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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Sorry I have been MIA. Work is crazy. This is by far the worst week of the entire year. I know it doesn't always sound like it when I am complaining about my job midyear, but I seriously HATE this week. I feel like I am working with 2 year olds instead of adults. Pretty certain that my high schoolers act more responsible and mature than any of these so called adults that are here this week.

Yesterday I worked a 15 hour day because we were in meetings trying to get standards figured out for science. Now mind you, mine have been done since the end of last year. But the biology teachers are bickering over how many of the chemistry standards should be included in their class. So my asst. principal asked me to sit in on their meeting to help out and be a voice of reason and logic. Well...you can't reason with unreasonable people. It all has to be one way or the other. So after sitting in this meeting which was probably as heated as any debate you will see in politics we got NOWHERE. We are in the exact same position that we were at the beginning of the meeting. 3 teachers vs 1. But the one is the most senior teacher and the one that our principal is more likely to listen to. That is good most of the time, but in this case she is wrong. So there is a final meeting today and a consensus will be reached even if it is mandated by the administration.

As for the food issues. Mine are getting better. There is still a little of the lingering effect from the effexor but I am doing better. Not great because my days have been so sporadic, but I am slowly losing the extra pounds I put on.

I will have to go back and read what everyone has written, but I may be quiet for a bit as I try to not drowned in all this work.

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Back after listening to the news and mowing the back yard. We are having a bbq out there tonight so I have a lot of work to do today. I love to entertain but getting ready for it is always an issue.

McCain just took the stage so this may read a little sporadic as I lose train of thought.

Phyl, I had an idea. Maybe you could make a deal with dh that if he kicks you out of the kitchen he has to allow a handbag purchase. He has to just stand by and let you cook or stand by and let you buy a bag. He gets to pick.

Karri, Im so gald that at my school it was 2 days PIR. We only had about 4 hours of meetings during that time. I have to admit there are big positives with being THE department and not having to work with others. Granted, there are downfalls too. But what you're talking about I never had to go through. Good luck.

I don't know what to think of this choice of John McCain's. Is he trying to play games or is this woman going to be what he promises? Okay...going to go listen to what she has to say. I know I'm about 20 minutes behind because of tivo but I hope to pay attention now.

Talk to you later ladies!

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You and Earl are too funny. Isn't it rich that after all those years together little things just put us over the edge?

My DH cooks "HIS" own breaky everyday. Same thing, fried eggs... he always drips egg between the shell and the frying pan, usually down the side of the stove or under the burner.... he just leaves it!!! Drives me nuts, as then I have to take the whole top rack off and clean (we have a gas range). He likes to "hover" while I am making dinner, usually its because he is overly hungry and wants to stir something... LENTIL Soup, sounds so good, that has become one of my favorites. Give EARL a hug from me!!!:biggrin:

Phyl, I do so enjoy your stories about Earl and the antics the both of you get up to. It's like reading a sit-com sometimes. :lol: I hope to be as frustratingly happy as you two are when hubby and I spend retirement together
Phyl - DH is too funny - but I am glad you gotta cook - My Xdh took over the house and do you know what I missed washing clothes, ironing and yes even cleaning...

Well, ladies I slept in til 7:15 this morning - can't beleive it's Friday already my vacation is over :biggrin: I don't count weekends - haven't done anything I had planed to - ironing still needs to be done - garage still a mess - bedroom still needs vacuming and floors need mopping - Well there is always tomorrow:lol:

Yeah, he's a KICK!!

We're a real comedy routine!!

He's all noise, really! I think most of it was an act!!

And he DID like my lentil soup!!

And some of it meant to intimidate me... to keep me out of HIS kitchen!!


It won't work!!


Good for you, Janet!! You slept in (a little) this morning!!

Can't believe your vacation week is over already!!

(Well, not counting the weekend.)

Sorry I have been MIA. Work is crazy. This is by far the worst week of the entire year. I know it doesn't always sound like it when I am complaining about my job midyear, but I seriously HATE this week. I feel like I am working with 2 year olds instead of adults. Pretty certain that my high schoolers act more responsible and mature than any of these so called adults that are here this week.

As for the food issues. Mine are getting better. There is still a little of the lingering effect from the effexor but I am doing better. Not great because my days have been so sporadic, but I am slowly losing the extra pounds I put on.

I bet you're glad this is the last day of THIS week, Karri!!

Sounds very frustrating!

Glad your food issues are resolving!

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McCain just took the stage so this may read a little sporadic as I lose train of thought.I don't know what to think of this choice of John McCain's. Is he trying to play games or is this woman going to be what he promises? Okay...going to go listen to what she has to say.

Phyl, I had an idea. Maybe you could make a deal with dh that if he kicks you out of the kitchen he has to allow a handbag purchase. He has to just stand by and let you cook or stand by and let you buy a bag. He gets to pick.

Hmmm.... I LIKE that idea!! That bag I got at QVC at M of A is a real keeper! I know... more like a knapsack, but it holds everything I need and it's fairly compact! I love it!

McCain... Yeah, I have mixed feelings about his pick. She's young, female, conservative :wub:....very strategic on his part, but pretty inexperienced! :lol: Is she ready to be president if something happens to him???? But, then Obama is also pretty inexperienced.:crazy: This election year scares me in so many ways!!


I think it's time for my cruise around the neighborhood.

OH, DH is over cutting DD's lawn again... 5 acres, so he did half yesterday and went to finish it very early this morning, before I got up.

So I had to cook my own Breakfast.< /span>

Yeah, I should've stuck to a Protein Drink or granola bar because I burned my omelet! It was yucky!! See... I'm not only spoiled, but may be losing my touch!!

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McCain's choice of running mate is pretty easy to see through.... any Hillary disenfranchised voters out there?!?

I have always been a staunch Republican but recently changed to Independent because I can't recognize my party anymore and still can't bring myself to cozy up to Democrats. I feel disenfranchised, period!!!!

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Okay ladies. I need advice to you who are cookers.

Tonight my plan is to cook filet mignons, cheddar brats, salmon burgers, and scallops.

I need suggestions on marinades for the steaks and how to cook scallops. I've never cooked them before. I'm a little intimidated actually. I keep hearing, don't overcook them but how do I know if they are overcooked. Do I marinate them in anything? Do I put seasoning on them? Can I even grill them? What should I serve with my salmon patties? Lemon? Tartar? Something else? I'm going to have melon and chips too and the others will be bringing side dishes. Or so that's the plan. I'm a little nervous about people not liking my choices. I'd love any suggestions anyone has.

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McCain's running mate was interesting. If she is everything she says she could be an amazing choice. But, I too, worry that she was only picked because of Hillary not being picked. I just don't know. The next couple of months should prove interesting. I have to say my ears are perked. I too am not sure which party I belong to anymore. I was pretty sure I was voting Obama up until this morning. Now I'm not so positive.

Okay....running away again. I'll be back.

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Okay ladies. I need advice to you who are cookers.

Tonight my plan is to cook filet mignons, cheddar brats, salmon burgers, and scallops. I need suggestions on marinades for the steaks and how to cook scallops. I've never cooked them before. I'm a little intimidated actually. I keep hearing, don't overcook them but how do I know if they are overcooked. Do I marinate them in anything? Do I put seasoning on them? Can I even grill them? What should I serve with my salmon patties? Lemon? Tartar? Something else? I'm going to have melon and chips too and the others will be bringing side dishes. Or so that's the plan. I'm a little nervous about people not liking my choices. I'd love any suggestions anyone has.

Marinade for the steaks... my favorite is Jack Daniels, if you can get it in your little town! :biggrin: Comes in a packet with a zip bag. It's realy good. Scallops can be grilled. A couple of minutes on each side is plenty. I like to season them with a little Old Bay seasoning. You could marintae them in something if you want to... maybe something lemony. Lemon, tartar, and you'd have to have ketchup if I were coming!!

:rolleyes: But then I put ketchup on everything. Another thing I like to use wehn BBQing is Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ Sauce. Souds like a wonderful plan! Don't know how anyone could not be pleased with your choices!! Salmon patties, filets, brats and scallops!!??? Sounds wonderful to me!!

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I agree. Politics can always be a touchy subject. I think we have been able to touch upon some very intimate subjects with this group and for the most part, stayed very respectful. I'm sure our group can stay respectful to all.

There is a great deal of awe with this election. I have not felt this amount of fire in everyone since I've been able to vote. I worry that some people may vote their prejudices instead of the issues. Meaning, elect a woman, elect a black man, elect a POW....regardless of what those people stand for. I'm glad to see history being made, but the last 10 years of teaching have taught me that so many people act out of passion and not thinking. There are so many issues to debate. I hope that they fight a clean fight and Obama stands on his words of last night and rises above challenging patriotism and name calling.

Okay....off my soap box. Take my words for what they are....my opinions.

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Back to food.

I've had a Protein drink, a Fiber One Bar, and 30 oz of liquid so far. A few animal Cookies with the kids. I think those are the main things.

I've been working on dinner tonight so I haven't been paying a lot of attention to things. Need to get something for lunch but don't know what I really want right now. I'll figure it out in a bit.

Talk to you later.

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I'm having a hard time of it. :tt2: My sweet tooth is killing me today. I had my coffee this morning, but couldn't get my Protein Shake in, the consistency of it made me want to barf. I had a slice of cinnamon toast with butter and honey. That went down well. And made me feel good. So I had another. :rolleyes:

For lunch I tried to have some hot and sour Soup but again it just wouldn't go down. So I had another slice of honey and toast. I also had 3 Wasa crackers. But as a result of these choices, I only have 260 additional calories that I can have. I guess I need to get out and do some more exercise if I want to have a hearty dinner. If I can eat anything beside toast. :tt2:

This is a lot of work. And to be honest, I already want to give up. :tt1: But since I can't let the team down, I'm going to keep on keeping on. :biggrin: I so want a cookie right now. :mad:

This too shall pass.... this too shall pass....

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I agree. Politics can always be a touchy subject. I think we have been able to touch upon some very intimate subjects with this group and for the most part, stayed very respectful. I'm sure our group can stay respectful to all.

There is a great deal of awe with this election. I have not felt this amount of fire in everyone since I've been able to vote. I worry that some people may vote their prejudices instead of the issues. Meaning, elect a woman, elect a black man, elect a POW....regardless of what those people stand for. I'm glad to see history being made, but the last 10 years of teaching have taught me that so many people act out of passion and not thinking. There are so many issues to debate. I hope that they fight a clean fight and Obama stands on his words of last night and rises above challenging patriotism and name calling.

Okay....off my soap box. Take my words for what they are....my opinions.

I agree Steph- I hate the dirty politic's - it really turns me off - I am one who tunes out when there is to much bashing about stupid stuff.. Stick to the issues PLEASE..... :biggrin:

I'm having a hard time of it. :mad: My sweet tooth is killing me today. I had my coffee this morning, but couldn't get my Protein Shake in, the consistency of it made me want to barf. I had a slice of cinnamon toast with butter and honey. That went down well. And made me feel good. So I had another. :rolleyes:

For lunch I tried to have some hot and sour Soup but again it just wouldn't go down. So I had another slice of honey and toast. I also had 3 Wasa crackers. But as a result of these choices, I only have 260 additional calories that I can have. I guess I need to get out and do some more exercise if I want to have a hearty dinner. If I can eat anything beside toast. :tt2:

This is a lot of work. And to be honest, I already want to give up. :tt2: But since I can't let the team down, I'm going to keep on keeping on. :tt2: I so want a cookie right now. :tt1:

This too shall pass.... this too shall pass....

Ruby is it Aunt Flo that's causing you to be so tight???? You can eat toast and crackers but not soup??? I guess I have never had that problem - the only time I seem tight is after I exercise and that's it..

Today I have had 2 sauages 113 c - 1/2 cup Beans with cheese 150 c and 12 bite size chips 70 = 220 c- grilled cheese sandwich 2% cheese & lite bread.. 195 c - Total so far 528... so I have 1000 left - but am going out and I know I will have a couple of drinks 3 - tequilla tonic 600 calories so have 400 for food :lol::lol::lol:

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I'm pulling with you...not FOR you....WITH you.

Take a deep breath. Have you tried mixing Protein Powder with something warm. I've been mixing mine with my coffee in the morning. I'm much looser if I've had something warm. I've never hot and sour Soup. Is it just a broth? There are some days that I have trouble with bananas but can get kashi crunch down. Others that if it's more solid than soup there's no way. I understand the games we play in our heads. I do...really. I almost talked myself into ice cream instead of dinner the other night because calories are calories. How crazy is that? But, we are strong. If you have to depend on us for accountability and it gets you through it, I say depend away. I have broad shoulders.

I don't know if I have any suggestions for you. I want to give you the magic piece of advice but I know there isn't one. I guess if it was me in your shoes right now I would find something to beat myself up with....figuratively. I would do some deep cleaning...the garage or storage room....some heavy lifting....some really strenuous something so I could vent my frustration at myself, occupy my time, and hopefully work out the reason I was struggling. I do my best work when I'm mad. I get the most done then. The harder the better. And working up a sweat always helps. Gardening? Washing walls? Mopping the floor on your hands and knees? Something that you can attack instead of attacking yourself. That's my advice. It's what I would do if it was me.

Hope that helps.

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Okay ladies. I need advice to you who are cookers.

Tonight my plan is to cook filet mignons, cheddar brats, salmon burgers, and scallops.

I need suggestions on marinades for the steaks and how to cook scallops. I've never cooked them before. I'm a little intimidated actually. I keep hearing, don't overcook them but how do I know if they are overcooked. Do I marinate them in anything? Do I put seasoning on them? Can I even grill them? What should I serve with my salmon patties? Lemon? Tartar? Something else? I'm going to have melon and chips too and the others will be bringing side dishes. Or so that's the plan. I'm a little nervous about people not liking my choices. I'd love any suggestions anyone has.

I wish I could come to YOUR house for dinner tonight, it sounds devine!!

Scallops, I'm with Janet on this one l..... just sautee them in in evoo and freshly pressed garlic... they will only take 5 mins. or so... really.

Now Steaks, I like to marinade in Soy sauce, worcheshter sauce, garlic, onion powder and a titch of honey.... or saulsa... then BBQ.

Some folks like tartar sauce for their Salmon burgers, me I just like mayo.... also rosemary is very good with garlic on salmon too. I am not a LEMON/FISH fan.

Don't sweat it, it sounds like you'll have a fine time. and beside YOU"LL be there, much more important than the food:wub:

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