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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Nice story about the Hummingbirds Phyl... ours are all gone for the year, perhaps THEY are the ones at your feeder???

How was Fergie Janet? or did you go yet???

Exercise today, + stuck to my calorie count too... must update my ticker again.

Feel like I'm getting the flu though,??? chilly and had the demon of the lower intest. today at work YUK!!!;)

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I had to post here, cause I don't want this thread to go almost 24 hours without anyone posting. Just wanted to let you all know that I am alive and kicking. Just don't have anything to say.

8_4_145.gif 8_1_225.gifAnd for God's sakes, watch out for those little tricksters.



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I had to post here, cause I don't want this thread to go almost 24 hours without anyone posting. Just wanted to let you all know that I am alive and kicking. Just don't have anything to say.

8_4_145.gif 8_1_225.gifAnd for God's sakes, watch out for those little tricksters. CBL

Good Morning! I'm here lurking. Margarita party next door was fun. Sorry, I never did switch to wine! Also ate 3 chicken wings and a few meatballs, uh oh... and a couple of little mini muffin brownies! DH will make me pay. He's already lecturing me ad nauseum about how many carbs I had this week! Huh?? I guess he's talking about the 1/2 pancake I had at the pancake Breakfast Wed. morning!! Half of a skinny little pancake with sugar free syrup! He's only doing this today because after fixing me my little eggbeaters omelet this morning he fixed himself a big plate of blueberry pancakes and eggs. So it's his guilt speaking. but he's successfully pissed me off and it's not even 9 a.m. yet!


Watching Billy the Bully out the front window!

He's still dominating the hummingbird feeder

and exhausting himself trying to keep all the other birds away.


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Good Morning Gang..

Fregie was good had a good time considering I really wasn't in the party spirit like I would usually be. I was home by 10 - in bed by 10:30 and slept til 8.. So no hangover this morning - which is good but still didn't go to the gym. Monday for sure...

Candice - glad you are exercising - Hope you aren't getting sick - I know yesterday I had this little cough and was worried I was getting sick. But am feeling ok today just a headache.

Well, just cking in... Will CBL...

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Good Morning! I'm here lurking. Margarita party next door was fun. Sorry, I never did switch to wine! Also ate 3 chicken wings and a few meatballs, uh oh... and a couple of little mini muffin brownies! DH will make me pay. He's already lecturing me ad nauseum about how many carbs I had this week! Huh?? I guess he's talking about the 1/2 pancake I had at the pancake Breakfast Wed. morning!! Half of a skinny little pancake with sugar free syrup! He's only doing this today because after fixing me my little eggbeaters omelet this morning he fixed himself a big plate of blueberry pancakes and eggs. So it's his guilt speaking. but he's successfully pissed me off and it's not even 9 a.m. yet!


Watching Billy the Bully out the front window!

He's still dominating the hummingbird feeder

and exhausting himself trying to keep all the other birds away.


OMG Phyl what a way to start your Saturday... Glad you enjoyed your margarita's & Snacks.

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Good Morning Gang..Fregie was good had a good time considering I really wasn't in the party spirit like I would usually be. I was home by 10 - in bed by 10:30 and slept til 8.. So no hangover this morning - which is good but still didn't go to the gym. Monday for sure...

Candice - glad you are exercising - Hope you aren't getting sick - I know yesterday I had this little cough and was worried I was getting sick. But am feeling ok today just a headache.

Well, just cking in... Will CBL...

Ah, there you are! We were posting at the same time so I missed yours!

Glad you had a good time! We were next door from 4 pm until 9 pm and I was BAD! But a fun evening! Five of nine of us there were born in 1943, me the youngest of those! Other four a little younger. So there was a lot of teasing about oldest vs. youngest.

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OMG Phyl what a way to start your Saturday... Glad you enjoyed your margarita's & Snacks.

No biggie! He's acting normal so he apparently doesn't know how much he pissed me off..... YET!


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Good morning ladies. Had a good day yesterday. Went shopping with my SIL and that was fun. The best thing that happened though, was that I was looking at pants because it's getting cold and my short pants are just not cutting it....and I grabbed a 4 to see how far out I was....and they FIT!!!!! I am so psyched. I tried to wear them with the leg sticker on them last night but my darling little girl ripped it off. She was thinking of me I'm sure. And funny thing. I couldn't find 20's when I was a 20. Yesterday I couldn't hardly find 4's or 6's. There were about 5 pairs total in Walmart. What is up with that???? There were racks upon racks of 8-20....walls of them. How crazy. And the only 4's and 6's were petite. Thank goodness I'm short and could wear them....and that they were not in the super low waisted styles. My unders hang out but I don't wear short shirts so it will be okay.

Went out last night for a benefit for a friend who's kidneys went haywire. Very scary for him and now he is fully disabled. So many bills. Thank goodness all their kids are grown and only one is still in college. I'm thankful for that for them. Anyways...had only two drinks and 3/4 of a polish sausage and kraut and about 1/4 cup Beans. Later was still a bit hungry so we went and ordered pizza....ate the tops off of 3 small pieces....hamburger, onions, lettuce, tomatoes, and pickles....with a little bit of miracle whip. Amazing actually. Sounds gross and had I not had 2 coctails I would have told Jeff he was crazy....but it turned out to be really good. The MW made such a great tang. If you're thinking about something different for pizza I suggest you try it. It was like a wonderful cheeseburger. And all those yummy veggies.

Okay....I talked Jeff into letting me bring home the other little girl dog...so I'm going to go get her this afternoon. Chi just really needs his mate. And she was so sweet. So in a week we have gone from 2 dogs and 1 cat to 4 dogs and 1 cat. I am so excited. I left my camera card in Lincoln or I would show you my puppies but I think I'll go buy another one today and I'll post new pics of my darlings.

Okay...I'd better go. Have a great day ladies.

I'll talk about humming birds and Fergie later....I have to figure out who the heck Fergie is...I'm assuming NOT the former royal.

Will be back later!!!

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Good morning ladies. Had a good day yesterday. Went shopping with my SIL and that was fun. The best thing that happened though, was that I was looking at pants because it's getting cold and my short pants are just not cutting it....and I grabbed a 4 to see how far out I was....and they FIT!!!!! I am so psyched. I tried to wear them with the leg sticker on them last night but my darling little girl ripped it off. She was thinking of me I'm sure. And funny thing. I couldn't find 20's when I was a 20. Yesterday I couldn't hardly find 4's or 6's. There were about 5 pairs total in Walmart. What is up with that???? There were racks upon racks of 8-20....walls of them. How crazy. And the only 4's and 6's were petite. Thank goodness I'm short and could wear them....and that they were not in the super low waisted styles. My unders hang out but I don't wear short shirts so it will be okay.

Went out last night for a benefit for a friend who's kidneys went haywire. Very scary for him and now he is fully disabled. So many bills. Thank goodness all their kids are grown and only one is still in college. I'm thankful for that for them. Anyways...had only two drinks and 3/4 of a polish sausage and kraut and about 1/4 cup Beans. Later was still a bit hungry so we went and ordered pizza....ate the tops off of 3 small pieces....hamburger, onions, lettuce, tomatoes, and pickles....with a little bit of miracle whip. Amazing actually. Sounds gross and had I not had 2 coctails I would have told Jeff he was crazy....but it turned out to be really good. The MW made such a great tang. If you're thinking about something different for pizza I suggest you try it. It was like a wonderful cheeseburger. And all those yummy veggies.

Okay....I talked Jeff into letting me bring home the other little girl dog...so I'm going to go get her this afternoon. Chi just really needs his mate. And she was so sweet. So in a week we have gone from 2 dogs and 1 cat to 4 dogs and 1 cat. I am so excited. I left my camera card in Lincoln or I would show you my puppies but I think I'll go buy another one today and I'll post new pics of my darlings.

Okay...I'd better go. Have a great day ladies.

I'll talk about humming birds and Fergie later....I have to figure out who the heck Fergie is...I'm assuming NOT the former royal.

Will be back later!!!


You don't know who Fergie from the Black Eye Peas is -- Big Girls Don't Cry -- 200_44b3fe6d-00147-00566-400cb8e1

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Hi, Gang!

OMG, what a day!! we were out & about today... went to the mall when I remembered I had a gift card with $20+on it, won it in that TOPS contest before I left WA. So we went to Sears and discovered they had a pair of diamond studs, $259, 1/2 ct,14k gold, on sale for $99.. so I got them! they're not the most impressive diamonds you've ever seen, but I like them. They're nice. I'll get more expensive ones when I earn them!! I still have a few pounds to lose before I can wear these!

Second thrill of the day, and considerably MORE significant!!

... I think I've told you before that our oldest son was dx'd with eye cancer a few years back, lost his left eye and still has to be screened regularly for metastasis. Also, he's been building an "experimental" plane for 12 1/2 years!! Well, the day he called us to tell us about the eye cancer, after many tears, he said "I WILL finish my plane and I WILL fly it!!" And, guess what???? He finished it a few weeks ago, FAA inspection on the 17th, and today.... HE FLEW IT!! Earl & I both cried when he called to tell us he flew it this morning for the very first time!! I can't tell you what that means to us!!




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Phyl - Great news about your son! Didn't you show us a picture of the plane awhile back?

My baby boy just left to go to his first dance, Homecoming. He looks so handsome. I got up this morning to bring him to get something to wear. Right before we leave, he tells me the girl's mom won't let her go cause she's sick. Then after noon, she decides she can go. So my daughter took him shopping. He got shoes that look so ridiculously big, it looked like me wearing my daddy's shoes. So my DH tells him to try on his wingtips. They fit pretty good, so he wore his Daddy's shoes. It's just too darling for words.

Janet - Was she G....L....A.....M.......O..R........O....U....S,, glamorous, flouncy, flouncy, glamorous?

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Considering that this day started out so quietly on the thread, its certainly turned out to be newsworthy indeed!

Phyl, congrats on your Son's plane and the flight. That is truly a miracle. You deserve to be proud. Your earrings sound nice too... Earl relented and let you buy REAL ones huh? That's cool.

Stephanie; Wow, another pooch? You guys will go broke buying Dog kibble!!! But I can see how you fell in love with the girl too. Can't wait for the pictures.

Janet; I am glad you got out to have some fun time. Even if you didn't stay out late. Its good to resume your normal activities. Are you eating enough? Sounds like you are getting some good sleep in.. take care of yourself o.k.?

Kari; see just by posting first off its started a rush!

I got some heavy duty exercise today and also stuck to my food plan. I started painting my Front Foyer, Family Room and Kitchen. It had to be done alltogether as its an open concept area so I needed to use the same colour throughout.

I will have to finish it tomorrow, but I painted for about 5=6 hours today... mega calories!! WHew hew...

I'll post up my calories in a minute.:eek:

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Phyl - Great news about your son! Didn't you show us a picture of the plane awhile back?

My baby boy just left to go to his first dance, Homecoming. He looks so handsome. I got up this morning to bring him to get something to wear. Right before we leave, he tells me the girl's mom won't let her go cause she's sick. Then after noon, she decides she can go. So my daughter took him shopping. He got shoes that look so ridiculously big, it looked like me wearing my daddy's shoes. So my DH tells him to try on his wingtips. They fit pretty good, so he wore his Daddy's shoes. It's just too darling for words.

Janet - Was she G....L....A.....M.......O..R........O....U....S,, glamorous, flouncy, flouncy, glamorous?

yeah, I think I did post a picture of his plane. Pretty exciting day for us!

Enjoyed hearing about your son's homecoming dance! Our grandson went to his last weekend. DIL sent us a picture of him all dressed up. girl he went with wanted to meet him there! Kids?? Go figure!

Considering that this day started out so quietly on the thread, its certainly turned out to be newsworthy indeed!

Phyl, congrats on your Son's plane and the flight. That is truly a miracle. You deserve to be proud. Your earrings sound nice too... Earl relented and let you buy REAL ones huh? That's cool.

Stephanie; Wow, another pooch? You guys will go broke buying Dog kibble!!! But I can see how you fell in love with the girl too. Can't wait for the pictures.

Janet; I am glad you got out to have some fun time. Even if you didn't stay out late. Its good to resume your normal activities. Are you eating enough? Sounds like you are getting some good sleep in.. take care of yourself o.k.?

Kari; see just by posting first off its started a rush!

I got some heavy duty exercise today and also stuck to my food plan. I started painting my Front Foyer, Family Room and Kitchen. It had to be done alltogether as its an open concept area so I needed to use the same colour throughout.

I will have to finish it tomorrow, but I painted for about 5=6 hours today... mega calories!! WHew hew...

I'll post up my calories in a minute.:eek:

Yeah! good day, and lots of news. anxious to see photos of the two dogs, Steph!

Earl didn't fuss much about the earrings at all! He cringed a little when we were at the Marine base the other day and I showed him some that I liked that were about $350! So he was pretty happy about $99!

Just got back from pool/hot tub. ready to veg with some TV now!

Later, Chicks!

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Hi ladies. Not much to report but thought I would post pics of my babies. Silly dogs though, wouldn't pose. All they want to do tonight is sleep. So you'll have to imagine how beautiful they are running. Chi is so much happier today than he was. They ran and played tag with each other. He just has a wonderful sparkle in his eye now. Allie smiled when we got to her home. It was like she was waiting for us to get there. The poor lady who was fostering her though. Almost broke my heart to take her with us.

Dog with white is Chi Rho, all black is Allie.

A good food day. I made the most delicious chicken. Chicken breasts that were marinated in honey mustard. pounded flat with brown rice, mushrooms and colby jack cheese stuffing rolled up in them. It was absolutely divine.

I can't even explain how wonderful it was. Emeril sausages for lunch. Protein Drink for bfast because I was so plugged up this morning. I seem to be getting a LOT of colds lately. I hope it isn't something more than a cold this time. I definitely don't want another sinus infection like last time.

Okay...going to try to get other pics of my dogs. Keep your fingers crossed.




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They woke up for a few minutes. Here are a few more pics. And before you ask, Candice, Yes that is one of those over the head bras!!! I didn't do my hair and I didn't do my makeup. It's all about the dogs!!!




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      I know most of the answers are no, not forever. It might be worse after for a while, then get better. I know it's a more of a mental challenge than physical after the first couple weeks of healing. I get all of that. But I'm starting to feel scared about losing myself afterwards. 
      It might be my hormones or desire to chew something salty talking.. It may go away soon or tomorrow.. I can hope, anyway. But right now.. The fear is real. 
      And this liquid diet can bite me. 
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      1. NickelChip

        Fear is normal, but if it makes you feel any better, I'm 4.5 months post-op and the pre-op diet was by far the hardest part of the whole process. There will be challenges and a lot of new things to learn, but I can honestly say at this point I feel so much more "back to normal" and was even able to go on a week-long vacation with my kids without stressing over it. It's so worthwhile.

      2. OhMyGawdItzKla

        @NickelChip This actually does make me feel better! Thank you so much! After the onslaught of Covid, we've all had to deal with a "new normal", so I know it's possible. It's just the fear and frustration in this moment that makes me question if I can find another "new normal" afterwards. The thought of just a few more months seems daunting some times, but I really do appreciate input and real experience. I'll use that to get me through for a few more hours! LOL. Thank you so much! And I'm glad everything is going so well for you! ❤️

    • mamabear30106

      I started my 10 day pre op diet yesterday I need flavor!! I'm not big on the chocolate protein shakes so I just got to use up what I have was thinking about freezing it to make it like a ice cream so its something I can chew a little. Idk this is hard but I know I can do it just need to find new things to try 
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      1. JennyBeez

        You can try. I've read other people have had good results with protein-shake popsicles, etc. My personal experience with it? Sucked.

        I tried making 'fudgesicles' with a couple different flavors of a premade shake, as well as a protein powder I blended myself and all of them came out revolting? The powder ones, all the protein sunk to the middle; the premade shakes, the popsicle had a disgusting texture and the protein seemed to leave a weird fluffy film on the outside? I couldn't stomach it.

        Maybe look into flavoring additives? I was able to have sugar-free coffee /soda syrup flavorings, sugar-free drink flavorings and baking additives like almond, rum or pepperment extract. The extracts helped me the most as they added no extra sweetener.

        On the other hand, if you can get your hands on an unflavored/unsweetened protein powder, the syrup flavorings are perfect. I love to use Boost "Just Protein" (which is unflavored) with milk and a Chai-flavored sugarfree syrup.

        Good luck!

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