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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Hey Lynette, Peaches, Dini, Jackie, BREADLADY!!!!, Unruhlyhd, Jeanie, Only4Me, SSanka, and anyone else who I missed!!!

How's it going today???

I'm doing well. Been exercising (walking at this point) and feeling great!

Chim- I am doing great today. Walked earlier today. I called the YMCA to see if their track was closed because they are redoing their gym floor. Of course it is and it won't be reopened until the 20th. :angry It has been so hot and humid here that I wanted to go to the Y. Humidity was 87% today and it was 91 degrees. Anyway so I had no choice but to walk outside. :faint: I tell you I thought I was walking right into the center of HELL!!!!! LOL My son rode his bike next to me and he rigged up a 'cooler' that he had ice and cold bottles of Water in. He kept handing me my Water through out the trip. I think it was the hottest 70 minutes I have ever spent. On a good note though....I planned ahead because I knew I was going to be miserably hot when I finished, I put my swimming suit on under my workout clothes and once I got back into our yard I walked right to the pool stipped to my suit (no not my birthday suit either. LOL) and got right into the pool. I think the pool was more refreshing today than it has been all summer. LOL

Congrats on your walking too. Your doin good girl!!!!! :clap2:

How about your band? any info there?

peaches- I am not sure about the size of my band. I will have to ask when I got back for my fill on September 5.

I cant even catch up right now, I am still at work 2 more hours to go and I am exhausted. I dont know what I could have been thinking that I could do a 10 hour shift 8 days after surgery. I felt great this morning, but I have been dragging for the past 2 hours. I just want to go home and lay down!!!!!!!!! I have a 5 hour shift tomorrow!!! and another 10 hour one on Thursday------CRAP!!!!!!!!!

only4me- thank goodness you have a shorter day tomorrow. Try not to over do it. You are still healing. Take care of yourself. Would they let you work shorter day for a week or so?

Chim, this was last years marathon. Actually, I want to wait and get all my wieght off, and do another one, probably the Cincinnati Flying Pig in May of 2009. I want to compare my times, from my highest weight ever to my all new lowest weight ever.

Lynette- Congratulations on setting a goal for 2009 already. I have thought about walking a marathon a couple of times this past week while I was walking. I think it would be inspiring.

Hi Chim and everyone here!

I'm doing well. I had a bout with hunger earlier today for about 3 hours while I was out. My belly was making all sorts of noise and I actually had "real" hunger pangs. I was able to squelch it with some Tomato Soup laced with Protein Powder. Now its burping time. I've become the burp queen since my banding.

ssankofa- I don't get the burping but I hiccup. If I drink to much or to fast or eat to much or to fast I hiccup. It isn't just one hiccup either. They just keep going for about 10-15 minutes.

I did the treadmill for 45 minutes and felt a little tired and winded but kept pluggin away.

Congratulations for staying with it. It is hard to do. Exspecially when you are winded or hot. It would be so much easier to just quit but when you complete the task doesn't it feel awsome?!?!

Cazulay- When I was on the liquids and actually again last night I was craving something salty sooooooooo bad a couple of times so I went to the fridge and I got the dill pickles out and actually drank 3-4 tablesppons of pickle juice. That satisfied my salty craving. DH and kids thought I was totaly nuts but hey, it was a clear liquid. I could see throug hit. LOL

Well, I'm still on liquids for the next week......according to the nurse I saw today, that's a bummer, but what I did discover was that I was under-eating in that department, so that is why I was hungry a lot of the time.....which also give me another 5 lb weight loss.....that I don't feel bad about!!! So I will work hard at dragging myself through another week.....I will survive!!! lol

Hello everyone, hope you all are doing well......

Coalin- congrats on the weight loss. Your doing great. That week will be over before you know it. I just moved to mushies yesterday. I was on Clear Liquids 2 weeks before surgery and 2 weeks after surgery. I seriously didn't think those 4 weeks would EVER end!!!!

Hey guys...My stomach isn't feeling so great. Today at lunch, I was at the salon, getting my hair done. My stylist was going to get lunch at Chipotle (don't know if ya'll have these, but they're Mexican Grills). She offered to get me s'thing, so I said okay. I told her to get me the following: refried Beans, a little cheese, and sour cream. I said if the chix is shredded, get me a little. One lady said yes, it's definitely shredded.

Well, this is what they got me: pinto Beans, cheese, and a ton of sour cream...and some cubed chix. AAAAAHHHH!!!

I didn't panic. I picked through and ate all the pinto beans, making sure to chew them extremely well. They were spicy. I had a few bites of the chix, again chewing like crazy. Well, I was super full. I really think I ate too much. Nothing got stuck at all, so I was okay there. This was around 1:30pm - 2:00pm.

I get to work and really, really have to go to the bathroom. I go and feel a lil better.

dinner time rolls around, I'm still freaking full. I ate a Tbsp of tuna, but didn't even bother b/c I'm still full.

My stomach is still so full and I don't feel so well. Has anyone else been nauseous from eating too much??? Is this what this is?

chim- I get that when I have 'eaten' too much also. I don't know if our systems are just trying to get used to all the Protein or what. Hope it gets better for you.

Dini girl I haven't forgot you babes. How are you doing today. Are things any better for you and Adam? I see you left to go to bed. Just wanted to give you a shout.

Anutie phyl, kathybad, dmtjet, sunny and everyone else I hope you are all doing well. I sooooo miss everyone already. This post is REALLY slowing down. We are all joining the 'land of the living again' LOL I guess that is a good thing but still miss you all. :)

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Hi Everybody,

This is my 2nd week post-op, and second day back to work.

I have 2 questions.

1. I have mild chest pain like where the band is. It's not constant, and it's only been 14 days.

Is this normal?

2. Can I add Fiber to my liquids? Like benefiber? I need it!!

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Hi Everybody,

This is my 2nd week post-op, and second day back to work.

I have 2 questions.

1. I have mild chest pain like where the band is. It's not constant, and it's only been 14 days.

Is this normal?

2. Can I add Fiber to my liquids? Like benefiber? I need it!!

Mango I just asked my doctor the question about benefiber yesterday. She told me that I could use it if I needed to. I would recommend asking your doctor what they suggest though because all doctors are so different. Not sure about the chest pain though. Hope that gets better and if not CALL YOUR DOCTOR.

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Thanks Jackie, I've just noticed the chest pain since I went back to work. It kind of makes me nervous.

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Kathy, How about taking those New Whey Protein "bullets." Take a couple of swigs maybe 30 minutes (?) before going into the meal. That way you won't have the growling stomach and want to eat everything you see! I might help you keep at a nice slow pace so if the foods aren't mushie, you can chew them into mushies!

I have ended up in situations already where doing that either has or would have helped me tons. Have fun! CC

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Dini- I love Curves! I have been going for over a year and couldn't do without. It's 3x/week, for 1/2 hour. I most def. recommend it. I have no restriction so nothing got stuck. I did chew the olives very very well.

Chim- I am sorry about your tummy problems! I have not felt very full, so I can't relate. I can tell you that I went to the bathroom after my olives and that felt good. Sorry TMI.

Jackie- I have been eating rock salt ( plain) believe it or not, I crave salt so much. My BP tends to be on the low side so I can never have enough salt.

Mango- I have been adding Benefiber to my Crystal Light since pre-op and works wonders for me.

Kathy- your kids sound delightful, and you are so obviouly proud of them, and in love with them. They are lucky to have you as a mom!

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It does feel really good to finish exercising despite being winded. It feels like a real accomplishment.

For Everyone....

Tonight I went to dinner with a friend ( I had Soup of course) who is a doctor and I told her about our little web group and some of the things we've been going thru. She said 2 of the reasons why our post-op diets include lots of Protein Shakes is for the healing benefit but also because they are low in sodium which decreases Water retention (I knind of forgot that). She said if we want to make our own Soups, use low sodium salt or buy low sodium canned soup. That way we can get a little of the salty taste, but not all the sodium that comes with it.


How are you feeling?

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Hello from a weary me!!!

Today was very tough...Thank God I only have to work 5 hours tomorrow. I work in a very small Dental Office. I am the only one who is cross trained and can do Office Management as Well as assisting with patient care. So my shoes are not easy to fill with one person. When I took the week off for surgery, everything fell to one person so I really needed to be back today, but I am really shot. I had such a hard time getting my meals in, and taking my time drinking them. So I have that spasms again tonight in my chest.

Mango- I have been having the chest pains also- when I called my Dr. they said that it sounded like I am drinking way to fast and that I am having spasms in my esophogus. Which after today, I do believe that to be accurate for me. You should call your Dr. office and ask about your situation.

Jackie- as you read above, there is no-one else to work. I am lucky that it happens to fall on my weekend off, so after Thursay I dont have to be back to work until Tuesday.

Goodnight all--Sorry I couldnt get back to everyone...But Ssankoffa, Lynette, Chim,Cazulay, NewCC, Kathy, Indigo.....My best wishes ......

Have a great day tomorrow!!!!

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Hi, All,

I had my post op follow up appointment today. I saw the surgeon's P.A. and then the dietician. They were pleased with my progress. I'm down 14 1/2 lb since my pre op visit a week before surgery. Dietician spent a lot of time with me on Vitamins. I'm not getting enough of some critical ones. Not getting enough Calcium/Vit D, for instance.

The band I have is a VG 11. Does that mean its 11 cm long or that it holds 11 cc?? My first fill is due at the six week point hich is Aug 31 but they had no appts available that day so I have to wait for a phone call. Like that's going to happen!! It just means I'll have to keep calling and bugging them!!

Hunger pains seem to be increasing, sometimes only 60-90 minutes after I eat.

Had a very busy day but really enjoyed cayching up on all the posts tonight.

Oh, and guess what??? I was given wrong info by the first dietician!! I never really had to give up my caffeine!!! My doctor says its okay in moderation!! So my morning cup of "Joe" is back!!! Yippee!! I HATE DECAF!!

:) :clap2::clap2::clap2::whoo::whoo::whoo::whoo:

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Dini, sweetie. My little girl's name is Sarah. She is 3 years, 4 mths old, but was very premature, so would have just turned 3 a few weeks ago if she went full term.

We got her just before her 2nd birthday. At that time she only had 2 words "hi" and "thank you". Now she talks up a storm. She's still a little delayed, but I don't think it will be long before she's all caught up. It is so cute listening to her babble and learn more words and speak in sentances.

Also, when we got her she had just learned how to walk. She has a mild form of cerebral palsy where her muscle tone is very loose (hypotonia). This causes her to be really floppy and uncoordinated. We just got her out walking everywhere, which helped her gain some strength and endurance. Now she's running everywhere. She still falls down a lot, and won't be a ballarina, but she's strong and determined.

She is really an amazing little girl, full of energy, curiosity and determination.

Sarah, thats Such a pretty name! Kathy I couldn't think of 2 nicer words for her to say at the start. Sarah sounds like a right little fighter and very strong willed little girl. do you bring her to physo to help her muscles my friend has a baby with Cerebral Palsy but she has by the sounds of it a lot worst than Sarah and it ha help her little one heaps and bounds !!

Dini girl I haven't forgot you babes. How are you doing today. Are things any better for you and Adam? I see you left to go to bed. Just wanted to give you a shout.

I'm on the fence with Adam, i need time to think about whats best for ME. sounds like your doing great at moment. i can walk i'm so tired from the gym. !!! she said i'm doing great i feel like i'm getting worst

Hi, All,

I had my post op follow up appointment today. I saw the surgeon's P.A. and then the dietician. They were pleased with my progress. I'm down 14 1/2 lb since my pre op visit a week before surgery. Dietician spent a lot of time with me on Vitamins. I'm not getting enough of some critical ones. Not getting enough Calcium/Vit D, for instance.

Aunty Phyl 14.5 lbs thats fab. congratulations! about the coffee althought i dont drink a lot i'd really miss my odd shots of espresso!!

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Hey everyone!

I miss ya'll. We've gotta keep out thread going. Can some of you at work check in around lunchtime or sthing???

Well, here's a question for everyone...

Now that the surgery is all said and done, have you been telling more people or just keeping it quiet?

I know for me, I've been telling more people. And the funny thing is, I've had a few people call me...b/c they want to get the surgery, too! How awesome is that?!?!?!

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Auntie Phil, I'm so glad for you - getting your cup of coffie back! Your little graphics are darling!

Chim, I'm still keeping it a pretty big secret. But I admire any of you who can tell others. I think it's a sign of really healthy self esteem.

Hello everyone. I am off for a quick trip to see the parents with one kid. The others are at camp. Have a great week! CC

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Aunti Phyl, woohoo on the 14lbs! Those are 14lbs to never be seen again! As for your band, the 11 is for the # of ccs the band can hold. I'm not sure what kind I have, yet. I'll ask on my next follow-up.

Glad you're getting your coffee back in! I'm not a coffee drinker, but I understand that many folks love, love, love their coffee.

And you're right. Stay on that doc's office!

Hi, All,

I had my post op follow up appointment today. I saw the surgeon's P.A. and then the dietician. They were pleased with my progress. I'm down 14 1/2 lb since my pre op visit a week before surgery. Dietician spent a lot of time with me on Vitamins. I'm not getting enough of some critical ones. Not getting enough Calcium/Vit D, for instance.

The band I have is a VG 11. Does that mean its 11 cm long or that it holds 11 cc?? My first fill is due at the six week point hich is Aug 31 but they had no appts available that day so I have to wait for a phone call. Like that's going to happen!! It just means I'll have to keep calling and bugging them!!

Hunger pains seem to be increasing, sometimes only 60-90 minutes after I eat.

Had a very busy day but really enjoyed cayching up on all the posts tonight.

Oh, and guess what??? I was given wrong info by the first dietician!! I never really had to give up my caffeine!!! My doctor says its okay in moderation!! So my morning cup of "Joe" is back!!! Yippee!! I HATE DECAF!!

:tea: :clap2::clap2::clap2::whoo::whoo::whoo::whoo:

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Auntie Phil, I'm so glad for you - getting your cup of coffie back! Your little graphics are darling!

Chim, I'm still keeping it a pretty big secret. But I admire any of you who can tell others. I think it's a sign of really healthy self esteem.

Hello everyone. I am off for a quick trip to see the parents with one kid. The others are at camp. Have a great week! CC

CC, that's okay to keep a secret. It is certainly all up to you. I thought I was going to, but I've been so excited that I'm telling everyone (except a few exes...hahaha...wait until they see me! LOL!).

Have fun at your parents. We'll talk to ya soon!

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Kathy, How about taking those New Whey Protein "bullets." Take a couple of swigs maybe 30 minutes (?) before going into the meal. That way you won't have the growling stomach and want to eat everything you see! I might help you keep at a nice slow pace so if the foods aren't mushie, you can chew them into mushies!

I have ended up in situations already where doing that either has or would have helped me tons. Have fun! CC

Do you mean thos fallic looking bullets! LOL. That would be a hoot to take with me.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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