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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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"PHAT" stand for Pretty Hot and Tempting!!

It's not old age, it may just be the terminology people use these days.

I see the younger crowds wearing tees that say this on it. Of course I would of never wore one back in the day when I was younger, because I'd probably be teased, people thinking "FAT" instead of "PHAT".

I was jokin, but I thought of it as I was posting so I threw it in.

We could put this saying on our tees-"Used to be "FAT", but now I'm "PHAT!!!". I like that better!!

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Question - I have a 2 story house with my bed upstairs. How long do you think it will be before I can make it up the stairs after surgery?

Mango - I stayed at a resort in Phoenix after my surgery and we were on the second floor. I was able to go up the stairs the night of my surgery. I just went really slow and my hubby went up behind me to give me support if I needed it. Really it wasn't too bad though!! Hope this helps!!


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"PHAT" stand for Pretty Hot and Tempting!!

It's not old age, it may just be the terminology people use these days.

I see the younger crowds wearing tees that say this on it. Of course I would of never wore one back in the day when I was younger, because I'd probably be teased, people thinking "FAT" instead of "PHAT".

I was jokin, but I thought of it as I was posting so I threw it in.

We could put this saying on our tees-"Used to be "FAT", but now I'm "PHAT!!!". I like that better!!

Lynette, Yep!!!! Love it! I could go for that one! I guarantee we will be just that!!!! LOL

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I think I am coming down with a cold and I am scheduled for surgery on July 23rd. I am not congetsted in the chest but my nose keep running on the left hand side and I am blowing my nose alot. I tried to call my doctor's office yesterday but he was on vacatin and his PA never called me back.

I am already on Clear Liquids and have 1 week down. Anybody have any advise as to how to ward off this cold before it comes on full force?

I am hoping that it is just alregies.


I got a cold a couple weeks before my surgery and I was so scared to take something that I just got some chewable Vitamin C's from GNC. :) I took 2 a day at 500mg each and it seemed to do the trick in a few days. Plus they tasted like SweetTarts which was awesome!! :rolleyes: I hope this helps.


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"PHAT" stand for Pretty Hot and Tempting!!

It's not old age, it may just be the terminology people use these days.

I see the younger crowds wearing tees that say this on it. Of course I would of never wore one back in the day when I was younger, because I'd probably be teased, people thinking "FAT" instead of "PHAT".

I was jokin, but I thought of it as I was posting so I threw it in.

We could put this saying on our tees-"Used to be "FAT", but now I'm "PHAT!!!". I like that better!!

I so hate to say this, but I have to mention it... I know we've all shopped in the plus size section of stores... Have you ever noticed how many T-Shirts there are that say "Hot", "Sexy", or some variant of that... Ok, I am a big girl (Going down!!!), and personally I think I'm VERY beautiful, but I know when I am at the store looking at 2 and 3x shirts, Hot & Sexy aren't really the adjectives that come to mind for most....

Am I the only one that's ever thought this?


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Ash, you're not the only one who's thought that. I've often thought that if I bought one of those shirts people would talk about me even more than they do already!!

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I so hate to say this, but I have to mention it... I know we've all shopped in the plus size section of stores... Have you ever noticed how many T-Shirts there are that say "Hot", "Sexy", or some variant of that... Ok, I am a big girl (Going down!!!), and personally I think I'm VERY beautiful, but I know when I am at the store looking at 2 and 3x shirts, Hot & Sexy aren't really the adjectives that come to mind for most....

Am I the only one that's ever thought this?


AshRae, I totally agree with you! More power to those who still feel "hot" or "sexy" as a big person but for me, no way. I know I'm attractive but I just feel so dragged down by this body. When I start moving like a 34 year old instead of 74 year old like I do now, then maybe those adjectives will come back into effect! I remember feeling HOT & SEXY, and I'm going to feel it again soon!

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Ditto on what Nicole has said. Please realize that we're talking about tees to wear next year on our cruise, when we hopefully have lost A LOT of our weight and hopefully will be at goal. Not to wear now, are you kidding!! I wouldn't dare be caught in one even as a night shirt!!!

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I can't believe that a week has passed since my surgery. It's been going great and the recovery is going very well. My incisions do itch, but that's a normal part of recovery. :) I've also lost 25 pounds since the beginning of June, so that's been the most fun to see. My clothes are already starting to get looser. But for now, they still fit me in the waist so they'll have to do. I haven't tried on jeans yet, but I'm sure that they will fit well too. :rolleyes: A couple of my incisions are right where my jeans will sit so I'm waiting for those to heal more before I attempt those.

I'm glad to hear that most of you have had good experiences and for those of you who had a few complications, I hope your recovery continues to go well. ;)

Hopefully I'll be on more this week. I can't believe all the posts I had to catch up on from the weekend. I just didn't feel like being on the computer, which is so not like me.

Have a great day everyone and for those of you getting banded this week, you're in my thoughts and prayers!!


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hey everyone!

not in for long just on a break!!

sounds like everyone is doing well! which is AMAZING! i took a look at the calendar and WOW there are lots of us. its fantastic.


Can everyone state where you'd like to go so we can do a poll? also were looking around the 08/08/08 pm me if this does not suit and we can do a poll on the date also but if no-one objects its around Aug time!

there are around 10-12 interested so far.

i'm having a problem keeping track cos not everyone is PM ME.

PLEASE: PM me if your interested for the cruise.

hope everyone is having a fine evening.

Hey Dini, how are you feeling? Not sure what the PM means, but I'm on the cruise list, I don't care where we go, or when, Its going to be a vacation, and thats exciting, plus I get to met everyone , talk to you later, Danny

Yes, I did get banded on 7/9 and feeling great (tender at the port site) - but, I can get in and out of the chair and bed now. I am just sooooo hungry. Full liquids are OK - but, I did not think my stomach would growl so soon.

Yes I got banded the same day, I have had the same effects you have had. I finally started eating scrambled eggs, and cottage cheese, I'm very full now, and no stomach growls, Danny

I am being banded this Tuesday. (YEAH!!) My mom will come to Dallas on Thursday, the day I arrive back from my surgery. She think I will need her to take care of me.....( I love my momma!!)

So here is the situation.......

My uncle is a psychologist. He does all the psych. evals in his area for people considering Lapband or Gastric Bypass. A couple of weeks ago my whole family was having dinner. After dinner, the issue of weightloss and his patients came up. My mom very jokingly said she thought I was getting the Lapband (she had no idea at this time that I was) in Mexico. My uncle very quickly began telling me and my mom that I should never do that because I was not 100 pounds over weight and so on.......He gave me the speech I am sure he gives his patients when he tells them they have been denied for the procedure.

So, all that to say he is coming to Dallas 3 days after I get the Lapband for a medical convention and wants to have dinner with my mom and I. SO...... when I don't each the huge amount I used to he is going to know.

Do I:

1. Not go to dinner and avoid seeing him the weekend after my surgery. He will know when I don't eat my normal amount.


2. Go to dinner and tell him and face his opinion of having a surgery done in Mexico that I couldn't qualify for in the US... (of, course that is his opinion)

I need a little help here.... THis is my family...not just people I work with or friends. What would you do?

Michelle , I hope your doing well, we miss you. I would tell him and listen to his opinion(thats all it is) and respectfully disagree with him. You are your own person, you do not have to please anyone but yourself. He did not pay for your surgery, you owe him, nor anyone nothing. You did this to be healthy, to feel more attractive, to boost your self esteem, I'm behind you a 100%, whatever your descision is, I miss talking with you, and hope you are doing well, sorry I'm so opionated, Danny

Hey Lucky 7's!

I got back from the hospital today. My experience was stressful to say the least. On the way to Mexico, our flight was cancelled due to an engine problem as we were taxiing to take off. We luckily were able to get the last two seats on standby on the next flight which was two hours later. I was freaking out the whole time though because I was supposed to get to the hospital early and have the pre-op workup done and have surgery in the afternoon. The patient coordinator assured me that surgery would still be on but just pushed back a few hours.

So I ended up having surgery that afternoon and it went without complication and I was feeling good. But when I went to try some ice, I got about 6 ice cubes melted and swallowed and started feeling this horrendous pain and pressure in my chest. I got really nauseated and come thisclose to passing out. It subsided after about an hour and the doctor told me he thought it was a esophageal spasm from the cold.

The next morning I went for the contrast swallow x-ray and I could tell by looking at it that it wasn't going through the band. I also got the awful pain/pressure again. So to make the rest of this long story short, I had to go back in and have surgery again and had the band changed to the largest one(11 cc band).

Thank god the surgeon was so awesome (Dr. Valencia is the man!), and I was able to put my faith in him to get this done. I now am so happy to be at home and feel pretty good except for the gas which just started on the airplane home, great timing huh? I would never believe I would be so relieved to drink a few ounces of broth and Water, but it is SWEET after experiencing "the dark side"!

Now I have to go and catch up on all the post that I've missed for the past 3 days, 25 pages I think! Hope everyone else is doing well and please don't freak at reading this. My doctor said he only had this happen to one other patient in the past 10+years of banding people.

I am now an official member of the band, WOO-HOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

I'm glad your back and better, sorry about the revision, I hope everything is fine, Danny


I'm Rain and my husband is Squale. He got banded on 4/3/07 and has been doing phenominally well. He just had his first fill and is losing more and more weight. He's at about 65lbs down. He is awesome.

I'm a stay at home mom with three little girls ages 3, 1.5 and 1.5. They are the love of my life and will be the bane of my lab-band existance..They literally eat ALL DAY LONG... Well, they eat the way they are supposed to, but they eat at slightly different times, so there is a constant meal prep going on.

I used to be a HS English teacher, but am happily spending the days playing with my kids and teaching them everything I can. I feel lucky to have the opportunity to stay home...although we could really use the money!

Sorry if that was more than you thought.

Oh, and I live in NJ.


Hey Rainer, glad everything is going well with you and your husband, he has done quite well, my wife was a teacher for 8 years, now a stay at home Mom, I understand sometimes money is tight. I'm glad she is a stay at home mom, and instilling the values that she has, it means so much to me. I was born in NJ, grew up close to tomsriver, moved to Florida in 85, I love it here, Danny

Hello everyone,

How are all my fellow bandies? and future bandies? I have a off the wall question for you all.

Do any of you have a Lap Band Doctor you don't like? I havent herd to many people who complain that they dont like there Doctors, but sadly, I cant stand mine. He's arrogant, over confidant, clynical, and has a very take it or leave it attitude.

don't get me wrong, I saw this on my very first visit, He actualy refered to his larger patients as "500 pounders" when I said that I was surprised he was recomending LB for me cause I realy thought I eas too big for LB surgery, he dose both LB and RNY. but I foolishly convinced myself that it was OK because I wanted a compitant doctor regardless of his personality. BIG MISTAKE ON MY PART! He also refered to one of his patients as a "bone head" for eating hotdogs and having problems with vomiting, this was when I asked about my fears of vomiting with the LB.

Every time I go to his office I leave there more mad more Pissed off. I dont as a general rule choose doctors fo my self I dont feel respect me as an informed patient and most importantly wont talk to me as the INDIVIDUAL THAT I AM!

I hate feeling that I'm just another abdomin to this guy, I should have NEVER let him do my surgery!

now I'm stuck with him for the next year for fills and any other issues that may come up with my band. :cry

Am I just being a big baby?

I'm afraid if I tell him how I realy feel, He wont honor the fills I PAID for for 1 year!

HELP....How do I cope with this A** for another YEAR!

You have a good reason to be pissed, who does he think he is? Unfortunatley you might have no other alternatives, might have to hold your tonge and deal with his Godlike ego. I wish the best for you, Danny

I had to tell you all about the dream I had last night. First off, for those who didnt get a chance to read my previous thread, I started my clear liquid 2 week pre op diet last Monday. Everything has been fine and I haven't really 'craved' anything or struggled. I have been satisfied with what I am taking in.

Ok, so last night I was dreaming that my husband and I went to this pizza place to order out pizza to bring home. This place has pizza, chicken, chinese, fudge and ice cream. Anyway, they had this what they called bear claw pizza that had 28 slices of pizza in it. HUGE PIZZA!!! DH told me we should just order one of those. He went to look at something else and I ordered one of those plus 3 other large pizza's, an order of family size chicken, some general chicken and fudge. The stuff comes and my bill is $189.00. :hungry:

After I pay for this I start eating bits of everything. As I am dreaming this I kept thinking (while sleeping) 'You are on clear liquids stop eating or you won't be able to have surgery. :omg: My God look how much I am eating.' and I was totaly freaking out. LOL Is that crazy or what?!?! I just had to tell everyone about it because I thought it was hilarious.

On the flip though I am doing fine with the liquids. I haven't eaten..........just dreamt about it. HAHA :):rofl:

That dream was so funny, It cracked me up, THAT HUGE MEAL SOUNDS SO GOOD, DANNY

When I was young I ALWAYS caught catfish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never liked that much!!!!! I was the catfish queen!!!!!!!!!!! I'd always yell for my dad to take it off for me!!!! There was no way I was doing it!!![/QUOI

I love catfish!!!!!!

dmtjet, when you went out for your chili, did you order a water with it???? I went out the other night and when the waitress came to get our drink order, she asks "What can I get you to drink?", and I reply "nothing, thank you", and she started to write on her pad, and looked back at me and replied 'NOTHING", and I repeated, "nothing" and she says, not even water, and I reply, "NO, but thank you" and told her I'd take a french onion Soup.< p>WOW, if it's going to be that hard to not order a drink when I go out, I'd rather waste a glass of water then to go through that again.

I'm glad we have a country girl on here, I love catching and eating catfish. The restaurant scenario must have really shocked that waitress, come to think of it, I have always ordered a drink.*(Weird) Lynette, I hope your feeling well, talk to you later, Danny


Hello I am scheduled for 7/30 and getting nervous and anxious. I am learning so much from this website. I was alittle taken back by all the pain people seem to have and still have. starting my pre-op fast tomorrow AM. P.S i have never used a message board EVER still can't figure out how this thing works

Really it is not that bad, please look at the bigger picture. I think your going to do great, Danny

girl you've got a choice, the only position thats been taken is Momma you can get in there and be my Sister if you wanna, but Girlfriend also sounds good to me!!!!!!!

Dini I can't figure out if I'm Cyberbrother, or cyberuncle, or cyberhusband, I'm not Arabic or Morman, so I guess I'll go with CyberBrother Danny

I think it's great how dmtjet is so cuddle with her hubby now. I can't get cuddly yet, cause you know where that leads, and I'm just ready to go there yet. Maybe after my Dr. appointment on Tuesday, when the Dr says all is good, then we may try some hanky panky, but I just don't want to screw up something. Any other post ops have any input on this, please, I know it's peronal, but I think my hubby would love to hear some positive responses!

Us Men Have Needs(just kidding you) You will know when the time is right. How is your husband holding up? Talk to you later Danny

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Nichole, I'm just a day behind you, but think, if they're itching it means they're healing!!! Glad to hear that you're doing good.

And I wasn't talking about the t-shirts you're looking at for the cruise (Which I would love to do, but I'm a broke college student), I'm just talking in general! It's been a pet peeve of mine for quite some time!!


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Hello everyone, just giving you all my one week post op report. I feel great, slight port pain(very tolerable), still bloated, liquids do not make me full any longer, went to scrambled eggs with a little ketup, and cottage cheese, and a strawberry smoothie, This makes a big difference. I'm down 17lbs,and can actually see my face getting thinner(a motivational uplift).

We have a lot of people getting surgery today, my thoughts and prayers are with each and every one of you. We want a speedy recovery.

I hope everyone is doing well, Danny

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Hey everyone congrats to everyone and their success! I totally agree about those t-shirts, would totally not feel comfortable wearing one of those right now. Maybe at my goal weight, but that is a ways off.

Anyway surgery is in less then two days and I am soooo nervous and excited.

Any post-op advice anyone wants to share would be greatly appreciated!

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Hello everyone, just giving you all my one week post op report. I feel great, slight port pain(very tolerable), still bloated, liquids do not make me full any longer, went to scrambled eggs with a little ketup, and cottage cheese, and a strawberry smoothie, This makes a big difference. I'm down 17lbs,and can actually see my face getting thinner(a motivational uplift).

We have a lot of people getting surgery today, my thoughts and prayers are with each and every one of you. We want a speedy recovery.

I hope everyone is doing well, Danny

Good to hear! I'm 6 days out myself, and my only complaint is gas pain in my shoulder.

I'm so jealous that you're getting to eat (somewhat) normal food! I'm on liquids for another week and a half... ugh... I so want an egg, or SOMETHING.


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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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