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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Good Morning Gang - Late Check in - 1st day of school - Since GS doesn't have car - had to take him - mad house..

Still have 85 emails to go thru :thumbup: - Not much to report

CBL :tt2:

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Good Morning, Bandsters!

Where is everyone this morning??? Can't believe I"m the first to post and it's after 9 a.m.!! Nice sunny morning here, though a chilly 56 degrees.

We spent yesterday at youngest DD's... watched the three little ones while they went to a movie and had kids fed and dinner ready for the four of us when they got home. It was a fun day, but busy. We ususally take the kids to the neighborhood park, but it was just too chilly yesterday so they played in the backyard. Little Thomas gets his pronouns kind of backwards, so he kept asking Grandpa, "Can I come out and play with you??" He wanted Grandpa to come downstairs and push him on the swing. Or he says, "Can I help you??" if HE needs help! Another good one is "Can you sit on my lap??!" He's a cutie! Oldest was excited to be starting 1st grade today, but Charly didn't sound too enthusiastic about starting kindergarten! He mentioned it briefly.

Oh, 6 yr old also showed us a gold dollar coin that she found under her pillow after putting her tooth there.... she's missing her bottom teeth. So I asked her if she thought I could get one if I put a tooth under MY pillow. She thought about it a minute and then said she knew where there was a tooth she could get me, in her Mom's bathroom!!! So I asked DD about that and she sheepishly admitted she still had the wisdom teeth she had pulled some years ago... saving them for some reason!! I told her if she is that much of a "pack rat" now, she is going to be in serious trouble in 20 years!! I didn't get the tooth... have no confidence in the tooth fairy in this house!!

Which somehow reminds me..... DH, who is as tight-fisted as they come, bought me a VERY expensive bottle of perfume when we were out shopping at the Navy base the other day. I had given him a little card sprayed with what I wanted many weeks ago....he found it and bought it! WOW!! I love it! There IS a Santa Claus!!

Cat pooped on a throw rug in the bathroom this morning, near her litterbox, which was clean... because she was mad that we left her all day yesterday! She's a snot!

Hope everyone is having a great week.... new week, new month, school starting, etc.

I changed my ticker even though we didn't have a weigh in because of the holiday this week. I used my Wii Fit weigh in instead. I'm finally a hair more than halfway to my goal. Though I may change it when I get there.

I didn't make my exercise goal last month because we were gone until the 12th and then gone again last weekend.

DH is trying so hard to lose, too, but I keep telling him about 100X a day that the scale is not going down because he's not eating enough calories. So yesterday he splurged a little and sure enough, the scale was down for him today!

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:thumbup:FANTASTIC :thumbup:

Glad you had a good time w/your grandkids...

Hat's of DH for the perfume...

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Phyl - Grandkids are the BEST!! I love hearing stories about them. I wish mine lived a whole lot closer and I saw them more often. You're lucky that your cat only poops on the rug when he gets mad at you. Mine chooses my laundry basket of clean clothes to pee in.

Denise - Glad things went well with Gustav. At least it shouldn't take as long to get back home as it did to leave it.

I need some opinions here. Our TV is just about dead and we need to get a new one. Since it's been over 15 years since we bought one, there's been some big changes. All I know is, We need a HD......at least a 40 inch.........and cheap (preferably under $1000).........without being one of those disposable TV's I read about. Any suggestions?

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Hi ladies. A little late check in today. No real reason. I feel crappy and tired. This horrible cold. I feel achy and have a headache.

Phyl, your grandson sounds like quite a gem! When they start developing language it is so wonderful. Kids are so funny how they pick up some things and mess it up.

I didn't come anywhere near my exercise goal for August. I need to get back on track. I'm not going to go to 20 this month. After a while I feel like I'm never going to get it so why bother. How stupid that sounds. Even saying it sounds stupid.

Nick began his first day of school today. He was so excited. I hope he had a great day. It's just pre-school but he loves it. I sure hope he continues to love it. Michael hates school. That is so frustrating.

I've been looking at greyhounds. I am so excited. I need to get my application in and then the agency will start looking for a dog for us.

I'm going to go for awhile. I'll talk to you all later.

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Phyl - Grandkids are the BEST!! I love hearing stories about them. I wish mine lived a whole lot closer and I saw them more often. You're lucky that your cat only poops on the rug when he gets mad at you. Mine chooses my laundry basket of clean clothes to pee in.

I need some opinions here. Our TV is just about dead and we need to get a new one. Since it's been over 15 years since we bought one, there's been some big changes. All I know is, We need a HD......at least a 40 inch.........and cheap (preferably under $1000).........without being one of those disposable TV's I read about. Any suggestions?

Yeah.... grandkids are the greatest!! We'll be heading south soon, so we'll be really missing them for the next six months!

We used to have a cat that liked to pee in piles/baskets of clothes!! I'm glad this one doesn't do that! She is spoiled, and hypersensitive! TMI, but she got diarrhea last week the minute she saw our suitcases come out when we were getting ready to go to Canada! Give me a break!! I guess she thought we were leaving for another three weeks!

I read an article by Consumer Reports recently and I know one of the TVs they recommended was the Vizio HDs. I know costco sells them, but don't know who else. They're fairly inexpensive. We have a 42" Samsung LCD that we've had about a year and a half and we really like it. I trust Sears for large appliances/TVs, etc. Before i picked out this TV, I had bought one at Best Buy. Then I had second thoughts and cancelled it. The guy had just applied too much pressure and talked me into something I wasn't sure I wanted. So I went across the street to Sears and found a better deal.


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:thumbup:FANTASTIC :blushing:

Glad you had a good time w/your grandkids...

Hat's of DH for the perfume...


Yeah, I don't know what came over him with that perfume!!

Even I wouldn't have spent that much on perfume!

We took our three mile walk/ride around the neighborhood this morning. I decided to stop at Target before i went home. I found jeans on sale 75% off, so I decided to try some on. I always get so annoyed with pants and end up buying cotton knits because everything tends to be too long in the crotch or just doesn't fit right. But these were "cropped", which turns out to be the exact right length for me, and I think they are supposed to be "low riders", because the crotch length is just right, too! So I bought a 24 for now and a 22 for later.... $6.25 each!! I'm so happy to have a pair of jeans that fit right!! I know 24 sounds pretty big to all of you, but I was wearing 30/32 when I started this journey, so I'm happy!!


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Okay....just did 30 mins on the wii fit. I now really feel hot and icky, but better because I did get up and moving. I didn't do huge tough stuff but at least I moved. I was starting to think I was being a big baby and I really didn't feel as bad as I was making it out to be. I thought I was faking myself out. After that 30 minutes....I know I'm not. I really DO feel like crap.

As for tv's, all I can say is that if you don't see it next to a bunch it's hard to tell. The pictures are so different on all of them. I also think there are differences in personal preference or they would all look the same. There is a big difference in color and clarity. I would not buy one online or from a store if I hadn't seen it in person. Our family has become an LG family. We like their tv's, dvd players, and phones. But that's just us. I don't remember what we payed for ours or even what size it is. We found the best tv's at the appliance stores, not Walmart. The stores that are "brand source" dealers seemed to be the nicest people for us.

Okay....off to watch dr. phil. I wonder what he's talking about today. I usually think he's a little harsh but he's funny to watch too. Does anyone know when the biggest loser starts this season? I'm looking forward to new shows!

Okay...now I'm really off. Later ladies

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Yeah, I don't know what came over him with that perfume!!

Even I wouldn't have spent that much on perfume!

We took our three mile walk/ride around the neighborhood this morning. I decided to stop at Target before i went home. I found jeans on sale 75% off, so I decided to try some on. I always get so annoyed with pants and end up buying cotton knits because everything tends to be too long in the crotch or just doesn't fit right. But these were "cropped", which turns out to be the exact right length for me, and I think they are supposed to be "low riders", because the crotch length is just right, too! So I bought a 24 for now and a 22 for later.... $6.25 each!! I'm so happy to have a pair of jeans that fit right!! I know 24 sounds pretty big to all of you, but I was wearing 30/32 when I started this journey, so I'm happy!!



What a day for you!!! Half way done, which is beyond huge!!! and now a pair of jeans that fit! And remember when I was pushing to get into an 8? Well Janet hit it right on the head when she said that when we are larger we have to lose a lot more weight before we drop a size. When we get smaller we can lose less and still drop a size. So to go from a 32 to a 22 is GIANT!!!! Kudo's to you!!!!!

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Okay I wanted to let you all know that I am still alive. Just trying to keep my head above Water. Life should get easier when the kids come back. I know...sounds backwards!

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Yeah, I don't know what came over him with that perfume!!

Even I wouldn't have spent that much on perfume!

We took our three mile walk/ride around the neighborhood this morning. I decided to stop at Target before i went home. I found jeans on sale 75% off, so I decided to try some on. I always get so annoyed with pants and end up buying cotton knits because everything tends to be too long in the crotch or just doesn't fit right. But these were "cropped", which turns out to be the exact right length for me, and I think they are supposed to be "low riders", because the crotch length is just right, too! So I bought a 24 for now and a 22 for later.... $6.25 each!! I'm so happy to have a pair of jeans that fit right!! I know 24 sounds pretty big to all of you, but I was wearing 30/32 when I started this journey, so I'm happy!!




When you come back this winter and we get together we will have to take a pic and compare from last Nov... You might not see the diff - but I have from what April to July you are just doing great...

You really really have done so well with this - especailly considering that you can't exercise like the rest of us can... You are an inspiration...

Okay....just did 30 mins on the wii fit. I now really feel hot and icky, but better because I did get up and moving. I didn't do huge tough stuff but at least I moved. I was starting to think I was being a big baby and I really didn't feel as bad as I was making it out to be. I thought I was faking myself out. After that 30 minutes....I know I'm not. I really DO feel like crap.

As for tv's, all I can say is that if you don't see it next to a bunch it's hard to tell. The pictures are so different on all of them. I also think there are differences in personal preference or they would all look the same. There is a big difference in color and clarity. I would not buy one online or from a store if I hadn't seen it in person. Our family has become an LG family. We like their tv's, dvd players, and phones. But that's just us. I don't remember what we payed for ours or even what size it is. We found the best tv's at the appliance stores, not Walmart. The stores that are "brand source" dealers seemed to be the nicest people for us.

Okay....off to watch dr. phil. I wonder what he's talking about today. I usually think he's a little harsh but he's funny to watch too. Does anyone know when the biggest loser starts this season? I'm looking forward to new shows!

Okay...now I'm really off. Later ladies

Steph - I love it faking yourself out - yep when you are sick you are not suppose to exercise to strenously.... Good for at least trying..

Kari - I like Curciut City or costco - 42 inch - I buy the one that I think has the best picture for the $$$ i want to spend..

I have like a 47 inch projection - got it 4 yrs ago - the flat screens where still priced out of my league back then - the have come donw in price alot in the last 5 yrs - but I think my son said Viso is the best - but that most likely means $$$$

Okay I wanted to let you all know that I am still alive. Just trying to keep my head above Water. Life should get easier when the kids come back. I know...sounds backwards!

Karri - I have been wondering - but figured since you can run again you have been busy doing that and getting ready for school... Miss you though

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Hello ladies.

It's been a few days since I checked in. We went on an impromptu road trip up to Kansas to visit with friends and got back last night. I was tired, but really enjoyed catching up.

food? I don't remember what I ate. I know I didn't always choose wisely, but I don't think I overate while I was gone. TOM is being a real pain. This month I've decided to deal with it differently. Instead of withdrawing into myself and using all my inner strength to be grrrrr NICE grrrr, I told my hubby there are going to be times in the next however long this takes when I'm going to tell you "I'm grumpy for no reason". Take that information, absorb it, remember it but don't bug me with "why?" or "how can I help?" or "where can I hide?"

So far, so good. It's actually helping to be able to say out loud that I'm annoyed for no reason. It takes off so much pressure trying to be polite and in control. :thumbup: There's no point in trying to deny there's something wrong.

But this morning I woke wanting to eat everything I could find. I read Steph's post and decided that was it for me. Keep myself busy. My son's bedroom and bathroom are sparkling clean today. :blushing: I've come to the conclusion that boys are disgusting little creatures. They can find places to hide dirty socks you wouldn't even know existed. :biggrin: He was home 10 minutes and started complaining that he couldn't find anything. :girl_hug:

Tomorrow I'm going to clean up my plants and patio. There isn't much to do and it won't take too long, but I'll save the time for when my hunger screams at me to see if I can get it out of my system that way. Maybe I'll go shopping for replacement plants or herbs.

So that's me. I need to go back and catch up on the posts, but I'm exhausted right now. I've really got to keep on top of this food log. Already I can't remember what I've eaten today, so there's no hope for the past few days. :) I will try once again tomorrow.

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A new day today. :unsure: It's actually cooler than it's been here for months now. There's some light mist outside and it's only 88 degrees. Sorry Phyl. :cool2:

I'm dealing with tummy cramps this morning. When my tummy isn't aching, my lower back is. *sigh* I had to try 3 times to get some Soup down last night. It wasn't that I was tight, at least I don't think so, I just felt ill after taking a mouthful or two. It would set off my gag reflexes. Don't ask me why. :tt2: It took me an hour to finish one cup. :w00t:

I've had coffee with Creamer this morning. I'm going to try and have a Protein Shake in a little bit. I'm not feeling hungry. Yet. I've done 30 mins on the treadmill. That helped with the stomach cramps. So far so good. :)

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A new day today. :) It's actually cooler than it's been here for months now. There's some light mist outside and it's only 88 degrees. Sorry Phyl. :unsure:

I don't care. I'm gonna wear my new jeans and I'll be feelin' good no matter what the temp is! It's supposed to be sunny and near 70 today!


Hope your tummy starts feeling better soon!

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Good Morning Gang

Ruby glad today is a better day...

Phyl wear those jeans girl !!!

It's like 86 here right now - suppose to be 107 which is average - nights are cooling off to mid to high 70's...

Ok - gotta get to work - cbl :)

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