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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Okay ladies. Checking in before bed.

I'm not sure how to count my pizza. It is Chicago cut (little squares) about 2 in x 2 in. Sausage, pep, pinapple, saurkraut. Then I took about 1/2 cup peach/pineapple salsa and added that to the top of the 3 pieces I "topped". No crust, just tops. I don't think that put me over cals but the cocktails probably did. We'll just not discuss those. Any ideas on pizza cals to count? Lots of mozz cheese but since mozz cheese sticks are an acceptable food during all phases, I think it's alright. Not a lot of sausage and pep....I stuck to the outsides where there were more pine and kraut. Who knows and it probably doesn't matter.

Monday I go to Minot for support group. No fill appointment...wondering if I walked in if they would just weigh me so I could track but it really doesn't matter since I've started using my wii weight instead of dr. office.

I do need to get a nice pair of jeans. I have a pair of skinny jeans that I love but have to be worn with heals...and I would like just a knock around pair that fit. Right now wearing a small size 14....probably more like a 12. I need something for winter. Shorts just aren't going to cut it. Poor Jeff and my shopping addiction. Maybe I'll get lucky and find a good sale. It just seems that no matter what size I am, there are no clothes that size. What is up with that?

Karri, weekend is here and we need to hear how your week went. First week with kids, wasn't it? Or was that next week. Whichever, hopefully you didn't kill a co-worker or anything. I was thinking about you this week. How did the running go?

Okay....too much alcohol and computer access probably isn't a good thing. I'll talk to you ladies tomorrow. Night all.

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Thanks Janet. It's definitely what I need right now and I hope the others are getting the same out of it as I am.

I meant to ask you how you're finding maintenance. I know Karri struggles at times, but a lot of her issues are related to her surgery and having to put her exercise on hold while healing.

You've been at goal for a little bit now. Tell us how it's been for you and what's different as far as food and exercise choices. And how you're dealing emotionally with the changes.


Maintenance isn't so bad for me.. I may go up a few (148) then down to 144 - I feel ok - I am eating the same truly - I may add a pt bar or a little more fat - and for the last few weekend I have gone out had had a few drinks - Last Sunday 148 :scared2: so Monday morning got dressed for the gym (extra work out due to the 148) - got on the scale 145 so I didn't go :lovechoc:- then Wed 144 - then Thursday 146 - this morning 146 but am going to the gym cuz it's Saturday and it's my normal work out day.

I am no longer logging my food - but I sorta keep track in my head - I am sorta programed.. I am eating the same food (healthy) but may eat a reese pb cup if the mood strikes when I am at the store and not feel guilty about it - I gotta say when I was in the weight loss mode I really didn't do it too often - That why I say avoidance - I still don't keep thing in the house that I would pig out on..

Emotional eating (night time for me - same hours as Candice) - I have always budgeted my calories to deal with that - I eat lighter during the day and then if I want 2 fudgecicles I can eat them without guilt.

Yesterday was a light food day for me 1 hard boiled egg - top of a salad (cheese turkey avocado bacon bits tomatos and some lettuce) was full all afternoon - a lean cuisien alfreado with scallops and shrimp - yogurt and that was it.. Heck I went to bed around 9 ish..

I have really made this about a lifestyle change - ya I still want to eat tons of food - I would love some brownies (my total weakness) but I am feeling too good to go back to my drug of choice (food) And this is where the avoidance comes in = just like an alcohlic 1 drink isn't enought and 10 is too many - I am the same way with food - Ya I have to still eat to live - so I know that I have about 1500 cal to play with and I want the most out of those calories - so I don't squander them on junk - I am still a volume eater - I would rather have fish rice veggies for 400 calorie than a piece of cake..

So I gotta say ok - I am lucky that I don't have the medical condition that Karri has - I am aware of my eating but not consumed by it.

The icing on the cake is being called tiny by my freinds - that in its self is a enough motivation for me :P

Well off the gym for my 3 miles - I am totally routine Monday Tues Wed and Sat - my exercise days..

Will cbl:tongue:

Hugs & Love Janet

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Okay ladies. Checking in before bed.

I'm not sure how to count my pizza. It is Chicago cut (little squares) about 2 in x 2 in. Sausage, pep, pinapple, saurkraut. Then I took about 1/2 cup peach/pineapple salsa and added that to the top of the 3 pieces I "topped". No crust, just tops. I don't think that put me over cals but the cocktails probably did. We'll just not discuss those. Any ideas on pizza cals to count? Lots of mozz cheese but since mozz cheese sticks are an acceptable food during all phases, I think it's alright. Not a lot of sausage and pep....I stuck to the outsides where there were more pine and kraut. Who knows and it probably doesn't matter.

I searched on 'crustless pizza' on dailyplate and came up with a couple of entries. One for 304 cals for 1/8 of a dish and one for 210 for 1/6 of a dish. I had a nip of Galliano liqueur last night as well and couldn't find an entry for it on dailyplate but used something similar instead so I didn't have to go through the process of working out myself how many cals it contained. I figured it was close enough to Sambucca. It still kept me under, and I was tempted to drink more, but having to be accountable here right now stopped that. :lovechoc: I didn't need it, I just wanted it.

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So I gotta say ok - I am lucky that I don't have the medical condition that Karri has - I am aware of my eating but not consumed by it.

Thanks for that Janet. It's what I was hoping to hear. I know you were concerned about being on maintenance - the fact that the goal is for no change on the scale.

I would be fine staying within the 5lb range like that. Heck my body is there now, it just doesn't realize the scale and my head aren't there yet either. :P

But on that note, I got on the scale this morning and my weight was 171.8. :lovechoc: Closer to 172, so that's going to be what I log this week. I was hoping for 173, so I can't complain. It put a big smile on my face this morning. Again a lot of credit goes to you guys here. You've kept me honest this week. So my goal for next week is 170.

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It just seems that no matter what size I am, there are no clothes that size. What is up with that?

Karri, weekend is here and we need to hear how your week went. First week with kids, wasn't it? Or was that next week. Whichever, hopefully you didn't kill a co-worker or anything. I was thinking about you this week. How did the running go?

Okay....too much alcohol and computer access probably isn't a good thing. I'll talk to you ladies tomorrow. Night all.

Steph isn't it funny when we were in plus sizes our size was always gone and now in regular sizes and our size is always gone still.. When you wanted a 12 all there was was 10's & 6's now you want a 10 8 or 6 and all there are 16 14 12's - I really would love to know whats up with that too..

Thanks for that Janet. It's what I was hoping to hear. I know you were concerned about being on maintenance - the fact that the goal is for no change on the scale.

I would be fine staying within the 5lb range like that. Heck my body is there now, it just doesn't realize the scale and my head aren't there yet either. :teeth_smile:

But on that note, I got on the scale this morning and my weight was 171.8. :shades_smile: Closer to 172, so that's going to be what I log this week. I was hoping for 173, so I can't complain. It put a big smile on my face this morning. Again a lot of credit goes to you guys here. You've kept me honest this week. So my goal for next week is 170.

Ruby - CONGRATULATIONS !!!! You will get your 170 next week - we will keep you accountable...

I think the reason I am doing ok - is that I am not looking at the last yr as a diet - I know now that this is the way I will eat for the rest of my life and that I will exercise for the rest of my life - I am loving life and living it for the 1st time in a really long time - I am doing things I havent done in yr s- like going out and dancing (it wasnt my apperance that stopped me but physically I could barely dance one dance at 250 without my legs hurting and sweating like a pig)

Well got email from Karri she said to say hi to all of you - her lastest meds zolfot aren't working too well - her mood is she doesn't give a crap about anything but work - I remember when I was on it I got that way too had no real motivation - One good thing is she doesn't crave sweets like she did on her other meds - she sticking at 146 on her weight and is doing ok with that - but she still trying to find something that will work and make her feel good at the same time - So keep good thoughts that she & her doc's will get this worked out soon..

Ok of the shower to wash off the gym sweat - nails - dog treats - food shopping and most likely going out again tonite - Eric Clapton door band at the rock yard - Yes I am going out again - but 2 drink limit :thumbs_up:

I will cbl - Love & Hugs Janet

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Hi ladies.

A couple of big things to chat about.

Today is 9 months. I got on the wii because I wanted an official 9 month weight. I did lose a little more the last couple of days. That goodness because the 1/2 pound last week was a little sad. I am so close to 80 pounds. So close I can almost taste it. So that was the number one today.

Then after I got home from Michael's first football game I got a great phone call. The greyhound rescue got my application and the placement coordinator called. They sounded very positive and it sounds like I'm going to get a dog!!!! I'm stoked. There are still a few hoops to jump through, but it sounds positive.

All in all a very positive day!

Talk to you ladies later.

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Hey Ladies

Everyone seems to be doing good - tracking their food and doing good on your calories - Proud of you all..

Candice - I would love a fat paycheck - I am salary so no OT - Plus I never work ot anyway... every 2 week same $$$ but now bills are going up... but not the paychecks...:thumbs_up:

Great News!!! My Daughter got engaged today!!!

Bryan got down on his knee, took my daughters hand in his and asked her to marry him... right there in front of DH and I... Well my DH had tears in his eyes before I did... it turns out the DSIL2B "asked" for my daughters hand in marrage a month ago!!! My hubby has kept this all a secret from me until today.

Surprisingly, I was able to hold to my food plan, with one exeption... some Bailey's in my Morning coffee to Celebrate and toast the happy couple.

So here are my food totals for today. No exercise.


nt3_totals.jpgCal1,114, Carbs111,34,PRO. 78

I am so over the moon tonight!~!:teeth_smile: We just love SIL2B so very much, we've been keeping our fingers crossed for a couple of years. ANd today it came to be. So cool!

I was a good MIL2B and did not ask "so when ARE you going to get married, and when should I start shopping for the MOTB dress?" y'all will be so proud of me that I kept a SOCK in it for once. I didn't want to blow the day by being nosey :shades_smile:

O.k. now I have that news off my chest I must go back and re-read everyone elses news of the DAY.

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I searched on 'crustless pizza' on dailyplate and came up with a couple of entries. One for 304 cals for 1/8 of a dish and one for 210 for 1/6 of a dish. I had a nip of Galliano liqueur last night as well and couldn't find an entry for it on dailyplate but used something similar instead so I didn't have to go through the process of working out myself how many cals it contained. I figured it was close enough to Sambucca. It still kept me under, and I was tempted to drink more, but having to be accountable here right now stopped that. :shades_smile: I didn't need it, I just wanted it.

Ruby: you are doing just great... having ONE liqueur will not ruin your daily total...

I am so glad that we are both logging onto a E-page and journaling what we eat and then being accountable here too. I've had a good week, and feel like I am getting some "sanity" back. I was too out of control and hating myself for it. Your 'head' can be such a FLICKED up place.:teeth_smile:

Hugs to all,


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Hi ladies.

A couple of big things to chat about.

Today is 9 months. I got on the wii because I wanted an official 9 month weight. I did lose a little more the last couple of days. That goodness because the 1/2 pound last week was a little sad. I am so close to 80 pounds. So close I can almost taste it. So that was the number one today.

Then after I got home from Michael's first football game I got a great phone call. The greyhound rescue got my application and the placement coordinator called. They sounded very positive and it sounds like I'm going to get a dog!!!! I'm stoked. There are still a few hoops to jump through, but it sounds positive.

All in all a very positive day!

Talk to you ladies later.

Oh Steph, I am so glad that you are getting a Greyhound. They are a sweet breed.

80 lbs in 9 months, you are our Rock Star!!! Your hubby must be so proud!! Is there anymore developments on him getting the band? I think I remember you saying he was considering it a while back.

How is your MOM? Please tell her we miss her and think of her often.

Love & hugs,


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Candice - CONGRATS on getting a SIL :thumbup: I remember you telling me how much you liked him - How sweet that he proposed in front of you and DH... Tomorrow you can ask all those questions:lol:

Your calories are great and I am so glad you are back on track - now you really have a goal to strive for your MOTB DRESS :wink:

Well I don't think I am going out - it's hot and I really don't feel like it - infact all I did was get my nails done today then came home - watch my soap from last week (amc) and tried to nap but really couldn't - The new Winco grocery store opens on Monday - but I don't think I want to go on opening day - but who knows - I don't know if I will like it cuz it's a bag your own grocery kind of store - but the prices are suppose to be great - so we will see..

Well just cking in- will cbl :thumbup:

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The new Winco grocery store opens on Monday - but I don't think I want to go on opening day - but who knows - I don't know if I will like it cuz it's a bag your own grocery kind of store - but the prices are suppose to be great - so we will see..Well just cking in- will cbl :thumbup:

Is the new Super Target open yet??

Had a busy day. Youngest DD here with the three little ones.. SIL is back in Sacramento... his dad is terminally ill w/Leukemia. Got him out of the hosp today and settled at his sisters... "nanny cam", nursing help, etc. So kids were crazy... took them to our playground, walked over to Albertson's & got my latte, played on the Wii with them... 5 yr old is very good at bowling. Then we went to other DD's for dinner. She fixed steak, but too chewy for me. DH had picked up rotisserie chicken... it was too greasy. SO I ate a hot dog, no bun! Little bit of angel hair, broccoli, and a small piece of fresh out of the oven blackberry pie. Didn't total, but probably not a great total for today! :thumbup:

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My last post got eaten! I hate when that happens. :thumbup:

Congrats Steph on 80lbs gone. Well done you! I too am proud of you. And congrats on one step closer to a new family member with your puppy. And of course Candice is getting a new family member with the proposal thing happening. Wow. What a day.

Janet, please send my best wishes to Karri. I hope she finds time to come back here. I understand she's busy and is feeling down because of the meds, but make sure she knows that we're here for her if and when she needs us. No pressure. :lol: That poor kid's been through a lot this year, and it's not false pity or anything, she works so hard in all areas of her life.

Phyl, it doesn't look like you had a bad day to me; apart from you SILs bad news, that is. The only "bad" food you ate was pie, and you said it was only a small piece, so kick that guilt to the curb. :thumbup:

I think that's the great thing about our group here. We Celebrate all the successes like they're our own and genuinely mean it. We also share and help with the tough stuff as best we can.

Food log for the day:

Total cals = 853

Carbs = 92

Fat = 44

Protein = 18

Probably should've done better on the protein. I was out most of the day and couldn't seem to find anything I felt comfortable eating. I could probably get another Protein Shake in now, but it's after midnight already so it'd technically count for Sunday anyway. :thumbup:

I best get myself off to bed. See you all in the morning. :wink:

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ah FLICK I just lost my LONG LONG Post...

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My last post got eaten! I hate when that happens. :thumbup:

Congrats Steph on 80lbs gone. Well done you! I too am proud of you. And congrats on one step closer to a new family member with your puppy. And of course Candice is getting a new family member with the proposal thing happening. Wow. What a day.

Janet, please send my best wishes to Karri. I hope she finds time to come back here. I understand she's busy and is feeling down because of the meds, but make sure she knows that we're here for her if and when she needs us. No pressure. :lol: That poor kid's been through a lot this year, and it's not false pity or anything, she works so hard in all areas of her life.

Phyl, it doesn't look like you had a bad day to me; apart from you SILs bad news, that is. The only "bad" food you ate was pie, and you said it was only a small piece, so kick that guilt to the curb. :thumbup:

I think that's the great thing about our group here. We Celebrate all the successes like they're our own and genuinely mean it. We also share and help with the tough stuff as best we can.

Food log for the day:

Total cals = 853

Carbs = 92

Fat = 44

Protein = 18

Probably should've done better on the protein. I was out most of the day and couldn't seem to find anything I felt comfortable eating. I could probably get another Protein Shake in now, but it's after midnight already so it'd technically count for Sunday anyway. :thumbup:

I best get myself off to bed. See you all in the morning. :wink:

Hey Ruby, I see that you are ONLINE right now... way to go on the total cals for yesterday... 853 ROCKS...

has anyone heard from Denise yet??? after the storm??? What about Linda????

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Hi ladies. A quick check in. Nothing too exciting happening here.

Thanks for all the congrats on 80 pounds. I am really proud of that. I couldn't be more stoked at my progress. The best part is that the last few days my pants have started being HUGE instead of a little loose. Even when I first take them out of the dryer....so that means I have a huge excuse to go shopping and DH can't complain! After all, would he want everyone seeing my butt??? I guess a belt would work, but don't tell him that....besides I would still have baggy butt.

DH has told me to call the insurance company to get him going. We just started with a new carrier on the 1st so I've been giving it a week or so before I start talking to them about it. He's still not sure he can handle the chew chew chew and the little portions but I told him not to sweat it because until it's not an option you don't think you can do it....but when it gets to the point that you HAVE to eat that way...it's just what you do. He's given up the late night cupboard raids and most of the pop so he's stepping right up there.

I go to my mom's house on Wednesday. We are going to San Antonio together along with my sister and brother-in-law. Then she will spend some time out here in October, go home for her facelift, and then spend the winter mostly here....so her friends out there won't see her and judge her (she's so funny). I'm still trying to talk her into buying a house out here for the winters but she's still refusing. I'll wear her down one of these days. I don't know if she is still lurking on the site, but she was before the trip so it wouldn't surprise me if she does check in. If you're looking.....HI MOM!!!!!

I was going to type Karri a message too. I don't know if she'll see it, but I didn't want to pm it because it might be good for someone else. Anyways, when I started on zoloft it was nuts after about 2 weeks. I all of a sudden didn't care about ANYTHING. I couldn't make a decision on what to eat at night because I just didn't care. It was really frightening. This was about the time that I was thinking about not working this year and I couldn't come to any decisions. The only reason I got up and went to work every day was because it was something I didn't have to decide on. What to wear, when to go to bed, how much Creamer to put in my coffee....I felt like a total incompetent. It was very strange. And then I knew that it should bother me that these things were going on, but I didn't care. I didn't care when my son stole something from the store, I didn't care when my students didn't turn int their homework, I didn't care if the sun came up the next day. Just DID NOT CARE. The good news....it passed. I doubled my dose and all of a sudden everything was clear again. I cared about things I should, but was no longer obsessing over trivial stuff. I could cry again, when it was appropriate but not when it was stupid. I decided to stay home from school. It just took getting to the right dosage. Now I'm fine. I feel completely in control of my emotions instead of my emotions being in control of me. I can get angry when I need to, or sad when I need to. I get frustrated....all of it. So Karri, it's alright to be feeling a little strange. I know it's scary and frustrating and you think you're losing your mind....but we are your family and we are all pulling for you. I'm praying you find the right dose of the right med soon. We love you!

DH just got a movie so I'm goiing to curl up and watch it. Talk to you all later.

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