying. Hope to never feel this again, so I need to know what others do to prevent this. Do you take something daily? I've always been a regular person, so maybe I just need to take something around fill time?

Oh well, any info would be appreciated!!

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My meal should take 1/2 hour to eat.

I liked and agreed with what you said about Fluid intake during meals, except for this part here. Sorry, but I just can't wrap my head around taking half an hour to eat such a small amount of food. After my first fill, the restriction means I should only be able to 4-6 oz per meal. How to you stretch half a cup of food into a half hour experience?

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I am in the fill waiting stage and I am GAINING weight. I am not eating all that much. I did start exercising seriously but not 3 pounds worth in 6 days!!! My fill is Wednesday. I need encouragement. Why oh why can't I lose weight without the band restriction? When am I going to learn to just eat less? Why do I even want to eat? Why can't I get my thinking changed? ...........I did well for 5 weeks and I am beating myself up for "failing" for a few days, because it is just like before the band, great for 3 weeks, impossible for 1 week. How do I get past this. Will my fill do it for me? CC

I'm close to being in the same boat as you. The only thing that stops me from eating is knowing what it's like to slime. I'm hungry a lot now. I stick diligently to my Water intake and I know it helps me. Sucking a few sips constantly slightly eases the hunger. I've also resorted to chewing gum like a crazy person. Especially to get me through the half hour after eating until I can take fluids.

My first fill is on Friday and I'm hoping that it's going to curb my appetite and make me feel full for longer. I remember the feeling immediately after surgery of not being hungry and not constantly thinking of food and I want that again.

My hubby put it to me this way. This first 5-6 weeks post surgery isn't about losing weight. It's about giving the areas operated on time to heal so that the band will work successfully when it's put into action. Think of it as being plugged in, but not yet switched on. The fills are the switch that gets the motor running, but you have to make sure the engine is in good condition before turning it on or you risk damaging it.

It's been a little tougher than I expected, but not nearly as tough as trying to lose this weight through conventional methods. Patience is a virtue I seldom possess, but I only have to wait a few more days to get what I want and need. Hang in there with me CC. ;)

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Hey Lynette. I was noticing a similar problem that I think has to do with concentrating on eating all that Protein and not eating enough Fiber. We used to get fiber from whole grains--or in other words, some of those breads that we are now avoiding--and vegetables. I find that after eating all the protein in my meals, I can't eat nearly the amount of vegetables that I used to. Instead of laxatives, you might try something like Metamucil that will provide a fiber bolus. Just be sure to take it with enough Water. That's the other thing, I think--water. I struggle to get enough water every day and that may be contributing to the problem as well--especially in the summer. Keep us posted on what works for you. You are such an inspiration for me.

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Ruby- love that analogy! And you and NewCC hang in there, a fill makes all the difference in the world.

Lynette- I have had to resort to Milk of Magnesia a couple of times. My body is like 'where's the Cereal? ' We need to give our bodies time to adjust to our new lifestyle.

Dini- so glad to hear you had a great time. Italy is fabulous! I haven't been there since they adopted the euro and am surprised to hear everything is still so affordable. I guess it's time to go back!

I am off to a housewarming party, the hostess is known for her terrific cooking skills, so my plan is to choose my 2 favorite things and have a piece of each, period. And no sweets, to limit carbs. I find that the less carbs I eat the faster I lose.

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Thanks Lynette and Frustrated! I will keep hanging in there! I so want instant results, maybe like with food: feeling "______" (fill in the blank) and eating so that that feeling will instantly go away, which of course it does not - all that happened was I gained weight. Nothing truely good is ever instant! Patience is a great habit to take on. Thanks! CC

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Dini babes, you're home!! Sounds like you had a fab time in Italy, and got to treat yourself to a little R&R and some beauty things. Don't feel bad about leaving Annafrancesca for a few days, you do need the time with Adam. My mom is watching Hunter tonight for us, so we can have a night out. It's a holiday here tomorrow, so we're off work, and can have some time together.

Lynette sweetPea how are you? hows that handsome son of yours. is he enjoying pre-school? or has he not started?? i am home and i really did miss you all. i must say i feel so relaxed knowing that she is in italy and tomorrow i can get up go to the gym and not worry about her. oh la la i hope you and the lovely ray have a super night out. have lots of fun. Adam and i have been getting on a lot better but i still am not sure i dont want to say we're great but were both trying. i'm still confused...

Dini- so glad to hear you had a great time. Italy is fabulous! I haven't been there since they adopted the euro and am surprised to hear everything is still so affordable. I guess it's time to go back!

Cazulay you so gotta go back. i so love the country. After Annafrancesca makes fer Communion i am going to go live there for a year so she can learn propper Italian and also i think the schooling is great and the way of life is so much happier and easier and also relaxed!!!!

Thanks Lynette and Frustrated! I will keep hanging in there! I so want instant results, maybe like with food: feeling "______" (fill in the blank) and eating so that that feeling will instantly go away, which of course it does not - all that happened was I gained weight. Nothing truely good is ever instant! Patience is a great habit to take on. Thanks! CC

CC i dont usualy listen to my mom when it comes to weight cos she slim and has no clue about being overweight no clue she thinks its by choice. but while i was in italy she said to me you need to go easy on yourself.you've had the opp weather it takes you 6 months or 18 to loose the weight your goin g to loose it so dont be hard on yourself. and i must agree with her. go easy on your self babes xx

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Well, my DH is getting to spend the evening out with his friend tonight. I'm still not feeling all that well, so I decided to stay home from our huge fireworks show tonight. It's on TV every year, so it's not like I'm going to miss much anyway. At least he gets to go. The only reason I go is because I feel bad if he doesn't have anyone else to go with, but his friend is picking him up. Yeah.

Dini, Hunter hasn't started yet, probably a few more weeks. Waiting for the principal to call for a meeting first.

Frustrated, love the way your DH put it, and he's right on isn't he!!

Cazulay, I'll have to remember the "MOM" next time. I resorted to the worst thing first, and when it barely worked, I went for exlax. Thanks for the idea though, I really appreciate it!! So, what marathon will you be walking? Are you doing the full or 1/2? Are you training alone, or with a team? I trained with Leukemia and Lymphoma Society team when I wlaked the Columbus Marathon last year. It was great fun, but I didn't lose any weight becasue of all the carbs they tell you to eat, and the gels and such we used. Hope you have better luck than me, I'm sure it can be done and lose weight too, I just was overeating on all the wrong things at the time. Good Luck to you.

Chim, when is your walk?? Coming up soon? Did you rent out your condo yet? Hope you're having a great weekend.

lindaa, I don't think the Water is a problem, but it may have been the culprit this time. I went and had my hair done Thurday and was there a long time, with a 1/2 bottle of water, so I didn't get my fluids in this day. Also, I was on liquids, so all I had ate was shakes, Soups, and yogurts. No fiber at all. So it was probably a mix of things, but OMG, I have never felt that bad. Next time I will be more prepared, maybe get some V8 juice or something, and try the metamucil or benefiber. Thanks for the ideas!!

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Ssanskoffa- I am going to ask for the packet when I go for my fill on the 10th, and that cannot come soon enough. My appetite is getting out of hand. I still cant eat what I used to but I am eating more than I should.

Dini--Welcome back!!!!!!!!! I saw your green writing and was excited to read of your time in Italy. Enjoy the next few days alone. Its nice to get some alone time.

I liked and agreed with what you said about Fluid intake during meals, except for this part here. Sorry, but I just can't wrap my head around taking half an hour to eat such a small amount of food. After my first fill, the restriction means I should only be able to 4-6 oz per meal. How to you stretch half a cup of food into a half hour experience?

Ruby- I coulnt have said that any better. I cannot fathom how my 1/2 cup to one cup meals are stretching to 20 mins. I am eating slowly and chewing alot.....I still cant stretch it!!!!!!!!!

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I am in the fill waiting stage and I am GAINING weight. I am not eating all that much. I did start exercising seriously but not 3 pounds worth in 6 days!!! My fill is Wednesday. I need encouragement. Why oh why can't I lose weight without the band restriction? When am I going to learn to just eat less? Why do I even want to eat? Why can't I get my thinking changed? ...........I did well for 5 weeks and I am beating myself up for "failing" for a few days, because it is just like before the band, great for 3 weeks, impossible for 1 week. How do I get past this. Will my fill do it for me? CC

Oh, Boy, CC!! I can so much relate to what you are saying!! Same frustrations. My first fill is this Thursday and I'm hoping things will turn around!

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ok so guys i need to tell you a story.... its nothing interesting or anything exciting but i'm going to tell you anyways.....

i finished up work and my brother tells me to go home cos there is 3 staff on and they can do the cleaning, i didn't have the car as adam was doing the shopping and filling the car with gas. so i was on the road outside the shop waiting for a taxi its not generally a problem. so this taxi comes up and i said i'm not going to pull him cos he's driving too slow and i wanna get home asap. i hate when taxi drive slow to get an extra euro or two when they go fast i give them that and more as a tip.

anyways another taxi go's by and i didn't stop it cos it looked like it was about to break down. so i start walking down the road, why not its a nice night, well didn't Karma come right back around in full force and slap me in the face. i was half way home b4 i got a taxi!! i'd walked over 30 mins.

serves me right for being so picky, if i had of gone with the 1st taxi i'd have been home 30 mins earlier!!!!

i looked at it as a good think too! only paid 7.30 euro instead of 12 and i got a 30 min walk!!!!! mind you its kinda scary walking on your own at that hour. i wouldn't have walked any futher even if the taxi had not of come cos its all back roads.

sorry if i bored you just wanted to share xx

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Anna i could go on for ever about italy i really could.

oh one lady haven't seen in about 5 years turn to me while we were all out for a drink and go's ..

'Denisa... your putting on some weight there. aren't you?'

well i was totally in shock' date=' i just turned around and said, yeah i think i am!!! my mother and other friends were all in shock too, they were so suprised that she had the balls to just pop something like that out. the ialians really dont hold back!!!

i was really looking forward to tomorrow having a day off but my brother informed me after i'd made my lovely plans for tomorrow that i was working and to make things worst we are short 2 staff. not to worry!!!!

Anna every time i see your name in that bright pink colour i think of my little girl! i've got a t-shirt with my name is Annafrancesca in the same colour!!

oh i right in green to show the Irish in me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well i try too!!!


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ok so i'm off to bed its like 2.10 am and i need beauty sleep. todays been a long day and tomorrow i'm up bright and early for the gym!!!! ah no!!

can everyone who reads this drop me a line to sum up how they've been cos i've missed you all over the last week.

night night and sweet dreams to all xx

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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