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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Okay, what's a bodyshaper?........And where do I get one? Showed my daughter how my belly jiggles back and forth when I shake my bootie.l Thought she wqs going to pee her pants.

STILL WAITING TO SEE PICS. Sorry candice, they didn't come thru in m y e-mail. Sorry we didn't get to meet up. Maybe some other time. Where exactly are you located in Canada? And will I need a passport to get across the bridge?

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I am back as well, but my trip was no where near as exciting! I did get a fill which is a good thing because the scale is awful. I only got 1cc because she thought that 1.4 was too tight. (My fills are done under fluoro)

I am glad you all had a great time. We hope to be there in Vegas!

Karri - I am so glad your doc's are talking to each other and you are all on the same game plan... I am happy happy about that

Okay, what's a bodyshaper?........And where do I get one? Showed my daughter how my belly jiggles back and forth when I shake my bootie.l Thought she wqs going to pee her pants.

STILL WAITING TO SEE PICS. Sorry candice, they didn't come thru in m y e-mail. Sorry we didn't get to meet up. Maybe some other time. Where exactly are you located in Canada? And will I need a passport to get across the bridge?


Shapewear - Spanx's - or Lipo in a Box - Flexes' tomorrow I will send you a link to them - but I just upload all my pic's from M of A Trip and it's 9:17 and I haven't eaten and I need to get to bed and clean the kitchen still.



Peaches - Glad you got home ok - dh still hasn't noticed your ears :)

I noticed right away...:)

I'm beat too... Worked all day got home yesterday around 8:30 I think I was asleep by 10 but got up a couple times and the alarm when off too soon - gotta p/u DS from airport tomorrow and am off Friday for my thingie at 8 a.m so gotta get my rest - tomorrow gym..

So til tomorrow morning ... Love to all Sweet Dreams...



Steph - you aren't home yet??????

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My gosh I wish I could have been there. Funny thing was I found out today that I could have been. My girlfriend called and said she just got back from MofA. I said when did you go there. SHE LEFT FRIDAY AND CAME HOME SUNDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I told her all about the Lucky number 7's and the weekend and she said I am so sorry I didn't mention it last week you could have gone with me. I am still just reeling from the fact that I could have been there and wasn't. I will DEFINATELY be in Vegas next year. We got married out there 2 and 1/2 yrs ago and we have been talking of going back since before the plane landed back in Iowa. So glad that you all had a great time. I sooooo wish I would have been there. Don't know that I would have shopped ll that much but the convirsations and hanging out would have been great!!! We need pics when you all get some rest and recuperate.

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Okay, what's a bodyshaper?........And where do I get one? Showed my daughter how my belly jiggles back and forth when I shake my bootie.l Thought she wqs going to pee her pants.

STILL WAITING TO SEE PICS. Sorry candice, they didn't come thru in m y e-mail. Sorry we didn't get to meet up. Maybe some other time. Where exactly are you located in Canada? And will I need a passport to get across the bridge?

OMW,, body shapers!!!! they are the best invention since hair spray!!!

I bought Spanx panty with high top coverage (all the way up to my bra) and I look 10 lbs thinner... nothing giggles. No Panni roll, its awesome.

When I put it on the other girls were so encouraging. So I went back to Nordstroms and bought another in a long legged variety. $72 but worth its weight (pun intended) in gold! :)

I am up 2 lbs from my Mall of America trip, but with my new Oprah bra and spankx I feel PRETTY today!@

pictures are on a separate THREAD

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I'm in Buffalo. Got here yesterday morning. DH did NOT ever notice my earrings... I ended up telling him after I realized it was the ORIGINAL holes that were not lined up right and I want to see if I can get that fixed by adding one hole to the right ear lobe. He is flippin' out over that telling me NO ONE will notice. He's probably right since it took me 30+ years to notice they weren't even. But now that I know it bugs me...it seems quite noticeable when I have two earrings in. I found out there is a "Piercing Pagoda" here and I will be visiting there with one of my sisters in the next two days but will probably have to "SNEAK"! :tt2:

Last day... we took the little metro train to downtown Minneapolis and cruised down the river walk for a couple of blocks and came back. We were within 1/4 mile of the 35W bridge that collapsed last year but DH is too paranoid about my scooter batteries going dead (right, girls??) to let me continue!! So we went back up the hill to the trolley station.

Monday morning was sort of a nightmare... whole day wasn't all that great, in fact!! Train was supposed to be in at 7:30 a.m. and leave at 7:35 a.m. So we got up at 4:30 a.m. and got to the train station at 6 a.m. I know... too early! No one was even there and the doors were locked! Finally let us in 1/2 hr later and gate agent was extrememly helpful and managed to get us upgraded to handicap sleeper (full car width) on the Chicago-Seattle leg on the way home for only $40 more! They wanted $275 to upgrade us to same for the Chicago -Buffalo leg because we only booked coach. So we decided to live with that and it wasn't so bad.

BUT... bad news is that the train never came in until 8 a.m. and then it "LIMPED" in with broken engines. So it took them TWO HOURS to switch out broken ones with fresh ones. We left three hours late and never made it up. THEN they told us there was NO LOUNGE car. For coach passengers that means NO food available! Those people hadn't had any Breakfast OR coffee and lady across from us was freaking out because she had a "caffeine headache". And she had a horrible day because she kept trying to sneak outside for smoke breaks every time we stopped and they were trying so hard to make up time that they kept chasing her back in to the train!! :)

So they stop at this little tiny town called Wisconsin Dels and load huge cardboard boxes onto our car... THREE HUNDRED KFC dinners!! I peeled all the skin off and ate what dark meat I could... chicken does not like me. And I gave DH the biscuit and cookie... but I'm sorry... KFC cole slaw one of my very favorite things. So I ate it and the little thingy of mashed potatoes. Not a good food day since it started with a vending machine breakfast sandwich and ended with train terminal Chinese... most of which went in the trash. It was disgusting and greasy.

But, the worse was yet to come... "Witch Hester" enters the picture! First, handicap and Sr. citizens were herded in to the "inner" cattle holding area. That was after DH told me to pull my scooter up to the entry so they could see I would need assistance. (No loading ramps in Chicago or east of there). As soon as I did that, everyone else waiting for the train panics and bunches up behind me and around me! It would be too kind to call it a line. It was definitely a BUNCH.

Finally they start taking us down a few at a time with Red Caps. But I get to the car we're supposed to get in and we meet HESTER. She is ferociously directing traffic and wants nothing to do with me because I have a scooter and that requires a lift to load and that will disrupt her process. We find out much later that she is bipolar and maybe forgot to take her meds that day! Sorry... no offense folks!! She tells DH that we have to go back to the terminal and find someone to assist us because she is NOT going to do it! Meanwhile, all those other cattle are boarding the train and we're not going to get seats together. So a Red Cap guy comes by and I am almost in tears and tell him my story and he tells me not to fret. :):crying::)

HE WILL TAKE CARE OF ME!! So he comes back with the lift and WITCH HESTER will not stop her process to let him load me! He gets pissed off and leaves and tells her she's on her own (and me, too!) But, he eventually comes back with reinforcements. He takes DH on the train despite her, chases two people out of seats in the back near where the place for wheelchairs/scooters is and tells DH to plop our suitcases there to save the seats. Witchy person comes along soon after that and tells him he has to move. DH stands his ground while at the same time moving any bags put in to the scooter parking slot and guarding his territory quite effectively. I didn't know what was going on.. I'm still sitting outside on the scooter wondering if I will ever be allowed on the train! But, the two red caps took over when the witch went inside and they loaded me on the train and finally everything was fine and the witch eventually went to bed and we had a really nice lady. Until the witch came back just before Buffalo and started barking at people to pick up their garbage and put it in the trash can. She seemed to take great joy in waking people up to tell them that!

So... this is TOOOO long, but I had to tell you about our train adventures! The whole train thing has been quite enjoyable except for that one 24 hour period!!

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Did anyone say that we all hit the Nordstrom's "intimates"... four of us had bra fittings with "Connie" and had our "girls" lifted. Wonderful! I got two new bras. Other things I bought... Merrell sandals, two blouses (40% off) at C.J. Banks... never heard of that store until one of the girls told me about it... it was either "Thelma" or "Louise". I'm old. I can't remember. Travel purse at QVC.. my first experience with QVC. Two pairs of earrings and a "Mall of America' sun visor hat. My favorite things to buy.... hats, purses, shoes!!

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Where is Stephanie??? Did she make it home o.k?????

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Alright ladies....I made it home!!! Sorry to worry you all, but my family attacked me and this is the first chance I've had to get online since I got home yesterday.

Where to start??? Oh my word, I don't even know. It was the most amazing trip of my life! I feel like I've just woke from a dream.

It started when my mom called me just after I got on the train. She surprised me by saying she was on the train too!!! She had told me that the ticket was too expensive and that she wasn't going to be able to make it. I thought I was going to be traveling alone. But then she was there!!! How amazing was that?????

So then we met Phyl and Earl. What amazing people they are! Earl worries WAY TOO MUCH about Phyl's scooter. He is just a hoot! Phyl is a little .... ummm... let's call it devious. Waiting for Earl to turn his back so she can get her ears pierced. I can just imagine what she was like in her 30's! Let me just tell you all that Phyl is the most inspirational woman I have ever met. To have taken control of her life back at her age and after all the hardship it has caused. And her spirit! All of you who couldn't make it, you have got to meet this woman!

We got to the hotel and of course rooms weren't ready because it was only 8am....and we were EXHAUSTED so we waited in the lobby, ate some breakfast and pestered and pestered this poor woman until she had rooms ready for us. I'm so glad that we had a chance to get freshened up before the other ladies arrived because they were shopping crazy!!!

Okay....if I go blow by blow we will be here forever. Let's just say that it was amazing. I don't know who out shopped who, but I had to buy a second suitcase to come home and one of them was still over weight by 1 pound. I shouldn't have brought the wii fit. I could have bought another 5 things at least. I haven't unpacked yet so I can't even tell you what all I bought. I did get a new wedding set. My fingers have gone from a size 8 to a size 6. If you have a chance to go to a Chico's it can be the most uplifting experience. They have different sizes than typical. I bought something a size 1/2.

Phyl introduced us to this amazing woman at Nordstrom's that helped all of us raise our girls. My DH thanks you. If you have not gotten fitted in a long time, I would suggest you make a point to do so. I never thought I needed someone to tell me what size bra to wear....who doesn't know what size they wear??? But I was way wrong and my girls are THRILLED. I could almost tell myself they don't need a dr. to perk them up any longer....not sure about that, but it is possible when they are wearing their new clothes! Oh...and Spanx makes a BRA!!!! It is wonderful comfortable.

I haven't weighed in yet. Tomorrow is the day. I will see if I've gained or lost. I'm sure gained....but I'm a little scared of how much. I was much more open on our trip than I have been at home....and since coming back, I'm tight again.

Oh...and I bought some GNC papaya while I was out there....walmart's is so much better tasting. Cheaper and better tasting. I'll buy it at Walmart from now on.

Okay....young lady is awake again. I'd better go for a bit. I am glad to see everyone home. Phyl, sorry you had such a Hagitha on the train. That is horrible. It makes me angry that anyone could treat you that way! I'm so sorry. I'm glad you got upgraded for the home trip though. You'll really enjoy that. I know the sleeper on the way home was so much more comfortable than coach. I told DH that we need to travel that way as a family soon.

Okay....I'm off.

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Oh...about the ear piercing. I did NOT get a second hole put in my ears. I didn't realize that Candice did hers. I thought about it but I rarely wear earrings anyways so thought it was silly to put a second hole in.

I wanted to thank all the ladies for welcoming my mom, Rose, with open arms. They were awesome and she had a great time. She talked about you all the way home. Thanks for that.

Okay...where are all the chatties???? It's awfully quiet around here.

Karri, how is the fill going? Did the 1 cc help with the monsters that were haunting? I sure hope so. And how was the trip? Are you feeling better? More awake this week? I haven't checked your blog the last few days.,

Denise, how did the pouch test go? Did you have the follow up done? Where are you sitting?

Share ladies!!! You're all being way too quiet.

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Steph - I tried the cottage cheese thing, but I feel I stopped eating because I had enough, but not because I was full. Hard to explain but not full as in no more can fit, because I have basically no restriction.

Dammit, my paragraph just disappeared.

I went in Monday, I thought the nurse was gonna investigate, but she just did a fill. I now have 8cc., which seems like A LOT to me. If I still feel no restriction, I will insist on an xray

Bowzer from Sha na na is on TV right now, I haven't seen him in years. He reminds me of Ray Ramono's brother


Glad to see everyone made it home safe.

Janet, my QVC coat came in this afternoon, I may send it back for a size smaller. I love it.

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Good morning ladies. I'm going to be around a bit today. I need to clean clean clean my house because it has been destroyed while I was gone. I also have to weigh in but am waiting for my kids to go to daycare so I can crawl on the wii board without distraction. The biggest problem with waiting until after they are at daycare is that I don't want to eat until after my weigh in so I'm getting hungry. Not a huge thing though I guess. I can't believe I've gone almost an entire week without weighing. That is so unlike me. And I'm not frantic either. Amazing.

I am going to the school today to talk to the superintendent about teaching science. He called me on Tuesday and asked and I told him I would but I really need to get everything solidified better. I'm in trouble with my mom about it....but DH does understand my dilemna. I am so torn. I loved teaching math. I didn't give up that job so that I could teach science. I don't want the kids to not have science though. I don't know that I have the skills to teach it though. I may have a chem minor but that is a long ways from being qualified to teach all those different science classes.

Okay...time to run. Daycare for Jai, dentist for Nick, then daycare for Nick and down to the school. I think I'll ride my bike so that I can at least call that FUN!!! I'll be back this afternoon.

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Steph - I certainly could help you out on the science front. I have taught everything (biology is my weakest, but I still have enough basic knowledge that I could help out!)

As for the fill...I don't know if it is working or not. I have been on liquids for the last 2 days. However, I am not waking up in the middle of the night and in the morning STARVING. So I guess that is definetly a plus. I have breakfast in front of me right now so I will see how it works and check in later!

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Hey Gang

this is short and sweet as I got tons to do - being off monday and won't be here tomorrow (biospy) and my son is visiting...

Today was my weigh in - 146 - so I only gained 1/2 lbs - for all that eating I did I am very happy..

My suit case was 48 lbs :0) so just made it.

Karri - Hope you got the help you needed with that fill... You go the tools so don't feel bad for maintaining it :biggrin:

Phyl - OMG - You have the paitience of a Saint - I would have cussed someone out ..

Ruby - Glad everything is working out with stepson

Steph - We loved your Mom - she fit right in...

Denise - hope the fill work - if not demand the fluro and don't you love it having to return for smaller size:lol:

Jackie - we would loved if you could have come - we really missed having the rest of you - Karri - Denise - Kari - You - So you guys really gotta plan for next year..

Ok I gotta split...

for pictures go to our main July 2007 thread and look for m of a trip - I post link a page ago for you who missed it - Steph & Phyl stil need to up load theirs and Candice should have a few more..


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Okay...just a quick check in....

Nick was horrible at the dentist. Wouldn't let the hygenist do anything. It was so embarrassing. grrrr

I got wii hooked up and my weigh in was 148.8!!!!! Now onto the exercise so I can keep the downward direction. Next order of business is breakfast. I definitely understand the waking up starving Karri! I think I could gnaw off my arm.

I'm going to go look at texts today. I don't even know what I'll be teaching for sure. I am definitely hating this. I will probably take you up on the help Karri. I don't even know where to start or what to have them get for supplies. Lord help me.

Okay....unpacked and this is my total purchase....

5 pairs of shoes, 2 dresses, 1 skirt outfit, 2 pairs of sweats, 2 pairs of pants, 10 tops, 1 Brett Favre jersey, 1 necklace, 1 wedding ring set, 1 toe ring, 2 pairs of earrings, 1 pair of pajamas, 4 bras, 2 Spanx, 1 set of nails, 1 large suitcase, 2 outfits for Jai, 2 stuffed animals from build a bear, 1 tee for eldest. I believe I left enough money at the mall. They should give complimentary service after all that!!! Or a free cart or something. I don't even want to see the credit card bill.

Okay. I've got a ton to do. I'll talk to you all later.

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Okay...just a quick check in....

Nick was horrible at the dentist. Wouldn't let the hygenist do anything. It was so embarrassing. grrrr

I got wii hooked up and my weigh in was 148.8!!!!! Now onto the exercise so I can keep the downward direction. Next order of business is breakfast. I definitely understand the waking up starving Karri! I think I could gnaw off my arm.

I'm going to go look at texts today. I don't even know what I'll be teaching for sure. I am definitely hating this. I will probably take you up on the help Karri. I don't even know where to start or what to have them get for supplies. Lord help me.

Okay....unpacked and this is my total purchase....

5 pairs of shoes, 2 dresses, 1 skirt outfit, 2 pairs of sweats, 2 pairs of pants, 10 tops, 1 Brett Favre jersey, 1 necklace, 1 wedding ring set, 1 toe ring, 2 pairs of earrings, 1 pair of pajamas, 4 bras, 2 Spanx, 1 set of nails, 1 large suitcase, 2 outfits for Jai, 2 stuffed animals from build a bear, 1 tee for eldest. I believe I left enough money at the mall. They should give complimentary service after all that!!! Or a free cart or something. I don't even want to see the credit card bill.

Okay. I've got a ton to do. I'll talk to you all later.

Congrats Step on the 148.8 that's super..:biggrin:

Ya I think you got me beat on the # of items - 5 pairs of shoe OMG !!!

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