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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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I live about 25 miles south , somewhere between #6 and 7. closer to #7. But, if I'm gonna be up in Grd. Rapids watching the kidlets, they only live 22 miles from Muskegan. I could meet you at the dock.


Yes meet at the doc and take pictures.....

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Good evening ladies. It was an alright day I guess. I'm a little concerned.

I think I may be too tight. Or, maybe I just don't know how to eat this tight. I'm struggling to eat anything solid. A few bites and I've got a horrible pain in my chest. I can eat a cup of fruit. I can drink. But anything solid is horrible. I've only pb'd after I've tried to drink after enough time has passed. And only the liquid comes back. I don't know. I'm not sure what to do. Part of me thinks it's just the learning curve and this is the first time I've had true restriction....part of me worries I'll get out to MofA and have a real problem. I can get liquid in so I'm not worried about dehydration.

So ladies, I'm asking for advice. To get unfilled I have to drive 5 hours. Right now, even though not impossible, very poor timing. Is it that imperative or since I can drink, will I be alright? I have a needle for emergencies so I will bring that with me just in case....but I don't know....

Today I started with coffee...then a cup of fruit at church with a couple of bites of roll chewed very well. lunch, before our ride I ate four bites of chicken salad. I should have stopped at three. A little later I tried one piece of Jerky. Was alright until 45 minutes later when I tried to drink a drink of Water. The water didn't go down. Had a quarter of a quessa burger at applebees. It was divine and it stayed fine. When I got home I tried a couple of bites hamburger hot dish. It's been stuck and I've been trying to get it down for an hour or so.

Papaya enzyme....when you eat it, how many do you eat, how fast, how often?? Can you o.d. on it? I bought some to bring with me and to keep in all our vehicles. The bottle says take 4 at a time but not how many times a day you can take it.

Okay...off for now. I'll talk to you later ladies.

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Happy Bandiversary Phyllis. Can't believe it has been one year for both of us. The scale is moving not much but it is moving. Still have 40 to go to normal BMI

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Good evening ladies. It was an alright day I guess. I'm a little concerned. I think I may be too tight. Or, maybe I just don't know how to eat this tight. I'm struggling to eat anything solid. A few bites and I've got a horrible pain in my chest. I can eat a cup of fruit. I can drink. But anything solid is horrible. I've only pb'd after I've tried to drink after enough time has passed. And only the liquid comes back. I don't know. I'm not sure what to do. Part of me thinks it's just the learning curve and this is the first time I've had true restriction....part of me worries I'll get out to MofA and have a real problem. I can get liquid in so I'm not worried about dehydration.

So ladies, I'm asking for advice. To get unfilled I have to drive 5 hours. Right now, even though not impossible, very poor timing. Is it that imperative or since I can drink, will I be alright? I have a needle for emergencies so I will bring that with me just in case....but I don't know....

Today I started with coffee...then a cup of fruit at church with a couple of bites of roll chewed very well. lunch, before our ride I ate four bites of chicken salad. I should have stopped at three. A little later I tried one piece of Jerky. Was alright until 45 minutes later when I tried to drink a drink of Water. The water didn't go down. Had a quarter of a quessa burger at applebees. It was divine and it stayed fine. When I got home I tried a couple of bites hamburger hot dish. It's been stuck and I've been trying to get it down for an hour or so.

Papaya enzyme....when you eat it, how many do you eat, how fast, how often?? Can you o.d. on it? I bought some to bring with me and to keep in all our vehicles. The bottle says take 4 at a time but not how many times a day you can take it.

Okay...off for now. I'll talk to you later ladies.

I'm a little tight, too, but i'm going to tough it out. It's intermittent, though. I did fine with Breakfast and lunch today, but dinner was a NO GO!! Since then I've had a Schwann's fudge stick and a boat load of papaya! Don't know what the recommended is, but I've been popping them like they're going out of style. They help me burp and then I feel better. I don't think it's possible to O.D. on them, but there's a lot of sugar in them... and the calories add up. I've gone through the better part of a bottle since my fill on Wed. I think!! Trying to lay off.

Happy Bandiversary Phyllis. Can't believe it has been one year for both of us. The scale is moving not much but it is moving. Still have 40 to go to normal BMI

Thanks.... good to have you drop by! How are you doing??


I forgot!

HAPPY BANDIVERSARY PHYLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks, Steph!

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Good evening ladies. It was an alright day I guess. I'm a little concerned.

I think I may be too tight. Or, maybe I just don't know how to eat this tight. I'm struggling to eat anything solid. A few bites and I've got a horrible pain in my chest. I can eat a cup of fruit. I can drink. But anything solid is horrible. I've only pb'd after I've tried to drink after enough time has passed. And only the liquid comes back. I don't know. I'm not sure what to do. Part of me thinks it's just the learning curve and this is the first time I've had true restriction....part of me worries I'll get out to MofA and have a real problem. I can get liquid in so I'm not worried about dehydration.

So ladies, I'm asking for advice. To get unfilled I have to drive 5 hours. Right now, even though not impossible, very poor timing. Is it that imperative or since I can drink, will I be alright? I have a needle for emergencies so I will bring that with me just in case....but I don't know....

Today I started with coffee...then a cup of fruit at church with a couple of bites of roll chewed very well. lunch, before our ride I ate four bites of chicken salad. I should have stopped at three. A little later I tried one piece of Jerky. Was alright until 45 minutes later when I tried to drink a drink of Water. The water didn't go down. Had a quarter of a quessa burger at applebees. It was divine and it stayed fine. When I got home I tried a couple of bites hamburger hot dish. It's been stuck and I've been trying to get it down for an hour or so.

Papaya enzyme....when you eat it, how many do you eat, how fast, how often?? Can you o.d. on it? I bought some to bring with me and to keep in all our vehicles. The bottle says take 4 at a time but not how many times a day you can take it.

Okay...off for now. I'll talk to you later ladies.

I would say that it is imperative that you eat real foods. Being too tight can cause slippage problems. One of the ladies on the PS threads was too tight for about 2 weeks and ended up having emergency surgery because her band slipped. Her doc told here that it was a life threatening situation. I think a 10 hour round trip is definetly worth saving your band or your life! I totally get the hell that it is when you live so far away from your doc. My round trip is 12 hours and over a mountain pass. I have ALWAYS believed that you should be loose enough to be able to eat real foods. That is what your body is meant to be fueled by and that is what is going to keep you fuller longer. I know it is bad timing but at least you don't have 13 feet of snow in the mountains like I did when I was so tight.

By the way... my papaya enzymes say 4 times per day. But honestly you can't OD on them. It is a natural substance extracted from the papaya. Personally I have never heard of anyone getting sick from eating too mucyh papaya!:ohmy:

Try laying on a bed with your head and stomach laying off the edge of the bed. When I got WASA crackers stuck for over 2 hours this is what I finally resorted to and it seemed to work .

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Phyl and Steph, try a couple of days on the mushies stage (think baby food) and see if you can progress from there.

I've lost track of my exercise hours. I've probably done around 10 hours this past week but I don't know when I logged them and when I didn't. So this morning I decided to start doing it the old fashioned way, with pen and paper. :eek:

I indulged myself with Breakfast yesterday. Just because I wanted to. It wasn't a treat, it wasn't a cheat, it was an indulgence. I had a bear claw with my morning coffee out on the patio, communing with nature. I enjoyed every moment and every mouthful and didn't feel in the least bit guilty about it. Yes I broke the eating and drinking rule. It's an indiscretion I can live with because it's not going to become a habit.

I'm not worried that it will be the beginning of the big slide back into obesity. 20lbs ago I would have. For the first time in my life I feel empowered. The band enabled me to get my mind to that clear way of thinking. Without it I wouldn't be here, but it's not totally responsible for the way I think. Only I am.

I look at the way I thought about snacking back in the Fat Old Days. A snack was the equivalent of an entire day's eating for me now. Probably more. I figured if I was going to have a cookie and feel "bad" about it, I may as well sin boldly and eat the entire pack. I felt just as bad about eating an entire pack of Cookies as I did about eating one. ONE?!?!?!? Are you serious? So yeah, no more thinking like that for me. I know now the right way to eat and I know what I "should" eat. I also know that I have to continue working on the "should" more than the "want". But to hell with beating myself up over it all like I always have. I'm tired of that.

The scale is moving downwards again. YAY. I bought 3 new bras yesterday. The woman there convinced me to buy a 40G. My hubby insisted 2 of the others were 38H. The 40G SO doesn't fit in spite of her telling me yesterday it was perfect. The cup isn't too bad, but the bandeau is just far too big. When I tried it on this morning on the tightest fitting and sort of pushed my arms tight against my sides, the bra poked out about an inch away from my body. :frown: So back to get a smaller bandeau. My hubby kept telling me in the store "You're a 38H!" but I didn't listen to him. :crying: I took the "expert" opinion over his. That'll teach me. :tt2: He enjoyed making the "I told you so." comments this morning. :smile:

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Steph - I forgot to mention.... I tried that chicken salad recipe of yours and it was delicious. :eek: I didn't have any celery (I haven't eaten it since banding) but I had everything else. You get a tiny surprise in every mouthful. I liked it a lot! :crying:

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Ok, here I go,. See if I remember all I want to say here.

PHYLL - Happy bandiversay. I'm probably a day late, but what else is new?

STEPHANIE- I have been pb'ing quite a bit myeslf lately. In fact, there are times I think I'm becoming bullimic. I think, it's time for a fill, and then I PB. GOD SMACK!! I even chew really good so I find it hard to believe. I finally figured out it isn't how well I chew, but how big a bite I take. Could that be your problem?

RUBY- When I got done reading your post, I said "dang, I want to meet this woman." I think you and I would get along just great. I have that same attitude towards food. Hey, I figure if I wanted to deprive myself, I would have had the bypass and not the band. I'm going to make it to goal,. but I figure why deprive myself (just don't go overboard) It might take a little longer but I'll get there.

Now, I have had a rough week end. I was craving something. I don't know what........but I wanted it. And It wasn't in my house. I was going crazy. Anyway, DH wanted to go shopping todAY but he didn't want to wait till afternoon so I could go to the gym, So, I skipped the gym, walked Meijers, instead of using a cart and doubled my pedaling for the day.

THE POINT HERE IS:.................don't go grocery shopping on an empty stomach. Still don't know what I am craving........but it's in my cupboards now. (except for the Pepsi, didn't get any) I'm sure I will find it sooner or later.

EVERYONE HAVE A GOOD DAY.........MAKE GOOD FOOD CHOICES AND DRINK LOTS OF FLUIDS. I will TTYL....gotta go work off some more calories.



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Breakfast & lunch went okay today. Feeling a little "burpy", but okay other than that.

TOPS weigh in... I lost 1 1/2 lb, won the 5th & final week of the "dime jar challenge" and took in another $10.25!! Hey, where'd that extra nickel come from??? It was a DIME challenge! Anyway, I thought I saw a dirty look from one lady.... I won 3 of the 5 weeks for close to $30 total... but none of my losses were big enough that any one of them could've won it!! So DH told me not to feel guilty! I lost over 8 lb over the 5 weeks of the challenge, more than anyone else... so I'm getting a Sears gift card from the lady who started the challenge... I think she said there's $15 on it!! Not a bad take!

I adjusted my ticker to reflect today's official TOPS weight. My Wii is a little lower than that. I won't have either for the next three weeks... so no changes until I come home.

I'm going to strangle my sisters. Two of them don't get along and they are already making life miserable and we won't even be there for over a week. I'm so glad our DD & family are going to meet us there. If things get ugly we'll go hide out at their hotel with them and play with our grandkids!!

Family!!! UGH!!

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hi having surgery on 7/31 just made it. im in my 5th day of slimfast i binged yesterday i have to tighten up has anyone else succombed to a binge i mean i ate a porkroll and cheese sandwhich a cheese steak p-nut butter and jelly with a couple Cookies and big glass of milk in the course of about 40 mins

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I would say that it is imperative that you eat real foods. Being too tight can cause slippage problems. One of the ladies on the PS threads was too tight for about 2 weeks and ended up having emergency surgery because her band slipped. Her doc told here that it was a life threatening situation. I think a 10 hour round trip is definetly worth saving your band or your life! I totally get the hell that it is when you live so far away from your doc. My round trip is 12 hours and over a mountain pass. I have ALWAYS believed that you should be loose enough to be able to eat real foods. That is what your body is meant to be fueled by and that is what is going to keep you fuller longer. I know it is bad timing but at least you don't have 13 feet of snow in the mountains like I did when I was so tight.

By the way... my papaya enzymes say 4 times per day. But honestly you can't OD on them. It is a natural substance extracted from the papaya. Personally I have never heard of anyone getting sick from eating too mucyh papaya!:tt2:

Try laying on a bed with your head and stomach laying off the edge of the bed. When I got WASA crackers stuck for over 2 hours this is what I finally resorted to and it seemed to work .

Steph I agree with Karri above - I thought I answer this this morning at 5 a.m. but I guess I just read it - and didn't reply and with Ruby below - go back to mushie move to soft but you really don't have alot of time between now and Friday (you get on the Train Friday or Thrusday??)

In re-reading right now I would say get some taken out - I know it's a pain but you gotta be able to eat regular food.. JMHO :biggrin:

Phyl and Steph, try a couple of days on the mushies stage (think baby food) and see if you can progress from there.

I've lost track of my exercise hours. I've probably done around 10 hours this past week but I don't know when I logged them and when I didn't. So this morning I decided to start doing it the old fashioned way, with pen and paper. :smile:

I indulged myself with breakfast yesterday. Just because I wanted to. It wasn't a treat, it wasn't a cheat, it was an indulgence. I had a bear claw with my morning coffee out on the patio, communing with nature. I enjoyed every moment and every mouthful and didn't feel in the least bit guilty about it. Yes I broke the eating and drinking rule. It's an indiscretion I can live with because it's not going to become a habit.

I'm not worried that it will be the beginning of the big slide back into obesity. 20lbs ago I would have. For the first time in my life I feel empowered. The band enabled me to get my mind to that clear way of thinking. Without it I wouldn't be here, but it's not totally responsible for the way I think. Only I am.

I look at the way I thought about snacking back in the Fat Old Days. A snack was the equivalent of an entire day's eating for me now. Probably more. I figured if I was going to have a cookie and feel "bad" about it, I may as well sin boldly and eat the entire pack. I felt just as bad about eating an entire pack of Cookies as I did about eating one. ONE?!?!?!? Are you serious? So yeah, no more thinking like that for me. I know now the right way to eat and I know what I "should" eat. I also know that I have to continue working on the "should" more than the "want". But to hell with beating myself up over it all like I always have. I'm tired of that.

The scale is moving downwards again. YAY. I bought 3 new bras yesterday. The woman there convinced me to buy a 40G. My hubby insisted 2 of the others were 38H. The 40G SO doesn't fit in spite of her telling me yesterday it was perfect. The cup isn't too bad, but the bandeau is just far too big. When I tried it on this morning on the tightest fitting and sort of pushed my arms tight against my sides, the bra poked out about an inch away from my body. :w00t: So back to get a smaller bandeau. My hubby kept telling me in the store "You're a 38H!" but I didn't listen to him. :scared2: I took the "expert" opinion over his. That'll teach me. :tt2: He enjoyed making the "I told you so." comments this morning. :lol:

Ruby you are doing excellent !!! Congrats on the scales moving and a smaller bra... Fantastic...

Ok, here I go,. See if I remember all I want to say here.

PHYLL - Happy bandiversay. I'm probably a day late, but what else is new?

STEPHANIE- I have been pb'ing quite a bit myeslf lately. In fact, there are times I think I'm becoming bullimic. I think, it's time for a fill, and then I PB. GOD SMACK!! I even chew really good so I find it hard to believe. I finally figured out it isn't how well I chew, but how big a bite I take. Could that be your problem?

RUBY- When I got done reading your post, I said "dang, I want to meet this woman." I think you and I would get along just great. I have that same attitude towards food. Hey, I figure if I wanted to deprive myself, I would have had the bypass and not the band. I'm going to make it to goal,. but I figure why deprive myself (just don't go overboard) It might take a little longer but I'll get there.

Now, I have had a rough week end. I was craving something. I don't know what........but I wanted it. And It wasn't in my house. I was going crazy. Anyway, DH wanted to go shopping todAY but he didn't want to wait till afternoon so I could go to the gym, So, I skipped the gym, walked Meijers, instead of using a cart and doubled my pedaling for the day.

THE POINT HERE IS:.................don't go grocery shopping on an empty stomach. Still don't know what I am craving........but it's in my cupboards now. (except for the Pepsi, didn't get any) I'm sure I will find it sooner or later.

EVERYONE HAVE A GOOD DAY.........MAKE GOOD FOOD CHOICES AND DRINK LOTS OF FLUIDS. I will TTYL....gotta go work off some more calories.


Kari - I hate it when I want something but don't know what it is.

Going to the store hungry - OH ya bad idea...

Breakfast & lunch went okay today. Feeling a little "burpy", but okay other than that.

TOPS weigh in... I lost 1 1/2 lb, won the 5th & final week of the "dime jar challenge" and took in another $10.25!! Hey, where'd that extra nickel come from??? It was a DIME challenge! Anyway, I thought I saw a dirty look from one lady.... I won 3 of the 5 weeks for close to $30 total... but none of my losses were big enough that any one of them could've won it!! So DH told me not to feel guilty! I lost over 8 lb over the 5 weeks of the challenge, more than anyone else... so I'm getting a Sears gift card from the lady who started the challenge... I think she said there's $15 on it!! Not a bad take!

I adjusted my ticker to reflect today's official TOPS weight. My Wii is a little lower than that. I won't have either for the next three weeks... so no changes until I come home.

I'm going to strangle my sisters. Two of them don't get along and they are already making life miserable and we won't even be there for over a week. I'm so glad our DD & family are going to meet us there. If things get ugly we'll go hide out at their hotel with them and play with our grandkids!!

Family!!! UGH!!

Congrats Phyl on your 8 lbs in 5 weeks - that's 1.6 lbs a week - you are doing super !!!!

hi having surgery on 7/31 just made it. im in my 5th day of slimfast i binged yesterday i have to tighten up has anyone else succombed to a binge i mean i ate a porkroll and cheese sandwhich a cheese steak p-nut butter and jelly with a couple cookies and big glass of milk in the course of about 40 mins

Skinnymike -

You are in the July 2007 thread and you got to be kidding on what you ate in 40 minutes - What are you going to do when the doc opens you up and your liver is too big and he just closes you up and doesn't band you..

If you do get the band and have to be on the full liquid diet for 2 weeks - are you going to slip and eat and cause your band to slip..

We didn't take our bands as just another diet - we took having major surgery seriously - we wanted to get banded to improve our lives - not as a quick fix - the band isn't going to make your food choices - it's not going to exercise it's only a tool - which if you choose to you can eat around..

I am sorry for being a little curt - but think you need to rethink your upcomming surgery - this isn't a joke !! Being a little hungry isn't going to kill you but being obese is...

Good Luck... You are going to need it...

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Good evening ladies. It was an alright day I guess. I'm a little concerned.

I think I may be too tight. Or, maybe I just don't know how to eat this tight. I'm struggling to eat anything solid. A few bites and I've got a horrible pain in my chest. I can eat a cup of fruit. I can drink. But anything solid is horrible. I've only pb'd after I've tried to drink after enough time has passed. And only the liquid comes back. I don't know. I'm not sure what to do. Part of me thinks it's just the learning curve and this is the first time I've had true restriction....part of me worries I'll get out to MofA and have a real problem. I can get liquid in so I'm not worried about dehydration.

So ladies, I'm asking for advice. To get unfilled I have to drive 5 hours. Right now, even though not impossible, very poor timing. Is it that imperative or since I can drink, will I be alright? I have a needle for emergencies so I will bring that with me just in case....but I don't know....

Today I started with coffee...then a cup of fruit at church with a couple of bites of roll chewed very well. lunch, before our ride I ate four bites of chicken salad. I should have stopped at three. A little later I tried one piece of Jerky. Was alright until 45 minutes later when I tried to drink a drink of Water. The water didn't go down. Had a quarter of a quessa burger at applebees. It was divine and it stayed fine. When I got home I tried a couple of bites hamburger hot dish. It's been stuck and I've been trying to get it down for an hour or so.

Papaya enzyme....when you eat it, how many do you eat, how fast, how often?? Can you o.d. on it? I bought some to bring with me and to keep in all our vehicles. The bottle says take 4 at a time but not how many times a day you can take it.

Okay...off for now. I'll talk to you later ladies.

Here's my two cents. Leave it alone, if you can drink water... you are o.k. Can you drink Protien shakes? ?? or are they too thick?

It may be that you are PB'ing because you have gotten into a habit of NOT taking Tiny enough bites and giving it some TIME between bites. Also I chew 20 - 30 times before I swallow.

Don't worry, we'll watch you at M of A...

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hi having surgery on 7/31 just made it. im in my 5th day of slimfast i binged yesterday i have to tighten up has anyone else succombed to a binge i mean i ate a porkroll and cheese sandwhich a cheese steak p-nut butter and jelly with a couple Cookies and big glass of milk in the course of about 40 mins

What janet said.... DITTO!!

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

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      2. BabySpoons

        Seems it would be more compassionate not to perform a WLS on someone until they are mentally ready for it. Unless of course they are on death's door...

    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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      Decorative Wall Cladding & Panels | Stone Art By SKL
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