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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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I think my pouch test went okay. I actually found the liquid days kind of tough to begin with, but easier to tolerate than the food days. I struggled finding things to eat. Most of the time I had to force myself to eat cottage cheese, fish or chicken. I just didn't feel like eating it. It's not that I don't like them, I just didn't want to eat them.

It made me take a good look at my eating habits. I'm not stuffing myself with bad foods, but I'm not always making the right decisions when I do eat either. It was a good eye opener for me. I'm back to regular eating now. As regular as I can be. I know I've got to try and eat more Protein, but I'm glad to be able to get fruits and vegetables back into my diet. If I didn't have a Protein Shake that I like so much it would be more of a concern. The pouch test got me back on track again. I think I'll do it every once in a while to reinforce the basic rules of my band. :frown:

I think I will be doing it from time to time also. It really was an eye opening experience.. first two days rough, but got through it and feel it was worth it.

You guy ons on your 5 day pouch test - I am proud of you who are doing it - I couldn't - I could never stand the Protein Shakes - I tried one the other day - ugh - had a few sips and that was it - the smell gets to me..

I used the EAS stuff I got at costco, but one shake DH made up with unflavored whey protein, strawberries, skim milk & splenda. It was good. Not at all unpleasant.

Phyl; I started out on the POUCH TEST day #1 today... Had 2 shakes, then mid aft. I was starving... and I acquiesed to some MEAT... but tonight I am back on Creamed pea soup!!!! I will be back on tomorrow for sure... I think because of the extra wine/food while at teh camp I was extra hungry today.... but still I came in below 1200 cals. today... So that is an accomplishment for me!!!!

Good for you. Let us know how you do tomorrow. Haven't been on much today. DD sick with food poisoning for something. So we went over to take care of a foster child while SIL took her to the ER. They were gone ALL day. Just got home at 9:30 p.m. Gave her IV fluids... she was dehydrated, and anti nausea meds. I took her BP when we got over there & it was 82/48 and she was so weak she had a hard time sitting up long enough for me to take it. She's much better now with some fluids in her.

Janet, I'm still packing "in my head"... I know we have to handle our own luggage at Chicago station, so trying to figure out how little we can get away with.

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No I know this discussion isn't to start a fight or anything. I think it's good that we can talk from our hearts here and know that it's not a personal attack.

The reason I feel I have control over my food issues is actually due to Karri. Watching her go through this journey and fight damn hard for every pound she has lost has been both inspiring and worrying. She spurs me on to do well each day, but she's also worried me when she's continued to exercise when she's injured, cried when she's looked at restaurant menus, had to deal with moron doctors, passed out in the bath tub, and on top of it all is forever worried about every single thing that goes in her body.

It is a control thing. But our bands are there to control our intake physically. We still have to do the mental work on our own. If getting a small fill will give her the mental support she needs, then that's one thing. But she'll also continue to lose weight unless she increases her intake of calories. The fill is supposed to DEcrease your intake. When we feel hungry we need to ask ourselves if we are physically hungry or mentally hungry. You mention yourself that you still want to eat even when you're full. So that's mental hunger. Your band only stops you physically. When we're hungry we have to ask ourselves why. Is it a physical need, an emotional need, a mental need or a habitual need that wants to be fulfilled?

Speaking about control; I was in an abusive relationship for over 20 years. The only thing I had control over was what I ate. I was told what to wear, what to do, when to do it, what to think, when to think it, when to do nothing, what to say..... ad infinitum. The only reason I got out of that trap was because my partner was physically removed (imprisoned). Otherwise there's a good chance I would still be there. Or dead. :lol:

I worked hard at gaining back my mental and emotional control after that relationship, and watching people like Karri work so hard to maintain control reminds me of the work I had to put in to gain that emotional freedom even after I was physically free. l promised myself that I would never allow myself to be controlled again. I only realised in the past few months that food was controlling me and I needed to put a stop to it.

At the end of the day she needs to find what works for her. And I support her in her decision making. But it doesn't stop me worrying about her and voicing that concern. :frown:


I totally agree with what you are saying here. I have always said that the majority of our problems are in our heads and not in our tummies

I voiced my concern before along time ago about our fills being more physiological than physical - Yep we are walking a tight rope here and our bands are our safety nets (well hopefully cuz we can eat around them) but mentally having them in place is like I always say our interior motivators..

Hugs on the bad relationship - I have walked down that road too and I have just come to realize that why I ate - cuz I could and no one was telling me I couldn't.. I struggle so much with my eating now and this place is what keeps me honest - it helps me the most - I don't know where I would be with out all of you.

I wasn't disagreeing with the concern for Karri - mostly that the band is more than a weight loss tool it's here for the maintenance too. With the help of her doctors & DH and us she will get through this and hopefully they find some new meds to give her for her ocd (or whatever the correct name is I forget)

I think we all love and worry about each other - With the help of our bands we each had some awakening on why we got to where we were - but it's still a work in progress for me... I am struggling more now that I am at goal - the little devil is on my shoulder telling me you are there at goal so you can go back to eating normal - well I know that what I consider normal is what got me fat and that I cant - but it's hard not to listen to that devil it's a daily fight

Hugs again - J

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I had to take pictures today so that I could show you the difference in these pictures exactly 1 yr later. I am FINALLY down to being just over weight. Can you believe it!?!?!?! Also btw, the jeans I am wearing in todays pictures are LEVI'S 542 SKINNY JEANS SIZE 8! I couldn't believe it when I put them on!!! Now to do something with my arms?



Edited by jackie506

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You don't even look like the same person !!!!

You look younger !!!!

How are you feeling - we have missed you !!!

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Amazing Jackie! You look fabulous! You should feel terrific about your progress in this year. Good for you!!!!

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I think we all love and worry about each other -

That's true. Karri is kind of the baby of our group and it's probably natural, but frustrating for her I'm sure, that we worry and fuss over her more than everyone else. She just does so much and you can't keep the girl still. :blush::lol: Heck, we all worry about you if we don't get our morning message. :tt2:

Jackie - wow you look amazing. :lol: It never ceases to amaze me how much we have all changed from such a short time ago. We are still no doubt the hottest group of women on the forum. That's why our thread is number 1. :lol:

I have that weird pain in my left shoulder today. The same thing I got right after my surgery. I worked out my arms today, but I didn't tweak anything because it's not a muscle or a joint kind of pain. It's very strange. I don't like these phantom issues. :eek:

It's been hard finding food to eat today. I'm not in the mood for anything. I made myself eat some cottage cheese for lunch. I had a couple of spoons of hubby's tuna salad but... I don't know, I just didn't want to eat any more than that. And soon I'll have to think of something for dinner. :blink: Maybe I'll have some stir fry veggies. At least drinking hasn't been a problem today. I've already hit my daily Water target and had a cup of coffee and a Protein Shake as well. I can't complain. Give me a day like today over the eat-everything-in-the-cupboards-and-fridge type any day. :eek:

Oh, and I've lost count of my exercise hours as well. That's what I get for not logging in every day. :eek:

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Good for you. Let us know how you do tomorrow. Haven't been on much today. DD sick with food poisoning for something. So we went over to take care of a foster child while SIL took her to the ER. They were gone ALL day. Just got home at 9:30 p.m. Gave her IV fluids... she was dehydrated, and anti nausea meds. I took her BP when we got over there & it was 82/48 and she was so weak she had a hard time sitting up long enough for me to take it. She's much better now with some fluids in her.

Janet, I'm still packing "in my head"... I know we have to handle our own luggage at Chicago station, so trying to figure out how little we can get away with.

Sounds just like my day. DH and I went to the Ann Arbor art Fair today. They close off the downtown streets and artists from all over the country show their stuff. It was sunny, hot and humid. And on our way back to the shuttle bus, (we got lost) I got super dizzy and thought I was going to pass out. They called EMS and they transported me to the ER. Dehydration. Just got home around 10:00 tonight. Didn't eat too much today so we'll see what the scale says in the morning. That is how I celebrated my bandiversary.

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That's true. Karri is kind of the baby of our group and it's probably natural, but frustrating for her I'm sure, that we worry and fuss over her more than everyone else. She just does so much and you can't keep the girl still. :cool2::bananapowerslide: Heck, we all worry about you if we don't get our morning message. :bananapowerslide:

Jackie - wow you look amazing. :lol: It never ceases to amaze me how much we have all changed from such a short time ago. We are still no doubt the hottest group of women on the forum. That's why our thread is number 1. :bananapowerslide:

I have that weird pain in my left shoulder today. The same thing I got right after my surgery. I worked out my arms today, but I didn't tweak anything because it's not a muscle or a joint kind of pain. It's very strange. I don't like these phantom issues. :smile:

It's been hard finding food to eat today. I'm not in the mood for anything. I made myself eat some cottage cheese for lunch. I had a couple of spoons of hubby's tuna salad but... I don't know, I just didn't want to eat any more than that. And soon I'll have to think of something for dinner. :lol: Maybe I'll have some stir fry veggies. At least drinking hasn't been a problem today. I've already hit my daily Water target and had a cup of coffee and a Protein Shake as well. I can't complain. Give me a day like today over the eat-everything-in-the-cupboards-and-fridge type any day. :smile:

Oh, and I've lost count of my exercise hours as well. That's what I get for not logging in every day. :lol:

Yep she is the baby of the group - and we all want to mother her

Yep and it's sweet the way everyone worries about me if I haven't logged on at least once a day if not more - It really warms my heart - one time I told my x - that no body would miss me until Monday - well not any more I have you guy :bananapowerslide:

Some days I just don't know what to eat either - yesterday made chicken but didn't feel like it - ended up eating a bowl or Cereal and some popcorn..

I got a tooth problem -went to the dentist he said one was high and that's what causing the pain (no tooth ache just hurts to bite) well I just took some Tylenol with a little liquid gold (vicodin) see if that works

Fish veggies and rice for dinner if I can chew...

As per weighing in at WW I'm Down 50 lbs TODAY!!! WOOHOO!

Congratulations Ssankofa - way to go keep up the good work :lol:

Sounds just like my day. DH and I went to the Ann Arbor art Fair today. They close off the downtown streets and artists from all over the country show their stuff. It was sunny, hot and humid. And on our way back to the shuttle bus, (we got lost) I got super dizzy and thought I was going to pass out. They called EMS and they transported me to the ER. Dehydration. Just got home around 10:00 tonight. Didn't eat too much today so we'll see what the scale says in the morning. That is how I celebrated my bandiversary.


OMW what a way to Celebrate - I guess your body wanted you back in the hospital since you were there a year ago today.. I can't believe you were dehydrated - you are our water girl !!!! Happy Bandaversary !!!

Glad you are home and feeling better...


Ok prayer request coming - remember last August I had the biopsy - and everything was ok - then went in March for 6 month check up on my right boob - got an all clear - well yesterday went for my annual mamo - got a call this afternoon - I have to go back - more calcifications that they want a closer look at and maybe an ultra sound (lump??) I am not super worried cuz the March films were ok - but am a little rattled - so for those who believe - say a little prayer and for those who have other higher powers - keep good thoughts for me - I go next Wed so they can do more testing on my right booby... and I noticed yesterday they have gotten more deflated - I was a d cup now 34 c and if it wasn't for all the skin I would be a b...

Ok my gd is iming me pic's from my Sons bday yesterday - my fish is done my tooth is still sore - but i did go to they gym and even got called skinny by the guy who works behind the counter :bananapowerslide::lol: someone called me skinny omw that's a 1st.. Plus my trainer was really proud of me today - bragging on me to my work out partner - I think trying to motivate her

Offered for her to join me on the days I do cardio - I really don't want a partner cuz I go when I feel like it (time wise) like on Saturday morning sometime between 7 - 7:30 - but she needs the motivation - so being the nice person that I can be - I told her to meet me there at 7:30 on Friday (I have the day off) aren't I such a sweet person... I think after I get plastic surgery - i am going on line and become a personal trainer... and tell my doctor I want to become his spoke person (I never said I was humble - but I think you all have figured that out by now:lol:)

Ok I really gotta go eat - I am starving... and the meds are kicking in..

So til tomorrow - Love Hugs & sweet dreams..

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Hi ladies! I don't remember if I've said anything much today. I've checked in some but don't think I peeped.

Ssanka...great job! Keep up the great work. This place is so good for staying on track. Whenever I think of doing anything that I KNOW I shouldn't, I hear Janet and Karri in my head and put it down. I hope you're return has been as motivational!

Kari....glad you are doing better but my word you worry us. How can you get dehydrated so fast....as Janet said, you're always on top of your liquid. I hope you take it easy tomorrow and let your body get back in check. Happy bandiversary though.

Jackie....your one year pics are stupendous. You sure look so happy!

Phyll, are you out there? You've got me packing in my head too. I'm trying to figure out how little I can pack so I'll have more room for shopping. DH is trying to figure out how small of a bag I can take so I don't have room to do much shopping.

Karri...haven't heard anything from you today. Hope you are doing well and got some sleep. You were going to your pcp today weren't you? I sure hope they get you on some meds that make life easier for you and keep you upright. Did you get your mile in today?

Okay....as for me....today was better but didn't do all liquid today so that was probably it. Still not a lot of calories because I just wasn't really hungry. I'm going to go to daily plate next and see how my cals were today. Tonight went to nephew's birthday party. I did have some ice cream cake, but shared it with my youngest and he ate most of the little piece. I ate about half the top of a piece of pizza is all. So....for the most part it was good. Things are getting so crazy that I'm not getting my exercise in though. It's very frustrating. I was planning on doing an hour while Jai was down for nap and then other things had to get done and then tonight was birthday. It is so frustrating. But did take Jai to the park and to the pool today so I did get a little movement out and about...but not a lot.

Great thing happened at the pool. I saw a teacher I used to teach with 6 years ago. She was my eldest's kindergarten, first grade teacher. I've seen her at the pool a lot in the last few years. Well today I walked up to her and started talking to her and she looked at me like I had 5 heads....and says, "Um, I'm really sorry, but I can't place you." OMG!!!! We were teachers in a school of 7 teachers...we taught together for 5 years! I was astounded. So I told her who I was and she was FLOORED! It was the first time someone hasn't recognized me. How awesome is that????

I made chicken salad today. I mixed it with a little mayo, half a can of pineapple tidbits, half a package of craisins, slivered almonds, green onions, and celery...oh...and a touch of dijon mustard. It is fabulous! My sister serves it on endive boats but I bought some kashi crackers and it was sooooooo good. I eat it with a fork and no crackers but it is a great topper. I have enough to last me for a few days. It's great high Protein and with the pineapple and craisins it's so sassy!

Okay....I'd better go to bed. I hope you all have a great day tomorrow.

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Busy day today!! We went to our Primetimers group at church this morning.

Lunch was served early, so we were able to leave by noon and head south

for my appt w/PA at my WL clinic. Never know how traffic will be going south through Seattle area. But, it was great and we were an hour early!!

Not necessarily good, because I got bored to death sitting there waiting. I worked on a crossword puzzle until I got tired of it and went through a whole People magazine cover to cover before they finally took me back!1

My highest TOPS weight just prior to surgery was a couple of pounds more than I was at my initial appt with them, so officially I'm down 80 lb.

She was very pleased with that, gave me a good exam, asked a lot of questions, and took me down to radiology for my fill. She said I had 4.2 cc in my band (11 cc band), and she pulled that out and put back 5.2 cc. I got my Water down fine, so they let me go. I've had about another 40 oz of crystal lite since then, and a Protein Drink. No problems. I think this is going to be fine.

Sounds like everyone had a great day.... except for the ER trip!!

Too tired to properly respond to all the posts, but sure enjoyed reading them!

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Good Morning Ladies

Today is my Bandanniversary and my weigh in day

Guess what great present I got this morning - the scale has finally moved downwards for the 1st time since 6/26 - Drum roll please !!!!

148 - bmi 25.4 - only .4 away from normal !!!!!

That's a pretty damn good anniversary present...

Could be from the tooth problem - really didn't eat yesterday and was up at 4:20 this morning... Took some more tylenol laced with liquid gold now I have a headache...

Well, just wanted to brag this morning - who knows how long I will keep this # (especially with our MofA trip and our cocktails) but it feels good to be in the 140's - I haven't been here since my early 20's...

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How awesome is that Janet??!!! Way to go. Happy bandiversary. You are doing awesome!!!

Phyl, you are amazing! 80 pounds is almost two of my 4 year olds. If I had to carry one of him around all day every day I'd cry...and you've lost almost two of him! Way to go!!!!

I'm really at a restriction point. This is very different than how I've felt in the past. Before I could eat my cup of food and SOMETIMES be a little tight. Now....two or three bites is all I can eat and I'm tight. There is no way I can drink for at least 30 minutes after that. So I HAVE to follow the rules. It really is a different feeling.

well, I have a bunch to do this morning. I'll be back in the afternoon. Have a great day!

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Thank you all for all the compliments and I want to say Kudos to each and everyone of you for your accomplishments. I am FINALLY caught up on the posts. I know I have been missing for quite awhile. Life just got busy when summer hit I guess. I really didn't have anything really new to post either. I have not been doing my walking but I am very active outside most of the day and then swimming in our pool outside and REALLY watching what I eat. The food department as been awsome. I got a fill about 2 months ago and it was great but after losing 22 lbs I went back in last week for a tweek because I was feeling the hunger more often. I am trying to stay ahead of the game with my fills and my PA told me that I was doing great and it great that I am staying ahead with them.

OK I have to brag about this. Last Friday night we when to the casino (wrong thing to do because we lost AGAIN!!!!) I was setting at a machine and this nice looking man came and sat down next to me and started playing. He wasn't winning but I was and he said 'I am going to get a drink could I buy you a drink pretty lady?" I said no thank you and he said are you sure I don't mind? I again said no. And then he asked me to hold his seat. I held his seat and then got up shortly after he got back because I am married and all so I went looking for DH but I did feel good and told DH all about it. Oh course he stayed RIGHT by my side the rest of the time we were there. HAHA

OK I gotta go. I am going to mow the lawn. I will be back on more often. I am always thinking of you all. Sorry I have been gone so long. I am still trying to see if I would be able to just pop up to mofa for just one day during the day to meet everyone. Money is really tight but I am trying to finagle it. I don't want to get my hopes up though. But next year...........Vegas?...............count me in baby!!

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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