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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Phyl: HOw are your Ear peircings??? Did you buy any new earrings yet? I let my holes close over :frown: they were bugging me while I slept at night... poking into my head if I rolled over on my side.. Just not meant to be I guess.

Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak Were chilly, so they lit a fire

In the craft.

Unsurprisingly it sank, Proving once again

That you can't have your kayak And heat it too.


You're TOO MUCH!!

Well.... today you can have your "kayak and heat it, too!"


Ears are doing fine. Did I tell you that after Linda & I figured out that my old hole in the right ear was out of alignment with the left, I went and had another one put in on the right side that was better aligned... so I have one extra hole on that side now. That was after I got to Buffalo... found another "Piercing Pagoda" at the mall. THEN, my youngest sister was with me that day and a few days later she decided she was going back and get a little blue flower put in at the top of her ear. It looked so cute that the last day in Buffalo I decided to go get one, too... a little pink flower. That's really the only one that is still hurting a little. She told me that since it's in cartilege I can't change it for THREE MONTHS! The others can probably be switched out now if I want to.

After we got home, we were out to lunch with youngest DD & three youngest grandchildren. Thomas, almost 3 yrs was sitting next to me. Halfway through lunch he says, "Grandma, there's a BUG on your ear!"

12_6_12.gif 16_3_138.gif

Yes girls i have not been here in awhile. With the kids out for summer at a lose for time. We are back on track and mom has computer time yeah. I have signed up for a 5k run thanks to the inspiration of all you guys so know that the kids are back at school I am hitting the gym hard. Anybody have suggestions for the bat wing arm that are appearing? I t was better at the beginning but the more i lose the more i hate the way things look even with working out but that will have to be fixed with surgery just not sure i want to do the arms. Anyway glad to see everyone still doing great and thanks to all you girls who are here all the time going thru alot of the same things i can glance and get alot of inspiration. thanks girls

Glad to see you back, Beth!!

Arms are an issue!

I'd post a picture I took on our Mall of America trip...

Janet & Linda comparing bat wings... but that could get me in trouble!!


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You're TOO MUCH!!

Well.... today you can have your "kayak and heat it, too!"


Ears are doing fine. Did I tell you that after Linda & I figured out that my old hole in the right ear was out of alignment with the left, I went and had another one put in on the right side that was better aligned... so I have one extra hole on that side now. That was after I got to Buffalo... found another "Piercing Pagoda" at the mall. THEN, my youngest sister was with me that day and a few days later she decided she was going back and get a little blue flower put in at the top of her ear. It looked so cute that the last day in Buffalo I decided to go get one, too... a little pink flower. That's really the only one that is still hurting a little. She told me that since it's in cartilege I can't change it for THREE MONTHS! The others can probably be switched out now if I want to.

After we got home, we were out to lunch with youngest DD & three youngest grandchildren. Thomas, almost 3 yrs was sitting next to me. Halfway through lunch he says, "Grandma, there's a BUG on your ear!"

12_6_12.gif 16_3_138.gif

Glad to see you back, Beth!!

Arms are an issue!

I'd post a picture I took on our Mall of America trip...

Janet & Linda comparing bat wings... but that could get me in trouble!!


Did you take a picture ?? I think I remember that :thumbup:-

btw - the girls voted that Linda & I had the same bat wings. But I think she thinks her's are worse and I think mine are - but you know how it is we are hypercritical of ourselves.... I am trying to learn to live with it and winter is coming so will the longer sleeve... Yippie !!!

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I have dropped another pant size. I know it is a true size because I fit into 4 different manufacturer's brands.

Yes. It feels so good to go into smaller sizes. I bought a bike today to help me get the last 35 pounds off. I rode it home from the shop. 90 degrees out and I fell on the way home. I'm ok but the bike has a bar across and I could not get my foot over the bar so the seat went some place where it shouldn't and I am quite sore. My husband said I had a bad bruise. I go to the OB GYN Tuesday so he'll be thinking something wild happened. After I learn what I am doing I plan to ride to and from work. That will be a 16 mile trek each day.

Have a good holiday. Talk to you all soon.

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End of day check in. Calories 1150, Protein 83 g, only about 40 oz of liquid. I think I'm coming down with a cold. That really sucks.

Going to bed soon.

I have to get to bed though. My dh has agreed to go visit with a family that has 3 greyhounds. We are going in the morning. I'm so excited. He's given in....and it only took 2 months. He's getting softer.

Okay....to bed with me. I'll talk to you later. Night ladies. Keep Denise's house, family, and friends in your prayers.

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I have dropped another pant size. I know it is a true size because I fit into 4 different manufacturer's brands.

Yes. It feels so good to go into smaller sizes. I bought a bike today to help me get the last 35 pounds off. I rode it home from the shop. 90 degrees out and I fell on the way home. I'm ok but the bike has a bar across and I could not get my foot over the bar so the seat went some place where it shouldn't and I am quite sore. My husband said I had a bad bruise. I go to the OB GYN Tuesday so he'll be thinking something wild happened. After I learn what I am doing I plan to ride to and from work. That will be a 16 mile trek each day.

Have a good holiday. Talk to you all soon.

Congrats on the weight loss - That's why I don't have a bike - I have had too many crashes...:smile:

End of day check in. Calories 1150, Protein 83 g, only about 40 oz of liquid. I think I'm coming down with a cold. That really sucks.

Going to bed soon.

I have to get to bed though. My dh has agreed to go visit with a family that has 3 greyhounds. We are going in the morning. I'm so excited. He's given in....and it only took 2 months. He's getting softer.

Okay....to bed with me. I'll talk to you later. Night ladies. Keep Denise's house, family, and friends in your prayers.

Steph - you want a greyhound dog ???? You did good on your calories and protein...


Good morning gang...

Looks like Gustav is going to miss Denise's house - Thank the Lord...

From what I see on tv it's not a direct hit - they do have wind and one of the canals is leaking but not a direct hit ..

Well fur babies woke me at 6:15 but laid back down on the couch and napped for about 1 hrs... Up now and drinking coffee - going to the gym and get my walking in this morning - I didn't go Saturday and I am feeling it.. I go back to night for weights w/trainer - but I am feeling really blah I need to sweat and walk...

Well, back to work for me tomorrow :frown:

Checking in will cbl :frown:

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Good afternoon ladies.

Went to visit with the lady with the greyhounds. They have got to be the most graceful, beautiful dogs I've every seen. I really am a cat person in a lot of ways and they are the best of both worlds really. Play fetch and do the cute doggy stuff but then curl up and sleep all day like a cat. How perfect is that?

Yes, I know it's not quite that way, but closer than most other dogs.

DH and I are not really doing well today though so I am stressed. Trying to eat lunch now and it's just not going well. I hate stress.

I'm going to go do something. Not sure what. Have a nice day ladies.

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Sorry DH & you are having a bad day - sometimes it's just that way - you know men pms too :smile:

I am lucky my little angel is like a cat - she doesn't require too much attention - Lil Bear is the one who likes to play fetch and wants more attention and he's my runner - don't leave the door open or he's out the door - Angel will go out but come back/stop when you tell her to - Bear want's to go mark up the neighborhood.. Diff between boy & girl i guess.

OK gang - I want to eat - I have had 2 egg omeltte with cheese and my homemade salsa and now 10 chips and salsa - it seems like when I start to eat I just want to continue... But I just paid bills and don't have the $$$ to go shopping so can't get out of the house and distract myself with that - and no ones here - well I guess I will surf the net and board for a while to keep myself out of the kitchen...


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I know the feeling of wanting to eat and just not stop. That is the drive me crazy part of my days when I don't have something to distract myself. It's absolutely nuts. The feeling that I am out of control during those times scares me

I am pretty tight today. I think it's the cold. I have an itchy throat. Both of the young kids are sick so it doesn't surprise me that I'm getting it. I just hope it doesn't stick around for too long or get much worse.

So far today I had Protein with my coffee and 2 pieces of cheese. I really don't feel like I'm hungry but trying to drink coffee again and I can feel trickle down. Very frustrating.

Did I tell you all I'm going to San Antonio in the middle of September? My niece is graduating from basic. Rose and I are going down with my sister and BIL. I've never been and we are going to be busy with stuff with her but we are staying right down by the Alamo and I'm really excited about it. I think we're going to Six Flags to ride the rides. I'll have to figure out what I can take so that I don't get sick sick. Any brilliant ideas that work wonders? I'm so excited though.

Okay....off for a bit. Talk to you all later.

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I know the feeling of wanting to eat and just not stop. That is the drive me crazy part of my days when I don't have something to distract myself. It's absolutely nuts. The feeling that I am out of control during those times scares me

I am pretty tight today. I think it's the cold. I have an itchy throat. Both of the young kids are sick so it doesn't surprise me that I'm getting it. I just hope it doesn't stick around for too long or get much worse.

So far today I had Protein with my coffee and 2 pieces of cheese. I really don't feel like I'm hungry but trying to drink coffee again and I can feel trickle down. Very frustrating.

Did I tell you all I'm going to San Antonio in the middle of September? My niece is graduating from basic. Rose and I are going down with my sister and BIL. I've never been and we are going to be busy with stuff with her but we are staying right down by the Alamo and I'm really excited about it. I think we're going to Six Flags to ride the rides. I'll have to figure out what I can take so that I don't get sick sick. Any brilliant ideas that work wonders? I'm so excited though.

Okay....off for a bit. Talk to you all later.

Well have done ok - 2 egg omlett with cheese & salsa for bf - then 10 chips & salsa - crystal light - 1 oz cheese 2 crackers - 1 cup bean Soup broth.< /p>

Dramabean (sp) less drowsy - take it the day before you go and agian the day you go.. I don't get sick on rollercoaster - sometime in cars or airplane and boats - the trick with the dramabean is to take it 24 hours before you need it - I have done that and it did help...

I remember you saying that you were going - I thought your Mom was getting her surgery in Sept so maybe it was the trip that was happening in september :smile:

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Watching the RNC - Laura Bush is talking so gotta go and see what she has to say - The poor Republican's and the hurrricane... Now the teenage preganacy of vp daughter -- well, just goes to show you that is doesn't matter if you are republican or democrats crap happens - too bad that this has to be blasted all over the news. Don't know if McCain was really thinking when he made this choice... I could see it hurting him with the right wing religous pple... I don't think that her getting married is necessarily the answer... Feel sorry for them - this is why I could never be in politicis - NOTHING IS PRIVATE NOT EVEN YOUR HEMROIDS :thumbup::lol:

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I was just reading about Palin's daughter. I feel so sorry for her. Losing her childhood, now getting it blasted all over the world.

There is no way I could do it. I agree. More power to those who are willing to let us see that side of their lives.

I just had a Fiber One Bar and it was okay. Who knows. cheese bad, fiber one fine. Go figure. Oh....I was going to mention. My dailyplate, last time I changed my weight, says 940 cals a day. I thought 1050 was tough to stay underbut 940 seems a little too low. I'm sure it's probably right, but it doesn't help my head when I'm trying to not stress over cals.

I will plan on the dramamine but looking for other ideas to combine with it. I just don't know. I haven't been on a carnival ride in YEARS. I thought it was because I get sick but I wonder. Okay....this is going to sound funny....I always told myself I'm not a girly girl. Hated ruffles, hated dresses, no pink for me. Well now that I'm losing weight I'm sure liking looking much more girly. Loving it! Now I'm wondering about all those other things. Do I really not like rides, or was that just my excuse so I could check out of life? I don't know. What else have I fooled myself into believing so that I didn't have to deal with being fat.

Okay....gotta go find something for dinner. I don't know what I want to make. I'll be back later I'm sure.

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I know the feeling of wanting to eat and just not stop. That is the drive me crazy part of my days when I don't have something to distract myself. It's absolutely nuts. The feeling that I am out of control during those times scares me

I am pretty tight today. I think it's the cold. I have an itchy throat. Both of the young kids are sick so it doesn't surprise me that I'm getting it. I just hope it doesn't stick around for too long or get much worse.

So far today I had Protein with my coffee and 2 pieces of cheese. I really don't feel like I'm hungry but trying to drink coffee again and I can feel trickle down. Very frustrating.

Did I tell you all I'm going to San Antonio in the middle of September? My niece is graduating from basic. Rose and I are going down with my sister and BIL. I've never been and we are going to be busy with stuff with her but we are staying right down by the Alamo and I'm really excited about it. I think we're going to Six Flags to ride the rides. I'll have to figure out what I can take so that I don't get sick sick. Any brilliant ideas that work wonders? I'm so excited though.

Okay....off for a bit. Talk to you all later.

:thumbup: O.k. brilliant idea #1, for the rides. Take 1/2 a gravol tablet. Just enought to fight the nausea, but not so much that you fall asleep! Also, keep telling yourself that you LOVE rides. and your stomach is strong!!! Keep with the positive thoughts of the day and you'll not get motion sickness. Also there is an acupressure point on the inside of your wrist you can press. measure 3 fingers up from the crease of your palm/wrist and press firmly with your thumb, hold for 2 -3 minutes... it will settle your tummy...

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I was just reading about Palin's daughter. I feel so sorry for her. Losing her childhood, now getting it blasted all over the world.

There is no way I could do it. I agree. More power to those who are willing to let us see that side of their lives.

I just had a fiber One Bar and it was okay. Who knows. cheese bad, fiber one fine. Go figure. Oh....I was going to mention. My dailyplate, last time I changed my weight, says 940 cals a day. I thought 1050 was tough to stay underbut 940 seems a little too low. I'm sure it's probably right, but it doesn't help my head when I'm trying to not stress over cals.

I will plan on the dramamine but looking for other ideas to combine with it. I just don't know. I haven't been on a carnival ride in YEARS. I thought it was because I get sick but I wonder. Okay....this is going to sound funny....I always told myself I'm not a girly girl. Hated ruffles, hated dresses, no pink for me. Well now that I'm losing weight I'm sure liking looking much more girly. Loving it! Now I'm wondering about all those other things. Do I really not like rides, or was that just my excuse so I could check out of life? I don't know. What else have I fooled myself into believing so that I didn't have to deal with being fat.

Okay....gotta go find something for dinner. I don't know what I want to make. I'll be back later I'm sure.

Steph 940 calories - too low on a daily basis - I always varied them still do - some days less some days more. I bet you will like the rides..

:thumbup: O.k. brilliant idea #1, for the rides. Take 1/2 a gravol tablet. Just enought to fight the nausea, but not so much that you fall asleep! Also, keep telling yourself that you LOVE rides. and your stomach is strong!!! Keep with the positive thoughts of the day and you'll not get motion sickness. Also there is an acupressure point on the inside of your wrist you can press. measure 3 fingers up from the crease of your palm/wrist and press firmly with your thumb, hold for 2 -3 minutes... it will settle your tummy...

Candice how was your Bday - Did you have a nice dinner with your Mum..

It's been quite here today - Ruby - Phyl - Karri - Kari - Linda miss you..

Denise from what the news says - looks like your house should be ok.. Still keeping you in my prayers thought they are talking about more hurricanes but looks like the east coast is going to get the next one but I don't know about the one behind that one - and we still have to worry about the butthead looters...

Linda you gotta tell us about your new GD - she is BEAUTIFUL....

So talk to you all in the morning - sweet dreams

OK I am off to the couch and dinner - back to work tomorrow :laugh:

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Hey Everyone,

Gustave turned out much weaker than expected. We were truly blessed. A million people praying can actually weaken a hurricane.

My neighbor stayed. I talked to her, and she said it wasn't bad at all. Nothing around me is flooded. That levee wall you saw on the news is in New Orleans. I am on the westbank of the Mississippi, New Orleans is the eastbank. The Water my still be rising, I'm not sure. I still don't think we will flood, our levee is high enough. It took me 14 and 1/2 hours to get to Little Rock. It should take 7.

My hubby is working up here. I don't know when we go back. I don't want to drive for 14 hours. We have to wait until they say we can return. Thanks for the prayers everyone.

Happy Birthday Candice!

Happy Labor Day Everyone!

Happy I still have a house day, you whooooooo

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end of the day check in.

I don't remember seeing Ruby here today or yesterday. I guess I need to go back and check. I hope everything is alright.

Today's cals = 1080, Protein = 51 g, Fluid = 48 oz.

Night ladies.

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