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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Phyl wear those jeans girl !!!

Phyl, I hope you enjoy those jeans! What a huge accomplishment for you! Wear them with pride. I'm so happy for you I'm bursting.

Was back at Target today and decided to look at their 75% off rack again. I REALLY like how these jeans are fitting. Pant & crotch length are just right for me!! As I said, I bought a size 24... wearing now, 22 for later, and today I took the last pair they had on the rack, a size 20. As I've worn these the last two days, you know how they stretch out, I've decided that I will be ready for the 22s sooner than I thought, so now I have the next two smaller sizes waiting in the wings!

Hello again Lucky Sevens. I need some advice... I've attended 2 support group meetings being hosted at my doctor's office. They meet a couple of times a month but I do not find the people in the group very inspiring.. in fact I find them to be the opposite of inspiring and more a cautionary tale. What galls me is that they then turn and offer me advice in a condescending manner... I'm thinking I should just stop going to this support group. What do you think?
If it were me, I'd stop going. A support group is meant to give you support. The kind of support you need. If you're not getting that there, you need to find it somewhere else. This thread is my support group. You need to find something or someone that works for you.

I think of it in the same way as I think about when I was looking for that magical weight loss answer. I tried all the diets, all the pills, all the exercise routines I could. Some of them were successful (temporarily) some of them were total failures. But I kept looking for something that worked. My advice would be for you to keep looking. If that group doesn't work for you, see if you can find another. If group sessions don't work, see if you can find someone who will talk with you one-on-one. You may find that one person in one of the groups. Someone who thinks the same way you do. When you have your support system in place, whatever it is, you'll have a better chance of being successful. :thumbup:

3 of the bandsters are 1 year + but only one has reached goal, the other 2 lost 45 and 60 lbs respectively. There are about 3 other bandsters who've been banded between 4-6 months and they've lost 20 and 35 lbs respectively. The 1 year+ bandsters who lost 45 and 60 haven't lost an ounce in 5 months or more. They all still look grossly overweight and whatever they are doing, it clearly isn't working. They sit around and talk about which Protein shake/shot is best and our doctor has specifically told us NOT to drink Protein Shakes but THEY all do it and the group leader says nutritionists recommend it and she agrees with them because she's going to school to be a nutritionist and it says you have to get 60-80 grams of protein a day and it's too difficult to get it from eating if you are trying to keep your calories between 800-1,000. This is basically what was discussed in both meetings and it's kind of chaotic and there is one guy in there (the one who lost 135 lbs) who's just smart alecky and rude and interrupts everyone. They all pretty much have an attitude and treat me and one other new girl as if we're idiots and yet proportionately and timewise, if you average it out, me and the other new girl are actually doing better than they have. Anyway, I just don't like them and find them depressing. I want to be around people who are on the road to success or those that have already succeeded because right now I need inspiration because I'm in major bandster hell.
Ok with that info - I would quit going too.. Really my girls here have been my support - and agree we aren't suppose to drink our protein -8.57 oz of meat provides your 60 grms of protein - that's 2.68 per meal and doable even with good restriction. Sorry you don't have restriction yet - but know it can take a few days for a fill to settle in - and again for me the fill doesn't take away my hunger - it just restricts how much I can eat. How much can you eat per meal - what are you eating..
Dionna- Welcome to the Lucky Sevens. You couldn't ask for a better group of women......for support and friendship. Join us. I won't say that this is all the support you need, but I will tell you that this is it for me. I was banded in Mexico and live in a small town in the country. I depend on this site for support. I may not post a lot, but I am here everyday lurking. It has taken ten months for me to find restriction...........now, it is great. I started this journey at 291 and am now at 179. I'm aiming for 150 but will be delighted with 160. I'm a lot like Ruby though, I'm getting tired of seeing those same five pounds come and go. Exercise is the thing that has gotten me this far...and hopefully the rest of the way to goal.

Thanks for the info on the TVs. We are leaning towards Vizio. It is the cheapest of the bunch. I was just afraid that it was one of those disposable TV's I read about.

Quite a dilemma.. to keep going to this group or forget it!! THIS is my support group, but I have to say that Steph makes some very good points, too!! They have nothing to offer you, but maybe you have some major contributions to make to THEM!!

I feel I've been very bad this afternoon. Kept my food choices in check and then had too much wine. I got in a BAD MOOD about something... I don't even remember what. Got mad at DH about something at Costco... he didn't want to go in and I did.. I don't even remember it all, but I got in a snit! Then I went for a long scooter ride. He went to the motor home while I was gone to do some more "packing" for the winter trip. So when I got home & he wasn't here, I poured myself a small glass of wine. Then I filled it up. Then I filled it up again! Then he came home and gave me another half glass! Very small glass, mind you, but too much!! Really stupid!

Back to the TVs....Consumer Reports is very complimentary towards the Vizios... rates several as "Best Buys". Here's a small excerpt from their site.

Both the Sony KDL-40V4100 and Vizio VO42L FHTVA10A are 40-inch sets with excellent HD picture quality and very good performance with DVDs. The Sony did better with SD programs, while the Vizio had a better-than-average viewing angle and costs $500 less.

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Was back at Target today and decided to look at their 75% off rack again. I REALLY like how these jeans are fitting.

Woooohooooo! Look at you! Buying up all the jeans in the store and showing off in them. :mellow:

I had an okay day. My total calories so far today (there are still 3.5 hours where to go) are 1537 :w00t: but if I subtract my exercise it takes it down to 934. It's telling me I can eat another 233 cals. I wish I didn't know that. It could send me over the edge. Especially if I've forgotten to add something. :thumbup:

My Protein percentage is 14.54, carbs are 46.24 and fat is 39.22. I haven't figured out yet what they're supposed to be, but that doesn't look good. I probably should have more protein and less of the carbs and fat. *sigh* More thinking and recalculating needed. Being fat was never this much hard work! :( I drank all my Water.< /p>

Dionna, please join us in our little family group. We'd really love you to stay. Like Steph said, trying to find solutions for other people helps us find them for ourselves. Not everything we suggest will work for you, but it may work for someone else who happens to read it. And believe it or not, you'll probably have suggestions for us that will work. Even though we're a year out, sometimes we (by 'we' I mean ME :tt2: ) forget the basics that were taught in the beginning. You can helps us remember. :cool2:

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Ruby, I don't know what the percentage of calories coming from each should be, but I always look at the % at the bottom of the page that gives me the % I am allowed. As long as I stay under 100% of the baddies and over 100% of Protein I'm happy. Down where it says "click totals for charts" it gives a graph form. I find it helpful too.

Hope that helps.

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Ruby, I don't know what the percentage of calories coming from each should be, but I always look at the % at the bottom of the page that gives me the % I am allowed. As long as I stay under 100% of the baddies and over 100% of Protein I'm happy. Down where it says "click totals for charts" it gives a graph form. I find it helpful too.

Hope that helps.

*sigh* Yes that helps. I can see better now where I screwed up. ;):thumbup: My protein count was good, my carbs and cals were bad. At least now I know how to monitor and keep an eye on what I'm doing. Thanks for the tip. It will help a lot.

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*sigh* Yes that helps. I can see better now where I screwed up. ;):thumbup: My Protein count was good, my carbs and cals were bad. At least now I know how to monitor and keep an eye on what I'm doing. Thanks for the tip. It will help a lot.

Glad I could help. Now could you help me? I'm way under today. Just wasn't really that hungry today. Didn't even eat ANYTHING until 2pm. I now have almost 500 cals to spend and really not hungry. I did just have a proticcino because I was WAY under protein for the day. Still need 15 more g of that. Maybe I'll have another of those. That would help a bit.

I did get all my liquid in. That's the good news. Weigh in is in the morning. I sub tomorrow so won't be around during the day.

I'm listening to Palin now at the RNC. Not paying tons of attention here. I'll talk to you all later.

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This late in the day I would try to drink some cals. You don't really want a lot of food sitting in your tummy late at night. Maybe one of those cocoa drinks you mentioned earlier today. Perhaps mix it up with milk rather than Water?

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Okay...final check in

final cal count 700

Protein 60g

liquid 70 oz.

I guess shaking up my cals is what I'm doing because I haven't been steady all week. 450, 1150, 800, 1020, 630, 700. Go figure. Those are net, not all are actual cals. Will work on getting closer to 1k tomorrow.

Night ladies.

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Good morning ladies. Just checking in to update my ticker. Not a huge loss to report but at least it's a loss. And the great thing is that magic 25 is in sight!!!! 5.8 more to NORMAL!!! Deep breath....I can do this.

I am so nervous about subbing today. I'll do fine, I'm sure but when I am not THINKING I'm feeling nuts about this.

Okay...off to finish getting the kids ready. Have a good day ladies.

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Good morning back at ya. :thumbup: I feel normal today. It's very strange. :lol: I went to bed early and got a decent sleep. Got up this morning and worked on my arms at the gym. They were still a little sore (good sore) from the same workout the other day, which is strange because I thought I was getting close to a plateau with those and was about to increase my intensity.

It's cold this morning. Only 68 outside. I had to wear a sweater out there! ;) Once I have Breakfast and a shower I may go for a longish walk. It's about 1.5 miles to the bank. I have a rebate check here that needs depositing, so that should keep me out of mischief for a little while.

Good luck at school today Steph and all our teachers out there.

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See this Dark Haired beauty on the SLIMBAND ad? well thats my FILL nurse in Toronto Canada.

I went for a 1/4CC fill yesterday, and also a consult appt with Jill the Nutricianist. I am going back on the Pre-op diet for a week or two then I am going back to T.O. for a weight-in. This way I will be accountable.

I've had a sloppy summer food wise, no gain, but no losses either... I just beat myself up thinking about all that money that I have wastd! Well, no more.

I really only go "out of control" from 7 - 10 p.m. Well as Jill pointed out that only 3 hrs out of 24!!! dah... not so much of a change needs to be made to get back on track.

Develop different strategies for coping during those 3 hours.... Eat a bag of salad with Bals. vin dress, eat some frozen fruit(slowly and chew) I am going to track all my meals and then SHOW them to HER on my weight in day.

If I can just tame the sugar monster the rest will follow!!

Now I have to go back and re-read pages 748 and forward...

Hugs to all

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I need to figure out what's going wrong. What worked for me that first 7 months stopped working. It doesn't surprise me, but it does frustrate me. I'm not over-eating, but I am eating the wrong things. I don't lead a stressful life, but this weight issue is stressful in and of itself.

What's happened to me is that I've become comfortable. I'm in the perfect position as far as band restriction goes to maintain. The only problem is, I'm 20lbs away from goal. :crying: If you ignore my menstrual troubles, during "normal" times I can eat 2 Cookies and feel satisfied. I don't need the whole pack like I used to. I can eat a bite or two out of a slice of cake and be satisfied instead of the whole cake. I can eat a couple of spoons of ice cream and be satisfied. This kind of revelation to me is such a wonderful and freeing experience.

Now the problem with that is, I will eat those things and not feel guilty because I'm not overeating. BUT, I'm still eating wrong. I realised today that at the beginning of this journey I was so excited and eager and determined that I did 95% of everything RIGHT. I followed the rules, I ate the appropriate food, I exercised when I should. Right now the only thing I probably am more determined about is my exercise. It's more of a mental than physical thing. I need to get myself back on track and focused on the goal the same way I was in the beginning.

Ruby - But all those bites of this or that add up - for me it was mostly avoidance that got me to goal - I didn't do too much tasting on a regular basis - Most of my treats were sf - so I saved a lot of calories. High Protein - limited carb and tons of veggies and I do eat sweets most nights just sf treat.

Also for me I was challenged by the fact that they say we can only lose 50 to 60% of our excess weight - hell no - you are telling me I can't lose my weight - that as a fat person I am incapable of losing all my weight even with WLS.. That was another thing for me - I will prove you wrong.

I depend on this site for support. I may not post a lot, but I am here everyday lurking. It has taken ten months for me to find restriction...........now, it is great. I started this journey at 291 and am now at 179. I'm aiming for 150 but will be delighted with 160. I'm a lot like Ruby though, I'm getting tired of seeing those same five pounds come and go. Exersize is the thing that has gotten me this far...and hopefully the rest of the way to goal.

Kari - you gotta cut the treats - eat them less often - til you get to goal

push the protein & veggies - limit the carbs and sweets - you will get there..

Was back at Target today and decided to look at their 75% off rack again. I REALLY like how these jeans are fitting. Pant & crotch length are just right for me!! As I said, I bought a size 24... wearing now, 22 for later, and today I took the last pair they had on the rack, a size 20. As I've worn these the last two days, you know how they stretch out, I've decided that I will be ready for the 22s sooner than I thought, so now I have the next two smaller sizes waiting in the wings! Quite a dilemma.. to keep going to this group or forget it!! THIS is my support group, but I have to say that Steph makes some very good points, too!! They have nothing to offer you, but maybe you have some major contributions to make to THEM!!

I feel I've been very bad this afternoon. Kept my food choices in check and then had too much wine. I got in a BAD MOOD about something... I don't even remember what. Got mad at DH about something at Costco... he didn't want to go in and I did.. I don't even remember it all, but I got in a snit! Then I went for a long scooter ride. He went to the motor home while I was gone to do some more "packing" for the winter trip. So when I got home & he wasn't here, I poured myself a small glass of wine. Then I filled it up. Then I filled it up again! Then he came home and gave me another half glass! Very small glass, mind you, but too much!! Really stupid!

Phyl - Hugs on the bad day - Today is a new day better choices. !!!

See this Dark Haired beauty on the SLIMBAND ad? well thats my FILL nurse in Toronto Canada.

I went for a 1/4CC fill yesterday, and also a consult appt with Jill the Nutricianist. I am going back on the Pre-op diet for a week or two then I am going back to T.O. for a weight-in. This way I will be accountable.

I've had a sloppy summer food wise, no gain, but no losses either... I just beat myself up thinking about all that money that I have wastd! Well, no more.

I really only go "out of control" from 7 - 10 p.m. Well as Jill pointed out that only 3 hrs out of 24!!! dah... not so much of a change needs to be made to get back on track.

Develop different strategies for coping during those 3 hours.... Eat a bag of salad with Bals. vin dress, eat some frozen fruit(slowly and chew) I am going to track all my meals and then SHOW them to HER on my weight in day.

If I can just tame the sugar monster the rest will follow!!

Now I have to go back and re-read pages 748 and forward...

Hugs to all

Candice - those are still my hours too... just budget your calories to allow for them - That's what I have always done - skip the morning Snacks eat light for breakfast and lunch - save your caloires for night - I figure I am not going to be able to change my night hunger no matter how hard I try - so I just have a workable plan - so far so good..

Well, I can't change my fonts or colors - whats up with that...


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That's my new focus.... summer is OVER.... no more trips, vacations, etc. Time to get serious again. My weight was down on Monday... then I've gained .2 lb Tues, Wed., Thurs. Too much wine yesterday... I already confessed that. Gotta watch my Snacks, too. I snacked on veggie crackers last night... 120 calories for 14, but I only had about 7, and a couple of TBSP of Tostios onion dip. But I had a few pretzel sticks in the afternoon with my wine and with some dip that I made... Knorr Spinach Soup mix, FF Sour cream and some other stuff I threw in... little bit of FF miracle whip, little bit of Raspberry Wasaba hot mustard. Shouldn't have been that many calories, but don't usually snack TWICE in a day. And those papaya tablets... I need them sometimes, but other times I just WANT them because they are sweet! Can't eat them like M & Ms!!

Okay... that's my TRUE CONFESSIONS for today. Gotta go get in the shower and take our lake walk/ride. Not much exercise for me, but I enjoy the fresh air and sunshine and it gets me outside and out of my recliner.

And I have to do some RV packing today!

LATER, gang!

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That's my new focus.... summer is OVER.... no more trips, vacations, etc. Time to get serious again. My weight was down on Monday... then I've gained .2 lb Tues, Wed., Thurs. Too much wine yesterday... I already confessed that. Gotta watch my Snacks, too. I snacked on veggie crackers last night... 120 calories for 14, but I only had about 7, and a couple of TBSP of Tostios onion dip. But I had a few pretzel sticks in the afternoon with my wine and with some dip that I made... Knorr Spinach Soup mix, FF Sour cream and some other stuff I threw in... little bit of FF miracle whip, little bit of Raspberry Wasaba hot mustard. Shouldn't have been that many calories, but don't usually snack TWICE in a day. And those papaya tablets... I need them sometimes, but other times I just WANT them because they are sweet! Can't eat them like M & Ms!!

Okay... that's my TRUE CONFESSIONS for today. Gotta go get in the shower and take our lake walk/ride. Not much exercise for me, but I enjoy the fresh air and sunshine and it gets me outside and out of my recliner.

And I have to do some RV packing today!

LATER, gang!

You are so right Phyl, Summer is over... now its time to SURRENDER to the LAP BAND and let it do its majic!!!

I've have 2 good "in control" days and I am breathing more peacefully... I was really wanting to STOP the monsters but nothing was working.

I was really glad I made the effort and committment to drive to my WL clinic yesterday. She made me feel like I am NOT such a failure.

I only have a problem 3 out of 24 hours in the day. I can conquer anything for 3 measly hours right??? You bet!!!:lol: now I gotta go back and read...:crying:

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Woooohooooo! Look at you! Buying up all the jeans in the store and showing off in them. :mad:

Yeah, and I figured out that there are other styles of pants in that Target brand that are cropped and cut to sit below the waist.... perfect fit for me. So I'll be thinking about getting some other pants soon. And I need a belt for these 24s now that they're all loosened up! I probably haven't worn a belt since I was about 12 yrs old!! Anytime I ever bought anything that came with a belt I'd throw it away! Now I need to find one I can wear with my new jeans!!


Good morning ladies. Just checking in to update my ticker. Not a huge loss to report but at least it's a loss. And the great thing is that magic 25 is in sight!!!! 5.8 more to NORMAL!!! Deep breath....I can do this.

I am so nervous about subbing today. I'll do fine, I'm sure but when I am not THINKING I'm feeling nuts about this.

Hope your day is GREAT!! And congrats on the weight loss!

You are so right Phyl, Summer is over... now its time to SURRENDER to the LAP BAND and let it do its majic!!!

I've have 2 good "in control" days and I am breathing more peacefully... I was really wanting to STOP the monsters but nothing was working.

I was really glad I made the effort and committment to drive to my WL clinic yesterday. She made me feel like I am NOT such a failure.

I only have a problem 3 out of 24 hours in the day. I can conquer anything for 3 measly hours right??? You bet!!!:lol: now I gotta go back and read...:crying:

Well, we went out to lunch, but to the stir fry place across the street. Remember the lady who was so unreasonable last summer and wouldn't let me buy a children's portion or take my leftovers home??? Well, she was also very unfriendly and the atmosphere was not pleasant. So, guess what??? Her restaurant is now under new management!! I talked to the new guy before they reopened and he's made some significant changes. It's no longer "all you can eat", so he doesn't care if I take my leftovers home, he lowered the prices by a dollar, and the atmosphere is way different. In fact, I went back after lunch and told them that the best change they made was the smiles and the friendly atmosphere! Anyway, I had healthy veggies, lean meat, imit. crab and a small amt of rice. So.... out to lunch, but we ate pretty healthy.


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Good morning ladies. Just checking in to update my ticker. Not a huge loss to report but at least it's a loss. And the great thing is that magic 25 is in sight!!!! 5.8 more to NORMAL!!! Deep breath....I can do this.

I am so nervous about subbing today. I'll do fine, I'm sure but when I am not THINKING I'm feeling nuts about this.

Okay...off to finish getting the kids ready. Have a good day ladies.

Oh I don't know how I missed this - CONGRATULATION !!!!!

Yeah, and I figured out that there are other styles of pants in that Target brand that are cropped and cut to sit below the waist.... perfect fit for me. So I'll be thinking about getting some other pants soon. And I need a belt for these 24s now that they're all loosened up! I probably haven't worn a belt since I was about 12 yrs old!! Anytime I ever bought anything that came with a belt I'd throw it away! Now I need to find one I can wear with my new jeans!!

Hope your day is GREAT!! And congrats on the weight loss!

Well, we went out to lunch, but to the stir fry place across the street. Remember the lady who was so unreasonable last summer and wouldn't let me buy a children's portion or take my leftovers home??? Well, she was also very unfriendly and the atmosphere was not pleasant. So, guess what??? Her restaurant is now under new management!! I talked to the new guy before they reopened and he's made some significant changes. It's no longer "all you can eat", so he doesn't care if I take my leftovers home, he lowered the prices by a dollar, and the atmosphere is way different. In fact, I went back after lunch and told them that the best change they made was the smiles and the friendly atmosphere! Anyway, I had healthy veggies, lean meat, imit. crab and a small amt of rice. So.... out to lunch, but we ate pretty healthy.

Ya I remember that - all the drama .....

Great on getting a belt - isn't it such a great feeling...

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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