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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Hi ladies. It's been a long day. Started at 5am and it's really gotten to me.

I'm sorry my story about my pcp got you down. He really is a butthead most days. If he wasn't such a good pcp I would dump him.....but he is so up on so many things. I don't think he is right about my surgery, but it aggrivates me that he won't give me a chance. He did say that what little he knows about it, it makes much more sense than RnY.

Phyl, glad to see you pop in. I understand the struggle to get online while you're away. It's just not the same when you're using someone else's computer. Glad you are keeping up with us on your blackberry. You don't have to be strong with food all the time while you are there. Just remember to figure it in to your calorie budget. (like I should talk about budgeting after the MoA trip) When I go somewhere where I will be tempted over and over, I try to fill up on the better stuff. Can you start with salads and then not have the room for as much of the other stuff? I know sometimes that isn't an option and other times it just doesn't seem like a good idea. Today was a horrible food day for me, so don't think I'm not sympathetic.

I've been quiet the past few days. Aunt Flo has turned me into MegaBitch and I didn't want to force her onto any of you. But Denise made me LOL for the first time in probably the past 48 hours so I just had to come. :bananapowerslide: Just to be clear, I'm not laughing at your case of terminal bottle of vinegar dropped on the foot. Your sense of humor was exactly what I needed. Next time could you drop it a couple of days earlier so I don't have to suffer so much? :) I came to the right place to get me out of this funk I've been in. You guys are always what's best for me.

While I'm here.....

I'm glad you all made it home safely from M of A.

Janet - wonderful news on your test results.

Karri - you're looking fantastic.

There was other stuff I wanted to say..... obviously it's safely filed in my forgettory. :)

Filed in your forgettory!!!! I've never heard that before but I LOVE IT!!!!! Talk about make me laugh! That is hilarious! Now onto the megabitch issue. When we are struggling is when we need each other most. Don't think you shouldn't come here and say what you need to say. And you can always preface the comments with "I'm in a mood today, so forgive me if this sounds harsh...." I find that when I'm in those moods is when what I say tends to give me more insight than others....after the fact. It's like I'm really talking to myself. Maybe that doesn't make any sense....sorry...now I think I'm rambling. Glad you are back though. Tell Flo to hit the road...she's worn out her welcome this month and to come back and visit when she plans on being a little nicer!

Okay....now, kidlet's appointment went alright...follow up with dr. didn't....but that's another story...then we just got a phone call from a parent because he's being a bully at the pool....WILL IT EVER END???? I have a lot to process so I'm going to be quiet while I'm trying to get it all straight in my head.

I'll be around for an hour or so. I'll talk to you all later. Have a great Wednesday ladies.

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Steph, When my oldest was 14, I was ready to sell him to the Gypsys. It was a constant struggle with him. He terrorized his 3 younger sibs, and was always causing problems. He didn't have many friends--we switched schools a couple of times in hopes of giving him a fresh start. We would not sign for him to get his driver's license when he turned 16 and when we finally did, we also took it away a time or two. He learned to drywall when he had to repair the holes he put in the walls. (The bedroom door never did recover from his attacks.) We were not going to waste our money sending him off to college after he graduated HS, so he stayed home and went to the local tech college. He had to repeat some courses b/c he couldn't get himself out of bed in the morning (remember, there were 3 younger kids that had to deal with all of this). Then, somewhere around 19 he started to figure some things out. He put a little effort into school and got A's, he was able to move into an apartment with another guy, he got a job (where I worked!) and a girlfriend. He has since finished college, gotten married, bought a house, and has a really good job. He has thanked me for teaching him life lessons, and he acknowledged how difficult it was. Both my DH and I enjoy his company, and best of all, he is going to be a daddy in a couple of weeks. I know he's going to be a good father.

You asked if it will ever end. Yes, it will. My advice to you is to not give up on him. Enforce the limits, keep talking to him, let him know that you love him, but that you are not going to reward poor behavior. Life's choices have consequences--spell them out for him, and then follow up. It's really hard, and it will seem that he hates you, but in the end he will come around.

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Good Morning, Friends!

Found some computer time.

We're here until Saturday... leave at midnight that night.

Last night...they ordered pizza and wings for dinner! So, since we threw in $20 towards it, I felt okay about asking them to get me a chicken taco salad. So, I had my salad while they had their pizza and wings. Did have 1/2 an ice cream bar... but had to give it away. Too sweet and too full from the salad. DH still wants a fish fry because last Friday's was kind of a disappointment. Our favorite place... not up to par and small piece of fish w/roast beef. He said he got cheated so he wants to go to a different place. But place he wants to go to.. last year when we went I got scallops. They have a more varied menu with healthier choices. I wont' mention the two Cosmos that I drank! Won't do that this time!

Sister from OR was supposed to fly out this morning. She misread her itinerary and was an hour late! She will try again tomorrow!

DD & SIL are having a good time but now medical emergency with his father and he might have to leave early leaving her to fly back to Seattle by herself with three little ones!!

So... the drama continues here in Buffalo, and out west! other DD's beloved dog dying of cancer of the spleen... a new development this week also. My DH's favorite companion when he is over there cutting their 5 acres of lawn. They are great buddies.

So.... I will sign off now that I've filled you in on the food challenges here, and family issues!!

So happy to read all your posts and be able to keep in touch with all of you... my LapBand family! Certainly relate to the teen issues! Oh, my!! Our youngest was a BIG challenge!

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Thanks ladies for your words of encouragement. I have to remember that he really is a good kid at heart. It was he and I for 6 years and I really miss that bond that we had. It is just very difficult when you're in the heat of the moment. Deep down there is that wonderful kid. We just have to get him into therapy and on the right meds. It is amazing the difference the right meds have made for me so I know it will be night and day when we get that figured out.

Okay....gotta get cleaning. Company starts arriving tomorrow and I lost yesterday.....

Later ladies

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Good Morning Gang

Our computer is down so thought I would pop in and say Hi since I never made it here last night.

Ruby - Even though Aunt Flo doesn't visit anymore (well maybe once every 6 months) I still get moody. So when you want to be a b just come and say it's just one of those days and we will understand.

Linda- I love the story about your son and his success - I think of it often when dealing with my GS :cry_smile:

Steph - I totally get where did my sweet baby go... I have these pic's on my computer of my GS when he was 1 - 2 - 3 and he Idolized me and I was his world - now some days I am lucky to get 5 words out of him

It will get better but in the moment I know it's hard to see that - HUGS..

Cleaning - oh my house is a mess since I am off Friday I hope to get something done... Oh ya - my son just turned 37 and seems like he is finally getting it to get his crap together :0)

Phyll- Glad you are having a good time with your Family - HUGS about the dog.. :drool: it's my lil bears bday today - I just love my doggies and hate to think about them getting sick... Hope you DIL Dad's going to be ok - Prayers being said.

Ok gotta get to work - Hugs CBL

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Well I am headed off to WA for a while. I will be back Monday night. Going to spend some time with my brother. He took today and tomorrow off from work so that we could spend some time together (that means...get up here and help me paint my garage and fence!) Yeah he tried to make it sound sweet but I know better.

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Well I am headed off to WA for a while. I will be back Monday night. Going to spend some time with my brother. He took today and tomorrow off from work so that we could spend some time together (that means...get up here and help me paint my garage and fence!) Yeah he tried to make it sound sweet but I know better.

Have fun - think you will be getting exercise - that should make our exercise queen happy :9 Drive safe... Enjoy the time with your brother..

I will be going to visit sister and son next weekend...

Hugs - J

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Hey there gang what's up - the site is slow... well at least for me..

I went to the gym (arms tonite) came home messed with pictures collage (sp) then came here.. dinner is cooking fish (I know as usual) butternut squash (I love it but it's a b to cut in half if I didn't have some muscles I most likely couldn't)

No much to report - went to chinese with gf for lunch - had a orange chicken and cripy shrimp and 1/2 bite of rice - I got full on about a 3/4 cup of hard Protein but was hungry about an hour later.. I watched gf eat the shrimp in one bite where mine were either 2 or 3...

Well there goes the timer - gotta ck my veggies - If I don't get back on - have a good nite and talk to you all tomorrow

Kari where have you been????

Hugs & Love - Janet

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HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!

HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!

HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!

:)<<<< and the crowd goes WILD!!!!! >>>>:thumbup:

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Hey there gang what's up - the site is slow... well at least for me..

I went to the gym (arms tonite) came home messed with pictures collage (sp) then came here.. dinner is cooking fish (I know as usual) butternut squash (I love it but it's a b to cut in half if I didn't have some muscles I most likely couldn't)

No much to report - went to chinese with gf for lunch - had a orange chicken and cripy shrimp and 1/2 bite of rice - I got full on about a 3/4 cup of hard Protein but was hungry about an hour later.. I watched gf eat the shrimp in one bite where mine were either 2 or 3...

Well there goes the timer - gotta ck my veggies - If I don't get back on - have a good nite and talk to you all tomorrow

Kari where have you been????

Hugs & Love - Janet

I'm here. LURKING ! ! ! I'm turning into a stalker. Oh yeah, I'm pouting too. 36_19_5.gif Feeling a little left out cause I didn't get to go to M of A. And because my stupid scale is still stuck! ! !


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Janet--I noticed that this morning and was going to post something, but got distracted. Hourray for you!!! That has got to make your day! You've exceeded your own expectations, but I never had a doubt. What an inspiration.

Kari--I must have to same scale as you--the stuck one. We will just keep plodding along on together.

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Good evening ladies. Another quiet night I see. And with such wonderful news from our two favorite ladies!!!! One jumping for joy and the other running for it!

Janet! I have been on pins and needles hoping you would get good news early. I know how hard it is to just sit back and let the process work. What is the next step? What was it? Are you prone to having more? I just can't believe how relieved I am. I can only imagine how you are feeling.

Karri!!! Shame on you! Running 3 days before you were cleared. <wags finger at you while smirking> I'm actually a little surprised you didn't push it a few days before now. You really are a good patient. You do everything by the book. I bet you were an awesome partner in chem labs....no short cuts, no "ah it's good enough." I would have driven you nuts! I probably would have done better in organic though with you around. Probably wouldn't have had to do my labs 3 times each that semester. Just be careful. If it hurts, even a twinge, you need to stop and evaluate. I'm sure it felt amazing though.

hmmmm...there was something I was going to say to Linda....I'll have to go back and reread....sorry Linda....let's call it a blonde moment.

Candice, I couldn't drink that Isopure stuff. It was too strong tasting for me. I'm glad that Karri could help you. I'm glad you enjoyed the weekend. Maybe a day of liquids will help.

When I went in to my pcp to have my fingernail removed he asked me a bunch of questions about my band and then gave me some "fatherly" advice which actually made me a little wary. He said that they've been doing bariatric surgery in one form or another for 50 years and they have all been failures. He doesn't know much about this one and hopes they have found something that works better, but he's doubtful. He says I will probably do just fine this year, but after that it's probable that I'll go back to my old ways. It was very depressing. I assured him that I was learning how to eat differently, was exercising, was really changing my behavior and he just glossed over it and re warned me about relapse. I have to say that the only thing that kept me out of the corner crying was that I knew you all would never let that happen. And now you all know my mother....so I'm utterly screwed.

Now I'm all down again....dangit!!!!

I leave early in the morning with the eldest for a follow up with the child psych. I sure hope he can give me some guidance because I am definitely NOT doing well with him these days. We had a huge blow up last night. I shouldn't have said some of the things I did. He's pushing me past the point I have patience for. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Okay...I'm off for now.

Geesh Stephanie, your PCP sounds like a real eh'hole!!

:) How dare he discourage you and your weight loss successes so far. You have come so far, and he obviously dosn't KNOW anything about YOUR determination!!! Idiot!!!:mellow: ]

My DH has a wonderful saying just for times like this....

"don't argue with an Idiot, he has more experience than you and will beat you everytime!"

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Hi Ladies;

I've missed a few days, so had to go back and re-read some posts.... wow a lot happens when you aren't paying attention LOL

Janet; congrats on the Normal BMI, that is a huge accomplishment ! When I broke 30 I was ecstatic!! So I can only imagine your big grin on your face!!!

Linda; Wedding is looming closer... keep up with the workload and remember to take some "ME" time too! Peter has been LOVING the cheese! We havn't dipped into the Cherry wine yet, we are waiting for a special occasion when we are alone (wink,wink)

Steph; how did your Son's doc. visit go? Did they make any recommendations on his meds? Therapy?

Phyl; Glad to hear from you, and that your vacation is going o.k. tell Earl that I love a good fish fry too. I hope to have one this next week up at my sisters camp. Lots of lake trout and walleye up there YUM.

Karri & Kari; I will be thinking of you next week, "Double R" You are my exercise inspiration so I am going to do the Cliff mountain again.!!! But I am taking the 6 hr route this time!!! Single "R" when I was away at M of A I purchased New Hiking boots.... so I am going to break them in.

Ruby: I didn't mean to leave you out or anybody else.

I'll miss you all next week, but if I can steel myself away and use my Dear Sister's computer - then I'll be in touch. Otherwise, it'll be next week.

The cottages only have propane lamps, stoves & BBQ's no electricity...

Hopefully it won't rain, or it'll be board games and too much wine!~!:)

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Did anyone go back a few posts and check out the websites for the Elvis Festival 2009 in Collingwood???

I didn't see any feedback?

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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