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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Confession is good for the soul!!! At least that's what they tell me.

I'm doing alright today so far. I am going to go next and log my food so far. Probably not enough for being almost 2 but we'll see where I'm sitting.

This is why I really love dailyplate. It gives me a calorie limit and everytime I log something it subtracts it and tells me what I have left to spend. And if it's really bad, I can log my exercise and balance that in too. It really does help when I do it. And it gives me the % of my total Protein goal that I've had so I can keep track of that. I'm not really an Atkins girl but know that the carbs cause the cravings so I try to steer clearer from them. I don't avoid them completely but try to limit them. The big numbers I keep track of on dailyplate are cals, protein, and Fiber. The others are incidental.

I'm going to go get a bottle of Water because I've shot that today. Suggestion from me, ruby, would be to log what you've done so far and see where you are sitting. Don't kick yourself about the cheesecake, just budget it in.

We can do this together. I'm with you!

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I just signed myself up to dailyplate. According to the calorie calculator I still have 719 calories to burn in spite of the naughty bar I ate today. That sounds like a lot. :huh2: There are still just under 8 hours of the day left though.....

Maybe in time it will show that my problem is that I'm not eating enough. *sigh* That's so backasswards for someone who has over-eaten most of her life. :cursing:

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When you set it up what did you say your goal was? Mine says I want to lose 2 lbs per week with a lightly active lifestyle. When I was reading it seemed to be the most accurate lifestyle as far as calorie intake. So with that lifestyle and weight loss goal it gives me 960 cals per day. That is net so if I go walking I get a few more than that.

When putting in the exercise I have found to use the middle number. There are 4 or 5 walking 3mph with different number. I use the middle one. It works for me.

I have 450 cals left for the day. That's with oatmeal for Breakfast, a couple proticcinos, and a fiber One Bar. I'm having chili for dinner. That will give me a good Protein intake for the day, enough Water, and keep me under cals for the day.

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I chose 2lbs per week at moderately active because I really enjoy my exercise time. My weight is 175 today and it calculated that I should be eating 1,501 calories to lose that much. :mellow:

I counted my 30 minutes moderate weights from this morning. It's probably closer to 40 but I take long breaks between sets. And I was thinking of going to the gym again to do Jillian Michaels fitness test, which should take about 20-25 minutes. I still don't have a battery for my heart rate monitor, but I don't want that to continue to be an excuse. But I don't want to be overdoing it.

Maybe I should change it down to Lightly Active. Seeing as how I don't work or anything.... I just looked: it would take me down to 1,167 required. That means I still have 385 calories to eat.

This is hard. :thumbup:

Edited by Frustrated

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Somewhere I looked and it suggested for what my day was like teaching to call it lightly active. It said that if I went moderately active not to count any activity that didn't bring my heart rate up a certain percent for at least 30 minutes.

With lightly active the loss per week has been about right when I was tracking and staying at that level all week.

Just a thought.

I just ate a couple of handfuls of raisins....I was hungry and family isn't here for dinner yet so I'm down to only 250 cals left today. Hopefully dh gets home early enough that we get dinner done early enough to get out and get some exercise in....because I'm going to need it. I know I need it. Keeping my fingers crossed. He promised in 10 mins he'd be home.

I'll be back later ladies.

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Confession time - a handful of M&Ms and a handful of pistachios. Morning minis for breakfast, 100 calories, an egg roll for lunch, 60 calories and a lean cousine for dinner 240 calories. And about three cookie bars i made that were leftover from a potluck.

BUT - I pedaled 70 minutes this morning, then went to the gym and wqlked 1.5 miles in 30 min. and did 45 minutes on the weight machines. I'm calling it a wash today. 7_5_141.gif


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Alright ladies. Checking in.

Total Fluid great - 16 oz coffee, 8 oz Protein Drink, 60 oz crystal light.

food did much better - breakfast kashi oatmeal, lunch proticcino and fiber One Bar, snack 1/3 cup raisins, dinner 1 c chili with Beans. So far total cals 1012, 77g Protein.< /p>

Exercise - walk/run 4miles in 1 hour. Ran more than I have in the past. Keep this up and by the time the snow flies I should be running half of it.

So, when I work the plan, the plan works....I know it, I've said it before, and I just stopped following it. Today was a real eye opener.

I have 250 cals left so I am going to have something to snack upon. Not sure what. We'll see.

Talk to you all later. Oh...tomorrow is weigh in.

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Here I am today. I'm tired and grouchy. :smile2: I had trouble falling asleep last night. I woke up twice from bad dreams. The morning alarm came far too early. I forgot to get my son's lunch ready last night so I was mad dashing around to get it together and up to the bus stop on time. I struggled through my morning workout. I know it's bad when I keep checking the time to see how much longer I have to go. :lol:

I'm also feeling hungry, but can't be bothered rummaging around for something to eat. I don't know if that's good or bad. I'm currently working on my first 16oz bottle of Water. Then I'll make a Protein Shake and perhaps a cup of coffee.< /p>

I think I need a nap today. It's tough getting back into the early morning rising routine that school brings with it. I got quite lazy over the summer.

Yesterday was an eye-opener for me too. I'm glad you're there to help me Steph. Kari, I don't know why you think your day was a wash. You worked out extra hard to counter the naughty stuff.

Edited by Frustrated

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I hate it when I don't sleep well. I have been having a hard time going to sleep lately. I toss and I turn and nothing seems to help. Then I'm up at least three times going to the bathroom. So I know how tired makes for a bad day. The only thing worse is when I'm late and rushing. That feeling of panic is overwhelming.

Take a deep breath, write yourself a list and get back into the swing of things.

When my morning starts like yours did it usually messes with the whole day. Here are some suggestions to get you back on track. Instead of a nap, why not an extra walk. Not necessarily a long one, just one to take some time and think about how you want to organize the day. May seem silly but what about a nice soak in a warm tub? Bubble bath. Pamper yourself. Read a couple chapters in a book. The reason I say instead of a nap is because it seems when I do that, I disrupt my sleep for another night....just a vicious cycle.

As for your morning workout, when I logged onto my wii fit this morning to weigh in it said that you should not work out on an empty stomach in the morning. It suggested a banana to pick your blood sugar levels up and give your muscles some potassium. Maybe that would help. Just a thought. I don't work out in the morning so I never thought of that.

Getting into the school routine is going to be tough for me too. I'm not sure I like it....but it's only day 2. My son usually eats lunch at school so I don't have to worry about that part. How old is your son?

Okay. Weigh in was 142.2 so down 1.8 this week. Not bad I guess. I would have expected less as unmotivated as I was this last week. I've had coffee with proticcino mixed in this morning. After I take kids to daycare I will try some kashi oatmeal. I need to find something to do today. Not sure what but I've gotta do something so that I don't sit here and want to feed myself all day.

Talk to you all later. Drink Drink Drink!!!!

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Hey gang - sorry I was gone yesterday- got my hair colored and then just fiddled around the house watched the DNC and read..

My food - 2 real eggs with green onions and feta cheese - 2 small pork ribs for lunch - snac kpopcorn & pudding - roast (which didn't sit to well had to eat very slowly) roasted carrots and 1/2 of a red potato- night snack popcorn & watermelon then mid nite - carrots that I pb'd on

Exercise - 1 hr weights Arms with Trainer...

Ok Steph & Ruby - IMHO you are both thinking about this as a diet.. It's not a diet it's a healthy way of eating and living your life by exercising.. This isn't a diet - we are cutting out (for the most part) the sweets and high fat foods cuz they aren't healthy - we know that if we eat them every single day we aren't helping our bodies..

We all had this surgery cuz we need help... And look it has helped - Ruby you have just gotten complacien and maybe you are just afaird of going for the gold - you don't think you are going to get it cuz you never have before - I sort of felt the same way - I look back at my journey and I thought in December that my 14's were it that it wasn't going to get any better than that - but I kept plugging away with my healthy eating and exercise and each month the sizes kept dropping. I never in my wildest dreams thought that I would get to 145.. Truly I didn't - but if you just keep plugging away at the healthy eating and exercise it does work... You will get to goal... Ju

I never felt deprived cuz my way of thinking was allowing too many treats (rewards) were what got me to the place where I needed the band..

I know that a bit of this a bite of that all add up - so I just don't do it.

Not doing it has made me feel so much stronger.. I know for the most part that food isn't the answer - I enjoy food - I miss it at times - but I have come to look at it as my drug and I know longer want to be a food addict - I really try and look at it as the fuel that my body needs to get me thru life - sweets aren't going to give my body that fuel but hard protiens will..

As to the logging - well each of us is diff - I did it for the 1st 12 months but I no longer do it... I don't think you are lazy - maybe you just don't want to be accountable on paper or online to what you are eating and that's why you don't do it after a few day or maybe doing it makes it too much like a diet - I don't know - I am rambleing as I am thinking outloud.

If you want to do the Jillian thingie - just do it - don't worry about the heart monitor or pictures or measurement - just do it - the proof will be in the pudding (I know we have to find other comparision than food).

Steph - Image - ok I totally get you on that one.. I am all about image even fat(I still dressed nicely makeup hair etc) - I was brought up to act proper do the right thing - and I think that is another reason that sometime we stuff ourselves with food - we were stuffing down our feeling of frustration and anger.. Our world is about image - and what we preceive the outside world thinks of us - that's life

You are a good person you have done a great job - you are what like 13-14 lbs from goal - why don't you think that you are proof that changing your eating and activielty level wouldn't insprie others... You are a highly motivated and full of energy.. You are like the energizer bunny - You are a positive person - you have a good heart

Ok remember when I kept changing my goal weight 160 to 150 then back to 160 - know why - cuz in the back of my brain I was AFRAID to say that I was going to get to 150 I didn't think I could do it - I didn't think it was possible - I had NEVER gotten to goal on any diet before.. I was afaird of failure and looking like a failure to all of you.

I really just worked at my new habits knowing that this is a lifetime lifestyle change not looking at is as a diet - I truly have not looked at it as a diet but as the lifestyle change - and you know what - I got there - I got to a normal bmi and I am still in shock about that..

I have been afraid this whole time - I am still afarid that 2 yrs from now I will be 250 lbs again...but I have been telling myself you can't worry about tomorrow - all you can do is control what you are eating today.

I have spoken these fears to my trainer - he says he doesn't think I will - he says that I have learned new habits - I gotta say that his beleif in me helps - I think I got it - not a diet a change in eating style & exercise.

Yes - I really want you all to feel that feeling of getting to goal - I don't want any of you to short change yourselves in thinking you can't - Look I did it and I AM NO DIFF THAN ANY OF YOU - I am not any stronger - I am not any smarter (if fact I would say that you guys are smater and more articulate than me - most of you have college degrees - teach and I am just some little girl who got pg at 16 - got a high school diploma and that's it - see I have insecurties too..)

Ok I hope the above made sense... But I know that you guy have gotten to know me and usually understand what I am trying to say... I just got a call and we gotta go to the bodyshop and pick out new rims... I gotta jump in the shower.. So don't have time to re-read and cirtice what I was trying to say - but I think you will understand...

I really want you all to strive for your goals and don't short change yourselves thinking you can't.... You can... It is possible it truly is.

Love Hugs & Peace Out... Gotta jam - will CBL :smile2:

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I think you are right on a lot of points. I am trying to think of this as a forever thing. I backslid on that the last couple of weeks. I know that I'm not going back to eating the crap that I was eating before. That's insane. I don't even care for a lot of those foods anymore. I do enjoy my veggies more. I would, most of the time, rather have a cheese stick wrapped up in a piece of roast beef than a couple of Cookies.< /p>

A big part of my problem the last couple of weeks is not having those options in my house and having bad choices here instead. I've been trying to clean out from the family reunion and I had a lot of junk left over from that. chips and chocolate and other not so great stuffs. I have a fridge full of crap and not good choices.

I'm trying really hard to not waste stuff because I'm not working. I'm having issues with my dwindling bank account. I know it's silly because Jeff and I talked about it and he's going to take care of the groceries now....but it's always been my job and I am trying to go as long as possible without asking him for money. Again....image. So I have got to bite that bullet and clean out all the junk. Get rid of it. Make it inaccessible and still keep it around for my family so it's not really waste. I'm having a bbq tomorrow night for friends and hopefully I can get rid of some of it there.

Janet, I know it's not a diet. I know that this is forever and that is why I chose this. I knew that diets were not what I needed anymore. I'm just letting little things get in the way of my success. I do feel awesome about my journey....I just don't like being talked about even if it's good. I'm too private for that. I know you all who met me wouldn't think it, but I am amazingly introverted. I'm not worried about getting to goal. I'm going to do that. I'm too stubborn not to. It's the after that is freaking me out and the expectations that others have. I know that a lot of people may be saying "great job" right now but waiting for it to be put back on. Waiting for me to fail in THAT regard. Any who see me now can't believe I want to lose another 15 pounds. They think that is crazy. Maybe I see their point, but I'm still working towards it. Wii fit says my "ideal weight" is 119. I think that is crazy, but in the 120's would be surreal enough for me.

Okay. I'd better go. Thanks for your words of wisdom Janet. you are always on top!

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I hate it when I don't sleep well.

I remember reading once somewhere that the worst and most effective form of torture (as in military style) is sleep deprivation. It has the added bonus of not leaving any physical signs of abuse. :crying:

I think what's needed is to get back into my regular non-summer routine. For me, working out first thing in the morning boosts my energy levels for the day and the thought of "I need to exercise today..." doesn't hang over my head because I've dealt with it quickly. I walk past the gym to take my son to the bus stop. It's a good incentive. I would have to deal with a guilt trip if I didn't stop in. For me, the hardest part is typically getting myself TO the gym. Once I'm there it's a lot better.

I'm not sure if I can handle a banana. It's one of the foods I struggle with. It just sits in my pouch in a big lump. :lol: I'll google around to see if I can find something else. Maybe a handful of almonds or something like that. food is tough for me in the morning.

Today just started out all wrong and I should have recognized that from the beginning. I should have just come home, tried to get another hour or two of sleep and THEN started my day. Hindsight is always 20/20. I enjoy my typical morning routine, but I have to learn that there are days when I'm not up to it physically and change things immediately to try to get back on track.

I've showered, had some breakfast (protein shake, 1 Wasa cracker and coffee) and am feeling more energized. Or at least no longer tired. I've also already made my way through 32oz of Water as well. I'm thinking of food far too much and water helps wash it away. I'm not hungry, I'm just thinking of food. :smile2:

I'm taking myself to bed earlier tonight for sure. My son's (aged 10) bedtime is 9pm and usually hubby and I will share a few hours of peace and quiet together after that. But I'll be heading off to bed soon after 9 I think tonight. I'll do some reading to help me drift off. Once in a while I'll take Melatonin to help me sleep, but never on a school night as it leaves me groggy in the morning with an early start. So maybe a cup of herbal tea instead.

I took a deep breath like you suggested. :crying: I read a couple of chapters while I had breakfast and I plan on going for a walk in a little bit. It's nice out there at the moment. Not too hot yet.

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A big part of my problem the last couple of weeks is not having those options in my house and having bad choices here instead. I've been trying to clean out from the family reunion and I had a lot of junk left over from that. chips and chocolate and other not so great stuffs. I have a fridge full of crap and not good choices.

I'm trying really hard to not waste stuff because I'm not working. I'm having issues with my dwindling bank account. I know it's silly because Jeff and I talked about it and he's going to take care of the groceries now....but it's always been my job and I am trying to go as long as possible without asking him for money. Again....image. So I have got to bite that bullet and clean out all the junk. Get rid of it. Make it inaccessible and still keep it around for my family so it's not really waste. I'm having a bbq tomorrow night for friends and hopefully I can get rid of some of it there.

Janet, I know it's not a diet. I know that this is forever and that is why I chose this. I knew that diets were not what I needed anymore. I'm just letting little things get in the way of my success. I do feel awesome about my journey....I just don't like being talked about even if it's good. I'm too private for that. I know you all who met me wouldn't think it, but I am amazingly introverted. I'm not worried about getting to goal. I'm going to do that. I'm too stubborn not to. It's the after that is freaking me out and the expectations that others have. I know that a lot of people may be saying "great job" right now but waiting for it to be put back on. Waiting for me to fail in THAT regard. Any who see me now can't believe I want to lose another 15 pounds. They think that is crazy. Maybe I see their point, but I'm still working towards it. Wii fit says my "ideal weight" is 119. I think that is crazy, but in the 120's would be surreal enough for me.

I'm relating to a lot of what you said.

Well, except for people talking about me.

I really don't think about that and it doesn't bother me.

Stuff in the fridge... yeah, if there are things that I really like... like tuna salad, potato salad... potato anything, for that matter.. it definitely TALKS to me until it's gone!

Wii Fit says my ideal weight is 112.

I just about laughed hysterically when I saw that!

Im sure!! My first goal is 150!! We'll see after that!

But, I don't see 112 as being realistic!!

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I really just worked at my new habits knowing that this is a lifetime lifestyle change not looking at is as a diet - I truly have not looked at it as a diet but as the lifestyle change - and you know what - I got there - I got to a normal bmi and I am still in shock about that..

So much of what you said made a lot of sense. Up until this last 20lbs I haven't looked at this as a diet but a lifestyle change. But with this yo-yoing between 175 and 170 for the past 4 months it's driving me insane. Being determined to get to my goal, I immediately thought of trying a diet. Jillian came to mind because I need a strong personality like hers to keep me focused and determined.

And then Fat Ruby starts thinking again about failure and how hard it will be and how bad I'll feel when (not IF) it doesn't work and it makes me feel bad and my self-confidence drops and all the other negative thoughts invite themselves along to my pity party. :smile2:

I've considered a fill. But my last fill was tough. And I think where I am with my restriction right now, it's the perfect spot to be for maintenance. I don't want to screw that up. I'm not afraid of falling back into obesity. This is the first time in my life that I'm sure I won't go back there. I don't feel like I'm lying or trying to convince myself. I don't over-eat. I don't stuff myself stupid on naughty things. I just don't eat properly at the moment and I should!

Now see that sentence? I know what's wrong, I know how to fix it and yet every single day I sabotage myself! *sigh*

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I'm not sure if I can handle a banana. It's one of the foods I struggle with. It just sits in my pouch in a big lump. :lol: I'll google around to see if I can find something else. Maybe a handful of almonds or something like that. food is tough for me in the morning.

I've showered, had some breakfast (protein shake, 1 Wasa cracker and coffee) and am feeling more energized. Or at least no longer tired. I've also already made my way through 32oz of Water as well. I'm thinking of food far too much and water helps wash it away. I'm not hungry, I'm just thinking of food. :smile2:

I'm taking myself to bed earlier tonight for sure. My son's (aged 10) bedtime is 9pm and usually hubby and I will share a few hours of peace and quiet together after that. But I'll be heading off to bed soon after 9 I think tonight. I'll do some reading to help me drift off. Once in a while I'll take Melatonin to help me sleep, but never on a school night as it leaves me groggy in the morning with an early start. So maybe a cup of herbal tea instead.

I took a deep breath like you suggested. :crying: I read a couple of chapters while I had breakfast and I plan on going for a walk in a little bit. It's nice out there at the moment. Not too hot yet.

I don't care for breakfast either. If DH didn't fix it for me every morning, I'd probably be drinking Protein Drinks or having a granola bar or Protein Bar of some kind with my morning coffee!! Bananas do not agree with me at all. I like them, but they don't like me and upset my stomach. Even a little slice of banana bread will give me a belly ache!

Have you tried Chamomile tea to help you sleep?? It's great! Years ago, my youngest DD used to fix me a thermos of hot tea every night that I had to work night shift at the hospital I was working at. One night she accidentally fixed Chamomile instead of my usaul lemon & I struggled to stay awake ALL night long!! It works great!

HOT??? What is that?? It's 60 here this morning & DH just took the screen out of our front door so we could leave the big door open without freezing our butts off!

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