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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Forgot to address the doggie comments. I have two wonderful puppies right now. They are two beautiful shitzus. Gonzo is 8 and Lily is 4. If I lost one I would not "replace" them. They cannot be replaced.

Maybe I am taking that too personally, but that is how it hit me.

Maybe it seems like I'm replacing my cat...but I wanted the greyhound before Pickles died. I still miss her. A dog won't make her death any easier. It's just that being able to help a dear dog that could have been put down without me stepping up, makes me feel good. I feel like I'm making a difference in the world. That's why I'm getting a greyhound. Not because of replacement issues.

Again, sorry if I took that all wrong. No hard feelings. Just wanted to get that out.

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Forgot to address the doggie comments. I have two wonderful puppies right now. They are two beautiful shitzus. Gonzo is 8 and Lily is 4. If I lost one I would not "replace" them. They cannot be replaced.

Maybe I am taking that too personally, but that is how it hit me.

Maybe it seems like I'm replacing my cat...but I wanted the greyhound before Pickles died. I still miss her. A dog won't make her death any easier. It's just that being able to help a dear dog that could have been put down without me stepping up, makes me feel good. I feel like I'm making a difference in the world. That's why I'm getting a greyhound. Not because of replacement issues.

Again, sorry if I took that all wrong. No hard feelings. Just wanted to get that out.

Steph you are too funny -:laugh: you are right they can't be replaced... That might have not been the right word :tt1: but the easiest... :)

Hugs - Janet

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Candice - 1200 not bad but I don't see that your exercise ticker got updated:thumbdown: Did you stay in bed this morning :sad_smile: Well you are off tomorrow - so before you go see your Mom - GYM....

I really wanted to flake on the gym tonite - I started at noon trying to talk myself out of it - then I said - Janet - you are always spouting about exercise and how important it is to your lucky #7 and your mentor thread - so you CAN NOT FLAKE ... So I went and did my 3 miles - but I am pooped...


Just finished the debates - I think it was a tie... They both talked in circles and blamed each other - I don't think the trickle down effect works and don't know if the trickle up effect will - but I know that I fall in the 95% of american's who don't make 1/4 mil a year and that under McCain - I would lose my health insurance and know that $5k isn't going to buy me a very good policy- worse than what I have this year... and he wants to double the tax credit if you have kids - what happpens to the pple who don't have kids... Pain bugs me - mho - I don't like the cuties act..

Yep told you it was warm - you said you wanted warm - you got it now - sun & heat :smile:

Kari - I am with you - I don't know if I would replace my dogs when they pass... I love them - but I would like to travel and not worry about them - but I do love my little ones -

ok Gang - I am beat -- it's 8:48 and I think I may just head to bed..

I will talk to you all tomorrow - sweet dreams..

You are observant Janet, I did not go to the gym yesterday... I am going today between patients.. I have a gap where 2 people cancelled their appts. so I have 2 hours to kill and I am going to the gym then.

Also, I am going out for dinner/movie with a GF tonight so I looked up what I will be ordering from the menu online and I already know what I will order. 1/4 chicken breast, no skin, dipping sauce, baked potatoe w/ sourcream & chives... all that 530 cals.

So Breakfast is light, lunch will also be light... its all on my food journal. :D

Phyl, I thought Palin was a breath of fresh air for his campaign and she is easy on the eyes!

Steph, You'll have a special place in your heart for Romeo..

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You are observant Janet, I did not go to the gym yesterday... I am going today between patients.. I have a gap where 2 people cancelled their appts. so I have 2 hours to kill and I am going to the gym then.

Also, I am going out for dinner/movie with a GF tonight so I looked up what I will be ordering from the menu online and I already know what I will order. 1/4 chicken breast, no skin, dipping sauce, baked potatoe w/ sourcream & chives... all that 530 cals.

So breakfast is light, lunch will also be light... its all on my food journal. :D


Have fun with GF dinner and show and Great that you are getting your exercise in today :sad_smile:

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Hi ladies, just popping in once again.

Karri - yes I did enjoy my lazy day on Sunday. I probably overdid things at my Aikido class on Saturday afternoon and as a result I had aches in muscles I didn't remember I had.:D I was hobbling around much of Sunday and spent a lot of the time watching TV and reading. It was good for me and I didn't feel bad about being lazy.

Steph- how about Bullet or Turbo for a name for your dog? Greyhounds are meant to be fast, so that's why those two names came to mind for me.

I also wanted to say something about your comment regarding my exercise. I would say it's become an obsession. I guess if there's something to be obsessed about, exercise isn't a "bad" thing. I wouldn't call it an addiction because I make myself take a day off once a week and this time around I really enjoyed it. I needed it too. I get such an adrenaline rush from my cardio exercises. My weight sessions are making my arms stronger and no longer flappy. My Aikido classes bring me focus, increase core strength and I get to hang out with some wonderful people at class. Those are all positive things. DH has told me "Stop!" once before when it was getting too much for me and I'm confident he would do the same again. I don't like being told what NOT to do, but I do recognise that I'm not the best judge of things when it comes to self maintenance. :smile:

Janet - I do plan my meals for the week. The trouble is my band is inconsistent and doesn't always allow me to eat when I should. For example, I may plan to have a dinner of 300 calories and then only be able to get in a couple of bites. At the other end of that, occasionally I will have planned well, only I'm really hungry in the afternoon or evening and blow my allowance. These food demons are clever. They change their game plan all the time. :sad_smile:

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Hi ladies. Hope you are all having a great day. Busy busy here.

I am going to list my dog name ideas here and see if you all have some ideas. Not necessarily the only ones or one that I'm going to pick, just some ideas.....

Meeko (the name of the raccoon in Pocahontas)

Kona (strong Hawaiian coffee)

Loki (Viking god of mischief)

Griffin (mythical creature body of a lion, wings of an eagle)

Bonsai (an ornamental tree -- okay, here's this thinking, they are trees, but are calming influences and they are just to look at...sort of like this beautiful calm do nothing dog is just to look at)

Roman (in case he's attached to Romeo, I think it's close)

Any thoughts ladies?

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CALORIESCARBSFATPROTEINspacer.gif Click on an Item Above to Make a Substitutionnt3_totals.jpg1,120703371

Plus I got to the gym so I'll update my ticker too.

Richard Gere Movie was great, a 2 tissue rating!

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Hi ladies, just popping in once again.


Janet - I do plan my meals for the week. The trouble is my band is inconsistent and doesn't always allow me to eat when I should. For example, I may plan to have a dinner of 300 calories and then only be able to get in a couple of bites. At the other end of that, occasionally I will have planned well, only I'm really hungry in the afternoon or evening and blow my allowance. These food demons are clever. They change their game plan all the time. :eek:

Ruby - I guess I am very lucky - I don't have any issues with my band I would say 99% of the time the restriction is the same... I wish I had some magic answers -

Hi ladies. Hope you are all having a great day. Busy busy here.

I am going to list my dog name ideas here and see if you all have some ideas. Not necessarily the only ones or one that I'm going to pick, just some ideas.....

Meeko (the name of the raccoon in Pocahontas)

Kona (strong Hawaiian coffee)

Loki (Viking god of mischief)

Griffin (mythical creature body of a lion, wings of an eagle)

Bonsai (an ornamental tree -- okay, here's this thinking, they are trees, but are calming influences and they are just to look at...sort of like this beautiful calm do nothing dog is just to look at)

Roman (in case he's attached to Romeo, I think it's close)

Any thoughts ladies?

I like Ruby's Trubo or Bullet - but since you have a grown dog - who knows his name (I know it's really the sound of your voice) I would go with Roman.. Or just leave it Romeo...

CALORIESCARBSFATPROTEINspacer.gif Click on an Item Above to Make a Substitutionnt3_totals.jpg1,120703371

Plus I got to the gym so I'll update my ticker too.

Richard Gere Movie was great, a 2 tissue rating!

Candice - Great on the calories and exercise :) Glad you had a good time with GF and enjoyed the movie..

Well Gang not much to report - work was work - bf yogurt/granola - Soup for lunch - soy/protein sour cream puffs 15 grm pt (from my Doc) for a snack- dinner -one pot wonder (pork zuchinne onion bell pepper jalapeno corn and little rice in a Tomato sauce base)

Well - off to eat - will cbl :)

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What about Romo?

OH! I think I like that!

Or, Remo.... we have a "grandcat" named Remo!! He's HUGE!!


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Hi ladies. Hope your day was wonderful.

Still not sure what I was doing today to spend all day doing it but mom and I did get the storeroom and the basement toy box cleaned out. I got the go ahead to order new carpet for the downstairs family room and Michael's room. It's better than I could have even dreamed of and I'm so excited! Hopefully by the end of next year I will have new floors all around. These were nasty when we moved in 7 years ago and my family has definitely not helped matters any. Between babies, dogs, and now a teenager...I'm thinking plywood all around might be the way to go. A nice country feel ya know.

hmmmm...there was something else. Not sure. Oh....as for the dog. Most racers have never really been called by their kennel names. I've heard that they change names easily as many have really bizarre racetrack names. I will stick with Roman if he seems to be attached to Romeo. I think 2 syllable names are better for training. That's the reason I'm not crazy about Romeo. But...he may LOVE it and we'll adapt. I've read in a lot of the sites though, that its as easy to rename a greyhound as train a puppy of his name.

Okay...off to watch some tv. I'll talk to you later.

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For all of you who like those speciality coffee's lattes etc - here are some healthy ones to have and savor.. Just goes to show you - you can have your treats and be healthy too :wink2:

Pumpkin Spice Latte


  • 1 scoop vanilla Unjury
  • 1 tablespoon Canned pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling)
  • ¼ teaspoon Apple Pie Spice (cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice)
  • ½ cup Skim Milk1, Lactose Free Milk, Soy Milk2, Rice Milk3
  • 2 teaspoons Splenda or Equal (add more or less to adjust sweetness)
  • ½ cup Water
  • 1 teaspoon Instant coffee (regular or decaf)


-Heat water in microwave (below 130 degrees) then mix in instant coffee


-Coffee (as prepared above), milk, canned pumpkin, Vanilla UNJURY, apple pie spice and sweetener in blender

-Blend until combined (about 30 seconds)

-Heat in microwave until warm or serve over ice

Fun Extras:

-Serve with a cinnamon stick

-Top with 1 tablespoon of cool-whip (sugar free or regular) and sprinkle with Apple Pie Spice

Nutrition Facts:

150 calories

24 grams Protein

11 grams carbohydrate

9.5 grams sugar

1 To increase calories use 1%, 2% or whole milk. Protein does not change.

2 Soy milk may increase carbohydrates and sugars, be sure to check the nutrition information.

3 Rice milk may decrease protein and increase carbohydrates and sugars, be sure to check the nutrition information.

Cinnamon Caramel Coffee


  • 1 scoop Unflavored UNJURY
  • 1 cup Water
  • 4 tsp General Foods International sugar free French Vanilla Café
  • 2 tsp Sugar Free Caramel Syrup
  • 1/8 tsp Cinnamon


-Measure 4 tsp General Foods International Sugar Free French Vanilla Café into a shaker

-In a separate cup measure water and heat in microwave (below 130 degrees)

-Add warm water to General Foods International Sugar Free French Vanilla Café and stir

-Add 1 scoop Unflavored UNJURY to shaker and shake until dissolved

-Add 2 tsp Sugar Free Caramel Syrup to shaker and stir until combined

-Add 1/8 tsp cinnamon and stir

Nutrition Facts:

110 calories

20 grams protein

2 grams carbohydrate

2 grams sugar


For a richer, sweeter taste try 1 scoop of Vanilla UNJURY in place of Unflavored UNJURY (this will add 20 calories, 4 grams of carbohydrate and 3 grams of sugar)

Are you a coffee lover?

Try adding 1 tsp of instant coffee (regular or decaf)

Ideas from UNJURY customers

Chocolate Java

1 scoop chocolate UNJURY

8 oz Coffee (regular or decaf)

1 tsp Cocoa powder

Café Mocha

1 scoop Chocolate UNJURY

8 oz Milk

Coffee (regular or decaf) to taste

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I don't like Obama or Biden. I think Palin is a breath of fresh air. I really like her.

Earl just went to pool/hot tub. I opted out. Not motivated. Sluggish tonight and my back hurts... twisted it funny & strained a muscle this morning.. just getting dressed! Been bothering me all day.

Sorry, to disagree with you. Palin scares the sh*** out of me. She is not qualified to be a heart beat away from the presidency.

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Sorry, to disagree with you. Palin scares the sh*** out of me. She is not qualified to be a heart beat away from the presidency.

Too many diverse opinions here, so probably not a productive discussion, but Obama scares the sh*** out of me a LOT more than Palin does! He'll move us right in to Socialism. We're going to pay a lot more taxes and lose a lot more of our freedoms if he has his way. McCain is a man of integrity. Obama has rubbed shoulders with unsavory characters for most of his adult life. The facts are out there.. do the research.

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Doing the HAPPY DANCE today!

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Official weigh in day at our TOPS here at the RV resort.

After 2 1/2 weeks on the road, down 3 1/2 lb!

I know... different scale...


weighed on my Wii this morning and it showed me down 4 lb,

so I'll happily take the 3 1/2 official.

I was up 1 lb over my ticker weight before we left...

trips we took did that! So finally got to change it today!

Bought a sleeveless top at WallyWorld yesterday off the $3 clearance rack.... yes, sleeveless!

Who cares... hot here!!

And it was not a PLUS size... XL, 16/18!

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