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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Salsa, this will probably sound like an ignorant question but I'm only trying to learn. With the weight loss and the regular exercise, do you still need anti-depressants? Is it because you suffer from chemical imbalances? I ready many, many studies that said over the long term, exercise is much more effective than the most effective anti-depressants so I'm just curious if you've tried to be weaned from anti-depressants?

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Salsa, this will probably sound like an ignorant question but I'm only trying to learn. With the weight loss and the regular exercise, do you still need anti-depressants? Is it because you suffer from chemical imbalances? I ready many, many studies that said over the long term, exercise is much more effective than the most effective anti-depressants so I'm just curious if you've tried to be weaned from anti-depressants?

No problem about the question. I am actually not on it for depression but rather for anxiety which is weight related. I have obsessive compulsive personality disorder (not OCD but sort of related) and I was obsessively counting calories and freaking out over any weight gain. I had lost 100 pounds and had a total melt down (if you go to my blog and go to older posts...i think in early June...you can read what happened). Anyways my PCP thinks it is a chemical imbalance and wants to keep me on them. The anxiety and obsessive behavior was greatly interferring with my life. I was constantly hyperventilating and throwing turkey sausages across my kitchen. :P

As for the depression...mine is pretty much gone. However I haven't felt the same since I had my TT and have been unable to exercise. But that should all change tonight when I have been given the clearance to return to full exercise with NO limitations. That is right i can do ANYTHING. :eek: So you are very much correct that exercise can help with depression but unfortunately for me it didn't help with the anxiety.

I wish you the best of luck with your band. I was banded in August 2007 but was lovingly adopted by the lucky#7's. They have been there for me every step of the way...through the good, the bad and the UGLY! This has been an amazing journey for me, which is why I freaked out about the cravings!

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Hey Gang....

Thanks ladies for all the good thoughts & prayers - Andrew is doing fine he is of the male gender but I can't say he's a big baby when he is sick like most men :sad::lol: One time when my son was 12 or so had a tummy ache was laying in the hall acting like he was dieing - I asked him if he wanted me to take him to Fitzhenry's (our local funeral home) My DS is a baby - but Andrew is at the show right now :angry: - he went to the doc this morning to get referal (hmo) to see a specialist so once we get that we will go and see how he is healing... Car is in the shop - missed the call (stupid cell phones) and didn't get it until after 5 - so I guess I will go Monday and see it and how much it's going to cost to fix - well insurance will pay but don't know about the frame - the way the CHP talked not alot of body damage - the car won't be a yr old until 9/2 - I had just paid then new registration on 8/20..

Karri - It's ok baby girl on the sugar now that you can run it will balance out but I would hate wanting sugar that bad... That would be totally scary... My sis take boostpar (that sounding it out I don't know how to spell it) for her anxity... My gf takes xanax

So you got big plans for your clearance on doing ANYTHING:tt2: tonite - I know that I said have some wine - but since your doc has told you NO ..

Just let DH have some - Have fun and enjoy.


I eat salad - I just hate making them and I don't like to many fat free dressings they are too sweet for me - but I did find a lite ranch that was ok...

I am just lucky most of the time I cant eat almost anything if i take tiny bites chew and eat slowly - then only thing I can have problems with is steak if it's not super tender - I can't eat ribeye I have tried but it's just too stringy - I love the filet migon from costco - that's what i am having tonite...

Ok costco ladies - they have a spinach dip on a baked gralic craker that's to die for - but the dip is 100 cal for 2 tblspn.. crackers 6 130 so I just got the crackers and some meat and 2 books...

Steph I love your story about the sugar - I remember going on vacation as a kid and in the dinning room of the hotel my brothers and I eating the sugar packet they have on the table...

Well gotta go turn the meat - it's marinating in red wine vinegar and worstershire sauce and galice...

I will cbl..

Dionna - as you will see - we are a big family - it's just too bad that we all live in diff parts of the country..

Ok I can see my typing & spelling is really bad - with 12 hrs at the hospital 5 hrs sleep & 8 hrs of work - what else can you expect.... :thumbup:


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Good Morning Gang...

How is everyone this fine Saturday morning...

Up at 6 - you know me I just can't sleep :lol: Gotta get dress and go to the gym - I really don't want to but know I must...

I am suppose to go to lunch and a show with GF so I really do need to get my exercise in..

Linda - Are you a Grandma yet???

Candice - Were are you???

Phyl must be gone on her weekend trip with DD & family...

Ok not much to talk about - just wanted to ck in and say Good Morning since that is my usual routine...

CBL :tongue:

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Good morning ladies!! Checking in a little late for me this Saturday.

How has everyone been doing this week with their liquids? Yesterday was good but only because we had cocktails. And yes, I had a few too many. I think it was the first day in a while that I came anywhere close to my liquid quota. But so far today I'm up to 48 oz. Just a tad dehydrated.

I hope Phyl is having a great time on her family trip. Janet, how's Andrew doing? I'm suspecting a little worse for wear. Still keeping my fingers crossed for the consults. Karri, how was the run? I'm sure it was wonderful to have clearance to go out and run to your heart's content.

I was awake....wide awake....at 4am this morning. Should have gotten up and did something but instead tossed and turned until 6 and then slept a bit until 7. Now I'm really tired. I may need a nap today.

Well, I'm going to go do something....even if it's wrong. I'll talk to all later.

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Good morning ladies!! Checking in a little late for me this Saturday.

How has everyone been doing this week with their liquids? Yesterday was good but only because we had cocktails. And yes, I had a few too many. I think it was the first day in a while that I came anywhere close to my liquid quota. But so far today I'm up to 48 oz. Just a tad dehydrated.

I hope Phyl is having a great time on her family trip. Janet, how's Andrew doing? I'm suspecting a little worse for wear. Still keeping my fingers crossed for the consults. Karri, how was the run? I'm sure it was wonderful to have clearance to go out and run to your heart's content.

I was awake....wide awake....at 4am this morning. Should have gotten up and did something but instead tossed and turned until 6 and then slept a bit until 7. Now I'm really tired. I may need a nap today.

Well, I'm going to go do something....even if it's wrong. I'll talk to all later.

Hey Steph - He's fine I think he's still asleep but went to the show yesterday - his logic it's not diff than sitting at home - which is true so off he went..

Liquid is liquid :lol:- you don't have a hangover ?? I am doing ok not great on my Water usually about 3 bottles a day - So far today coffee in my Canadian Mug:tt1: and 1 bottle of water while at the gym... on my 2nd..

Well I am off to the shower - suppose to meet gf for lunch & movies...

CBL :tongue:

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Janet - Scary. Hope Andrew gets all better. Thank God it wasn't worse.

Steph - So sorry about your kitty. My girl is laying next to me right now.

2weeks of school, already suspended about 6 kids. We're off to a great start. :biggrin:

Karri - I've been on Tofranil for about 17yrs. My doc suggested I change cause it's old and not prescribed much anymore. I said no. If it any broke, don't fix it. I take it for panic attacks. I also notice mild OCD when under stress.

I started having them when I was 27. I also won't switch because it causes no libido problems. I have been lowering my dose because I think it makes it harder to lose weight.

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Thanks Salsa for your honest response. I'm glad you've been released to return to exercises with no restrictions. That means you are healed. I'm looking forward to seeing the pics.

Thanks everyone for being so welcoming. I'll be lurking around pretty regularly and chiming in from time to time if you don't mind.

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I am feeling much better today. No cold sweats and withdrawls from no sugar, but yesterday was NOT a good day. I took my zoloft and the meclinzine that is used to counteract the nausea on Friday night and frankly...I don't remember yesterday. I slept the entire day. I was up for a total of 3 hours. I wasn't up enough to cave in during the sugar cravings.

As for the run...I haven't gotten to go. Yesterday I slept all day and today we have been out running errands and finishing things up in my classroom all day. I have been up since 8AM and am just now getting home! As you can tell...I didn't take the nausea med last night. I seem to be okay today though.

Tomorrow I start training for my half marathon so I will be back on a regular schedule. DH told me tonight that he wanted to join the gym. I am still picking my jaw up off the ground! We will see if he still feels the same way when I go back to the gym Sept 3!

Well I need to take a shower and figure out what I am going to wear tomorrow. It is our first day back and we have to sit through 2 FULL days of districtwide inservice. I want to know what administrator thinks...YES this year they will LOVE LOVE LOVE the HOURS and HOURS of meetings that we make them sit throught. This year they will be meaningful and productive. Well this is my 5th year in education and I haven't found ANY of these meetings productive. UGH...oh well. I will survive.

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WELCOME to our humble thread...

Just be warned.... we are CRAZY here

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WELCOME to our humble thread...

Just be warned.... we are CRAZY here

HEY!!!!! Don't go giving away our secret to success. :)

What she meant to say was; it may appear to the world we're crazy, when in actual fact we're only slightly insane. :)

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HEY!!!!! Don't go giving away our secret to success. :party:

What she meant to say was; it may appear to the world we're crazy, when in actual fact we're only slightly insane. :rolleyes:

Which means we are more than NORMAL :tt2: we are highly evolved :eek:

Karri - I agree with you about meetings normally a big time waster..

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Which means we are more than NORMAL :tt2: we are highly evolved :eek:

I LIKE that... and will (TRY) to remember that....


Bad TOPS weigh in after our weekend in Whistler BC.

I was up 1 lb!

I do not have a good net loss (if any) for August.

In fact, after a GREAT June,

July & August have been pretty much a bust.

I'm trying so hard to get below 240 and I just can't seem to make it.

I made fairly good food choices this weekend,

but you can order a nice healthy grilled fish and if you first have a Cosmo, it's a wash!

Had a Cosmopolitan before dinner both nights, and way more than my usual small glass of wine. Liquid calories did me in. Next week is Labor Day, so no official weigh in for two weeks. DH still has almost 10 lb to lose. He bit the bullet and weighed in today. He chickened out last week. He has to lose 6 1/2 lb just to stay in "leeway". He only has two weeks to get it off or he gets "demoted" from a "KOPS" back to a "TOPS".

But we did have a really good time. We rode the gondolas to the top of Mt. Whistler. Oh, yeah... the arrival wasn't too great. My scooter got hung up as I tried to back out of that thing..... and they don't STOP. You have to get out while it's still moving. So I'd pulled straight in with the scooter. GS & his GF were sitting on one side of me & DH on the other. I made the mistake of turning the speed dial way down so when I tried to back off it didn't have enough OMF to get over the threshhold & since the thing was still moving, it sort of was getting twisted & felt like it was going to tip over. :party::lol::lol: DH grabbed it & yanked it straight & I was able to back off. But by then my heart was pounding, I was scared ----less, and I think my BP must have shot up through the roof because I had an instant headache and the back of my neck felt like it had been wrenched! Other than that, it was a GREAT ride!!


On the ride back down I made DH ride the thing onto the gondola & off!! We rode back down with DD & SIL & she got so excited because we saw two little black bears on the way down. I got a really good photo of them because they were right below us.

NO more partying or trips this summer!!

Of course, in a month we'll be heading south!

But that will sort of get things back to "normal" for us.


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Crazy, slightly insance, evolved... in the aggregate sounds like a wonderful group. Also a successful band group as well. Thank you for letting me lurk about.

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I am offically on vacation - don't go back to work til next Tues -Yipeh !!!

Phyl you have been doing so much traveling and eating out - for me that would be the hardest.. Now that you aren't going be on the road til you come back down here - you will get back on tract.. How's your restriction or is it just those liquid carlories :smile2: and lack of exercise getting to you.. Have you been doing your Wii??

Dionna -Suggestion - You may have done this already but go back to a page where we were actually banded and read forward... You will see our journey.. I don't know how far you will have to go back but maybe start at page 100 and read forward..

Well I am on vacation but what am I going to do besides not go to work - still have gym tonite & wed nite - will go in the morning tomorrow though - can't go spend $$$ - school clothes - deductible for insurance - car registration - bills - So I guess I will wash clothes - Iron - clean house - maybe clean the garage - but it's too humid right now and will have to buy bug spray bet there are some black widows in there...

Wanted to take a day trip to the beach but with Andrew's back - we can't do that. Oh when and saw the car today (he needed stuff out of it) not too bad - but one of the rims broke in half.. They are still inspecting won't know til Wed or Thurs how bad it's damaged..

Well, just cking in... CBL:tongue:

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