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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Who wants to dance with me?!?!?!

This morning's weigh-in puts me at 168.6!!! Weeeeeeee! I've finally gotten out of the 170s. I am SO pleased with that. I stopped trying to get my calories up to target allowance on the days I was short. It just seemed silly having to eat something bad to give me more cals at the end of the day. Plus it was making me fall back into bad habits, wanting to eat ice cream every night. So I was a good girl this week and just took each day as it came. If I was short on cals, I didn't try to make up for it at the end of the day or the following day. Each day started anew.

I was just so happy to not see a 170 score on the scale this morning. I know it's still possible that I'll go back up over it if this last 6 months is any indication, but this is an new low score for me and I'm over the moon about it.


:Banane27: CONGRATULATIONS GIRL :Banane27:


I quote that serenity prayer a lot, but it doesn't sink in for him!

I'll dance with you!! That's great!

I'm solidly in to the 230's column now and that makes me happy,

so you must be overjoyed to be where you are!!

Yeah, we probably brought this cool weather with us!! Earl was really complaining about the heat our first couple of days here. I loved it!! I'm cold now and he still wants all the windows open!

Janet... Glossy in DHS has a QVC rack of mark downs... Denim & Co.

! I'm paying for WiFi at the motor home!! So I shouldn't have to lug my laptop over here to use the free one! No one in the office on the weekend to complain to!

Phyl – Yep the serenity prayer is all we can do right now and tell him to quit watching the news …

230’s – Way to Go !!!!:thumbup:

I am LOVING the cooler weathers – no A/C now I can afford to shop at Target..

Yep I would complain too,…

Hooray Ruby!!! you broke the choke hold... I knew you could do it.

Weigh in this morning. 177.8 down 3.2 lbs in one wk.

We're on the right track.

Candice –


:Banane53: :laugh::smile2:

Good morning ladies!! Hope you all had a great day yesterday. I have to say I didn't.

Yesterday was my son's birthday party. He invited about 15 people...figured about 8 would show up. My biggest fear was realized yesterday....but not for me. No one showed. My heart broke for my son. I know he has problems but it's not like no one ever talks to him. He has a couple of girls texting him all the time, 3 or 4 boys that he pals around with. And no one. I can't even explain the hurt.

And after that I turned to my old standby. I honestly tried to eat my pain away. I knew I was doing it while I was doing it and just didn't care. I had no desire to stop. I know it didn't help. I know all I did was make myself more miserable. But yesterday at least there was some sweetness in my mouth.

Today I'm feeling a little better. I don't think I will be overcome again. I hope not anyways.

Okay...off to get ready for church. I will talk to you all later. Just had to play true confessions.

Steph – Oh so sorry for your Son and you too cuz I know your heart was breaking – how did he take it… Hugs … I just can’t imagine the sorrow you felt for your son..

HONEY, I'M HOME ! ! ! ! ! !

I had a fantastic week-end. I am so glad my girlfriends talked me into going. Saw a lot of people I knew............met a lot of people I didn't know. And spent some quality time with my girlfriends. (one from Fla, one from CA and one from Co,) Folks who saw me at the mini reunion six years ago, told me how great I looked, and noticed the weight loss. My friend from Fla. who saw me just last winter, couldn't believe how I looked. All three of them have told me that I shouldn't really lose any more weight, That I am good right now. Just get the belly fat and loose skin off. That I had stick legs and no butt........didn't need to lose more.

Okay, now.............food choices. Fri. for lunch, I had half an Olga sandwich (flat bread, greek) and salad. dinner, split a Ca. Reuben (turkey, cole slaw and russian dressing) with my friend and a bowl of French onion Soup. And One Beer.

Sat. Instead of Breakfast, we went to the exersize room instead. Pedaled for 30 minutes and treadmill for 15. Lunch was a half chick. salad on croissant and a bowl of onion soup. Dinner was a buffet.....mosscacholi (?), small piece of chicken, small piece of beef and half a small red skin potato. Little eclairs for dessert. And some school colors M&M's. And two beers. Then after midnight the reunion moved to the hotel, had a couple more beers and some crackers with dip.

This Morning, they had a breakfast buffet for all of us and since it cost me $15.00, I filled my plate full. Half waffle, scrambled eggs w/ham, bacon, and sausage patty. Blueberry muffin. Ended up eating less than half of it. But hey, I tried to get my money's worth. Even if I didn't eat it.

Kari – I am so happy that you had a good time – that fantastic – isn’t it funny that pple are now saying “don’t lose anymore weight” - Sounds like you did good on your eating – I can drink a beer or 2 but they really do fill me up…

Kari, Your reunion sounds fantastic. I am so happy that you went and had a good time. Your food choices for such an occasion were not all that bad either. Good for you eating 1/2 of the buffet plate.

My food yest. THANKSGIVING Dinner incl. CALORIESCARBSFATPROTEIN 1,4741975251

Well it was fun, my DD and SIL2B were up and two of our best friend couples came for dinner so there were 8 of us. Wonderful time, and Damn I am a good cook!!! My Turnip Souffle was a big hit as it is a family fav. I used store bought pumpkin pie but also make SKOR squares for dessert. I too FILLED my plate with everything in sight but then couldn't eat it no matter how hard I wanted to. Not because I was hungry for more, just that I had 'taken' it and it was thanksgiving and in yrs past I always had at least TWO plates of turkey food. DAH!

In the morning my DD and I went out to a nearby resort and met with a Wedding Co-ordinator to see where she might like to get married next fall. Well, I tell ya, "I" almost put the downpayment on the place... I am such a sucker~!

Big WALK yest. a couple of miles... it was great cause I didnt' get to the gym... but the kids, Dad and Dogs and I went out the weather was just so fabulous. And we could all talk wedding plans while we walked. It was a nice weekend.

Tonight we are going to my MOM's residence and taking the leftover Thxgiving cassaroles and the 3 of us will have our little dinner there. She didn't feel up to coming out to my place with her wheelchair, oxygen etc... I guess I can understand that.

Have a super day everyone, I'll be bhack at work tomorrow




Can’t help on the wedding issues – Vegas is where I went and where my Son went too

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Yesterday was my son's birthday party. He invited about 15 people...figured about 8 would show up. My biggest fear was realized yesterday....but not for me. No one showed. My heart broke for my son. I know he has problems but it's not like no one ever talks to him. He has a couple of girls texting him all the time, 3 or 4 boys that he pals around with. And no one. I can't even explain the hurt.

Steph, I know exactly how you feel. The last birthday party my son had was his 11th because only 2 people showed. He has ADHD and a mild case of Asperger's. He is now 15 and he's doing much better but he's still far from being a social butterfly. There is no pain greater than seeing one's child in pain.

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That place sounds just great ! ! ! Pricewise, I couldn't say. It's been 10 years or so since we did it. Does it include alcohol? If it doesn't, sounds kind of steep but..............you're asking the wrong person. But, sounds gorgeous so........Go for it.



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Just jumping in here for a few minutes. WiFi still down at the RV. In fact, from what I hear, we're lucky to have it available here in the library because it's been down in the whole park. I was told they've been working on it since Friday without finding a fix! Yay! So glad I decided to pay for this service that is not available! Yippee! Wonder if they're going to credit our accounts or extend the service????

Candice, wedding arrangements.... exciting!! Sounds like you found a great place, but probably should look at a few others for comparison. I always have to make sure I'm getting a good deal by shopping around.

Karri, good to hear from you again. My niece, I think she's 27 yrs, ran the 26 mile Chicago marathon yesterday. I was thinking of you when I heard about it. Last time I saw her she was looking a little "chunky" but my mom says she dropped 30 lb training for the marathon!

Good talking to you yesterday, Janet. Hope you got your cable all set up okay.

Okay, I'm brain dead now. Can't remember any other posts.

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Glad you had such a nice Thanksgiving, Candice!!


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Good morning ladies!! Hope you all had a great day yesterday. I have to say I didn't.

Yesterday was my son's birthday party. He invited about 15 people...figured about 8 would show up. My biggest fear was realized yesterday....but not for me. No one showed. My heart broke for my son. I know he has problems but it's not like no one ever talks to him. He has a couple of girls texting him all the time, 3 or 4 boys that he pals around with. And no one. I can't even explain the hurt.

And after that I turned to my old standby. I honestly tried to eat my pain away. I knew I was doing it while I was doing it and just didn't care. I had no desire to stop. I know it didn't help. I know all I did was make myself more miserable. But yesterday at least there was some sweetness in my mouth.

Today I'm feeling a little better. I don't think I will be overcome again. I hope not anyways.

Okay...off to get ready for church. I will talk to you all later. Just had to play true confessions.

That is so sad. It's really hard to explain to children also. I'm sorry for you and your son. I hope there aren't any long term effects because of this incident.

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Really tight today!!! Could only get a shake in for Breakfast and lunch. Then I had a "Dreaded" square from Thanksgiaving... for Supper I had leftover TURKEY dinner with my Mom..

1/4 cup pot, 1/2 cup stuffing, 2 oz. turkey, 1 tbsn gravy, 1/4 cup Turnip + 1 pc of pumpkin pie...


No exercise today, gym tomorrow morning before work. YEAH!!

Stephanie; I am sorry I forgot to mention yest about your Son's B-day party. That was indeed cruel for non of those kids to come. Does no one respond to an invitation these days??? What is wrong with the Parents of these kids??? How would they feel if it was their son. Give him an extra hug from me...

Phyl, I loved your joke you emailed that one is being forwarded to all my buddies.!!! Stocks are back up today, is Earl doing the Gig???

Well I'd better go and spend some time with Hubby :thumbup:

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We all need to keep Janet in our thoughts and prayers. She just called and asked me to let you all know that her younger brother has passed away suddenly. Only 50 yrs old. He apparently had bronchitis. Said he didn't have insurance so wouldn't go to the dr. Was in poor health, overweight, etc. She said she won't be online for a while. She's in a state of shock right now. Family is either already there or on the way.

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We all need to keep Janet in our thoughts and prayers. She just called and asked me to let you all know that her younger brother has passed away suddenly. Only 50 yrs old. He apparently had bronchitis. Said he didn't have insurance so wouldn't go to the dr. Was in poor health, overweight, etc. She said she won't be online for a while. She's in a state of shock right now. Family is either already there or on the way.

Aw Phyl, thanks for letting us all know what has happened.. I will for sure say an extra prayer for her tonight. Janet is one of those super kind people who is always there for EACH of us in our struggles. I hope she knows that we'll all be thinking of her now in her sorrow. :thumbup:

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Morning ladies. Just a quick check in. I'm at my mom's house and we are going to Missoula this afternoon. Was traveling here yesterday and didn't even get on....so I just got caught up on all of your messages.

Karri, isn't it crazy how we can lose our lunch hour to our students? For the last 2 years I didn't have a prep because I had kids that needed to make up courses and that was the only time they could do it. Was never possible to do anything over lunch because it was only a 22 minute break. I guess there are positives about that...didn't think so at the time, but I can see it now.

Phyl, they had better extend your service to make up for the time they didn't have it up and running. That is the cost of doing business. I'd fight really hard for that.

Candice, sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving. Glad to hear! You did really well calorie wise with that too. I'm actually really impressed. Good for you!!!!

As for Janet's horrible news. My heart is hurting for her. She is of course in my prayers. It is so sad that people in this country are dying because they don't have the chance to go to the doctor. Bronchitis shouldn't be fatal for a 50 year old! We have to do something about the condition of our health care system! Not to rant because the focus should be on the family now. If you talk to her, please give her our love. I don't want to call her because I'm sure she has a ton to do. Do you know if she has text messaging? I have her cell and maybe a quick text would let her know I'm thinking of her. She is always there for each and every one of us. I hope our thoughts and prayers comfort her in this time.

Okay...off to get ready to go to Missoula. We are going early enough to go see my dog today!!!! I can NOT wait!!! I get tingles every time I think about it.

Have a good day ladies. I'll check in from the hotel tonight.

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Please let Janet know that I am thinking of her and keeping her and her family in my thoughts and prayers.

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Hi, All,

Talked to Janet briefly today. She is very busy... coroner, attorney, police, etc. Her sister is due in this afternoon, son is already there. Family is gathering at her house this afternoon.

Bronchitis was just an assumption, I think. Last anyone talked to her brother he said he wasn't feeling well and thought he had bronchitis. It is very doubtful that was the cause of his death, I would imagine. Autopsy is being done. At any rate, some on her mentor's thread were asking for her address & I had everything but... home & work numbers, and even her work address. So I now have her home address if any of you don't have it and want to send a card. Just PM me or email me and I"ll get it to you.


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I'm sorry to hear about Janet's brother. Please tell her I am thinking of her during this time.

I saw gas today for 283.9 I thought wow, it's sad when you get excited about gas under $3.00 a gallon.

On Sunday I volunteered for a century ride. In case you don't know this is a 100 mile ride in one day. I was at a rest station at around the 75 mile mark. It was amazing there was one girl age 14 riding and she looked great. Prior to Sunday the most she had ridden in one day was 38 miles. The area where I was had leaves starting to change color. It will be absolutely stunning either this weekend or next. We haven't hit our peak for fall yet.

I rode my bike tonight only 12 miles. I feel like a slacker. I went back to Curves tonight. I took time off with my ankle. I can tell I had not been on those machines for awhile. So far for the month of October my exercise is 162 on the bike out of 250 and 1 out of 12 for resistance and strength training. It is supposed to rain tomorrow so I may try my first spinning class.

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