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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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36_35_8.gif Janet - the biking is coming along just great. I probably don't mention it too much anymore cause to me, it's a given. I've been doing at least one hour every day for so long now, it's like breathing. Gotta do it or else. I try to get to the gym three times a week..........try to do at least one mile on treadmill and then the weight machines. Altogether........without biking, about 75 minutes.


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Well I was at training all day. Okay, I am supposed to be working with a bunch of highly intelligent adults that are specifically charged with educating our youth. So tell me WHY they would ask these questions during our training on the new phone system.

Q. It says to answer the phone that you can press the speaker button. What if I don't want everyone to hear my conversation.

A. Uhhhhhh...pick up the phone receiver.


Q. SInce our laptops internet connection plugs into our phone does that mean that we still have to charge them with the plug in.

A. Yes. The phone line does not charge your lap top. That requires electricity.


Okay what makes this worse is that it was asked by 2 fellow science teachers. No wonder our country scores so poorly on science testing.

Yes...expect to get these little quips all stinking week. Y'all didn't know me during the first week of school last year! THough this year is turning out to be more entertaining...if you consider working with total morons entertaining.

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Too funny. It is hard to suffer idiots.

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36_35_8.gif Janet - the biking is coming along just great. I probably don't mention it too much anymore cause to me, it's a given. I've been doing at least one hour every day for so long now, it's like breathing. Gotta do it or else. I try to get to the gym three times a week..........try to do at least one mile on treadmill and then the weight machines. Altogether........without biking, about 75 minutes.


WTG KARI ;) Aren't you so proud of yourself - Comparing exercising to breath - What a change from a year ago... I feel the exact say way..

Well I was at training all day. Okay, I am supposed to be working with a bunch of highly intelligent adults that are specifically charged with educating our youth. So tell me WHY they would ask these questions during our training on the new phone system.

Q. It says to answer the phone that you can press the speaker button. What if I don't want everyone to hear my conversation.

A. Uhhhhhh...pick up the phone receiver.


Q. SInce our laptops internet connection plugs into our phone does that mean that we still have to charge them with the plug in.

A. Yes. The phone line does not charge your lap top. That requires electricity.


Okay what makes this worse is that it was asked by 2 fellow science teachers. No wonder our country scores so poorly on science testing.

Yes...expect to get these little quips all stinking week. Y'all didn't know me during the first week of school last year! THough this year is turning out to be more entertaining...if you consider working with total morons entertaining.

Are you serious - These are teachers.... OMW ... That's to frickin scary...

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Hi all. Focussed really hard on getting my liquid in today. I have been craving food. Nothing in particular. Just eating. I want to eat all the time. I want to crunch and chew and taste. Gum hasn't helped. I think it was a little better today since I kept a full water bottle by my side all day. I just can't seem to tell that little sucker on my shoulder to take a hike! Very frustrating.

And now dh brings chips in. grrrr. My willpower is nil.

So here is my food for today. tried some kashi this morning. Got about 1/4 cup down. Then tried to take my meds....bad order but everything stayed down. lunch I had about 1/2 cup of salad and 1/4 cup of Wisconsin cheese Soup. Had a Fiber One Bar as snack and a couple nibbles of baby doll's muffin. dinner I tried half a waffle and a couple pieces of bacon. Most of dinner came back though.

Working on my last bottle of Water now. More than I need but I am trying to get rehydrated.

Tomorrow is a day with just me and my little girl. Eldest's first day of school and middle quack is out at his grandparent's for a couple of nights. I'm so excited to have some one on one time with her. I don't know what we'll do. If she was another couple years older we could do something girly...but I'll figure something out. Maybe I can interest her in cooking something with me or something.

Well....I'm off for a bit. See you later ladies.

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Hi all. Focussed really hard on getting my liquid in today. I have been craving food. Nothing in particular. Just eating. I want to eat all the time. I want to crunch and chew and taste. Gum hasn't helped. I think it was a little better today since I kept a full Water bottle by my side all day. I just can't seem to tell that little sucker on my shoulder to take a hike! Very frustrating.

And now dh brings chips in. grrrr. My willpower is nil.

So here is my food for today. tried some kashi this morning. Got about 1/4 cup down. Then tried to take my meds....bad order but everything stayed down. lunch I had about 1/2 cup of salad and 1/4 cup of Wisconsin cheese Soup. Had a fiber One Bar as snack and a couple nibbles of baby doll's muffin. dinner I tried half a waffle and a couple pieces of bacon. Most of dinner came back though.

Working on my last bottle of water now. More than I need but I am trying to get rehydrated.

Tomorrow is a day with just me and my little girl. Eldest's first day of school and middle quack is out at his grandparent's for a couple of nights. I'm so excited to have some one on one time with her. I don't know what we'll do. If she was another couple years older we could do something girly...but I'll figure something out. Maybe I can interest her in cooking something with me or something.

Well....I'm off for a bit. See you later ladies.

Just my opinion but I think the reason you may want to be eating all day is because your body is actually hungry. That is VERY little food. Also, it is probably the bread products that are causing issues.

Okay food cop coming out here. I haven't been on the prowl lately because, well frankly my food choices have sucked. But you are NOT getting enough Protein. Yes the Kashi has protein and the bacon:confused2: but otherwise I think you are lacking. Are you having a hard time getting them down? I will tell you that it is CRITICAL to get more protein in as you get closer to goal.

Okay off my high horse. Have fun with your little one tomorrow!

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Hi all. Focussed really hard on getting my liquid in today. I have been craving food. Nothing in particular. Just eating. I want to eat all the time. I want to crunch and chew and taste. Gum hasn't helped. I think it was a little better today since I kept a full Water bottle by my side all day. I just can't seem to tell that little sucker on my shoulder to take a hike! Very frustrating.

And now dh brings chips in. grrrr. My willpower is nil.

So here is my food for today. tried some kashi this morning. Got about 1/4 cup down. Then tried to take my meds....bad order but everything stayed down. lunch I had about 1/2 cup of salad and 1/4 cup of Wisconsin cheese Soup. Had a fiber One Bar as snack and a couple nibbles of baby doll's muffin. dinner I tried half a waffle and a couple pieces of bacon. Most of dinner came back though. Working on my last bottle of water now. More than I need but I am trying to get rehydrated.

Well....I'm off for a bit. See you later ladies.

Just my opinion but I think the reason you may want to be eating all day is because your body is actually hungry. That is VERY little food. Also, it is probably the bread products that are causing issues.

Okay food cop coming out here. I haven't been on the prowl lately because, well frankly my food choices have sucked. But you are NOT getting enough Protein. Yes the Kashi has protein and the bacon:confused2: but otherwise I think you are lacking. Are you having a hard time getting them down? I will tell you that it is CRITICAL to get more protein in as you get closer to goal.

Okay off my high horse. Have fun with your little one tomorrow!

Steph Ok before I saw my co-food cops reply- I was going to tell you are hungry cuz you are not eating enough.. '

That's all you ate all day... I would be hungry too... I agrees with my comprade in blue.. You need more protein and food in general (since I'm not the Atkins girl but the WW girl) if you ate more you might not be so hungry...

Cereal 100 c - salad soup 150 calores - fiberone 130 - muffin 75 - dinner zip if it came back up.. so for your total calorie 500 max.. Darling what are you doing... You need food to live.. and more than 500 calories...

This is coming with love ...

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GRRRR cyber space just ate my reply!!! Let's try this again.

I know you are both right. I need way more Protein and way less carbs. I need to focus on good food and can't seem to stomach it. I'm getting panicky on my logging.

Okay....first things first. I have not been logging lately. Today I told myself that I was going to log and get back on track. But as my calories went down I started panicking. When it came to 500 and it was only noon I suddenly didn't know what I was going to do. That was way too high with the amount of food that I ate. I didn't have anywhere near the protein I needed, I was wanting to eat but didn't want to spend the calories because I had dinner left and then the evening when I am always weak. It wasn't a Karri panic attack but it was sitting there in the back of my mind all afternoon. Then we were invited out to in laws for dinner and she said she was making waffles and sausages and bacon. I didn't know what to do. I was hungry. I had cals to spend so I ate. I knew it wasn't good for me to eat that crap and that I needed better budget food. Then I don't know what to log for dinner. I know it didn't all come up so I need to log something but how much and I can't eat anything more because I don't know how many cals I have left because I can't count dinners. Finally I gave in and ate a 100 cal popcorn bag. Now I'm miserable again. I know...carbs...but I needed substance and I couldn't handle hard protein. Should have had a shake but that wasn't a thought until after the pain started and now I don't dare.

Tomorrow I'm cleaning out the fridge. All the shit food is going away. I'm going to the store and stocking up on lunch meat and cheeses. I'm going to sit down with cookbooks and try to figure out something that I can eat that my family will eat too. I tried to feed them good stuff but they don't eat it and then I feel like crap because they don't like my cooking. But tomorrow I'm going to start fresh. Since MofA I've been out of that loop. Time to crawl back into the saddle.

I wish I didn't live in the middle of nowhere. I wish I was a better cook. I wish I hadn't conditioned my family to eat crap food. grrrrr.

It's late and I hurt and that's probably why this sounds so harsh. Really I don't hate myself as this sounds. I just need to buckle back down.

Thanks to the food cops. You guys are the best. I will work on it. When I look at my world through your eyes I see how skewed my food has become. I promise. I'll start fresh tomorrow.

Now...off to bed and pray that the rest of this popcorn flows through soon. Don't worry ladies. I'm still a dedicated bandster! But maybe a little crazy. But just a LITTLE!!! I was thinking it was lost with those 75 pounds but I guess now I have to admit that the crazy stuck to my thighs.


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I am a WW girl so for me carbs are ok - it's not that so much but that you aren't eating enough.. I don't always make my Protein quota but do most days -I will have an lean cusine fettuccuni alfredo with scallops - I get the protien and carbs. Sounds llike you are awful tight too..

I totally get families not eating healthy - my gs is skinny eats crap - neither my son nor my gs eat any veggie - oh that a lie they may eat some corn but that's it...

I eat popcorn almost every night - it's that hand to mouth thingie - I feed it - it's better than eating something else and I am satisfied after I have eaten it...

Do you eat eggs or eggbeater.. do you have any Protein Bars to help supplement your protein. I take it you have pt shakes - if you are tight in the morning have one of those...

I don't use them anymore but my doc had some clear Protein Drinks that are like crystal lite you just add to Water - 70 calories and 15 grams - bariatice advantage has something close here's the link WonderSlim Bariatric Diet fruit Drinks: Bariatric Weight Loss Protein Drink Supplements

You may want to order some - I know that our goal is to eat our protein and not drink it - but some days you need the boost and you are still in the weight loss mode and you want to get to goal - so I understand - just want you in good health while you are getting there

Hugs & love Janet

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I have these proticinno drinks...thinner than shakes that have 15 g Protein and only 80 cals. I am going to make sure I get one of those each morning. I'm going to see what they are like mixed with coffee instead of Water in a little bit....might work.

I am tight to some things. The problem is that I don't seem to be able to figure that out until after I eat it....even if I was tight to it yesterday I try to eat it today. Go figure. Today is just me and little girl though so I have time to get some good planning done. I don't know why I thought I was finished planning because I was home. I don't know.

I think I am actually at a good fill level. Full after just a few bites. I just have to get my head in the right spot. I've also been trying to eat what is in the cupboards instead of shopping for new stuff but a lot is pre band stuff.

Okay....I'm off to get something acccomplished. Thanks for the advice Janet. I'm going to concentrate on protein and water today. I'll update as the day goes by

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I have these proticinno drinks...thinner than shakes that have 15 g Protein and only 80 cals. I am going to make sure I get one of those each morning. I'm going to see what they are like mixed with coffee instead of Water in a little bit....might work.

I am tight to some things. The problem is that I don't seem to be able to figure that out until after I eat it....even if I was tight to it yesterday I try to eat it today. Go figure. Today His just me and little girl though so I have time to get some good planning done. I don't know why I thought I was finished planning because I was home. I don't know.

I think I am actually at a good fill level. Full after just a few bites. I just have to get my head in the right spot. I've also been trying to eat what is in the cupboards instead of shopping for new stuff but a lot is pre band stuff.

Okay....I'm off to get something acccomplished. Thanks for the advice Janet. I'm going to concentrate on protein and water today. I'll update as the day goes by

Hello there, I'm back from the RAMA casino... Don't worry Stephanie I ATE YOUR PROTIEN for you... no worries mate.

I also gambled some money for ROSE too.... I ate dessert for Phyl, cause I know her tummy is sensitive..... and I drank an Irish Coffee for Linda(just because)

O.k. so today I get back on my back-on-my-track mission.... I've only had breaky so far.... so how badly could I screw THAT up????

be well my friends:wink:

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Hey Steph,

I'm going through the same kind of thing as you. I've been losing and gaining the same 5lbs since April. :huh2: My eyes are still on the target. I want to get my weight down to 150. I know now that it's more of a mental need than a physical one. I'm happy-ish with my body size. My body shape is another thing - hanging bits, sagging bits, deflated bits, :cursing: Some of those areas I'm going to get fixed with surgery.

Now.... excuse me while I think out loud here....

I've never felt better in my life. I love exercising. I'm grouchy when I don't. I enjoy food. I probably enjoy too many of the bad ones still, but I don't go overboard like I used to. My health is good. My heart is good. I never even dreamed I'd be able to wear size 8 pants. My goal from the beginning there was 14.

I said I'd start on Jillian Michaels 30 day program on Monday. I haven't. :unsure: There are a couple of things I need before I do - batteries for my heart rate monitor, to take some pics, to do a fitness test. I have no valid excuses for not getting these things done and starting. I just haven't.

Part of me is worried.... I did almost every diet and exercise program out there before my lapband and failed. Every single time. I'm afraid of failure. I don't feel like a failure now because of all the weight I've lost already, but what if I fail on this program? You can't fail if you don't try. Right? :confused2:

I have no idea why I find it so hard to log my food each day. I've tried that loads of times. I've tried doing it online, I've tried doing it in a journal, I've bought a book to help me. All these different tools I've had to help me and I just can't keep at it. I stop doing it after a few days. It's not because I'm not seeing results, it's not because I AM seeing results. I'm just lazy! :huh2:

I want so much to succeed at this that I'm too afraid to try in case I fail. Everyone tells me I look great. I feel great. I am great. Whatever will I do if I fail? :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:

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Oh Ruby!!!! I'm right there with you babe!

Every one I see tells me how wonderful I look. People who are complete strangers to me come up and tell me I'm doing awesome and they are really impressed. EVERYONE is looking at me! You may think that sounds paranoid but in this small town where my husband does work for 50% of these families and knows at least another 25%, honestly everyone knows who I am....though I don't know them....and they all are talking about me.

So the pressure is on. I HAVE to do this. I have to get it all done. I can't mess up. I have this image. People I don't know are telling me how I've inspired someone else I don't know to get in shape. WTF???? What if I screw this up? Why are all these people looking at me? Why do they care if I don't even know them? ARGHHH

So I have put a ton of pressure on myself. My image is important to me. Probably more important than it should be. When Michael messes up at school one of my first thoughts is "I'm a teacher, what are they going to think of me." or "I want a job in this school and his messes are going to make them think I'm not good enough." When my kids act out in public I'm always thinking that people are talking about what an awful parent I am with these three little monsters. Whenever I had to give a presentation I was consumed by everything being perfect because if I screwed something up all these people would think I was some sort of fraud. How people are going to see me is so important to me. I don't want anyone talking bad about me. I guess it's vanity and paranoia. I shouldn't be so concerned about my image. But it's who I am...It's what drives me. Go figure.

We need to get to the bottom of these head issues. Until we do nothing is ever going to be good enough for us. I know a lot is insecurity. We are used to failure. We are good at it when it comes to our weight. We sabotage our success. You and I are alike in a lot of ways Ruby. But we can beat this. We just have to keep talking about it. We have to admit to others that we are struggling (so so so hard for me) and that we have issues. Very hard when others on here have had such awesome success (like Janet and Karri) but we have to remember that their success was hard won. It didn't come without turmoil and they are here to SUPPORT us. They do love us and want us to succeed.

Together let's work on this starting today. No more excuses. We will both log our food, here and somewhere else. We will log our fluids. We will log our successes and our failures. We will be brutally honest. and together the fear will be lessened. What do you say?

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Together let's work on this starting today. No more excuses. We will both log our food, here and somewhere else. We will log our fluids. We will log our successes and our failures. We will be brutally honest. and together the fear will be lessened. What do you say?

Okay. It sounds like a good idea to me. :cursing:

I've never been able to be honest about my eating anywhere else but here. I can't do this by myself. I didn't get where I am by myself. You all brought me here with you. So it stands to reason that this is where I need to be to finish the job off. If I have to be accountable to someone else, it'll probably help more. *fingers crossed*

Did we have to start today though? Already I've been caught with my hand in the cookie jar. :crying: This morning I had a cup of coffee with Creamer and a Protein Shake for brekkie. I just got back from lunch with hubby. We did sushi and I had 6 pieces - 3 with rice, 3 without. There's a Rocky Mountain chocolate Factory across the street from the sushi place that triggered something in my head. I didn't need to go there because I already knew I had some leftover chocolate from my stepson's visit in the back of the fridge. I just took it out and ate it before sitting down to read this thread. :huh2::crying::blush: A block about 2 inches in size of mint chocolate oreo swirl. :unsure: If I'd known it was confession day I probably wouldn't have eaten it. Which tells me that this is probably exactly what I need. Now I'll have to be good for the rest of the day. :crying: And tomorrow. And the next day.....:crying:

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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