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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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I'm here. LURKING ! ! ! I'm turning into a stalker. Oh yeah, I'm pouting too. 36_19_5.gif Feeling a little left out cause I didn't get to go to M of A. And because my stupid scale is still stuck! ! !

Cut your carbs and the scales will move again - and there is always next year - just start putting away your $5 bills for vacation $$$ next year

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Good evening ladies. I hope you all had a good day. I had a VERY busy one cleaning up and final prepping for family reunion. Then aunties and MIL came over and my anal retentive power fanatic self went crazy because they were here and I wasn't ready and if they would just give me 1 more hour I would have gotten that done...and that done....and that too.... It was a little nuts.

I decided that I'm going in on Monday for an unfill. I'm just not eating right and when I try to stick with my solid Protein I'm always hurting. I tried it for a month and I don't feel better. I have been eating very little for Breakfast, trying at lunch but most doesn't stay, and dinner is questionable. I've been supplementing with Protein Drinks and Fiber bars. I love that I'm never hungry but I can't even eat 3 bites of real food anymore. I really don't think I'm getting enough cals because I am still super tired most of the time. So I called and got an appointment for Monday. At least I'll have serious restriction for the reunion so I won't be able to go crazy.

Kari, don't be pouting....we drank margaritas and coladas for you. You were there in spirit. You all were. I'm putting $10 bills away for next year. If I can put about $200 per month....and dh doesn't know about it, then when it's time I'll be all set. I don't know if you're able to do that, but it's an idea. Another would be to do something like Phyl's diet challenge where they put a dime in everytime they do something wrong....however that worked....and then you can do it with $5 bills...but then if you're good it wouldn't help. dangit.

Candice, my son got all his reports back from the 10 tests he took. The psych calls it ADHD with a mood disorder. He's not sure he wants to call it bipolar or depression...but some sort of mood disorder. He suggested some new meds and I have to get in to a doc to get them prescribed, he wants him in therapy so I need to find a good therapist, he wants to put him on an IEP at school to get him some counseling there too as well as a little help on some of the academic problems, he wants Jeff and I to take a parenting course....and then he wants to see him in about 6 months to look at the depression/mood disorder. This psych is 4 hours away and I think that is why he wanted me to find a counselor closer. We have a lot of stuff to takke care of.

Anyone know anything about "Love and Logic"? That's the system he suggests for parenting.

Okay....gotta run for awhile. I'll be back.

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Did anyone go back a few posts and check out the websites for the Elvis Festival 2009 in Collingwood???

I didn't see any feedback?

Candice - Since we have already talked about it - I think coming to your place would be fun - At our next meeting I want to be able to spend more time visiting... Vegas is VERY hot in the summer - just like here at my place. I would like a more relaxed atmosphere. Again too much to do everyone going off in every direction and trying to get so much done in a short period of time... So, my vote would be coming to Canada..

have fun at your sis place w/your gf's...

Good evening ladies. I hope you all had a good day. I had a VERY busy one cleaning up and final prepping for family reunion. Then aunties and MIL came over and my anal retentive power fanatic self went crazy because they were here and I wasn't ready and if they would just give me 1 more hour I would have gotten that done...and that done....and that too.... It was a little nuts.

I decided that I'm going in on Monday for an unfill. I'm just not eating right and when I try to stick with my solid Protein I'm always hurting. I tried it for a month and I don't feel better. I have been eating very little for breakfast, trying at lunch but most doesn't stay, and dinner is questionable. I've been supplementing with protein drinks and fiber bars. I love that I'm never hungry but I can't even eat 3 bites of real food anymore. I really don't think I'm getting enough cals because I am still super tired most of the time. So I called and got an appointment for Monday. At least I'll have serious restriction for the reunion so I won't be able to go crazy.

Kari, don't be pouting....we drank margaritas and coladas for you. You were there in spirit. You all were. I'm putting $10 bills away for next year. If I can put about $200 per month....and dh doesn't know about it, then when it's time I'll be all set. I don't know if you're able to do that, but it's an idea. Another would be to do something like Phyl's diet challenge where they put a dime in everytime they do something wrong....however that worked....and then you can do it with $5 bills...but then if you're good it wouldn't help. dangit.

Candice, my son got all his reports back from the 10 tests he took. The psych calls it ADHD with a mood disorder. He's not sure he wants to call it bipolar or depression...but some sort of mood disorder. He suggested some new meds and I have to get in to a doc to get them prescribed, he wants him in therapy so I need to find a good therapist, he wants to put him on an IEP at school to get him some counseling there too as well as a little help on some of the academic problems, he wants Jeff and I to take a parenting course....and then he wants to see him in about 6 months to look at the depression/mood disorder. This psych is 4 hours away and I think that is why he wanted me to find a counselor closer. We have a lot of stuff to takke care of.

Anyone know anything about "Love and Logic"? That's the system he suggests for parenting.

Okay....gotta run for awhile. I'll be back.

Steph - I am glad you are going to get some taken out - if you are only eating 3 bits.. Being too tight is no good..

Love & Logic - I haven't heard that before - I did read one book when I got my GS back 6 yrs ago, but I can't remember the name. Alll I really remember is that we are not suppose to keep arguing with them and stick to what we say. Do you watch supernanny - it's like what she does - just keep putting them back on the naught chair - you don't aruge with them.. I will have to look it up.

Your son's 13 right?? That just a tough age. and isn't he is not a product of your & jeffs marriage where the other 2 are - maybe he is having issues with that - just a thought as with my GS he was everyones stepchild but with me he wasn't.. Hugs.. I wish I had more good advice - but I am a terrible one to give advice about kids I am not a great disciplinarian and am a yeller.. Plus am old school - when all else fails give them a smack... Now a days pple don't spank their kids - I still beleive in a swat on the butt.. But 13 yrs old is a little old to be spanking - but I think my GS got smacked on the arm at that age... - It will work out some how some way it always does but I know it's easy for me to say - Hugs... Wish I could do more..

This stupid post isn't working right, so I can't change the size or color. Maybe cause it's lightening out.



Thanks Denise - Isn't the storm gone by now or is a new one comming - I am off today but still up at 5:18 and have clean the kitchen - having my coffee and really havent watched the news yet..


Good Morning Everyone...

Want a shock this morning - I didn't have fish for dinner last night - I had roasted lamb shank with carrots and red tatoes.. I am going to have to up my calories in order to maintain - and have come to the realization that I am going to have to change up my eating some.. But am afraid to - I have been so programed for the last year to eat a certain way - to count calories etc.. I haven't kept a food diary since the beginning of July - but I still think about the # of calories in the foods that I am eating.. And I have become a very routine person in my old age and eating the same thing over and over with a little variation here and there has been easy for me.. Now I am going to have to venture out of my comfort zone..

All I can say even at goal - the battle isn't over and I am so afarid of going back in the other direction.. Plus I just got a note from another bander who was just banded in Nov 07 and she has lost her band (eroded) and they don't know why as she never got real restriction so it wasn't cuz she was too tight or anything.

I know that I say I do most of the work - but I stil have had the help of this great tool and don't know if I would be where I am at without it's help. It does control my portions..

Ok gym is about to open gotta get dressed - the doggies go to the beauty shop this morning too and I took my ring in last week to get sized - Yes Steph size 6 like the rings we tried on in QVC store and it's ready to be picked up - need to get nails done.. I dont need to shop though...

I will cbl :)

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Hey gang - Where is everyone...

Today I did 30 mintues on the stair stepper .. Level 4 OMW I was sweating like a pig... Thought I would try something new...

Well off to take the doggies to the beauty shop ...

I will CBL --- :tt2:

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hi, just a quickie - I am at work... I have the patient from Hell this a.m.

I try to "like" all my patients, but some are easier than others :-)


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Hi All! No wt. change this week, but that's ok. Spent the day helping DH clean garages in prep for reception in 2 weeks. Lots to do! DD got a unbeliveably fantastic job offer, so looks like she'll be moving in 3 weeks. Just waiting on the official contract before we all believe it. Looks like things will be "normal" after that. Then I will settle down and get serious about the last 10.

Ditto on Janet's reasons for Canada. It would be nice to have more visiting and relaxing time and less pressure to do something, plus Candice's place sounds great!

Edited by lindaa

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Hi All! No wt. change this week, but that's ok. Spent the day helping DH clean garages in prep for reception in 2 weeks. Lots to do! DD got a unbeliveably fantastic job offer, so looks like she'll be moving in 3 weeks. Just waiting on the official contract before we all believe it. Looks like things will be "normal" after that. Then I will settle down and get serious about the last 10.

Ditto on Janet's reasons for Canada. It would be nice to have more visiting and relaxing time and less pressure to do something, plus Candice's place sounds great!

Hey Linda - So when DD leaves it's just you and DH - are you going to be ok.. Well ya you will it will take a little time - but after a month or so.. You won't want them back full time - you will enjoy the visits but will be glad to see the go once you get use to the piece and quite (well this is how I dealt with it)

Yep - I really wish that we had - had more time to visit and just kick back - hell even going to a bar and dancing would have been fun - just as long as the next day we don't have to get up at the crack of dawn..

Once all your stuff is over (oh ya how much longer til you are a GM) is the baby due before the wedding?? You will get those last 10 lbs off..

Well took the doggies and went looking at Marshall's for some top store to junkie for me - I don't have the patients to go thru all those racks and then if you do find something and want a size larger good luck in finding it..

Did get a cute dress to go with my brown shoes and 1 top to go with my brown cords and another top to go with Jeans or black pants at Stien Mart.

Oh ya Linda - they have 3/4 arm lenght tee shirts at target in all colors and some that go to the elbow - I got like 6 of them $8 bucks each.. 2 black, 1 white 1 purple 1 green 1 gray

I'm washing clothes - got the bathroom 3/4 cleaned (need to mop) and cleaning out p j drawer and getting rid of the 2 x and xx large jammie..

Waiting for 7;30 to watch the olympics... I love watching them...

Ok gotta go take clothes our of the dryer.. CBL.

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Hey Everyone,

For some strange reason this computer is not letting me change font or size or color.

Any hoo- Janet it was just a thunder storm rolling through last night. The hurricane was just a one that hit near Houston last Tues. It formed around Mobile's coast, we just got a little rain.

I made it throught the work week, the kids start school on Monday. Then the real fun begins.... One thing about my job, it sure in the hell ain't boring.

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Evenin' folks. Been a long day today. VBS this morning, then left early afternoon to a wedding and we just got home. I was bad. Ate a lot, drank some beer and ate an end piece of wedding cake. Have to admit though, didn't upchuck today.

Steph - if I put $5.00 away every time I was bad............heck, I'd be leaving next week.36_2_50.gif

Janet - You and I seem to be the same kind of parent. I always say that God gave kids butts to smack.

Candace - Canada sounds great to me. It's closer than Vegas and the M of A.

Okay, it's bedtime.............talk to y'all tomorrow.


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I still can't believe what happened last night! I was sitting on the couch watching What Not to Wear. DH was watching some money show in his little office which is just off the living room. DD didn't come home from work, but we thought nothing of it b/c she IS 21 and usually does stuff with her BF in the evenings. Well, any way, I heard her car pull in the garage (we gotta oil that door) and I heard footsteps in the kitchen behind me--she's wearing stilletos, so without turning around I yell "Hi." A male voice says "Hi, how are you?" Thinking it was her BF, I replied, still without turning around, "Actually, a little cold at the moment," but something doen't feel right. Finally, I turned around to see my DS from LA standing there next to her! I haven't seen that son in over a year! I expected to see him in Boston next weekend, but never in my wildest dreams did it occur to me that he would come here first!!! Needless to say, that was the end of any TV watching in our house last night. I did however have more than my share of Long Island Ice Teas and Margurittas! So the fun begins--Tim will be here until Wednesday, then he leaves for Boston. We leave Thursday.

One of my other sons, Andy, and I are flying up to a resort area in N. Wi tomorrow (Sunday) to pick up some local wine for the reception and do a little shopping. Say a prayer--the "airport" is a little paved clearing in what is essentially a wooded area where another friend keeps an old car. We can't buy too much wine, or we won't make it over the trees when we take off!!! I probably wouldn not have been able to do this a year ago--if I even could have gotten into the little 2-seat plane!

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Hey Everyone,

For some strange reason this computer is not letting me change font or size or color.

Any hoo- Janet it was just a thunder storm rolling through last night. The hurricane was just a one that hit near Houston last Tues. It formed around Mobile's coast, we just got a little rain.

I made it throught the work week, the kids start school on Monday. Then the real fun begins.... One thing about my job, it sure in the hell ain't boring.

Denise Your fonts are working - I wish that we could just pick one and it would always be that style color etc - instead of the selecting & changeing ...

I don't think I could deal with all those smart ass kids... I know that they are someones kid and that most don't have great home lives - but - day after day after day... I would want to slap the shit out of them and then I would go to jail... Also my GS (andrew) has be in fights where he was defending hiself (kid bit him on the bus a few years ago and it was known that this kid had some issues) and he get suspended too.. I still don't get that - if you didn't start the fight why are you getting kicked out of school and even if you did - heck they love not having to go to school they should have on campus suspension - where they still have to go to school and do their work - staying home isn't punishing them...

Evenin' folks. Been a long day today. VBS this morning, then left early afternoon to a wedding and we just got home. I was bad. Ate a lot, drank some beer and ate an end piece of wedding cake. Have to admit though, didn't upchuck today.

Steph - if I put $5.00 away every time I was bad............heck, I'd be leaving next week.[/url]

Janet - You and I seem to be the same kind of parent. I always say that God gave kids butts to smack.

Candace - Canada sounds great to me. It's closer than Vegas and the M of A.

Okay, it's bedtime.............talk to y'all tomorrow.


Kari - it's cuz we are in the same age bracket and that's how we were brought up... but i do have to say my son & dil both do butt smacks too.

You weren't bad you were living life - it's not like you are eating cake every day..

I suggest you start your Lucky #7 vacation fund today...

I still can't believe what happened last night! I was sitting on the couch watching What Not to Wear. DH was watching some money show in his little office which is just off the living room. DD didn't come home from work, but we thought nothing of it b/c she IS 21 and usually does stuff with her BF in the evenings. Well, any way, I heard her car pull in the garage (we gotta oil that door) and I heard footsteps in the kitchen behind me--she's wearing stilletos, so without turning around I yell "Hi." A male voice says "Hi, how are you?" Thinking it was her BF, I replied, still without turning around, "Actually, a little cold at the moment," but something doen't feel right. Finally, I turned around to see my DS from LA standing there next to her! I haven't seen that son in over a year! I expected to see him in Boston next weekend, but never in my wildest dreams did it occur to me that he would come here first!!! Needless to say, that was the end of any TV watching in our house last night. I did however have more than my share of Long Island Ice Teas and Margurittas! So the fun begins--Tim will be here until Wednesday, then he leaves for Boston. We leave Thursday.

One of my other sons, Andy, and I are flying up to a resort area in N. Wi tomorrow (Sunday) to pick up some local wine for the reception and do a little shopping. Say a prayer--the "airport" is a little paved clearing in what is essentially a wooded area where another friend keeps an old car. We can't buy too much wine, or we won't make it over the trees when we take off!!! I probably wouldn not have been able to do this a year ago--if I even could have gotten into the little 2-seat plane!

Oh Linda I am so happy for you:biggrin: - what a great surprise !!! :thumbup: How did he react to your weight loss?? Yep prayers for that little plane - but how much fun - I have never been in one of those tiny ones.. Yep all the things that we are doing this year that we wouldn't think of doing a year ago. Losing this weight is really really improving the quality of our lives - and Heck look both you and I are up at the crack of dawn... I have made the bed - got the washer going - need to vaccum - hit the gym - nails etc.

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I still can't believe what happened last night! I was sitting on the couch watching What Not to Wear. DH was watching some money show in his little office which is just off the living room. DD didn't come home from work, but we thought nothing of it b/c she IS 21 and usually does stuff with her BF in the evenings. Well, any way, I heard her car pull in the garage (we gotta oil that door) and I heard footsteps in the kitchen behind me--she's wearing stilletos, so without turning around I yell "Hi." A male voice says "Hi, how are you?" Thinking it was her BF, I replied, still without turning around, "Actually, a little cold at the moment," but something doen't feel right. Finally, I turned around to see my DS from LA standing there next to her! I haven't seen that son in over a year! I expected to see him in Boston next weekend, but never in my wildest dreams did it occur to me that he would come here first!!! Needless to say, that was the end of any TV watching in our house last night. I did however have more than my share of Long Island Ice Teas and Margurittas! So the fun begins--Tim will be here until Wednesday, then he leaves for Boston. We leave Thursday.

One of my other sons, Andy, and I are flying up to a resort area in N. Wi tomorrow (Sunday) to pick up some local wine for the reception and do a little shopping. Say a prayer--the "airport" is a little paved clearing in what is essentially a wooded area where another friend keeps an old car. We can't buy too much wine, or we won't make it over the trees when we take off!!! I probably wouldn not have been able to do this a year ago--if I even could have gotten into the little 2-seat plane!

Tim made it home!!! What a wonderful surprise!!! Did you cry??? Its super that you'll have some time to visit with him before the Boston leg of the trip..

I am so envious of your flight to buy wine! What a hoot, are you buying Cherry Wine? Oh and Linda, you've lost over 100 lbs so go ahead and buy several cases of wine you can afford the weight on take off.

Have a blast:tt2:Hugs, Candice

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Hi, All!

I'm on a computer terminal in the Chicago Amtrak station.. lounge for sleeping car passengers. Nice... hot coffee, muffins, etc.... but I just ate the meat out of 1/2 pastrami sandwich and I'm uncomfortable so only coffee for me. I see y ou're going for an unfill, Steph... I've had a couple of miserable days but I think because I have a cold. We'll see how it goes for the next few days. PB, threw up, miserable time at the county fair after eating a small ear of corn and 1/2 hamburger.

We're boarding our Seattle train in aobut an hour. I enjoyed reading some of the posts... but only time to scan this one page.

Someone else is waiting to use the computer. have to go!!

Missing all of you!! HOme on Tuesday morning!

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Hey Everybody,

Linda - Loved the story, those younguns got you good.

Janet - I don't suspend for self defense. You have the right to defend yourself, but if someone is breaking up the fight you better stop.

My first day with the kids tomorrow, AAHHHHHHH

I'm pretty sure I have a fill tomorrow. I will have to ask my principal to let me leave a little early on the 1st day of school. I still do not feel the restriction I had before the BR, and I now have 8ccs. I'm really quite worried.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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