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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Hey Everybody,

Phyl - You're doing great with your weight loss.

Janet- Great compliment from the gym lady

Steph-Lovely pups, my boys getting old, it makes me nervous, seems like we've always had him

This year I finally fit in my old lady Halloween Costume. It's an orange polyester pants suit I got from good will 20 years ago. Now sit down for this cause you ain't gonna believe it. I also have orange patten leather shoes with a big orange flower on the front and an orange patten leather purse to match. Can you believe all from the good will, it's just to good to be true. I would love to meet the lady who sat down and made that Orange Pants Suit.

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Happy Halloween everyone!

We've gotten into the spirit around here at work and I am sitting here typing to you.... dressed as the "SINGING NUN"

Everyone at work just about crapped themselves with me in my wimple of white with a crucifix around my neck.

The other gal came as a gun-totting gunslinger from the WIld West and mY boss came dressed as GI Jane!!

What a hoot, so far I've resolved to stay out of the candy !!! Yeah

God be with you!

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Good job Phyl! Nice loss for the week. I was up a half pound so I've got a big kick in my butt!!! I know that it's my own damned fault and I can't even call it "daily fluctuation" cuz my intake has sucked for the last few weeks. I'm lucky it isn't more like 5 pounds. So great job with being down 1 1/2 this week. You are doing so great! I hope it cools a little bit in the desert for you this weekend. You should be down there enjoying the outside...not sitting in the airconditioning.

Also good for you for telling him to quit moping. We can't do anything with the stock market if we aren't willing to sell...and after the losses the last month I don't think anyone is willing to see at these prices. So it's better to just not stay focused on it. Taking a bike ride is much more productive.

As far as dinner....what about mexican fish tacos or enchiladas? I agree with the smell of grilled onions. They are divine. Luckily I don't like to EAT them...just smell them.

Glad that Janet is going out with her girlfriend. I'm so glad to see her take time out to enjoy herself a little bit. Especially with someone she can be herself with because she is so close to her. Hip Hip Hooray!!!

Yep had a great time last night - got home at 9 ...

Hey Everybody,

Phyl - You're doing great with your weight loss.

Janet- Great compliment from the gym lady

Steph-Lovely pups, my boys getting old, it makes me nervous, seems like we've always had him

This year I finally fit in my old lady Halloween Costume. It's an orange polyester pants suit I got from good will 20 years ago. Now sit down for this cause you ain't gonna believe it. I also have orange patten leather shoes with a big orange flower on the front and an orange patten leather purse to match. Can you believe all from the good will, it's just to good to be true. I would love to meet the lady who sat down and made that Orange Pants Suit.

I wanna see a picture of this outfit..

Happy Halloween everyone!

We've gotten into the spirit around here at work and I am sitting here typing to you.... dressed as the "SINGING NUN"

Everyone at work just about crapped themselves with me in my wimple of white with a crucifix around my neck.

The other gal came as a gun-totting gunslinger from the WIld West and mY boss came dressed as GI Jane!!

What a hoot, so far I've resolved to stay out of the candy !!! Yeah

God be with you!


I came as a nun once - won 1st prize - cuz back in the day I was the farest thing from a nun :smile2:)

I didn't dress up but my boss said oh Jane't you came as a skinny person this year... That was so sweet..

I haven't gotten my candy yet - will go and get some after work - i bet I will have tons of kids cuz it's Friday...

It's ok to have 1 or 2 even 3 of 4 of the mini candy bars but no more than that LADIES...

I had written a longer post - but it got lost in cyperspace...

Well I will ck back later...

Have a Safe Halloween....

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Good time at the Street Fair last night. Didn't go to Mexican OR Fish! Went to the Village Pub and had lamb shank. It was good. Beautiful evening and we sat at an outside table. Saw a darling little Italian Greyhound at the restaurant. Just sitting on a chair at a table with his two mommies. Yeah, it's Palm Springs. What can I say. I chatted with them for a few minutes. DOg had on a pumpkin costume! There was all kinds of Halloween festivities going on at the street fair including a costume contest for dogs! I did say it IS Palm Springs, right??? Dog strollers abound. Dogs at the mall in Macy's. More dogs than kids.

Octoberfest was fun tonight, too. DO you do the Macarena at Octoberfest??? These people do! Cute costumes there, too, but no dogs. Just people costumes and pumpkin carving contest. Downs syndrome lady won that. She was sitting across the table from us in her clown suit and she was so tickled when she won the pumpkin carving contest that she sat there grinning and sometimes breaking in to a giggle on and off the rest of the evening! Her prize was a nylon pumpkin FULL of candy, which she insisted on passing around the table.

It was pretty cute.

8_1_218.gif 8_1_225.gif 8_1_218.gif 416p.gif hear_me_talk.gif

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Good Morning Gang

Did everyone survive halloween... My tricker treaters stopped around 8:30 - I have a bit of candy left - not much - had 4 mini bars last night..

Went to Breakfast this morning with gf so didn't exercise - just finished paying bills :wink: now need to figure out what to do - I have been up since 5:30 so maybe a nap :)

cbl :cursing:

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Hi Girls, oh my so many N.S.V.'s today....

first of all I DID NOT eat any halloween candy!!! Whoo-hoo

I will post up the pictures from Halloween at work on the pictures page after I get them edited o.k.??? too funny

I drove to the Clinic yest. and got a TINY de-fill. -.10 cc to be exact. I was at 7.25cc's now 7.15 cc's... I was more comfortable last night sleeping.< /p>

While in the big city I met up with DD and DSIL2B we went for Sushi, but I had sushimi - which is just the raw fish, its not all rolled up with rice and seaweed. I am allergic to iodine so I try to stay away from seaweed wrappers.

So I ate Miso Soup, Edemame(soy Beans raw, blanced) and raw salmon, shredded chinese horseradish. OMG it was orgasmic!!! I thought tuna was good!

O.k. gotta go do the pictures.

Phyl; you're party sounds fun, and it was sweet that the lady won for best pumpkin... I would'a been in tears. I love the doggies being taken everywhere too... I must tell DH about THAT! Maybe we should winter in Palm Springs instead of Fla.????

Janet: That was a great compliment from you boss eh? Ya, I kinda had to "behave" myself as a NUN too... but I didn't last long. Getting outa my car with a coffee and costume, something snagged and I dropped my coffee in the parking lot... an expletive F--- came out of my mouth.... 2 Hail Marys for that!!

Then at my desk it was so hot in the costumes that we opend the front door to the clinic (it was kinda a nice day) and the BEES were flying in... so I committed another mortal sin and KILLED 2 bees!!!! o.k. now I need to gargle in the Holy Water !!!!:cool2:

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o.k. I'm over on the picture brag thread

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Hi ladies. I'm feeling very under the weather today. More about that in a bit.

Janet, I thought you were dressing up as an AIG exec. I loved the idea. I was waiting to see pictures of the golden parachute!!!! Great complement from the boss though. How wonderful that must have felt!

Phyl, I'm glad you didn't have to go eat something just cuz Earl wanted you to. I've never had lamb. I want to try it sometime but have never seen it offered anywhere I've gone to eat. I've heard it's wonderful. It sounds like you had a ton of fun at the street fair and Octoberfest. How were the grilled onions? I took my new babies trick or treating with the kids. It gave them a good walk and I didn't have to worry about them escaping when trick or treaters came to the door. Didn't dress them though. Maybe next year.

Candice, I had a friend in college go as a pregnant nun. It was hilarious. I have to admit that, no matter how inappropriate.

Now onto me....we had a lot of fun this weekend. My biker babe costume was a hit Friday night. The only downfall is everyone said that they never would have known who Jeff was if they hadn't recognized me. So I went as a red hot babe last night. With a mask and wig and cape....one of my former students didn't even recognize me. It was hilarious. It was a great time. Probably more imbibing than I should have, but it's been quite a long time since I've indulged like that....4th of July I think.

On the down side, when I overindulge, when I get home I want to eat. And I decided that I could eat a sausage egg croissant. Whatever the hell I thought I was thinking. Anyways. I was up all night stuck. And it was a pretty powerful stuck. Croissant with cheese is how you spell disaster. It was ALL night up in pain. That was Friday. And then we were out and about all day yesterday. Not an opportunity to find good liquid foods. I tried the inside of a burrito. No matter what I tried it wasn't good. Tried to have baked potato for dinner. It didn't work too well. So I was starving by the time we got home last night and I tried some chips and queso...again bad decision making when I've been drinking. Was up again for hours with an elephant sitting on my chest. Tupid Teffi!!! Do you see disaster coming???? Went to church but almost passed out during one of the times we stood. I had to excuse myself half way through church. It was a tough drive home. Had to pull over a couple times because I was too light headed to go on. There has been a stomach bug going around here too. I think it's a combination of no food for 36 hours, very little sleep, dehydration from the alcohol, and stomach bug. Of course I'm not going to call it what it probably is....hangover. I don't have those....those are for kids in their early 20's!!! Whatever it was....it's not been a good day. I finally got a bowl of oatmeal in an hour or so ago. Working on Water now. Will try something soft again in a little bit.

I think I'm going to go back and get some of my fill removed again. Not tomorrow but the next Monday. I'm close to where I think I should be...but still stuck way more times than I should be. I don't get it because 4 months ago I had more than this and was too loose...but whatever it takes I guess.

Okay....going to go lay my head down some more. I'll talk to you all later ladies.

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Oh Stephanie; that sounds like a horrible weekend for you! All those stucky's and PB's... yeaowza!!! You did suffer.

I too had a wee defill yest. and I still got stuck at lunch today, and then at dinner time too. My Dinner was roast chicken so I think that because I was so hungry I ate that FIRST bite too fast.... will I ever learn??

But I continued on with my supper and it was delicious, alathough I put twice as much food onto my plate as I should have.. EYES, they are still out of whack too.

I can comfortably eat 1 chick thigh, OR 1 drumstick or 1/2 or 1/3 chick. breast, some veggies, 1/4 cup mashed pot. NO MORE... or else.

God my Dogs love me... they know that even after 1 yr, they'll still get my leftovers.

Thank goodness they are not fat!

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Phyl; you're party sounds fun, and it was sweet that the lady won for best pumpkin... I would'a been in tears. I love the doggies being taken everywhere too... I must tell DH about THAT! Maybe we should winter in Palm Springs instead of Fla.????

Ya, I kinda had to "behave" myself as a NUN too... but I didn't last long. Getting outa my car with a coffee and costume, something snagged and I dropped my coffee in the parking lot... an expletive F--- came out of my mouth.... 2 Hail Marys for that!! Then at my desk it was so hot in the costumes that we opend the front door to the clinic (it was kinda a nice day) and the BEES were flying in... so I committed another mortal sin and KILLED 2 bees!!!! o.k. now I need to gargle in the Holy Water !!!!:blush:

Great NSVs!! Congrats! Costume was pretty cute!

Phyl, I'm glad you didn't have to go eat something just cuz Earl wanted you to. I've never had lamb. I want to try it sometime but have never seen it offered anywhere I've gone to eat. I've heard it's wonderful. It sounds like you had a ton of fun at the street fair and Octoberfest. How were the grilled onions? I took my new babies trick or treating with the kids. It gave them a good walk and I didn't have to worry about them escaping when trick or treaters came to the door. Didn't dress them though. Maybe next year.

Didn't have any onions... just enjoyed the aroma!!

Now onto me....we had a lot of fun this weekend. My biker babe costume was a hit Friday night. The only downfall is everyone said that they never would have known who Jeff was if they hadn't recognized me. So I went as a red hot babe last night. With a mask and wig and cape....one of my former students didn't even recognize me. It was hilarious. It was a great time. Probably more imbibing than I should have, but it's been quite a long time since I've indulged like that....4th of July I think.

On the down side, when I overindulge, when I get home I want to eat. And I decided that I could eat a sausage egg croissant. Whatever the hell I thought I was thinking. Anyways. I was up all night stuck. And it was a pretty powerful stuck. Croissant with cheese is how you spell disaster. It was ALL night up in pain. That was Friday. And then we were out and about all day yesterday. Not an opportunity to find good liquid foods. I tried the inside of a burrito. No matter what I tried it wasn't good. Tried to have baked potato for dinner. It didn't work too well. So I was starving by the time we got home last night and I tried some chips and queso...again bad decision making when I've been drinking. Was up again for hours with an elephant sitting on my chest. Tupid Teffi!!! Do you see disaster coming???? Went to church but almost passed out during one of the times we stood. I had to excuse myself half way through church. It was a tough drive home. Had to pull over a couple times because I was too light headed to go on. There has been a stomach bug going around here too. I think it's a combination of no food for 36 hours, very little sleep, dehydration from the alcohol, and stomach bug. Of course I'm not going to call it what it probably is....hangover. I don't have those....those are for kids in their early 20's!!! Whatever it was....it's not been a good day. I finally got a bowl of oatmeal in an hour or so ago. Working on water now. Will try something soft again in a little bit.

I think I'm going to go back and get some of my fill removed again. Not tomorrow but the next Monday. I'm close to where I think I should be...but still stuck way more times than I should be. I don't get it because 4 months ago I had more than this and was too loose...but whatever it takes I guess. Okay....going to go lay my head down some more. I'll talk to you all later ladies.

Glad you had a good time at your party

... hope you've recovered by now!!

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Good Morning Gang...

I wasn't on the computer this weekend - Sat napped then my gf Debbie called stopped by to ck on me (I have some really great friends) I ended up making dinner and we watched the "debators" - Yesterday was Uncles bday - called and talked to him for an hour or so then, my GF Peaches called - and then went to my bro's house to clean... Love the time change - was in bed at 8 asleep by 9 - and up at 4:30...

I was a bad girl Sat night ate too much candy - but if you consider 1 time in 15 months that's not bad - it's out of my sight now - so out of mind...

Yes Candice you should vacation in PS instead of Florida - That sounds like a great idea...

Steph - you do need some more taken out..... Health 1st....

Ok VOTE TOMORROW !!! I voted 3 weeks ago by mail :thumbup:


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Good morning ladies. I hope you all are having a great day.

Nothing too stressful around here. Cleaning house. Playing with the kids. Just a quiet rainy day in Montana.

I'm focusing my day on liquid today and Protein. If it isn't in one of those catagories it isn't going in my mouth. That is my total plan for the day. Started with a Protein Drink. 15gms in. I think that may be more than I have managed to get in the last 4 days total....or rather that I managed to keep down. I'm going to fight these last 3 pounds this week. They are kicking my @$$ hard. No one to blame but myself and my own bad choices. But dangit, no more.

I'm getting back with the program. I've been telling myself that I can't be doing too badly because I'm maintaining, but the idea is to get to goal before I work on maintenance. Duh!!!! I dodn't think I'll be proud of myself and say I succeeded until I'm AT GOAL. I look good, I feel good, I get great compliments...but I'm not going to be proud until I make my goal....so this week Im going to get back on track. I need my band family to be tough on me this week. Keep me honest. Keep me motivated. Keep me on plan. I know I can count on you for that. You are all so good at it.

I'd better get lunch on the table. Have a good day. I'll be thinking of you today.

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Good morning ladies. I hope you all are having a great day.

Nothing too stressful around here. Cleaning house. Playing with the kids. Just a quiet rainy day in Montana.

I'm focusing my day on liquid today and Protein. If it isn't in one of those catagories it isn't going in my mouth. That is my total plan for the day. Started with a protein drink. 15gms in. I think that may be more than I have managed to get in the last 4 days total....or rather that I managed to keep down. I'm going to fight these last 3 pounds this week. They are kicking my @$$ hard. No one to blame but myself and my own bad choices. But dangit, no more.

I'm getting back with the program. I've been telling myself that I can't be doing too badly because I'm maintaining, but the idea is to get to goal before I work on maintenance. Duh!!!! I dodn't think I'll be proud of myself and say I succeeded until I'm AT GOAL. I look good, I feel good, I get great compliments...but I'm not going to be proud until I make my goal....so this week Im going to get back on track. I need my band family to be tough on me this week. Keep me honest. Keep me motivated. Keep me on plan. I know I can count on you for that. You are all so good at it.

I'd better get lunch on the table. Have a good day. I'll be thinking of you today.


o.k. Stephanie, you asked for it so we'll be there for you.

Don't be so hard on yourself( I mean the verbal stuff) you've done sovery well, and you WILL get to goal... so what if you tasted maintenance a wee bit.... ? You are back on the band (hee,hee) wagon and THATS what counts eh?

Track your cals if that helps, janet made me do it and its really helping and posting my cals here and being accountable to you guys...

did you SEE the ticker,,,, its M_ O_V_I_N_G :D

Love ya,


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Good morning ladies. I hope you all are having a great day.

Nothing too stressful around here. Cleaning house. Playing with the kids. Just a quiet rainy day in Montana.

I'm focusing my day on liquid today and Protein. If it isn't in one of those catagories it isn't going in my mouth. That is my total plan for the day. Started with a protein drink. 15gms in. I think that may be more than I have managed to get in the last 4 days total....or rather that I managed to keep down. I'm going to fight these last 3 pounds this week. They are kicking my @$$ hard. No one to blame but myself and my own bad choices. But dangit, no more.

I'm getting back with the program. I've been telling myself that I can't be doing too badly because I'm maintaining, but the idea is to get to goal before I work on maintenance. Duh!!!! I dodn't think I'll be proud of myself and say I succeeded until I'm AT GOAL. I look good, I feel good, I get great compliments...but I'm not going to be proud until I make my goal....so this week Im going to get back on track. I need my band family to be tough on me this week. Keep me honest. Keep me motivated. Keep me on plan. I know I can count on you for that. You are all so good at it.

I'd better get lunch on the table. Have a good day. I'll be thinking of you today.

Steph - You are so right - I worked my ass off to get to goal and it's the very very best feeling in the world... So yes make up your fricking mind - kick butt and you will get there..

I was going to dress up - but with the loss of my bro- I just wasn't in the mood to be festive...


o.k. Stephanie, you asked for it so we'll be there for you.

Don't be so hard on yourself( I mean the verbal stuff) you've done sovery well, and you WILL get to goal... so what if you tasted maintenance a wee bit.... ? You are back on the band (hee,hee) wagon and THATS what counts eh?

Track your cals if that helps, janet made me do it and its really helping and posting my cals here and being accountable to you guys...

did you SEE the ticker,,,, its M_ O_V_I_N_G :tongue:

Love ya,


Ya that mean old Janet... :tongue:

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I was doing alright until dinner. then I tried to eat some well cut steak. It was an absolute disaster. So much for liquid and Protein only. I did get all my liquid in, but not protein.

according to daily plate I got 700 cals, and 36 g protein.

I'm hoping to get better protein tomorrow. I will make sure I do two Protein Drinks tomorrow. I would have done tonight but after the steak mistake I'm too tight to get even liquid. Tomorrow I'm sure it will be better.

Thanks for making me stay honest ladies! I need you all.

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