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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Darling doggies!!

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Hey, Steph! Favre still has it!! did you see him win the KC game today with a touchdown pass, one minute to play??!! He's been playing very well for the Jets! I'm about to give up on the Seahawks. I'm rooting for Buffalo these days!! They're still my HOME team, anyway!

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Hi Stephanie,

I've been sitting on the sidelines for a while not having anything to say just listening, but the photos of your new babies got me going. OMG!! they sure look like racing GHs? May I live vicariously?


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They woke up for a few minutes. Here are a few more pics. And before you ask, Candice, Yes that is one of those over the head bras!!! I didn't do my hair and I didn't do my makeup. It's all about the dogs!!!

Ha,ha,ha... you look just fine without makeup and your Oprah bra... as it turns out I was painting yesterday and today and "I" wore my "over the head bra" too!!

Your doggies are beautiful and they DO look happy to be settled together how sweet.

Food good today, under 800 cals so far... still really TIGHT... but that's o.k. I am finally starting to LOVE my BAND...

Painting complete and I did about 4 hours today...:thumbup:

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Allie was a racer. She has run over 80 races. She was quite a winner too.

Chi didn't get to race. He's still too young. I don't think he was ever really registered anyways. I can't get any information on him and his ear tattoo isn't registered. He's wonderful though and I adore him.

Live as vicariously as you like. I'll share them with everyone.

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Good morning ladies. I'm up hacking out a lung. I feel like I did when I was a smoker. This is day 3 of this cold so it should be the worst and then I should be getting better. At least that's what I'm telling myself.

Phyl, I didn't see Favre play yesterday. I used to watch games all day on Sunday. now I'm lucky if I get 2 games a year. I'm so glad he's making the best of his trade though. He was so heartbroken to not be able to go back to GB. And I was bummed that now I'll NEVER get to see him play in person. But....all is well. It all works out.

I was going to tell you all about hummingbirds. My dad used to call me in the mornings when he was still alive and tell me what was going on with his humming birds. He'd lay on the floor in his living room and watch them. It was such a special time for me. I had not thought about that for a long time. Thank you for giving me that back.

Candice, I hope you love your new paint. I absolutely HATE to paint. It drives me up a wall. I always love the new look in my world, but hate the process. It's always really good exercise though, so you should feel great!

I still haven't had a chance to look up info on Fergie. Obviously I am too much of a country girl. I couldn't even tell you a song that the black eyed peas sing. I know the name but that's about it.

Has anyone heard from Karri lately? I was thinking about her last night and started to worry about her. I hope she's doing alright and not going crazy too much at school. I know how much work it can be and it's probably getting close to end of term. I hope all is going well. And if you're reading this Karri, I miss you. I'm teaching vicariously through you, remember?

Okay....I'd better get to work. Taking the kids to daycare today so I can get work done on my website and the standards thing that I'm doing. I've got a ton of stuff to do. So I'd better get to it. I'll check back in later. Have a great day ladies!

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Hi Stephanie,

We have several racing greyhound rescues here in Colorado and I have a soft spot in my heart for them. We currently have 3 Brittanys ranging in age from 2 to 14 and taking in another dog is out of the question for a while.

Do your pups have doggie coats to wear? I live at 9000' and it would be easy to turn a GH into a dogsicle during the winter. The rescues list some of the cutest dogware sites. Maybe I just want a GH to outfit it in a coat and hat (not).

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Good morning ladies. I'm up hacking out a lung. I feel like I did when I was a smoker. This is day 3 of this cold so it should be the worst and then I should be getting better. At least that's what I'm telling myself.

Phyl, I didn't see Favre play yesterday. I used to watch games all day on Sunday. now I'm lucky if I get 2 games a year. I'm so glad he's making the best of his trade though. He was so heartbroken to not be able to go back to GB. And I was bummed that now I'll NEVER get to see him play in person. But....all is well. It all works out.

I was going to tell you all about hummingbirds. My dad used to call me in the mornings when he was still alive and tell me what was going on with his humming birds. He'd lay on the floor in his living room and watch them. It was such a special time for me. I had not thought about that for a long time. Thank you for giving me that back.

Candice, I hope you love your new paint. I absolutely HATE to paint. It drives me up a wall. I always love the new look in my world, but hate the process. It's always really good exercise though, so you should feel great!

I still haven't had a chance to look up info on Fergie. Obviously I am too much of a country girl. I couldn't even tell you a song that the black eyed peas sing. I know the name but that's about it.

Has anyone heard from Karri lately? I was thinking about her last night and started to worry about her. I hope she's doing alright and not going crazy too much at school. I know how much work it can be and it's probably getting close to end of term. I hope all is going well. And if you're reading this Karri, I miss you. I'm teaching vicariously through you, remember?

Okay....I'd better get to work. Taking the kids to daycare today so I can get work done on my website and the standards thing that I'm doing. I've got a ton of stuff to do. So I'd better get to it. I'll check back in later. Have a great day ladies!

No havn't heard from Karri either she must still be very busy with her new school year... its always kinda nuts unti early Nov. isn't it?

I am sorry you are not feeling well Stephanie, there is a bad bug going around at work here too. One of the girls is coughing a lot and she sounds like she has pneumonia! yuk.

How are the new poochies today? They would look sweet in little coats for winter. My JR's need coats for winter weather here too as it can get well below freezing. We've already had a wee snowfall... yikes:sneaky:

The paint job is dry and the pictures are all re-hung, I put all the tools of the trade away and then realized that I forgot to take the masking tape(green) off the Motion Sensor alarm thingy at the ceiling in one corner of thre room - dah!! So gotta get out the ladder again.:biggrin:

Hugs to all the NON posters today!~!!:blush: :w00t: :w00t:

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I will live. Actually feel better today but sound worse. I've been very busy today with my standards stuff. Plus got a new phone. That has kept me busy tonight. I'm pretty excited because I haven't ever gotten a new phone. I've always had a hand me down from Jeff. Now I have my very own smart phone. Not that I'm smart enough to use it, but hey...who asked you.

I had a great day with the puppies. I love them both so much. I do have three different collars for them and 2 coats. Jeff has put a hold on all my puppy purchases. I am not allowed to purchase anything else without his permission. I could go crazy buying for them though so I guess he has a point. I have found out that Chi Rho has a real fear of semi tractors. He was so scared when one drove past us on our walk today. I've never seen a dog so horrified. He froze and just shook all over. I never felt so bad for an animal. I don't know what had to have happened to the poor thing but it had to have been bad. I don't know what I can do to help it though....because Plentywood happens to have a TON of semi's. Probably almost as many of them as cars. I know we are going to have to work through it, but not sure how. I think we may need the dog whisperer.

anyways....Jeff left today for a few days. I have a few days all to myself. Except for the kids. I'm pretty excited about it actually. But know I could get really lazy too.

Watching some recorded biggest loser. I have 4 to watch so it could be a good way to pass a few hours. This so far is very different. I never watched the beginning of the other seasons. It's always been the end...so this is neat to watch. Takes me back to where I was a year ago. Almost makes me want to cry. I can't believe I was there a year ago. Very moving.

So I'm off to watch tv....later ladies

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Hi Stephanie,

Glad to hear you are feeling better. Just got a flu shot last week and hoping that it can keep away some of the sniffles.

Sometimes, being alone with the "kids" can be rejuvinating. My husband's brittany, Big Boy Bob, aka The Bobs, aka The Goof, can give me the biggest belly-laugh. After his evening feeding, he flys (yes, he definately takes to the air) from the floor, over the arm of the sofa, onto the seat, flops over on his back, arches his spine as he wiggles and moans. What a site! What a sound!

I've been thinking about getting my band tightened. Haven't seen the surgeon for close to a year and seem to be able to cheat far too much...rice cakes with "chocolatey drizzle", chocolate covered pretzels...kinda pass by the difficult stuff like meat, veggies and fruit. (Take my Vitamins and fruit/veggie pills from Swanson). Throw Swanson fruit/veggie powder into my coffee (gooood stuff) and make like I'm eating healthy. Too little time. Too easy to toast 1/2 a bagel and plop some cheddar on it. What's your take? To tighten or not to tighten?


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Good Afternoon!

Hot here again today.... 90 something. Went for a scooter ride for an hour or so but so hot my neck was getting burned and the back of my pants were soaking wet with sweat when we got back! I had to change my pants so I could sit on the couch! Earlier in the week the weather report said it was going to cool off by this weekend. Now, no end in sight, the last I heard!

On the internet front things are looking up. Office wanted to know how many days I signed up for Wi-Fi vs. how many days I actually got. So I put that in writing and turned it in. About an hour later, a new WiFi tower/antenna was installed right behind our RV!! Coincidence, I imagine, but it was funny! And encouraging! Signal is very strong but I can't use it because they wont' give me the password until they work out some "gliches"! Frustrating. The signal is so strong it keeps overriding others in the nieghborhood that we've been using!

Worried about my Thurs morning weigh in! The weather is so nice, everyone outside and a casual outside encounter can quickly turn into sitting on someone's patio sipping wine!!

Friday night we have Octoberfest... I inquired about the menu... brats, sauerkraut and potato salad! No beer... no alcohol at the clubhouse.

Edited by phyllser

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Hi Stephanie,

Glad to hear you are feeling better. Just got a flu shot last week and hoping that it can keep away some of the sniffles.

Sometimes, being alone with the "kids" can be rejuvinating. My husband's brittany, Big Boy Bob, aka The Bobs, aka The Goof, can give me the biggest belly-laugh. After his evening feeding, he flys (yes, he definately takes to the air) from the floor, over the arm of the sofa, onto the seat, flops over on his back, arches his spine as he wiggles and moans. What a site! What a sound!

I've been thinking about getting my band tightened. Haven't seen the surgeon for close to a year and seem to be able to cheat far too much...rice cakes with "chocolatey drizzle", chocolate covered pretzels...kinda pass by the difficult stuff like meat, veggies and fruit. (Take my Vitamins and fruit/veggie pills from Swanson). Throw Swanson fruit/veggie powder into my coffee (gooood stuff) and make like I'm eating healthy. Too little time. Too easy to toast 1/2 a bagel and plop some cheddar on it. What's your take? To tighten or not to tighten?


Well let me see, what is your weight maintenance like? Are you holding your goal weight well? Sometimes being too tight creates its own problems too.

I have a question for you, my lst fill was Sept 2 (have 7.25 cc's in a 10 cc band) and the last two wks my band feels like its tightened up some more on its own? Now I am liking the better restriction, as I CAN't EAT junk and I really have to concentrate on meat, but am doing o.k. with that plus I am able to stick to my 800 - 1000 cals per day..FINALLY!

But my problem is now when I wake up in the morning, sometimes early 5ish I have this ache in my upper chest... its a weird feeling. Not burning like acid reflux (as I've had that before and know how it feels) and I am so tight in the morning I can't even drink coffee right away on waking. I have to wait to have Breakfast, and then be REAL careful with that too.

By lunch time I can eat my hard protien and supper too... so that's o.k.

I was down another 1 lb this morning... so I am :) about that!~

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Good Afternoon!

Hot here again today.... 90 something. Went for a scooter ride for an hour or so but so hot my neck was getting burned and the back of my pants were soaking wet with sweat when we got back! I had to change my pants so I could sit on the couch! Earlier in the week the weather report said it was going to cool off by this weekend. Now, no end in sight, the last I heard!

On the internet front things are looking up. Office wanted to know how many days I signed up for Wi-Fi vs. how many days I actually got. So I put that in writing and turned it in. About an hour later, a new WiFi tower/antenna was installed right behind our RV!! Coincidence, I imagine, but it was funny! And encouraging! Signal is very strong but I can't use it because they wont' give me the password until they work out some "gliches"! Frustrating. The signal is so strong it keeps overriding others in the nieghborhood that we've been using!

Worried about my Thurs morning weigh in! The weather is so nice, everyone outside and a casual outside encounter can quickly turn into sitting on someone's patio sipping wine!!

Friday night we have Octoberfest... I inquired about the menu... brats, sauerkraut and potato salad! No beer... no alcohol at the clubhouse.

your TGIF Octoberfest sounds like it will be fun... I love Brats ever since Linda turned me on to them in Wisconcin!! Just skip the potato salad, have your pre=party glass of wine instead,,, speaking of alcohol... why none at the clubhouse? Seems a funny rule for socializing.

God, Im freezing here today, snow on the ground!!! ITS BEGUN:blink: :) :)

Welll, my day off so I am heading out to get groceries...dressing up for the adventure though.

Later babes:girl_hug: to all the lurkers.... I know :) you're out there :)

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Good Morning Gang

I tried to get on yesterday around lunch time and couldn't then had to meet witht he lawyer yesterday - by the time I got home - I didn't get on the computer..

Car good to see you back

Steph - Love the doggies

Candice - Sounds like you are doing good - remember Dec will be here before you know it.

Phyl - I really haven't watched the new lately... But I am looking forward to some cooler weather myself - I want to turn the A/C off..

Not much to report - I gotta say that stress really does affect my band..

I am down to 138 - heck I pb'd on butternut squash last night - but after that I ate a sherbert cone (you know the cold from the ice cream to soothe my tummy :)) Then ate dinner - fish rice & the rest of the squash.. I love being a grownup sometimes cuz we can eat dessert before dinner :)

Well as usual my desk is a mess - so gotta get to it - I will CBL :)

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What I wouldn't do for that feeling again. I think I'll make an appointment for a fill. Lapband life has just been too easy for the past 3 - 4 months. Thanks for the input. We're going away for 3 weeks over the holidays, so if I'm going to have it done it should be soon.

I seem to give the scales a wide berth, but I'm holding steady at my current size 10 Joe's Jeans (my big treat when I hit a size 10).

Ooo-ooo just got an appointment for a fill next Tuesday. Yippee!

Where do you live in Montana? Sounds like your weather is just like ours.

Thanks for the help,


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