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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Hey Everybody,

Linda - Loved the story, those younguns got you good.

Janet - I don't suspend for self defense. You have the right to defend yourself, but if someone is breaking up the fight you better stop.

My first day with the kids tomorrow, AAHHHHHHH

I'm pretty sure I have a fill tomorrow. I will have to ask my principal to let me leave a little early on the 1st day of school. I still do not feel the restriction I had before the BR, and I now have 8ccs. I'm really quite worried.

Denise - I think it's a school policy to suspend both - it's just something I don't understand - Like I said - I don't evny your job..

Thats right right before we went on our trip you were talking about being worried about your band - have you talked to them about fluro or an endcosopy (sp)??

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I have been going every week for the past 3 weeks. Tomorrow, I will ask about an upper G.I. I have an appointment with my primary doctor on Wed. I will ask him about it if the nurse doesn't seem concerned. If I go through him my insurance will have to pay.

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Hi ladies!!! It is over!!! It was insane! I'm so glad it's over!!

I'm glad I'm getting unfilled tomorrow. I've been miserable the last couple of days. I've been pb'ing over an over. Everything seems to stick me. I've been not eating right because of the reunion. I feel like a miserable failure. I've been grazing on candy because anything with any substance is stuck. Doesn't matter how well I chew. I've tried drinking coffee first, eating papaya....I haven't been able to stick with liquids for this time. It's been so frustrating. I sure hope that when I can eat something solid I can get back to the rules.

I'm trying now to get down some kashi oatmeal. So far so good.

Does stress really cause this kind of restriction? I was fine in Minnesota. I was eating papaya, but never really stuck. grrrrr.

I'll let you all know what I find out tomorrow.

I'll be less crazy and more focussed tomorrow.

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G'mornin' All,

We're sitting at the train station in Minot for servicing. Just called Steph. She's on the road headed this way.said she's a couple of hours away but maybe she'll see the train later and can wave at us as we go by! :thumbup:

Trip home going well so far. Slept like a log last night.

Looks like we're on the move again so better sign off as I will soon lose my connection.

Happy Monday!

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Hi everyone. Just a quick check in. Looks like it's been pretty quiet around here. I was going to tell you all I talked to Phyl this morning but it looks like she beat me to it!

PA took me back to where I was last month. She didn't really think there was a problem because when she stuck into the port there wasn't any flow back so there wasn't an intense amount of pressure???? Anyways, when I explained that just before I got there I stopped and had some beef and barley Soup and when I got to the office I lost it, she had to agree that I was too tight.

She was excited at my loss. She says I look great.

Okay...gonna run for a while. I'll be back tonight.

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WAY TO GO GIRL:thumbup:

I can't beleive you have done so well - (well I don't mean it that way) it's cuz you were having troubles in the beginning with your old group and karri found you and told you to come and join us.. I remember you were struggling back then..

I have another short week - Off Thursday & Friday - so busy at work..

I talked to my trainer tonite about how much I should be eating - some calculator said 1972 c per day to maintain my weight and he said 1500 - I don't know who to beleive..

So far today 200 for Breakfast Jerky & string cheese - lunch 1 pot refried Beans - chicken - rice 350 calores - so I have 950 to go

dinner salad with dressing (avacodo too) 200 - dinner 300 - Snacks 200 or 300 I have some almonds

So I will get real close to that 1500 by the time I go to bed..

Karri - are you back yet?? Did you have fun??

Kari - hows the vacation fun going...

Linda - are you surviving all the wedding going ons and kids home

Candice- hows the walking/hiking boots doing.

Denise - What did the doc say??

Phyl - hope you are still having a good ride home.

Ruby - How's it going with the Stepson - you haven't ck'd in in a while... Hope all is good.

Ok just wanted to drop in and let you all know i am alive and well - hungry so am going to go make a salad (little lettuce - lots of red onion & avocado & dressing) and off the the boob tube to watch the Olympic's ..


Hugs & Love


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Good evening ladies! I'm back.

I talked you all up today. During my support I told them all about our trip and how having you guys here was so important to my success. Without you all to be accountable to, I wouldn't be nearly as good. I don't know that I've thanked you all for adopting me lately, but, as Janet said, I wasn't doing well on the December board. Without you all, there is no way that I would be boasting almost 75 pounds lost. I fit nicely in my size 8's. I am proud of me. I could have never said that a year ago.

It was a crazy weekend, but I lived through it. According to my wii this morning I hadn't gained anything. Of course I will wait until Thursday for my official weigh in but I could have been much worse. I couldn't believe that I lost over 8 pounds this month....and it included both the trip and the reunion. I almost celebrated with shopping but I abstained. Then when I got home sitting on my doorstep were those leather jackets I ordered from qvc. They are wonderful!!!!! Janet, they are definitely light enough that you would have done okay with them I think.

It was good to talk to Phyl today. I'm so glad she had a good time with her sisters. I was so excited to hear that her sisters buried the hatchet. It made her so happy!

Okay, I've gotta go. Hope you all had a great day. Oh...and ditto to what Janet asked. I'm waiting to hear from everyone. It must be exciting since it's been so quiet around here. I can't wait to hear!

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I am back and incredibly exhausted...but Michael Phelps will be swimming soon and I CAN'T miss it. I know he already swam but don't tell me the results! I could DVR it but it just isn't the same.

I did have a good time and SHHHHHHH I ran a 5K!!! Yep and I did it in 34:32. That is actually a very good time for my first time back. I ran it on my bandiversary as my way of celebrating. Then we went to a Mariner's baseball game. I didn't run the rest of the weekend cause DH got mad that I ran that far and told me that I shouldn't be pushing myself that far. So I start running 2 miles per day tomorrow and we will see how I feel and decide from there when I can progress.

I read a lot of the posts but my head is kind of throbbing so I will write more tomorrow.

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Karri - Belated Band Anniversary 8/9 - OMW what you have done in a year's time !!! So Proud of you - and I am not to worried about your 3 miles... But agree with DH - don't push too too hard.

I can't stay up to 11:30 or Midnight on a weekday - so I watch till I go to bed 9:30 - 10 ish - then in the morning while drinking coffee watch the rest of it... But my dvr stopped before the whole medel ceramoney was over and I didn't get the one from last night with the men's gymnastics. But they did great

I am a BIG OLYMPIC FAN !!! I was just as pumped as Michael was when the won the relay - Screw you France for talking crap - and Michael did so well to shake their hands...


Steph - you have been a welcome blessing to our group - I forget that you and Karri aren't original Lucky #7 - As far as the leather coats go I want a bradly bardo (sp) or whatever his last name is ... Sunday is gold rush - but I won't be home - but lately I haven't really liked what they have had on gold rush days - plus now the cost of gold is up so much

200 calories bf - lunch 300 - dinner salad 300 - fudgecicle 150 (ate almonds with it) - pudding 60 with almonds so 100 total -chips & salsa 130 that's only 1180 So Karri I totally get how hard it is to up your calories..

Well gotta get to work - Hugs everyone CBL

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Good morning ladies. I hope everyone slept well. I have sent everyone off to do their thing today and have the house to myself!!!!! I need to clean it and my cars and do laundry and all sorts of stuff but really I think I am going to take a day for myself. I need a break from the chaos that was this past weekend.

I just got a call from a really good friend of mine. She got her band yesterday. She says she is doing wonderfully. She sounded so great. She has lost almost 20 pounds from the pre-op diet and feels so great. I'm so excited for her. I've told her about the site but I don't know if she has spent any time here. I don't see any info on her on the August thread. To each their own....some people aren't computer chatters.

Phyl, I hope your train ride was uneventful and you are recuperating from your cross country trip. I can't wait to hear all your stories.

Karri, congrats on your 5k! Three miles isn't too bad as long as you pay attention to what your body is telling you. Nice time too considering the extensive surgery!

Oh...forgot, I just called my school to find out if I had to go back on Monday and the secretary said she was pretty sure they had signed a science teacher!!!!!! My mom will speak to me again!

Okay...I'm off to do something...not sure what. Have a great day ladies!

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Well all, it has been a great day. What can I say. Not going to have to work this year, my husband has been very attentive, I went walking/running tonight, I just feel great all over.

I can't tell you all what a load off my shoulders it has been since I heard I wouldn't be going back to school next week. It was such an amazing bit of news.

Then tonight I got my butt off the couch and went out walking. I wanted to cop out and didn't. I made myself push through. I talked myself around the giving in and turning around. I ended up running almost a mile of the 4. I felt so good when I got home. Tired, hot, wanting to collapse....but so good.

Why I have stopped working out is beyond me. I guess I have forgotten how wonderful it feels when I'm done with it. It is so wonderful to feel like I do when I'm done.

I haven't had a great food day. I am still trying to eat things that are going to stick me. Why do I do that? I don't know. Very very frustrating. I will be better tomorrow. I know I can get back on track. I know I can. I guess I've gotten so used to EVERYTHING sticking, that I don't think about what I'm eating. Back to bandster rules tomorrow. GRRRRR. I'll try to have some kashi tonight. Hopefully that will settle things a little bit.

I just watched Michael Phelps break the record for most gold medals. How exciting that was! How can you not swell with pride when our athletes do such amazing things? And with another world record time!!! Absolutely amazing.

Okay...running for a bit. I'll talk to you all again before bed.

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Hi Everyone, I'm so happy ya'll are watching the Olympics!!! I was talking about it to a few people at work and they said they don't watch them. I wait 4 years for them. If ya'll got to see the opening ceremony it was stunning. OMG!!!!!

I went for a fill yesterday afternoon. I told her I still didn't feel much. She checked my level, I had 8. She said, then I'm gonna take you up to 9. She said see if you can drink the Water. I said I'm gonna stay a while cause I wanna make sure. She said I don't think you're gonna go anywhere. So I went in the waiting room and drank five small glasses of water. She comes back and says if you're still drinking that water we have a problem. I said this is my 5th glass, but I want to talk to you. So I talked to her about my concerns. She said if this one doesn't work, she will order a GI.

So I go home. My appointment was at 3:00. I had two Slimfast before. This morning I PBed a Slimfast, I think I drank too fast. I had 2 more protien drinks today. I tried to eat cottage cheese tonight and PBed. I just melted my medicine in hot water and PBed it. That was truly gross! I'm sure I will have to go back and get some removed. BUT, now I am very happy and relieved to know it is still working. The taste of that medicine in my mouth is repulsive.

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Hi Everyone, I'm so happy ya'll are watching the Olympics!!! I was talking about it to a few people at work and they said they don't watch them. I wait 4 years for them. If ya'll got to see the opening ceremony it was stunning. OMG!!!!!

I went for a fill yesterday afternoon. I told her I still didn't feel much. She checked my level, I had 8. She said, then I'm gonna take you up to 9. She said see if you can drink the Water. I said I'm gonna stay a while cause I wanna make sure. She said I don't think you're gonna go anywhere. So I went in the waiting room and drank five small glasses of water. She comes back and says if you're still drinking that water we have a problem. I said this is my 5th glass, but I want to talk to you. So I talked to her about my concerns. She said if this one doesn't work, she will order a GI.

So I go home. My appointment was at 3:00. I had two Slimfast before. This morning I PBed a Slimfast, I think I drank too fast. I had 2 more protien drinks today. I tried to eat cottage cheese tonight and PBed. I just melted my medicine in hot water and PBed it. That was truly gross! I'm sure I will have to go back and get some removed. BUT, now I am very happy and relieved to know it is still working. The taste of that medicine in my mouth is repulsive.

I feel bad saying that I'm so excited you are too tight! I know that it is horrific but now you can be sure you have a functioning band in there. I hope the restriction holds. I have to say that a whole cc when you are THAT full seems crazy. I have to say how much change .2 cc's can make. On the other hand, at least you feel a little more relieved.

Let us know how it goes the next few days.

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Steph- I happy too. I was really afraid I had a stretched pouch or something.

I'm need a DVD recorder. It's almost 11, and I'm still watching the Olympics. Phelps is coming up, I ain't going no where. America is whooping ass and taking names is men's swimming. BUT I have to say I like China's uniforms the best. Their jackets are beautiful, I want one. Yellow and Orange, gorgeous!! China's men in gymnatics are unbelievable.

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Good morning ladies. :biggrin2:

I've been away this past week. We took an impromptu trip down to Galveston and Houston and had a blast there. Mostly. :rofl: Aunt Flo made the trip with us and for almost half the time there I felt (and probably acted) like a total biatch! :sad: This month's cycle was really tough going, not just for me, but for anyone who had to share my company. I knew I was PMSing. I couldn't stop myself from feeling bitchy no matter how hard I try. And heaven forbid anyone point out to me what I already knew! :mad2::confused2::rofl::rofl: The more I kept trying to relax, the more uptight I was.

But.... there were moments when I did and I really enjoyed them. We spent a day on waterslides and it was a blast. I forgot my swimsuit and had to go buy one, and I didn't look awful in it. :rofl: I felt so relaxed and comfortable. It was empowering not feeling like a beached whale like every other summer since childhood. :rofl:

We visited the Johnson Space Center in Houston. I didn't like it. :lol: We are all Sci-Fi/Space freaks and it was what prompted us to go south in the first place. It was meant to be the highlight of our trip. It was the lowlight. :sad: Unfortunately we chose a day when it seemed like every day care center in Houston was visiting. There were millions of kids everywhere. Screaming, yelling, pushing and getting in my way. Aunt Flo was not impressed!!! :rofl: It also seemed like the entire place was directed at everyone under 12 years of age. There were indoor bungee trampolines, climbing frames, trapeze, rope climbing, rock climbing.... what any of this had to do with "Space" is beyond me. :rofl: My son enjoyed it. It wasn't until most of the crowd had thinned out that we realised the REAL attractions were hidden out back. :crying: There was a tram tour around the vicinities, but we'd discovered it too late to get in line for the last one. There were displays in another area out the back of the timeline of space exploration. I would have like to have spent all my time in there reading up on everything, but my patience had already gone way beyond my limitations and Aunt Flo was at the control wheel by then. I did get to touch a piece of the moon brought back by the astronauts though. That made my day. :biggrin2: I also spent money in the gift shop. I bought a coffee mug, a t-shirt and a sweat-shirt. At least I can say "I've been there, done that." I just didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would. :rofl:

Since my stepson has been here, computer time is limited. There's fierce competition for it. I've discovered the best time for me is early in the morning. Everyone is still sleeping. I haven't got a chance of getting any time on it between 10am and well after midnight. :rofl:

It's been great having him here. The only fault I have is that he appears to be a glass half empty kind of kid. For example, last night I suggested he buy some mugs to take home as gifts for his mom and sister and he insisted that they'd get broken in transit. I said we could wrap them in bubble-wrap and cardboard and put them in the middle of his case, but he declined. He didn't want to buy "too much" because he wouldn't be able to fit it all in his case. I said we'd give him another case if need be. He didn't want to have to pull more than one along behind him. :rofl:

But he's a wonderful kid. He's very well mannered and gets on extremely well with my son. They've only had one little disagreement since he's been here and that was quickly forgotten. I'm really going to miss him when he goes back. We've asked him to come back possibly over the Christmas period but he's undecided as yet. He says he only has 2 weeks off school. Personally I don't see a problem with that, but again I think it's a case of glass half empty. I hope we can convince him to come again. :biggrin2:

Anyway, that's it from me. It's good to be back and to be rid of Aunt Flo finally!

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