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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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I've missed a couple of days but I'll try and read up on threads.

Linda, so super that the anniversary party went well!!! With regards to the depression, have you considered uping your meds?? just a thought. Sometimes I have to tweek mine up during the winter months (my bad time)

Janet, did you get your biopsy results yet? Do you guys have a long weekend there too? Its our CIVIC holiday So I'm off today and getting caught up on laundry before I go back to work this week.

Karri; I am constantly amazed by your healing! Wow, what a great job she did...

Stephanie; I forgot to mention how much I just LOVED your Mom... she is such a doll. Next time, I'll get to the casino with her LOL

Just came back from a nice 70 min hike in Blueberrie Trails with the doggies. DH and I picked some wild blueberries along the way and ate as we walked... it was warm and sunny and NO BUGS!!! Yeah.

Sat. I leave for another week up at my Sisters camp, if I climb that Cliff mountain again I am taking the LONG route (less incline) plus I can try out my new hiking shoes from M of A.

Right now, eating my lunch of Couscous & Chick pea salad from Sat. night. Its the first time I made it but it was pretty good.


I won't know the result's of my biospy until tomorrow....

No we don't have any holidays until the 1st Monday in Sept - Labor day for us so might be like your Civic day - I took Friday off for the biospy and cuz my son was here - I am taking this Friday off and then 14th & 15th (going to visit sis and son)- and the last week in August off - I have 25 Vacation days each year - I still have 9 days left - will take the week of Thanksgiving & week after off to get my Xmas shopping done.. Will be going to my Sis's for Turkey day as her bday is the 28th of Nov and she will be 60

You are doing great on your exercise - :thumbup: keep up the good work

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Thanks Janet!

Geez I miss you guys... its been kinda quiet on here. I have to work tomorrow, but if I am lucky I'll be off on Wednesday and be able to get into town to see my Mom. She's hanging in there and sounded pretty good on the phone today.

She just can't handle the humidity, so it's A/C visits for us either at her rez. or in my car. She loves to go out for a ride in the country.

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I got the results of my biospy this afternoon - No Cancer !!!! :thumbup::thumbup::cool2::thumbup:

Thanks for all your prayers and good thoughts....

I gotta go pay bills - will cbl

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Question for anyone who is up and on the computer.

Isopure, I bought a bottle in the States but i left it in my car for 5 days sealed but unrefridgerated.

It is supposed to be clear, but there is this milky thing floating in it. Itshould still be alright eh? There is nothing stated on the bottle about refridgeration.

But I just opened it tonight and put into the fridge.


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I got the results of my biospy this afternoon - No Cancer !!!! :thumbup::thumbup::cool2::thumbup:

Thanks for all your prayers and good thoughts....

I gotta go pay bills - will cbl

I am so relieved for you!!!

that is a terrible scare. Lumps are usually benign but until THEY tell you that it is always a worry.

So glad you are o.k..... will they remove it or just take a wait and see approach?

Hugs, Candice:w00t:

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Janet I am so glad to hear the news. I have been anxious all day and glad that I didn't have to wait until tomorrow to find out.

Peaches - If you shake the crap out of the bottle when it is really really cold it should go back to perfectly clear. If it gets too hot the Protein starts to coagulate together. If it doesn't go away just strain it out and it will be fine. That is all I used right after surgery. You can mix it in with sugar free Jello instead of Water and it is actually pretty good.

Shhhhh...don't tell....I was a naughty girl today and ran 1 mile with DH this morning. I couldn't help it. It felt so glorious. My lungs were burning, my knees felt a little rusty and my thighs were tingling by the end. I LOVED EVERY SECOND OF IT! I will not be running tomorrow as I want to start slowly. I had zero pain and no extra swelling. My binder was on EXTRA tight.

Well school doesn't start for us for another month (day after labor day) but I was back in my classroom today. I am hoping that I can get more done if I am sitting there as opposed to my home computer. So far the tactic has worked out.

Better get going. DH is waiting for me. I guess we are going somewhere!

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Janet I am so glad to hear the news. I have been anxious all day and glad that I didn't have to wait until tomorrow to find out.

Peaches - If you shake the crap out of the bottle when it is really really cold it should go back to perfectly clear. If it gets too hot the Protein starts to coagulate together. If it doesn't go away just strain it out and it will be fine. That is all I used right after surgery. You can mix it in with sugar free Jello instead of Water and it is actually pretty good.

Shhhhh...don't tell....I was a naughty girl today and ran 1 mile with DH this morning. I couldn't help it. It felt so glorious. My lungs were burning, my knees felt a little rusty and my thighs were tingling by the end. I LOVED EVERY SECOND OF IT! I will not be running tomorrow as I want to start slowly. I had zero pain and no extra swelling. My binder was on EXTRA tight.

Well school doesn't start for us for another month (day after labor day) but I was back in my classroom today. I am hoping that I can get more done if I am sitting there as opposed to my home computer. So far the tactic has worked out.

Better get going. DH is waiting for me. I guess we are going somewhere!

Thanks, Karri... I was afraid I'd have to through it out. And teh Jello idea sounds GREAT!!! I'll try that for sure.

I may try and have a completely liquid day tomorrow, just to get back on track after the weekend of Wine, pretzels and such... just a wee bit bad... Didn't go hog wild and pig out, but had some poorer choices.. Auh BBQ's are my downfall. And my pork ribs were fantastic, but I PB'd them!! I guess I was chewing too fast

I am glad you are taking it easy, getting back into running. I know you are anxious to get back to your schedule of exercise... keep it up, you look fantastic.

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Janet I am so glad to hear the news. I have been anxious all day and glad that I didn't have to wait until tomorrow to find out.

Peaches - If you shake the crap out of the bottle when it is really really cold it should go back to perfectly clear. If it gets too hot the Protein starts to coagulate together. If it doesn't go away just strain it out and it will be fine. That is all I used right after surgery. You can mix it in with sugar free Jello instead of Water and it is actually pretty good.

Shhhhh...don't tell....I was a naughty girl today and ran 1 mile with DH this morning. I couldn't help it. It felt so glorious. My lungs were burning, my knees felt a little rusty and my thighs were tingling by the end. I LOVED EVERY SECOND OF IT! I will not be running tomorrow as I want to start slowly. I had zero pain and no extra swelling. My binder was on EXTRA tight.

Well school doesn't start for us for another month (day after labor day) but I was back in my classroom today. I am hoping that I can get more done if I am sitting there as opposed to my home computer. So far the tactic has worked out.

Better get going. DH is waiting for me. I guess we are going somewhere!

Thanks Karri - they called right before I left work and yes it was good news I was pretty sure it was going to be that but you know how there is still that little bit of doubt in the back of your mind.

Congrats on your 1 mile - I am glad you got to run and just did a little and not too much - I bet it felt great...

I am so relieved for you!!!

that is a terrible scare. Lumps are usually benign but until THEY tell you that it is always a worry.

So glad you are o.k..... will they remove it or just take a wait and see approach?

Hugs, Candice:w00t:

Candice Thanks and Hugs right back - they are leaving it alone - she said the word fibroy (sp) but I really didn't listen to anything after the words all clear no cancer - the lump was 1 cmm - size of a pea i guess - i don't know metric but did look on a rules and came up with the size of a pea and I know that they put another marker in (now I have 2 a diamond from last year and ribbon this year) I will go back in 6 months for another mamo on my right breast.. The doc did say that losing the weight makes for better pictures..

Thanks, Karri... I was afraid I'd have to through it out. And teh Jello idea sounds GREAT!!! I'll try that for sure.

I may try and have a completely LIQUID day tomorrow, just to get back on track after the weekend of Wine, pretzels and such... just a wee bit bad... Didn't go hog wild and pig out, but had some poorer choices.. Auh BBQ's are my downfall. And my pork ribs were fantastic, but I PB'd them!! I guess I was chewing too fast

I am glad you are taking it easy, getting back into running. I know you are anxious to get back to your schedule of exercise... keep it up, you look fantastic.

Candice - I had a few drinks (3 or 4 tequilla & tonic's) Sat night and then came home and ate the dips (like ice cream bon bons but tinyier) that were left by my son - I gotta say drinking is not a good thing when you are trying to eat healthy cuz I just said "f" it I am eating those and did..

Linda - I cancelled my fill appointed that was for Wed - I agree - I don't need a fill - just some days you think you do - it's such a mental game sometimes. 2 more weeks to the wedding - remember we want to see picutres.

Ok - got my bills paid and it's 8:15 - gotta go eat - will talk to you all tomorrow - I have emailed Phyl - if I don't hear from her I am going to call her just to make sure everything is ok..

Sweet Dreams... Hugs and Love Janet

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Good evening ladies. Another quiet night I see. And with such wonderful news from our two favorite ladies!!!! One jumping for joy and the other running for it!

Janet! I have been on pins and needles hoping you would get good news early. I know how hard it is to just sit back and let the process work. What is the next step? What was it? Are you prone to having more? I just can't believe how relieved I am. I can only imagine how you are feeling.

Karri!!! Shame on you! Running 3 days before you were cleared. <wags finger at you while smirking> I'm actually a little surprised you didn't push it a few days before now. You really are a good patient. You do everything by the book. I bet you were an awesome partner in chem labs....no short cuts, no "ah it's good enough." I would have driven you nuts! I probably would have done better in organic though with you around. Probably wouldn't have had to do my labs 3 times each that semester. Just be careful. If it hurts, even a twinge, you need to stop and evaluate. I'm sure it felt amazing though.

hmmmm...there was something I was going to say to Linda....I'll have to go back and reread....sorry Linda....let's call it a blonde moment.

Candice, I couldn't drink that Isopure stuff. It was too strong tasting for me. I'm glad that Karri could help you. I'm glad you enjoyed the weekend. Maybe a day of liquids will help.

When I went in to my pcp to have my fingernail removed he asked me a bunch of questions about my band and then gave me some "fatherly" advice which actually made me a little wary. He said that they've been doing bariatric surgery in one form or another for 50 years and they have all been failures. He doesn't know much about this one and hopes they have found something that works better, but he's doubtful. He says I will probably do just fine this year, but after that it's probable that I'll go back to my old ways. It was very depressing. I assured him that I was learning how to eat differently, was exercising, was really changing my behavior and he just glossed over it and re warned me about relapse. I have to say that the only thing that kept me out of the corner crying was that I knew you all would never let that happen. And now you all know my mother....so I'm utterly screwed.

Now I'm all down again....dangit!!!!

I leave early in the morning with the eldest for a follow up with the child psych. I sure hope he can give me some guidance because I am definitely NOT doing well with him these days. We had a huge blow up last night. I shouldn't have said some of the things I did. He's pushing me past the point I have patience for. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Okay...I'm off for now.

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Wonderful news Janet !!!!!! :cool2:

Peaches - Take that milky thing out and put it on a plate in the sun. If it gets up and walks away, do not drink the Isopure.< /span>

My baby is getting his wisdom teeth out tomorrow morning. I'm nervous.

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Geez I miss you guys... its been kinda quiet on here. I have to work tomorrow, but if I am lucky I'll be off on Wednesday and be able to get into town to see my Mom. She's hanging in there and sounded pretty good on the phone today. She just can't handle the humidity, so it's A/C visits for us either at her rez. or in my car. She loves to go out for a ride in the country.

Uh, yeah! I can relate to the humidity. It's awful here in Buffalo today!!

Sorry I've been away for so long. Competition for the computer is STIFF!! And sometimes there are small bodies covering the floor of the computer room making it difficult for me to navigate the territory!! AND, we've been VERY BUSY!! Family things. Usually food things!! Fighting it tooth and nail!!

I got the results of my biospy this afternoon - No Cancer !!!! :tt2::thumbup::thumbup::lol:

Thanks for all your prayers and good thoughts....I gotta go pay bills - will cbl

HOORAY!! Wonderful news!!

Obviously I've been using my blackberry to read email TOO MUCH!! I keep reaching for it instead of the mouse!!

I may try and have a completely LIQUID day tomorrow, just to get back on track after the weekend of Wine, pretzels and such... just a wee bit bad... Didn't go hog wild and pig out, but had some poorer choices.. Auh BBQ's are my downfall. And my pork ribs were fantastic, but I PB'd them!! I guess I was chewing too fast

Tell me about it!! I think as soon as I get home I'm going to have to do another one of those FIVE DAY things to get back on track. I've been doing pretty good resisiting all the junk, but last night succumbed to a Krispy Kreme donut!!


When I went in to my pcp to have my fingernail removed he asked me a bunch of questions about my band and then gave me some "fatherly" advice which actually made me a little wary. He said that they've been doing bariatric surgery in one form or another for 50 years and they have all been failures. He doesn't know much about this one and hopes they have found something that works better, but he's doubtful. He says I will probably do just fine this year, but after that it's probable that I'll go back to my old ways. It was very depressing. I assured him that I was learning how to eat differently, was exercising, was really changing my behavior and he just glossed over it and re warned me about relapse. I have to say that the only thing that kept me out of the corner crying was that I knew you all would never let that happen. And now you all know my mother....so I'm utterly screwed. Now I'm all down again....dangit!!!!

Don't let that guy get you down!! You and me, we're going to SHOW those docs.. your primary care and my ortho guy!!!


Temptations here have been awful!

I am so noticing how much my family gravitates around food... that's not exactly the word I'm looking for, but you get the picture. Junk food, excessive food, wrong food. Now our DD & SIL are here and SIL is awful. We no sooner get to Niagara Falls yesterday before he is looking for something to eat instead of looking at the falls! I am so worried about him!!

Wonderful news Janet !!!!!! :lol:

Peaches - Take that milky thing out and put it on a plate in the sun. If it gets up and walks away, do not drink the Isopure.< /span>

My baby is getting his wisdom teeth out tomorrow morning. I'm nervous.

Good luck with the wisdom teeth thing, Mango!!

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Janet--Thank God for your good news! I'm so happy for you!!

Phyl--so good to hear from you. I totally know these family things. It's amazing how much revolves around food. How much longer is this going to go on?

Karri--amazing pics! You've got to be so pleased!

Steph--hope all goes well with your son and you get some helpful advice in how to deal with it. Be patient with yourself. None of us are perfect parents--we just do our best and pray alot. I lost it with my dd this morning too, and said some things I now wish I had said differently. It's tough. Take what your PCP says with a grain of salt--you know more than he/she does about LBS.

Candice--I miss you! I don't know, just losing my mind these days. Maybe going back to work will be a good thing?

Denise--wisdom teeth are a piece of cake as long as they give the kids good drugs. Keeps them quiet, and makes your life easier!

Looks like today will be the last of my "quiet" days. DH will be home tomorrow, so I'll have yard work (weeding, mulching) in the AM, and shop with him for a new suit in the PM. I do love quiet summer days!

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We just got home from the oral surgeon. It was the first time my baby has been put to sleep so I was really nervous. They also numbed his mouth so he can't swallow his pills. I hope he doesn't wake up in too much pain. He rinsed his mouth out and seeing the blood made him pale.

I went straight to get his meds after the appt. I bought a bottle of apple cider viniger and 2 drinks for DS. The lady put all 3 in one bag. I pick up the bag, it busted, the vineger fell from counter height onto my big toenail. I almost passed out. It hurts like a @#$!$@@$. I just had major filet me like a fish surgery and I felt nothing like this. I just took some meds. It's throbbing like a @#@$!

Steph- I don't know how you lived through it. I may not survive this.

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Janet! I have been on pins and needles hoping you would get good news early. I know how hard it is to just sit back and let the process work. What is the next step? What was it? Are you prone to having more? I just can't believe how relieved I am. I can only imagine how you are feeling.

When I went in to my pcp to have my fingernail removed he asked me a bunch of questions about my band and then gave me some "fatherly" advice which actually made me a little wary. He said that they've been doing bariatric surgery in one form or another for 50 years and they have all been failures. He doesn't know much about this one and hopes they have found something that works better, but he's doubtful. He says I will probably do just fine this year, but after that it's probable that I'll go back to my old ways. It was very depressing. I assured him that I was learning how to eat differently, was exercising, was really changing my behavior and he just glossed over it and re warned me about relapse. I have to say that the only thing that kept me out of the corner crying was that I knew you all would never let that happen. And now you all know my mother....so I'm utterly screwed.

Now I'm all down again....dangit!!!!

I leave early in the morning with the eldest for a follow up with the child psych. I sure hope he can give me some guidance because I am definitely NOT doing well with him these days. We had a huge blow up last night. I shouldn't have said some of the things I did. He's pushing me past the point I have patience for. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Okay...I'm off for now.

Steph I started this - this morning and now 3 p.m. and still haven't replyed - No plan of action I just have to go back in 6 months for another mamo & ultra sound on my right boob...


You know that there are successes with any bariatic surgery and that there are successes with addiction - not everyone fails and we Lucky #7 are the exception to the rule - Your DOCTOR CAN GO SCREW HIS SELF WHY WOULD HE BE SO INSENSETIVE - I JUST CAN BELEIVE IT - HE SHOULD BE CHEERING YOU ON.... OH I AM PISSED AT HIM


Wonderful news Janet !!!!!! :)

Peaches - Take that milky thing out and put it on a plate in the sun. If it gets up and walks away, do not drink the Isopure.< /span>

My baby is getting his wisdom teeth out tomorrow morning. I'm nervous.

Thanks Denise - How are you - I heard something on the news this a.m. about edwarduo and LA - are you going to be ok... Hugs

Janet--Thank God for your good news! I'm so happy for you!!

Phyl--so good to hear from you. I totally know these family things. It's amazing how much revolves around food. How much longer is this going to go on?

Karri--amazing pics! You've got to be so pleased!

Steph--hope all goes well with your son and you get some helpful advice in how to deal with it. Be patient with yourself. None of us are perfect parents--we just do our best and pray alot. I lost it with my dd this morning too, and said some things I now wish I had said differently. It's tough. Take what your PCP says with a grain of salt--you know more than he/she does about LBS.

Candice--I miss you! I don't know, just losing my mind these days. Maybe going back to work will be a good thing?

Denise--wisdom teeth are a piece of cake as long as they give the kids good drugs. Keeps them quiet, and makes your life easier!

Looks like today will be the last of my "quiet" days. DH will be home tomorrow, so I'll have yard work (weeding, mulching) in the AM, and shop with him for a new suit in the PM. I do love quiet summer days!

Linda Thanks !!!! I wish I had some quite summer day :0)

We just got home from the oral surgeon. It was the first time my baby has been put to sleep so I was really nervous. They also numbed his mouth so he can't swallow his pills. I hope he doesn't wake up in too much pain. He rinsed his mouth out and seeing the blood made him pale.

I went straight to get his meds after the appt. I bought a bottle of apple cider viniger and 2 drinks for DS. The lady put all 3 in one bag. I pick up the bag, it busted, the vineger fell from counter height onto my big toenail. I almost passed out. It hurts like a @#$!$@@$. I just had major filet me like a fish surgery and I felt nothing like this. I just took some meds. It's throbbing like a @#@$!

Steph- I don't know how you lived through it. I may not survive this.

Denise I did that at the grocery store once with a can of dog food - it hurt for days

Ok I gotta go will ck in tonite

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I've been quiet the past few days. Aunt Flo has turned me into MegaBitch and I didn't want to force her onto any of you. But Denise made me LOL for the first time in probably the past 48 hours so I just had to come. :bananapowerslide: Just to be clear, I'm not laughing at your case of terminal bottle of vinegar dropped on the foot. Your sense of humor was exactly what I needed. Next time could you drop it a couple of days earlier so I don't have to suffer so much? :) I came to the right place to get me out of this funk I've been in. You guys are always what's best for me.

While I'm here.....

I'm glad you all made it home safely from M of A.

Janet - wonderful news on your test results.

Karri - you're looking fantastic.

There was other stuff I wanted to say..... obviously it's safely filed in my forgettory. :)

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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