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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Good evening ladies.

I've gotta get over these head issues. I've said over and over the last week how tight I am and then tonight I actually think to myself "I didn't eat much all day, I'm going to try to get some of this taco salad down. I must be able to eat THIS since I couldn't eat anything else." Now why would I think that? I know better. And so I spend all evening pb'ing. Now I'm trying to get tea down because pineapple juice didn't go so well. I just don't know how I can let myself think this crap.

Tomorrow is actual weigh in but today's was promising. I just don't know what to think. I am wearing my size 0.5's from the MoA trip. I haven't been on top of watching my sizes but I'm comfortable in my 8's. That is amazing to me. But I'm hating my head right now. Driving me nuts.

Feeling better about my cat I think. My other animals are having a tough time. Poor babies. Alright, time for bed. I'll talk to you all tomorrow.

So very sorry to hear about your cat! That's so sad.

We've had a cat for a very long time.

It's very hard every time we lose one.

It's going to take some time to get your head in the right place..

dealing with the loss of the cat and missing your kids at school, etc.

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

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Hey there everyone, I'm alive and almost caught up on the home front.

Been 9 hr days at work this week. I am off to Toronto for a 3 day training seminar, should be very interesting!

food issues and cravings? WOW, that's exactly where I've been since vacation week. Its been tricky getting back into the swing of things. I may need another fill.

More later babes

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Twilight, I'm so sorry about losing your cat! We lost our dog 2 years ago, after 15 years with him, and I know how the whole family can mourn. Helping your other animals thru this will probably help you as much as them!

Yes, IndioGirl, I have tended to eat lots of slider foods.... That's one of the principles I learned & started applying from that 5-Day Test thing, and it was a real surprise to me when I just started concentrating on firmer foods.

I've been really fortunate that I haven't had many 'stuck' episodes, but I have a feeling that I've been too overly-cautious to avoid that.

My primary care provider cautioned me that lettuce & raw veggies tend to be a problem, so I've just held off on experimenting with them.... It's hard enuff to get enuff Protein in, so I figured I should just concentrate on that.

I do eat spinach (but at least pan-wilted first). Only recently I tried English cucumber, and I tried churrasco (grilled skirt steak, that's REALLY popular down here) for the first time, and with the mantra "chew, chew, chew", I had no problem at all--that was great! But when I hear so many of you mentioning a nice crunchy salad, I'm wondering if that might not stave off some of my need-to-crunch urges! Does anyone have problems with them, or am I just 'way behind this stage of the game?!?

I'm trying to figure out how to subscribe to this particular feed so it'll show up in Outlook on my computer, so I won't lose track of what's happening with you all, but so far I've just got the food & recipes feed. This is a really eclectic group, and wide-ranging in location AND in lives! It's like reading a novel!

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Now why would I think that? I know better.

*sigh* I so know what you mean. Intelligent people do stupid things. I consider myself to be of at least average intelligence, and yet some of the things I think and do are SOOOOOOOOO stupid. I know this and STILL do them. Like the last 2 bites of something. My band tells me "enough", my taste buds and brain ignore that advice and try to finish off something I have no room for! :smile2: I know I shouldn't, I know I'll probably pay for it if I do, and yet that doesn't stop me.

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Good morning ladies. It's a beautiful day here. Overcast and just a hint of a breeze. Absolutely gorgeous.

Today is better. I got some really good sleep last night. Woke up this morning not being tired. Weighed in at 144! so down 3 pounds in 2 weeks which I consider a HUGE victory since one of those weeks was junk food driven.

I'm thinking of ordering some fruit from the fruit truck but don't know how long it will last and the order quantity is HUGE. I don't know how to can so that isn't an option. I just don't know. Maybe my MIL will share with me. She is wanting some too.

Thank you all for your kind thoughts about my Pickles. She was a sweet loyal friend. She was my first friend when I moved to this side of the state. She was just beginning to want more affection. She was 9 years old and I suppose this was better than watching her lose function....but so shocking to the heart. She always had this air of haughtiness about her. As if there was no way any of us were good enough for her, but then she'd come snuggle up and purr with me. She will be sorely missed. So thank you for your condolences.

Salad....I LOVE salad. Normally not a problem for me. I do cut it up in much smaller pieces than it is chopped normally. I always add some sort of protein....chicken, taco meat, boiled egg white, and/or cheese. I am not a fan of vinegary dressings so I have to cop to eating the higher cal ones. However, I limit the amount I put on and with veggies being so low cal I don't stress over the difference. I know that I wouldn't be able to eat those dressings forever and I don't want to feel deprived. I just keep it all in my calorie budget. Last night was a fluke with the salad because of the stress. Today my kashi crunch is going down wonderfully so I'm not worried about not getting salad down.

Candace, remember when I was having such issues with my pcp a couple of weeks ago? One of the things he said to me was that he doubted I could get back with it after things like vacations, family illnesses, changes in routine. He said that THAT was the real test of whether this method was going to work. I think he's right, this is when the rebound occurs, but I'm not going to let something "out there" effect me "in here". It's just not worth it.

Kashi and bananas did well for Breakfast. I'll try to keep it light and get in lots of fluids today and see if that helps my intake. Don't forget to drink, drink, drink. Ruby and I have been very lax on our Water patrol. I will call for a liquid check this evening and hold you all accountable :smile2:

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So my PCP called me this morning because she has a c-section that she needs to do tomorrow and wanted to know if we could push out my appt. She wanted to know what was going on with the medication and I told her that I was having UNBELIEVABLE food cravings. All I want is simple sugar. I couldn't sleep last night because I was starving and all I wanted was sugar. I tried something with splenda in it because I thought I just wanted something sweet...but that didn't cut it. Well we don't have anything in the house that has sugar in it so I ate 2 tablespoons of pure sugar. Yep...right out of the box. When I told her that she said...you are coming in and we are getting you off that medication. "The next step will probably be alcohol." Those were her exact words.

Turns out that these are not just food cravings. It is a severe reaction to the medication but it usualy manifests itself in alcoholism. But since I don't drink alcohol EVER my body craves the simple sugars that alcohol breaks down into. She told me that whatever I do NOT to have any alcohol (including sugar alcohols or cooking alcohol) until we get me off this medication.

I cannot explain to you how debilitating these cravings have been. I have been incredibly quiet around here because the food issues have been devastating and I was trying to wrap my head around them. In the last week I have had 3 candy bars and 2 pieces of cake. This is the first time that I am admitting to them. It is the only thing that will make the hunger go away. Imagine going for about 12 hours without eating and think of the hunger that you would feel. That is the hunger that I am feeling constantly. How do I know that it was actual hunger and not head hunger...well...I went for 8 hours without eating yesterday just so that I knew that whatever I felt in my stomach was actual hunger pangs. Then I ate. I was so full that there was a lot of pressure in my pouch and my nose was running like a faucet (sure sign I ate too much). Lo and behold...the feeling in my stomach was EXACTLY the same.

When I told the doctor this she just kept apologizing that she put me on it. She said it was a rare side effect but one that is VERY real. I said that when I was put on this medication the last time I had very similiar reactions. I was eating 3-4 candy bars a day and doughnuts by the dozens. I told her that I never said anything to the doctors because I figured I was just a fat slob that didn't know how to control her eating. But now...this is WAY off. I am usually very content with the food that I eat. I love my veggies and Proteins and right now I can't hardly stand to eat them because all I want is sugar.

So thank you for all of your advice, but it turns out that I have not lost total control over myself like I feel I have. I felt like my world was spiraling out of control and that there was nothing that I could do about it. I now know how a drug addict feels. I am sneaking food again and doing whatever I can to get my next fix. She did say the cravings usually went away pretty quickly after we get off the meds but that it will take about 2 weeks to wean me off. I am not sure what we are going to do but I honestly believe I would rather be uptight, anal, obsessive and throwing chicken sausages across the kitchen then going through what I am right now.

Sorry to ramble, but I had to get this out there.

Love you all and thanks for the encouragement.

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Hello Lucky # Sevens! I am a July '08 Butterfly and naturally am very interested in those that were banded one year ago. As your bandiversaries approached, did you review your journey over the past year and congratulate yourselves on your victories and forgive yourselves your transgressions? If you haven't please take the time to do that now. Look how far you have come! I'm so proud of all of you!!!

Next year, I look forward to being as inspirational as you have been to me.

Edited by Dionna113

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Oh Karri!!!! That just is awful! I wish I could just wrap you up and make you feel all better. You make my heart hurt. Why you should have to go through all of that after all you've already gone through. GRRRRRRR Sometimes life is just way too unfair.

I'm sure it was relieving to hear that it isn't all in your head. That there is a physical reason why this is happening. When you said, next would be alcohol I thought, of course it would be....it's the sugars! I hadn't even thought of it.

I have no doubt that it is true hunger that you are feeling and that the only thing feeding it is sugars. I knew it wasn't cravings, I just thought that maybe those two things might be workable with your intake.

As for the spoonfuls of sugar, I actually chuckled a bit. When I was a kid we had a tupperware sugar dish with this little spout on it. I would pour my mouth full of it and let it dissolve. It was my little "sneak". I still remember the feeling. I'm sure you didn't feel the high that I did then and instead felt like a junkie who had just had a fix. I hate that you are feeling that way. As far as admitting your transgressions, we are not your preachers. You don't have to be absolved of your "sins". You do what you have to do to survive and there is no shame in that. You can only fight those intense urges for so long. And I have no idea that you do fight them with a vengeance. Don't apologize for them but also don't feel like you have to hide them from us either. We love you and sometimes just saying you did it makes it seem not so huge as when you keep it all locked inside hidden. You can share without being judged and we can SUPPORT you. I think you're one of the strongest among us so how any of us could judge you is questionable. You have willpower and strength that I am just in awe of. When YOU need support, you have all of ours.

Did your doc have any suggestions on how to feed the hunger while weaning off the meds? Maybe running to counteract the sugar intake? At least balance out the cals. I don't know. I wish I had answers for you.

I'll be praying you get the answers you need today. Until then, I'll be checking in and watching for updates.

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She actually can't get me in until early tomorrow morning but her suggestion...just eat the sugar. She told me that because the sugar actually makes me feel fuller for a longer period of time and stops the intense hunger pains to just not fight it right this second. She said it might actually result in lower caloric intake because I was inevitably going to break down and eat the sugar anyways. So instead of adding to the calories from the healthy foods she said to just stick to the foods that cut the cravings and hunger...which I guess means crap food. NOT HAPPY ABOUT THAT! She was going to call me PS to see if we could lift all exercising restrictions 4 days early so that I could counteract the influx of calories and said she would let me know tomorrow. I think my PS will understand and will be alright with it. We are past the 6 week mark which was her main concern.

I know I don't have to absolve my sins! but I needed to get it off my chest. I felt HORRIBLE about it and I haven't even brought myself to tell DH. I know he would completely understand as he was the one that was really pushing to me to see my PCP because something was off. I just feel like such a failure right now. How could I have gone through so much and paid so much money to just let it all slip away. Fortunately now I know that there is a VERY real reason and it takes so much off of my shoulders.

So much so that I have just finished the entire first standard (unit) for my class. Once I got the news I busted through it in no time flat. All of my worksheets, keys, tests, rubrics, projects, labs and activities are already to go. Now I am going to start on the next standard and my goal is to be done with it by this weekend.

We were supposed to go berry picking across the mountains this weekend but I have 2 jobs to plan for, a classroom to finish painting, and effexor withdrawls to deal with so we decided not to go. Plus DH has a paper and a power point due for his class so it just isn't going to work out. Oh well...maybe next weekend!

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Turns out that these are not just food cravings. It is a severe reaction to the medication but it usualy manifests itself in alcoholism. But since I don't drink alcohol EVER my body craves the simple sugars that alcohol breaks down into. She told me that whatever I do NOT to have any alcohol (including sugar alcohols or cooking alcohol) until we get me off this medication.Love you all and thanks for the encouragement.

I know that is a GREAT relief to you!!

Hope she will be able to find a more suitable med for you!

Hello Lucky # Sevens! I am a July '08 Butterfly and naturally am very interested in those that were banded one year ago. As your bandiversaries approached, did you review your journey over the past year and congratulate yourselves on your victories and forgive yourselves your transgressions? If you haven't please take the time to do that now. Look how far you have come! I'm so proud of all of you!!! Next year, I look forward to being as inspirational as you have been to me.

The one year mark has been a significant time of reflection as well as celebration for all of us. And, as you may already know, some of us met at the Mall of America in Minneapolis for a wonderful three days of getting acquainted (in person) and SHOPPING for new clothes! It was GREAT FUN!!




As for the spoonfuls of sugar, I actually chuckled a bit. When I was a kid we had a tupperware sugar dish with this little spout on it. I would pour my mouth full of it and let it dissolve. It was my little "sneak". I still remember the feeling. I'm sure you didn't feel the high that I did then and instead felt like a junkie who had just had a fix. I hate that you are feeling that way. As far as admitting your transgressions, we are not your preachers. You don't have to be absolved of your "sins". You do what you have to do to survive and there is no shame in that. You can only fight those intense urges for so long. And I have no idea that you do fight them with a vengeance. Don't apologize for them but also don't feel like you have to hide them from us either. We love you and sometimes just saying you did it makes it seem not so huge as when you keep it all locked inside hidden. You can share without being judged and we can SUPPORT you. I think you're one of the strongest among us so how any of us could judge you is questionable. You have willpower and strength that I am just in awe of. When YOU need support, you have all of ours. I'll be praying you get the answers you need today. Until then, I'll be checking in and watching for updates.

Ditto that! Very well put! As for true confessions, I've been od'ing on PAPAYA!! I've gotten in the habit of chewing a few after I eat, as insurance. But sometimes in the evening, I just can't seem to stop popping them. I went through a whole bottle in about 48 hours! Got to stop that.

My BAD when I was a kid.... sneaking tuna fish out of the fridge. My Mom would mix a can of tuna for lunches & I'd be in there sneaking a dab. Got in trouble for that more than once. I guess I was always a fish nut!


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Hi Gang...

Bad news - Andrew (GS) got in an car accident yesterday morning (tire tread in the road - could not avoid it - it hit car (left front tire blew) and he lost control and went airborne off the side of the road - thankfully the car didn't roll) He has a fractured vertabrate (sp?) and burise disk (growth plates?? don;t know if they are one in the same). I was at the hospital from 8 a.m to 8:30 p.m yesterday. They did catscan - x rays - mri - great treatment - he was fitted with a brace that he has to wear and we have to see a pediatric ortho or nurosurgen...

I am suppose to be on vacation next week - but since I wasn't here at work yesterday will have to come in on Monday to make up my time so I gotta get my butt in gear and see what's on my desk - I will cbl today if not tonite.. But wanted you all to know what's up and need your prayers and good thought for a speedy/safe not permanent damage to his spine)

I just sorta scaned and didn't really read - but Karri Hugs it will get better - Steph Hugs on your cat - butterfly 08 - We Lucky #7 are a great group we all have done execellent in the last yr as you can see by out tickers - we understand that our band is only a tool and that the real work is up to us...

Ok - I promise to cbl - I still gotta call the insurance - I haven't seen the car - it's in Banning (30-40 miles away) but really don't give a crap about it all I care about is Andrew.

Hugs.. Janet

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Indio, I'm so sorry to hear about Andrew. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Andrew for a full and speedy.

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Oh gosh! Janet!! My prayers are with you and your dear Andrew. I'm so glad it wasn't worse. I will keep you in my thoughts all day today.

Karri, I can't wait to hear how your appointment goes. I hope you don't have to go through too much turmoil with withdrawls. I can only imagine the frustration.

Dionna, this is an amazing group and I can tell you that I would not be anywhere near as successful without them. They keep me accountable. They keep me sane. They are part of my family. I am closer to these wonderful ladies than any woman here in my town. We share amazing hurts and troubles as well as super highs and successes. I think the fact that we have all been so successful since banding has come from the fact we have such a strong support network. All of us have such different stories but have all found great support here. As 1 year approached for the ladies here they all fought very hard to get to their one year goal. For some that was being at goal weight, for others it was to get to some other significant milestone. For one amazing July bandster it was running a half marathon. They all fought hard and I think they all felt amazing success on their bandiversary. I think one year is a great time to really look at what you wanted to begin with, what you still want to accomplish and to Celebrate all the successes you have had in the last year. I see it more of a New Year's celebration. The new year, the new me. I won't celebrate mine for another 3 months but I can't wait to see the butterfly that emerges. The butterfly in my ticker represents all that to me. Good luck to you and welcome to our thread. It's an amazing place to be.

Okay....off to play with the kids. It's cold and rainy today and I really just want to cuddle up with a good book. I wish my baby andd 4 year old felt the same. <sigh> I'll check in again ladies. Have a great day!!!

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Just got back from the doctor. She is putting me on Zoloft (very low dose) and gave me medicine to counteract the nausea and dizziness that will come from going off the Effexor. Fortunately I don't have kids next week and just have to sit through pointless meetings so hopefully I will be over everything in a short time. She said the cravings should be gone within a week. The last time I was on Zoloft I didn't want to eat for about 2 weeks so hopefully that will be the case now!! I did get permission to start running today so I will be off for a run this evening.

Janet - Huge hugs. I hope that everything goes alright for you and Andrew. I will be thinking about the both of you.

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17_1_10.gif PRAYERS BEING SENT FOR ANDREW. (anyone with Andrew for a name, is A-OK with me.)

Karri - I take Zoloft. it works pretty good if you don't mind libido problems. It took a good month or more to get me weaned off Paxil and on to zoloft.


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