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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Hi ladies. Not much to report except that I am just now getting something in. How I can't get a damned thing down at all but can now eat a Fiber One Bar is beyond me. I tried to eat a kashi microwave dinner, but it wouldn't go. The bar did go down though.

I have talked to dh about going to Bismarck some time this next week. I will call on Monday and see when I can get in. I'm starting to get frustrated. Today was little liquid and even less solids. grrrr. I will do what I can.

Before you all panic, I don't feel bad. I'm getting in enough to survive, just not enough to keep my head alright. I will make it fine until I can get to Bismarck. And in case of emergency I do have a needle and syringe in my glove box to take to the emergency room if needed. But I am not THAT tight. I promise.

I will talk to you all tomorrow ladies. Have a great Sunday.

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Steph... you are making us all worry!

You need that unfill pretty quick!!

DH is at San Jose hockey game with DS, DIL & GS.

DS's neighbor gave us 4 tickets to the opening game... really good seats.

So GD & I went out to dinner to Celebrate her birthday,

which is next week when we'll be gone.

She had a birthday coupon from Red Robin.

I got the Ensenada chicken plate... two grilled chicken breast (i brought one home) and salad. It was good. We didn't want to go to the hockey game so we volunteered to stay home!

Forgot to tell you all about compliments that came from family this week.. BIL hadn't seen me since April.. said, in his extremely reserved manner, "you're really slimming down there, Phyl!" You can't imagine what a big deal that was for me, coming from him! He's a hospital administator and kind of a "stuffed shirt", if you get my drift! Then, yesterday I wore my JEANS, and DIL told me I was really looking "skinny"! Well, you know that is a bit of an exaggeration, but that's what she said! She said she didn't remember ever seeing me in jeans before and that they looked really nice on me! OMG!!! Amazing!

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I want to talk about this net thingie - Me personallly I don't like it - I think it gives you room to eat more (cuz you really can't be 100% sure on how many calories you are really burning up)- and in the end when you look at net calories I would be feeling deprived... If I had done than my net calories would have been 500-700 a day on the days that I exercised and I don't know how many calories I burn doing the weight - the treadmill says 300 to 350 depending on my intensity and on it I can input my weight & age so I would say it's a pretty good estimate -

If I had thought that way I would have eaten more - (excuse for the ice cream)

I know it stamtics - but think of if this way - eat between 800 - 1200 calories max a day and vary them from day to day - then your exercise is a total calorie burn and not compensation for your eating... You food is your fuel and the exercise is what is going to get the weight off..

And those models are just that - they are giving you estimates - heck I went to one site that says for me to maintain my weight I should eat 2400 calories a day - heck - I would gain weight it I ate that much food...

As it stands now I eat about 1400 to 1600 a day. Exercise 3-4 times a week - and I am 142.5 this morning

Allow yourself a treat once a week - not every night - once you get to goal you can fiddle with the treats - but that's where we have to be careful too many treats got us where we were..

"Our emotions get the better of us and we tend to forsake our long-term goals in favor of short-term desires"


Thank you for your advice Janet. I've been thinking about it all since reading it last night. I don't think I can pinpoint myself what's going wrong. But I think there have been some important reasons along the way.

Back in Feb I got a fill because I had little restriction and my weight loss had plateaued. The fill was too tight. But I went for 3 weeks barely being able to get anything down and putting up with it because the scales were dropping pretty quickly. Finally it got too much and I had an unfill. My weight then was around 178.

The unfill gave me perfect restriction. I was only hungry a couple of days during the week leading up to my period, so that was a big improvement and my weight continued to go down. More slowly, but down none-the-less.

Then summer came and I wanted to relax and take a break from the dieting. I enjoyed being "normal". I didn't deny myself treats, but I didn't go overboard either. If I wanted a slice of cake I could have one. Sometimes all it took was a couple of bites and I was okay.

But then I could see that it would become very easy for me to get lazy and go back to the way I ate when I was fat. Certainly not to the extreme, but I would be able to make excuses to eat a treat more than once a day.

So during that time my weight went up and down between 175 and 170. Which isn't bad. But it's not where I want to be. But there's a big difference to the size I was at 170 in March and the size I am now at 170 in September. I was a 14 in March. I put on a pair of my size 8s yesterday and they were baggy in the tummy, leg and butt area. The weight is constant, but the size is different.

Also, about a month ago I was considering doing one of Jillian Michaels diets. I took measurements again yesterday and almost all of them are the same or there's been a slight decrease, but my arms were surprisingly an inch smaller on each arm. :smile2: I know I was improving because I've become really focused on that area, but I had no idea there'd be an inch difference in a month. My arms actually feel the same, except a lot firmer because of the increased muscle size, so a loss of an inch was really surprising.

Then there's the fact that my core temperature can drop very quickly. Reading through many articles online and in books, a large number of them point to the fact that my body is going into starvation mode. Instead of heating my body, it protects the calories and fat I'm trying to burn. Thereby sacrificing my body temperature. It also stabilizes my metabolic rate so that it stays low in spite of all the exercise I do.

I've calculated my BMR. That's the number of calories I'd need to consume each day to maintain my current weight if you did no activity at all. It's 1488.5. Checking over my numbers for the past week on dailyplate, I've come within 100 both over and under almost every day. I average about 6 hours of exercise a week. A pretty even balance of both cardio and weight resistance.

As I've said I can see myself falling into unhealthy habits because I'll notice at the end of the day that I'm short on my calorie count and reach for something less than healthy. Ice cream has always been my friend. :teeth_smile::redface: I don't want to do that. I went without last night and didn't feel deprived. I went for months beforehand. But slipping into old habits like that because I need to up some numbers is just all kinds of wrong to me.

So it feels like the harder I'm trying at the moment to find the best formula for me, the harder my body is holding onto these last 20lbs. The number on the scale is less important than the size of the clothes I wear, BUT it's the number I chose at the beginning of this all and I need to get to it simply because I won't be truly satisfied mentally unless I do. I won't have felt like I slay the weight dragon.

I've decided to make an appointment on Monday with my PCP. I'll discuss all of this with her and see if she can help me. If she feels I'll benefit from seeing a nutritionist, I'll definitely do that. I'd love to be able to do this on my own, but I'm not too proud to seek out professional help if need be.

Thank you everyone for all your advice and encouragement. It really does mean a lot to me and it keeps me going. Today is my lazy day and I'm going to relax and enjoy it. The Cowboys game starts in a little bit, so I'll veg out watching that :biggrin: Tomorrow I will make my appt first thing. Hopefully I can get in to see her the same day or the next. Until I can, I'm going to continue with what I've been doing lately. :wink_smile:

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Good sound reasoning, Ruby! You've got a plan!

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It sounds like you've been really analyzing what is going on. That in itself is great! I understand the number game you are playing. I am doing the same thing. I'm striving and striving for it, yet really do want to like where I am right now. It's amazing how much importance we lay on a number.

It sounds like a really good idea to see your pcp. Same reason I finally gave into the stubborn voice in my head saying I could do this on my own. We both need to hear from someone who isn't so emotionally involved. I worry that my PA will completely unfill me and that scares me, but if she does I'm assuming she will refill on the 13th when I can see her in Minot. Maybe that's the best thing for me right now. I hope your dr. can help you find the best thing for you.

Keep us in the loop. Talking here helps me so much. We're pulling for you.

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Yipee...I lost another 1.5 pounds. Not too shabby for being sick, not getting hardly any sleep and not working out except for one time because of the 1st to reasons listed.

I am still tight and living on mushies now, but I am hoping to loosen up next week when my world returns to somewhat normal. The funeral is on Monday so I am going to that and then rushing home to teach my night class. THen on Tuesday I am forcing things to go back to normal come hell or high Water.< /p>

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grrr....my post is gone!!!

Anyways...I'll try this without font, size, and color change and see if it stays.

My dog is in Montana!!!!!! I'm so excited. I don't know which one is mine but they are so beautiful. You can see more pictures here GPA Rocky Mountain - Montana Welcome

It's a good thing they are going to pick one out for me because I think I could convince myself to bring at least 3 of them home, if not them all. Then DH would serve me with papers for sure....as it is he thinks I need to see a professional about this dog thing....hehehehehe

Okay....just thought I would share!

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My dog is in Montana!!!!!! I'm so excited. I don't know which one is mine but they are so beautiful. You can see more pictures here GPA Rocky Mountain - Montana Welcome It's a good thing they are going to pick one out for me because I think I could convince myself to bring at least 3 of them home, if not them all. Then DH would serve me with papers for sure....as it is he thinks I need to see a professional about this dog thing....hehehehehe Okay....just thought I would share!

So is one of the dogs in the pictures yours?? Or is it one of the dogs in the other pictures you posted?? Of this group, I really liked Tildy! DH would never let me have a dog, but if he ever changed his mind it would have to be a tiny one.

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Lately, I've become very aware of how large a part emotions play in our restriction, or for me, at least! I've noticed that if DH & I are not getting along, or if I am upset in any way, I can feel the restriction choking up. I have this really strange reaction when I get REALLY mad.... I cry! It's very frustrating, but it just happens when I'm angry and I can't control it. And if that happens, I get very, very tight. So, I imagine any kind of emotional upset would probably have the same reaction.

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These are all the same dogs as the first group except for Tildy and Jack. Jack has been in the state for some time and I met him. He is a little too high strung to be safe around my baby girl. Tildy wasn't on the original list that I got of dogs that were coming.

Of these dogs, they originally said a male would be best but that possibly an older female too. So it really just depends on what the rescue thinks would work best for us. They have met my dogs and my kids so I'm sure they will make a great choice.

They are all beautiful. I'm in love....with them all. I can't say if one was lovelier than the other. I'll find out sometime this week I think.

Okay...going to play cards. I'll talk to you all later.

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I have to agree whole-heartedly with what you said. I feel the same way. Heck, if we have to bail out all those fiscally irresponsible people, next thing you know, the other banks need bailing, then the auto companies.........who by the way are the biggest out sourcers there is out there. Have you ever walked a car lot and looked where the vehical was put together. Yeah, BUY AMERICAN. Right. That's why we have Hondas. You know, you have a point. Shut up Kari.......you're getting yourself worked up............[/url]

I've been bad today. :teeth_smile: Went up north to DH cousin's 80th birthday. I will admit to eating a lot of fruit and veggies. You know, Carrot cake,.....lemon bars.......apple crisp........oh, and some fresh veggies with dip. And chicken. Didn't get my Water in either. Oh well, I guess you only turn 80 once.



Kari - I think it's and age thing - us older ones had to work and save for things - put stuff on lay away - now a days kids want everything now - instant gratification... That's the problem - heck my DS&DIL have a bigger and nicer house than I did at the age of 37.. They have a fixed loan - and they can afford it but - they still have champange taste on a 2 buck chuck budget...

Loved the reasoning -  Carrot  Cake -  Lemon  Bar -  Apple  Crisp. One day isn't going to kill you so - hoped you enjoyed !!!!

Hi ladies. Not much to report except that I am just now getting something in. How I can't get a damned thing down at all but can now eat a fiber One Bar is beyond me. I tried to eat a kashi microwave dinner, but it wouldn't go. The bar did go down though.

I have talked to dh about going to Bismarck some time this next week. I will call on Monday and see when I can get in. I'm starting to get frustrated. Today was little liquid and even less solids. grrrr. I will do what I can.

Before you all panic, I don't feel bad. I'm getting in enough to survive, just not enough to keep my head alright. I will make it fine until I can get to Bismarck. And in case of emergency I do have a needle and syringe in my glove box to take to the emergency room if needed. But I am not THAT tight. I promise.

I will talk to you all tomorrow ladies. Have a great Sunday.

Steph to funny - before we get in a panic - yep we do do that don't we It's just cuz we love you that's all :biggrin:

Steph... you are making us all worry!

You need that unfill pretty quick!!

DH is at San Jose hockey game with DS, DIL & GS.

DS's neighbor gave us 4 tickets to the opening game... really good seats.

So GD & I went out to dinner to Celebrate her birthday,

which is next week when we'll be gone.

She had a birthday coupon from Red Robin.

I got the Ensenada Chicken plate... two grilled chicken breast (i brought one home) and salad. It was good. We didn't want to go to the hockey game so we volunteered to stay home!

Forgot to tell you all about compliments that came from family this week.. BIL hadn't seen me since April.. said, in his extremely reserved manner, "you're really slimming down there, Phyl!" You can't imagine what a big deal that was for me, coming from him! He's a hospital administator and kind of a "stuffed shirt", if you get my drift! Then, yesterday I wore my JEANS, and DIL told me I was really looking "skinny"! Well, you know that is a bit of an exaggeration, but that's what she said! She said she didn't remember ever seeing me in jeans before and that they looked really nice on me! OMG!!! Amazing!

Phyl - you are looking skinny when you compare yourself from when you started to now... Heck in July the 1st thing I said to you was I noticed the loss just from April - You are doing great - it's just cuz you see yourself every day that you don't really notice the diff - go look at your before pics...

Congrats Karri - That's Great !!! Especially with all you have been dealling with this last week - Keep up the good work 

Steph are you getting a full grown dog or a puppy ???

Phyl - I can't in the world for me beleive that DH would do anything to piss you off :wink_smile::lol: - I can't say when I am tight - haven't really tried to eat when I am pissed - only time I notice is after exercise...

Ruby - I am glad you are going to see your PA - yep those old habits can come back faster than we can blink.. I know that you will succeed in getting the last 20 off - You will find out what works for you -

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ok found this new great wrap stuff..

Kidz Flatout Wraps - Best Life endorsed (bob greene)(I got the kid size cuz they are smaller) 90 Caloires 12 grms carbs - with 5 slices of turkey 45 and 20 c of light mayo - Great lunch for 155 caloires - Filling !!!

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I ate!!!!! I'm so psyched!

We went to play cards and I had a couple bailey's and coffee because they were warm. After dh asked if I wanted to eat and I figured I could maybe get some walleye down. Didn't try salad or potato....just walleye. And it was wonderful! Ate almost half a filet and didn't feel uncomfortable a bit. I'm glad I didn't try the other stuff because I certainly did enjoy the other.

Janet, I'm getting a full grown ex-racing greyhound. I'd rather rescue a full grown than buy a puppy. There are too many of theses dogs that have to be put down just because they aren't fast enough anymore. It is just so very sad. Don't get me on THAT soapbox.

Phyl, I have to agree with your DIL and Janet, you are getting skinny...compared to where you were, you look amazing! You are doing an amazing job. And as for reaction when I am mad...the madder I am, the more likely that I cry. I don't know why but that's how it works. I guess no one could call me a heartless B#%$h. I know stress and emotion tighten me up...but at this point everything does. Don't let Earl give you too much grief. He has to face us next July...remind him of that.

Karri, nice loss and glad you are feeling a bit better. You seem to be dealing with everything remarkably well. That has to make you feel some pride.

Okay....watching Planet Earth. I LOVE this show. It amazed me how spectacular our planet is.

I'll be checking in and out.

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I ate!!!!! I'm so psyched!

Phyl, I have to agree with your DIL and Janet, you are getting skinny...compared to where you were, you look amazing! You are doing an amazing job. And as for reaction when I am mad...the madder I am, the more likely that I cry. I don't know why but that's how it works. I guess no one could call me a heartless B#%$h. I know stress and emotion tighten me up...but at this point everything does. Don't let Earl give you too much grief. He has to face us next July...remind him of that.

I'm glad you finally were able to eat something! That's great!

We're all going to be so excited when you get your dog.. like we're waiting for a new baby!!


My DIL used that word again! We were at our son's hangar looking at his plane and watching him do some riveting before we went to dinner. He was almost done when he says, "Where's Mom??" DIL started laughing & said "she's sitting right there on the chair!" Then she told me, "see, you're getting so skinny he can't find you!" That was cute!

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Good morning ladies!!!!

Phyl, you've got to be positively glowing!!!! Just think what everyone will think after your winter in the desert! As my weight dropped, smaller changes were very noticable.

I called the clinic today and they can get me in tomorrow at 2! I'm pretty excited. Last night I munched on a few french fries that my kids didn't eat from their dinner....and they are still sitting in my pouch. I'm going to try to drink some coffee and get those and the pills that are sitting on top of them down. It's going to be a very long day with a 5 hour drive both ways and I have to go by myself so no one to visit with...but if I can eat on Wednesday it will all be worth it!

On a good note, my wii this morning said.....wait for it.....wait for it....NORMAL!!!!!! It's not weigh in day and after I can get food and liquids down I'll probably gain a bit...so it's not official. But my Mii did a little happy dance and it was really exciting.

Okay....I'm off to do something...even if it's wrong. I'll see you all later.

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Good morning ladies!!!!

Phyl, you've got to be positively glowing!!!! Just think what everyone will think after your winter in the desert! As my weight dropped, smaller changes were very noticable.

I called the clinic today and they can get me in tomorrow at 2! I'm pretty excited. Last night I munched on a few french fries that my kids didn't eat from their dinner....and they are still sitting in my pouch. I'm going to try to drink some coffee and get those and the pills that are sitting on top of them down. It's going to be a very long day with a 5 hour drive both ways and I have to go by myself so no one to visit with...but if I can eat on Wednesday it will all be worth it!

On a good note, my wii this morning said.....wait for it.....wait for it....NORMAL!!!!!! It's not weigh in day and after I can get food and liquids down I'll probably gain a bit...so it's not official. But my Mii did a little happy dance and it was really exciting. Okay....I'm off to do something...even if it's wrong. I'll see you all later.





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Me.... I'm wearing my 50,000 Point YMCA shirt that I haven't worn in about 8 years (and baggy capris)! I earned it working out at the Y .... on the weight machines... almost 10 years ago. I think I lost about 40-50 lb that time and it all came back. So it's good to wear my 50,000 Point shirt again.

We're moving south today, but less than 50 miles!! We're slow movers!

We're going down to the garlic country!! Yum!

I'll be going to the big GARLIC SHOP today, and I hope to Camping World, too.

Later, Gang!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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