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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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What the hell is the matter with the *&()&(& fonts?


Phyl - HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!! I went on the Space needle website to look at the menu.

Salsa - What color!

Peaches - Welcome Back

Steph - I think I'm gonna mix your recipe and Lynette's recipe from last July so I'm gonna use cream cheese to make the chicken salad. I'll make it tomorrow for this weeks' lunch.

Me and Minnie are playing fetch right now. She's sooooo pretty. The other day I came home and she was sitting on my fireplace mantel posing just as pretty as you please. I said, "Oh, Helllll No!" I swatted her a.... and she took off, the dog took off after her. He's looking for a reason, he hates her. Very Jealous!!!

Gotta go cut hubby's hair.< /span>

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Right now the room is just white...but it is better than the 1970's off yellow that it was! But then tomorrow DH is putting up a mural and I am going to be painting the squares from the periodic table across the top of the wall. Then one of the students that was helping me paint today is going to go to college for cartoon drawing/animation so she is going to come in and make cartoon characters out of the chemistry equipment that we use and paint that on the empty spaces. I will post pictures when it is all done. I should have taken before pictures. My room was hideous!

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Hello Ladies!! Thanks for all the good lucks with my mom. I am really happy to report that they put her in the hospital and then they really worked on getting the fluids off. Within 2 hours with a catheter she had a liter and a half out. She is feeling better today and she is alert instead of delerious. (sp?) Now doc is looking into WHY did she have that problem and oh yeah........he is really pissed at the providers here and how they are treating his patients. He told us 'I don't miss Charles City at all and I said well we sure miss you. But I guess we will just be driving to you because no one else wanted to help my mom and I have been really worried to the point of checking her throughout the night to make sure she is breathing. He told me don't worry I will take care of her here and get her back on track. I talked to mom today and she is my mom now. She said she doesn't remember coming there or being admitted and her knees are still really hurting when she walks but I told her I am sure they will be sore for a while after all the Fluid they had to lug around. My mom is not a small women to begin with (235) and she was at 256 when we went to the office due to the fluid. They have her back down to 238 now. She is able to breath alot easier and feels alot better.

We went fishing AGAIN tonight and I just got home and showered and it is now 2:09 am. I bought some Light Mike's Cranberry lemonaid to drink tonight and I have to tell you I really like it and it goes down really well. Doesn't even taste like liquior but don't worry I was careful not to drink to many because of that fact. HAHA

Got a tattoo on friday. My friend thinks I am going through a mid life crisis but I told her I have always said I was getting another tattoo and I found the one I wanted. I have one other one on my ankle for the new one is on my left shoulder. My daughter has wanted one for so long and I took her so I could make sure that it was tasteful. She got a VERY small tattoo of a butterfly on the top to the side of her right foot. When she has shoes on you can't see it. I don't like the tattoo's that really stick out so mine is discrete as well.

Gosh I love being back to posting. I forgot how much I really needed you all. Missed you all too.


Kari-your room sounds awsome. Definately post pics when you are done.

mango- I don't know what is wrong with you fonts. Mine have been ok.

steph-chicken salad sounds good. Maybe I will have to try that one.

Janet-hope you are having a wonderful time this weekend

Everyone else I didn't mention I hope you are all doing great!!

Have we decided when and where we are meeting again (well this will be my first time). I just want to plan so I can figure the amount to save.

Well it is now 2:17am and I am still wired so I am going to go watch a little tv. Good night and love ya all

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Happy Sunday ladies. I hope everyone has enjoyed their weekends.

Karri, I want to see this room. I always wanted to do something fun in mine but the custodians would have had an absolute caniption (sp?) so I had plain blue walls. I didn't complain though because most of the other rooms have this ugly butterscotchy color that made me want to gag. At least I had blue.

Candice, glad you had fun at the cottage. Did you do the big hike? How were the birds....I mean mosquitos. I have to say I'm envious of you.

Jackie, so glad you are getting better care for your mom. It had to be heartbreaking to go through that. Thank God you had someone you could turn to in all of this. It sounds like you have an amazing doctor, even if he has moved away. Now your stress level can come down a bit and you can breath. As for the chx salad, I LOVE it. You get a little bit of sweet, but not too sweet, in every bite. My dh says he thinks he would like it better if it was made with Miracle Whip. I use MW for everything but this and my broc/caul salad. Canned chx just doesn't have enough oomph I guess. I'm going to try it with MW next time and I'll report back.

Denise, what browser are you using and when was the last time you updated it? I use mozilla but I know Internet Explorer has had some recent changes. Maybe you need to update to get the fonts to work again....just a thought. And now who is Minnie, at first I thought a dog cuz you were playing fetch but then thought cat because she was up on the mantel. I'm guessing cat. Mine don't play though so the idea of one playing fetch seems strange.

Okay....dh and I are going on a long bike ride so that maybe I can get my attitude adjusted. I have been over cranky for about a week. TOM is going to be here any day I just know it. He's taking his own sweet time though....grrrrr. I'll talk to you all tonight. Enjoy your Sunday.

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Good Evening Everyone,

I had to rush to my nurse this afternoon in the pouring rain for an unfill. She was gonna leave early so I said well I could come in the morning. She said no come now I'll wait. Do it now or you'll have a miserable night. I could only swallow liquid, and it hurt to do that. I just had some potato Soup and it was devine! I haven't eaten food since Sunday night, only Protein Drinks. I was at 8 on Monday, she put in 1, took me to 9. Today she took out .5cc. I said I'm sorry I'm so hard to please. She said Oh no you're not, I have a lady that comes in every week. I have been rushing around all day. Brought my Mom to 2 appts. this morning, suspended my first little darling. And after all this Aunt Flo has finally decided to visit. She hasn't been here since the week after my surgery 2 months ago.

My doctor is across the highway from Dillards. I need school clothes, so I went look. I was looking at shirts in the plus size cause it was a RL tshirt with RL written across the front in rhinestones and thats my DH's initials. The lady asked if i needed help. I said no. She said my name is ..... if you need me, but do you need to be in plus size? Ain't dat just freakin dawling? You now this is plus size right?

11:00 and I still have to dry my hair. I don't know how I will stay awake tomorrow. :frown::sleep:

I forgot to tell ya'll. She had me sit up and drink with the needle still sticking out of me. Then she pulls it out while I'm sitting. It was a not nice feeling. I could feel a big thick needle tugging out of my body. Weird, horrible, feeling.

O.K. I seriously need to go to bed. I forgot to go pickup my perscriptions again today. 4 days without my syntroid. I'm a butthead.

Denise - Good we know your band is working - and yes this is how my doc fills - but he gives a shot of novocain 1st (sp). I still get plus size catalogs - and I still gravitate to the plus section - but I love shopping in the reg section

Janet, I hope you have a great weekend. Enjoy your time off and the fun with the furbabies! We'll be waiting to hear from you. BTW, the article was great. Your doctor sounds like a dream. Your success has some to do with how great he is I'm sure. Not a lot, but some. I've been reading your mentor board. You are a great mentor.

Okay. I'm going to finish watching gymnastics. I'll see you in the morning. Tomorrow is weigh in day. I'll report in then. Goodnight ladies.

Steph - Yes my doc is great i truly do love him.- but to tell you the truth in a way I think I have surpised him but mostly maybe cuz of my age.. He has always said I have lost weight like a bypass patient - but I am like Michael Phelps - tell me I can't do something and I will sure in the hell do my best to prove you wrong :smile: Thanks - I am really lucky the ladies on my mentor thread are in the right frame of mind... They are doing great.

I am up for the Vegas whenever you all decide. I just think July would be sooo hot out there but if that is what everyone decides I will do whatever. I LOVE Vegas. We went 2 1/2 years ago and we were married out there by Elvis. HAHA DH and I have been wanting to go back so he will prob come with me.

. He is really the only one I trust.

Sorry this post was so long but I am really po'ed about the whole situation.:wink2:

Jackie - I am glad your Mom is better... Yes it's so hard to find a new Doc.

104v.gif i FEEL GOOD...DOO DOO DO DO..... scale is moving again. Slowly, but it is moving. YIPEE!!! And, I bought a new pair of shorts yesterday. SIZE MEDIUM! ! ! !

Congratulations Kari ~~~'

I am back - got back yesterday around 2 - 420 miles of driving (that's one way) so I didn't get on the computer - took a nap - watched the Olympics and then to bed around 9:30.. My doggies are glad to be home - Angel the little poodle pooped in my son's bed room - but he was so good about it - said he would take a little poop if it meant seeing his mom :blush:

My eating was terrible - I ate too many sweets !!! but only gained 1 lbs so I am fine - didn't get really any exercise except for walking in the river on Friday but it was low so not really too much of a work out..

I had a good visit with my Son & Dil - we all like to watch the Olympic's even stayed up late to watch Darra Torres & Phelps on Saturday night (they don't have tivo)...

Well, everyone sounds good - I gotta get to work so I will ck back later...


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Good evening ladies. Looks like it has been really quiet around here to day. We took our swimming pool down tonight. :blink: I hate doing that because it really is a lot of work but I love the pool so I will deal with it. I have things layed out all over the yard to dry and we have washed the pool inside and out so now once everything is dry we will pack it all away in it tubs.

Well I think I am going to schedule a fill. Been awhile and I am eating more than I should. I had 2 pieces of chicken for supper tonight. Nothing else but it was from hy-vee with the skin on it. I have rank lots of Water and did work alot today mowed the lawn (3 acres on a rider.) then worked on taking the pool down. That was quite a bit of lifting and walking so I am hoping to counter act the effect of the chicken. Guess we'll see tomorrow.

Well I am going to get my mom tomorrow. She is really confused it seems and they told me it is because she won't keep her oxygen on her face. She didn't have it before but now they ae sending her home wih oxygen.

Finally got the sleep study results for my daughter. She does have sleep apnea. I called the surgeons office to keep her records there up to date. I am certainly hoping with the problems she has already that BCBS of Iowa will approve her even though it will be a few months before she turns 18. She has skin breakdown and has sores in the fold of skin on her stomach.

Well it is now 10:30 again and I better get going. Have ANOTHER long day again tomorow.

Good nite all

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Good evening ladies. I'm only going to try a little bit because the site has been nuts today. Nothing interesting to report.

Jackie, I hope your mom gets better soon. I'm sure she is very confused. Poor woman. I'll keep her in my prayers. I hope DD gets her approval soon. I can only imagine the frustration you are going through while waiting.

Phyl, this site has sucked today, you are right.

I'm going to take kids to Minot tomorrow to go school shopping. DS starts next Wednesday. I had a stressful day today because all teachers at my old school went back to school today. I didn't cry but came close. It was a tough day for me. It will be good to be gone tomorrow.

I'm going to sign off. Will probably be back late tomorrow night. Have a great Tuesday ladies!

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Happy Sunday ladies. I hope everyone has enjoyed their weekends.

Karri, I want to see this room. I always wanted to do something fun in mine but the custodians would have had an absolute caniption (sp?) so I had plain blue walls. I didn't complain though because most of the other rooms have this ugly butterscotchy color that made me want to gag. At least I had blue.

Candice, glad you had fun at the cottage. Did you do the big hike? How were the birds....I mean mosquitos. I have to say I'm envious of you.

Hi Stephanie; Yes I had a wonderful time at the cottage. We did do the big hike again, although we didn't get to the summit this time. My two GF that came along we not in as good of shape as "I" was ha,ha,ha... and had to turn back.

The mosquitoes were almost non-existant... Aug is definetly better time up there.

Jackie, so glad you are getting better care for your mom. It had to be heartbreaking to go through that. Thank God you had someone you could turn to in all of this. It sounds like you have an amazing doctor, even if he has moved away. Now your stress level can come down a bit and you can breath. As for the chx salad, I LOVE it. You get a little bit of sweet, but not too sweet, in every bite. My dh says he thinks he would like it better if it was made with Miracle Whip. I use MW for everything but this and my broc/caul salad. Canned chx just doesn't have enough oomph I guess. I'm going to try it with MW next time and I'll report back.

Denise, what browser are you using and when was the last time you updated it? I use mozilla but I know Internet Explorer has had some recent changes. Maybe you need to update to get the fonts to work again....just a thought. And now who is Minnie, at first I thought a dog cuz you were playing fetch but then thought cat because she was up on the mantel. I'm guessing cat. Mine don't play though so the idea of one playing fetch seems strange.

Okay....dh and I are going on a long bike ride so that maybe I can get my attitude adjusted. I have been over cranky for about a week. TOM is going to be here any day I just know it. He's taking his own sweet time though....grrrrr. I'll talk to you all tonight. Enjoy your Sunday.

The highlight was the bears! I saw 10 of them Adults and babies... they were all searching for food at the dump!

Black bears, didn't see any Moose, but we did see lots of "Moose poop" along our hike, so I guess we just missed them. :blink:

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OMW I am soooo not happy right now. This is in no way related to the band or weight but I just have to complain. I have been monitoring my class numbers for the last few days and they have been steadily rising as registration has been happening. Regular registration was Wed/Thur of last week and late registration was last night. When I came in this morning my class numbers were up to 45!!! My teaching partner's numbers...down to the low 20s. Why you ask???? Because parents are refusing to let their kids have him. He taught freshman biology last year and then moved up to sophomore chem this year because we needed another teacher as I was the only chem teacher last year. Ummmmm....I think there is a problem. Obviously if his teaching is that bad (and I personally have never witnessed his teaching) then perhaps we should get rid of him. After all it appears that I am going to end up with all the students anyways.

I have a meeting with my Asst. Principal at 9 this morning to discuss it. There was actually an email from him when I got in this morning. He knows me too well. He told me to meet with him at 9AM because he was certain that my head was about ready to pop off if I checked my numbers. Well he was right.

This district has a policy that if parents request a certain teacher that they will put that student in that class no questions asked. So while the other teacher has a class of 6 (yes a total of 6 kids) in one class I am figuring out how to hang chairs from my ceiling so that I can fit the little cherubs in here without them sitting on each other's lap!

One a side not my classroom is looking great. I promise I will post pictures when I am finished. I still have a bit to do but it should be done by this weekend!

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When I came in this morning my class numbers were up to 45!!! My teaching partner's numbers...down to the low 20s.

WOW! :tt2: That's insane. Personally I feel stretched at times with my one child. If someone told me I had a room of 45 children I was responsible for, I'd be running fast in the opposite direction. :cool2:

As a parent I can understand being adamant as to whom teaches my child (not that that's an option for me). And it says a lot about your reputation as a teacher. Be proud of that! :mellow: But I wouldn't want my child in such a full class. It's unfair to the teacher and the children.

Obviously there's something wrong with the teacher everyone's avoiding, but that's not your concern. I hope your principal manages to sort something out for you all. Otherwise we're going to have to get you your own personal forum soap box to shout your frustrations to us all. :w00t: Not that we mind.... it would just suck for you if this was how you had to spend this school year. :thumbup:

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Good Morning Gang

Yep yesterday was a sucky day for lbt - I lost like 3 post :thumbup:

Jackie - Hope your daughter gets approved and that your mom will improve once she gets home - hugs loves and prayers.

I wouldn't freak over to pieces of chicken if that's all you ate - but you know your band the best.. I guess I am just lucky - I am at my sweet spot 98% of the time.

Candice - How cool to see the bears - isn't it funny how much better in shape you are today - great - Was Linda's son's wedding this past weekend??? Have you heard from her??

Karri - As Ruby said it shows what a great teacher you are - If my kids went to your school I would request you too.. But there does have to be a limit on how many kids you have...

Hows the exercise going and maintenance... I am ok - ate too many sweets this past weekend but only gain a pound whihc will be off by thrusday so I am not freaking - I have this new thing when I am on vacation I allow myself stuff I don't eat at home - so it's a good trade off.'

Ruby - has your Son started back to school yet - I bet you will enjoy having the house to yourself and the computer too :biggrin2:

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food has been sucky for me lately. I have really good restriction but I have way too much of a sweet tooth (and that is rare for me). I am being really strict about my diet right now but I am hungry almost all the time. I think it is my anti-anxiety/depression meds. This is what happened the last time I was on it before I was banded. I was hungry all the time and made really poor food choices.

I am going to hold off going to the doctor until I can start running again and see if it goes away. If not we are going to have to change the medication. This is true hunger feelings. My stomach growls and I get nauseated if I don't eat. However when I feel it I wait for at least an hour to see if it will go away. I drink during that time to make sure that I am not thirsty.

I didn't have these feelings before I was on the meds so I am begining to think that perhaps this is the problem. I haven't been under too much stress (except yesterday and this morning with the class numbers!) so I am not sure what is going on. My weight is fluctuating like crazy depending on what I eat. If I eat very many carbs I retain Water and the scale jumps up 5-7 pounds. If I don't eat any carbs then I lose the Water weight and it drops back down. My clothes still fit just like they did when I bought them so frankly I don't khow what the heck is going on. I finally told DH to take the scale out of the bathroom and I am back to just weighing 1 time per week. The PS wanted me weighing everyday after surgery so that we could monitor swelling. But I think the swelling is pretty good now so I can safely go back to 1 time per week. Hopefully that way I wont see the wide swings. Serious on Saturday I was at 148 and then Sunday morning I was at 141. Go figure!!

I try not to read the side effects of medications until I start feeling something being off and then I will go check them out after I have tried to eliminate everything else. Lots of people claim to have serious hunger issues and weight gain on Effexor as well as water retention. So it could be a possibility that it is the meds. But like I said I am going to hold off and see if the running helps. I don't want to go back to the obssessive/anxious feelings that I had before, but I certainly don't want to start gaining weight.

I am going to be working 2 jobs for the first part of the school year so I am not going to have the time to frantically count calories and be as obsessive as I was at the end of last school year so I need to find a happy medium.

Well best get back to test writing. I have 1 and 1/2 tests to write and then I am done with the crappy part. The fun part is putting together the lessons and activities. Test writing...not so much fun!

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Wow! Lots going on with all of you this week!

Good to hear from those who have been among the missing...

Janet, Candice, Ruby, Jacki, etc.

Sorry to hear of your school challenges, Karri!

Hope you get things worked out!

45 is TOOOOO many kids!

Too bad you can't clone yourself!

You're a GOOD teacher!! They ALL want YOU!!

Getting these new HOLES in my ears have started something..

too bad I waited until Buffalo to get the little pink flower at the top of my left ear!! Could've used the support I had when I got the other two new holes!!

And Linda coaching the gal to get them in the right place!!

This morning I got my nails done.

That was nice.

Haven't pampered myself like that in a long time.

So this afternoon I went and had my eyebrows waxed!!

AND, I made an appointment for a pedicure for later this week!


He won't notice until he sees the canceled check!

We're going to Whistler BC this weekend with DD & SIL! Don't look forward to the drive, but it will be fun once we get there. GS & his girlfriend are supposed to be going, too, but DD doesn't think that will happen. Girlfriend is too shy to spend the whole weekend with us in the same suite,

and, they are ALWAYS fighting, so she'll probably change her mind by Friday!

Lots of wonderful little shops in Whistler Village...

hope I can stay out of the ones that say "ice cream" and "chocolate"!

Head hunger is awful this week!!

I think even after menopause we still have those TOM hormones kick up from time to time that make your head do strange things... cravings that rear their ugly heads. UGH!! Found myself munching on beef Jerky and veggie crackers last night for no apparent reason... just compulsion to eat something!

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food has been sucky for me lately. I have really good restriction but I have way too much of a sweet tooth (and that is rare for me). I am being really strict about my diet right now but I am hungry almost all the time. I think it is my anti-anxiety/depression meds. This is what happened the last time I was on it before I was banded. I was hungry all the time and made really poor food choices.

I am going to hold off going to the doctor until I can start running again and see if it goes away. If not we are going to have to change the medication. This is true hunger feelings. My stomach growls and I get nauseated if I don't eat. However when I feel it I wait for at least an hour to see if it will go away. I drink during that time to make sure that I am not thirsty.

I didn't have these feelings before I was on the meds so I am begining to think that perhaps this is the problem. I haven't been under too much stress (except yesterday and this morning with the class numbers!) so I am not sure what is going on. My weight is fluctuating like crazy depending on what I eat. If I eat very many carbs I retain Water and the scale jumps up 5-7 pounds. If I don't eat any carbs then I lose the Water weight and it drops back down. My clothes still fit just like they did when I bought them so frankly I don't khow what the heck is going on. I finally told DH to take the scale out of the bathroom and I am back to just weighing 1 time per week. The PS wanted me weighing everyday after surgery so that we could monitor swelling. But I think the swelling is pretty good now so I can safely go back to 1 time per week. Hopefully that way I wont see the wide swings. Serious on Saturday I was at 148 and then Sunday morning I was at 141. Go figure!!

I try not to read the side effects of medications until I start feeling something being off and then I will go check them out after I have tried to eliminate everything else. Lots of people claim to have serious hunger issues and weight gain on Effexor as well as water retention. So it could be a possibility that it is the meds. But like I said I am going to hold off and see if the running helps. I don't want to go back to the obssessive/anxious feelings that I had before, but I certainly don't want to start gaining weight.

I am going to be working 2 jobs for the first part of the school year so I am not going to have the time to frantically count calories and be as obsessive as I was at the end of last school year so I need to find a happy medium.

Well best get back to test writing. I have 1 and 1/2 tests to write and then I am done with the crappy part. The fun part is putting together the lessons and activities. Test writing...not so much fun!

Karri - It must be something in the air about the sweet tooth issues - I have had them too.. When I was away this weekend bought oatmeal Raisin Walnut Cookies - I was tired and hungry after my 6.5 hr drive with 3 kids (17 13 10) 2 dogs - well ate a few Thurs - Frid - Saturday - I don't know why I buy stuff like that when I am away from home - I won't do it at home - but did ok otherwise and scale was up only a pound when I got home - so I feel ok - I have quit keeping a food diary - but still think about how much calories are in whatever I am eating - I am eating healthy (well for the most part except when I am away from home :)) At home only sf stuff is allowed:tongue:

OMW 8 lbs fluctuation in one day - that's crazy - I know that when I was 1st on zoloft i didn't think about food but that did change.. I think the running will help and we don't want you to have the anxiety or the weight gain - so just be patient and see what works for you once you can start running again..

Wow! Lots going on with all of you this week!

Good to hear from those who have been among the missing...

Janet, Candice, Ruby, Jacki, etc.

Sorry to hear of your school challenges, Karri!

Hope you get things worked out!

45 is TOOOOO many kids!

Too bad you can't clone yourself!

You're a GOOD teacher!! They ALL want YOU!!

Getting these new HOLES in my ears have started something..

too bad I waited until Buffalo to get the little pink flower at the top of my left ear!! Could've used the support I had when I got the other two new holes!!

And Linda coaching the gal to get them in the right place!!

This morning I got my nails done.

That was nice.

Haven't pampered myself like that in a long time.

So this afternoon I went and had my eyebrows waxed!!

AND, I made an appointment for a pedicure for later this week!


He won't notice until he sees the canceled check!

We're going to Whistler BC this weekend with DD & SIL! Don't look forward to the drive, but it will be fun once we get there. GS & his girlfriend are supposed to be going, too, but DD doesn't think that will happen. Girlfriend is too shy to spend the whole weekend with us in the same suite,

and, they are ALWAYS fighting, so she'll probably change her mind by Friday!

Lots of wonderful little shops in Whistler Village...

hope I can stay out of the ones that say "ice cream" and "chocolate"!

Head hunger is awful this week!!

I think even after menopause we still have those TOM hormones kick up from time to time that make your head do strange things... cravings that rear their ugly heads. UGH!! Found myself munching on beef Jerky and veggie crackers last night for no apparent reason... just compulsion to eat something!

Phyl the sweet tooth fairy must be hanging around your house too.. Mindless eating - popcorn is my food of choice for those times.

Your trip sounds fun - how long of a drive?? I was suprised that my GS went on this last little trip - It was good to have all the family together.


Well it's 7:17 - turkey meatloaf in the oven (will have meatloaf sandwiches for lunch the rest of this week on light bread)- think I will have some carrot to..

Well off to watch my Olymipics from last night (went to bed like at 9 p.m I was pooped) Karri you are going to have to run in the next Olympic Marathon... You can do it we will be there to cheer you on...

CBL :tongue2:


Phyl good for you to be pampering yourself - and did you get another set of holes in your ears ??? While you were in NY

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Phyl the sweet tooth fairy must be hanging around your house too.. Mindless eating - popcorn is my food of choice for those times.

Your trip sounds fun - how long of a drive?? I was suprised that my GS went on this last little trip - It was good to have all the family together.

Well, sweet would be my normal thing, but not so much since banding. I look for crunchy & salty. Last night it was a couple of small shrimp, Tostito's Queso & veggie crackers. I like the taste of popcorn, but not the texture.. the stuff that gets stuck in your teeth. I jut don't like that feeling, so I don't eat it.

Whistler is about 200 miles... shouldn't take more than 4 hours but construction on that route is TERRIBLE because they're getting ready for the 2010 winter Olympics! It was bad last summer so I know it will be worse this time and no alternative route. The upside is that the scenery going up there is comparable to what you see on an Alaska cruise! Sounds like GS & his girl are still planning on coming... they went shopping today for clothes and Snacks to take with them.

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    • BetterLeah

      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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      1. NeonRaven8919

        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

    • Ladiva04

      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
      · 1 reply
      1. NeonRaven8919

        Congrats on the surgery!

    • Sandra Austin Tx

      I’m 6 days post op as of today. I had the gastric bypass 
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    • RacMag  »  bhogue925

      Hi, I’m new here. I’m currently on the liver shrinking diet. So far so good, but I have to say I haven’t found a protein shake I like. Anyone have any suggestions please? My surgery date is September 17th. 
      · 2 replies
      1. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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