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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Evenin' Ladies

Just checking in here. Went shopping today with DH and actually walked the mall. We have a wedd8ng to go to in a couple weeks and I don't have a dress to wear. Found a real cute one, tried it on and it fit. Didn't look too bad either (shock) Then I got a look at the batwings..............(did I mention it was a sundress?). Dang, that loose skin just keeps getting looser and looser. Now it is a toss up as to whether I am the saggy baggy elephant or the Little Old Lady from Pasadena. Neither one really paints what you'd call a pretty picture. Needless to say...I didn't get the dress. I did get two bras at K-mart though. In all my 58 years, I've only found one bra that fit me right. (now discontinued). Then I found this one at K-mart. It's called Pink and it is only $7.99 (on sale for $6.00) I love it!! Fits great, feels great and it's feminine. (not a harness). With my luck, they're on sale cause they're closing them out.

OKAY..................Have a great evening everyone. Take it easy Karri.... BE GOOD! ! !




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Good evening ladies. I hope you all had a great day. I had a good food day, great exercise day....pretty good Water day. All in all I'll have to say success. I'm nervous about my weigh in tomorrow at the dr's office. It's been two months since I've been there and I don't know how close my wii is going to be to their scale.

I have been giving the 5 day pouch test a lot of thought and I think right after a fill is as good a time as any to give it a try. I really see the need to do it. I need to reconnect with the rules. I'm struggling with being home all day everyday and having the kitchen at my fingers. And with the MofA trip looming, I need something to push me into size 10's so that maybe I might make it to the size 8's before we go.

Did my 4+ mile walk/run. Ran about 1/2 mile of it. I'm going to google earth it and see how far I actually ran. I'm guessing at the 1/2 mile....we'll see.

Well....I won't be on tomorrow until later because I'm going to dr. We'll see what happens there.

Have a great Monday ladies.

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Forgot to mention.....

Karri, maybe your blood sugar is too low when you first get out of bed in the morning. Maybe a glass of apple or orange juice before you try to get up may help. Be careful. I remember after my c-sections the worst part was getting out of bed each morning. It was very scary to get the light headedness. I was told to sit up...wait 30 second, put legs over the side of the bed....wait another 30 seconds, stand....wait 30 seconds and only then try to take a step. Be careful

Peaches, it looks like an amazing place. I'm sure it's spectacular! Maybe I missed it, but when are you coming home?

There was one more I wanted to say something to but now I can't remember what. You all have a good night.

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Good Morning Gang .....

I am good - I worked my a$$ off yesterday - got up @ 7 - coffee & paper then started deep cleaning (well since Jackie's not around maybe I will take her place on the cleaning) washed Screens - Windows - window sills - move furniture vaccume behind & under - removed couch covers and replaced - hung my curtains - polished all the furniture - bathroom - I didn't sit down to 8:30 to eat...

So I think i got a good workout - my legs were killing my last night...

Candice the camp looks wonderful - did you bring some good books..

Kari - I hear ya on the sag and bag issues - but you know what - we always will have one part of our body that we don't like - I would rather have the sag and bag instead of the fat - I buy sundresses - but I have 2 bolareo jacket to top them off with.... You just gotta work around the issues..

Karri - Try Steph's remedy... Hope you are better to day - and you tummy looks EXCELLENT.

Ruby - I may be a gym rat - but I don't have to not make myself go on my days off - I don't love it that much :(

Started this an hour 2 hrs ago... to many interruptions.... Will CBL :cursing:

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Hi gang; HOme now... just doing a mountain of laundry... I always seen to wear everything in my suitcase... Plus it helps that I FELL in the LAKE accidently TWICE... both times in my clothes. sheesh!

It was nice to shower this a.m. and wash off my "au do cologne of DEET and A535 "

DH and I stopped and visited my Mom on the way home from up north and she was fine... a little bored and glad to see me.

Tomorrow its back to work and my regular schedule... Spark People traking my food intake and exersise...

M of A is coming up quick, I only have to work 6 days before we go!!! Yippee... I love summer vacation!!!!

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Glad you had a good time Candice - it looks like it was slow here today...

Yep I was just thinking about our trip - a week from Friday - What time do you think you and Linda will get to hotel?? We are going to have to email each other our cell #'s - so we call all hook up - I don't know if our hotel has a restaurant - well just check and the have an onsite Chevy's and TGI Must be close cuz they offer room service...

I am ready - can't wait - well I am hungry - gotta go see what's for dinner

cbl :confused_smile:

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Good evening! I went to my PS today and she said everything is looking great. I got my final drain out today...YEAH!!!! Now I am in swell hell though! Seriously swelling bad today!

I did get permission to go back down to 1500 calories tomorrow. Thank goodness since I pretty much gained 2 pounds in the last few days...and can't do anything to get them off. She did tell me that once my PCP starts getting me off the Cymbalta that I can start walking 1 mile per day and then increasing after a week. I just have to make sure to wear my binder. No problem there...it hurts without it.

We went to Wally world today to get some yogurt and I found running tank tops for 3$ so I bought one. Here is a picture of me in it. There are NO binders, no spanx...just my bare belly and the shirt. It isn't the greatest picture of me, but my belly looks freaking fantastic!


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Good evening! I went to my PS today and she said everything is looking great. I got my final drain out today...YEAH!!!! Now I am in swell hell though! Seriously swelling bad today!

I did get permission to go back down to 1500 calories tomorrow. Thank goodness since I pretty much gained 2 pounds in the last few days...and can't do anything to get them off. She did tell me that once my PCP starts getting me off the Cymbalta that I can start walking 1 mile per day and then increasing after a week. I just have to make sure to wear my binder. No problem there...it hurts without it.

We went to Wally world today to get some yogurt and I found running tank tops for 3$ so I bought one. Here is a picture of me in it. There are NO binders, no spanx...just my bare belly and the shirt. It isn't the greatest picture of me, but my belly looks freaking fantastic!

Who's that skinny chick :tongue_smilie:- OMG Karri - Looking GREAT :tt1: just a little over 1 week out - :eek: Why are they taking you off the cymbalta?? Did I miss something... Don't worry about the 2 lbs - they will be off before you know it and you said you were swollen... I know I know - you are freaking about those 2 lbs I understand... But I just gotta put my mommy 2 cents in - - but 1500 I thought 1800

Well I am off to bed - I am off Friday :wink2: so it's a busy week...

Sweet dreams everyone- Talk to you all tomorrow...:wub:

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Ladies Ladies Ladies!!!!! I missed you today!

Peaches, glad you are home. I still have laundry piled from my 3 week trip a few weeks ago so don't feel bad. You're doing better than me.

Karri!!!!! OMG you look amazing. Holy Cats!!!! What a tummy! I'm soo soo sooooo sooooo jealous. The smile on your face speaks volumes. You're dh has got to be dying to get his hands on you! You are beyond hot! I just can't quit looking and saying wow wow wow wow wow!!!

It looks like it was very quiet here today. I didn't see anything from Phyl. I don't remember, did she say something about not coming on today? hmmmmm.....

Well....went to Minot this morning. Tired tired tired....because my darling Jai decided she wasn't going to sleep last night. Of course!!! So I was beat....but ate a bunch of sunflower seeds and made it. Went to my support group. It focussed on relapsing. That was funny since I was thinking about talking to her about the pouch test. It just all fit. She thought it was a good idea (btw, she is my NUT). She said the important thing to remember was to only do a high Protein diet for less than 2 weeks and make sure to increase Vitamins to compensate.

Then went to my fill. I had dropped almost 10 pounds in 2 months so that wasn't too bad. Her scale said 155.8 which isn't bad since wii has said 154.2 in the morning....so I guess I can count on my wii for a scale. Nice to know. She also said she was impressed by how little extra skin I have on my belly. She said that if I concentrate on my abs for the next couple of months I may be able to forgo a Tummy Tuck. How amazing was that to hear?

Now my most amazing news.....I bought a size 8 pair of pants!!!! They were the only 8's that fit but I bought them none the less. I didn't buy any 10's because I can make the 12's I have work until MofA trip. I didn't want to go overboard. But I did buy the 8's....I couldn't pass them up. And they were on super sale at Christopher Banks....less than $5!!!! Oh...and did you see that? Christopher Banks....not CJ Banks!!! I'm in their NORMAL store.

Oh my gosh.....I had a fantastic day.

Tomorrow....day 1 of the pouch test.

I'll see you ladies tomorrow. Sleep well

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Thanks for the compliments. I feel fantastic about it. Though I am in total swell hell tonight. Looks like I swallowed a watermelon whole.

I am not freaking out toooooo much over the 2 pounds. Some of it could be swelling. I am going down to 1500 because I can't exercise. 1800 is where I can maintain when I am running a couple times a week.

They are taking me off of the Cymbalta because they think that is what is causing the lightheadness and fainting. I talked to another friend today that had be taken off of it for the exact same reason. Plus I have about 75% of the side effects of the meds since surgery, which after reading about 50 medical journal articles yesterday I found out is normal if you have a spike in dosage due to taking more meds or reducing your weight. Well in a matter of hours I lost 3% of my body weight which is pretty significant considering the journal talked about rapid weightloss as 1.45% in a week. So my PS got me in to my PCP tomorrow with the hopes of getting me onto something that doesnt' have quite the side effects.I don't want to go off of something completely though because I can't go back to the feeling of compulsiveness that I was going through.

Well I am going to try and go to bed soon. I finally fell asleep at 4:30AM last night and then was up at 7:30....Yep ANOTHER side effect of the meds is INSOMNIA...No kidding.

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I am here!

Just been reading. I got a little huffy on the 5+ thread over a comment someone made about "self-proclaimed gurus" getting her discouraged over slow weight losses. I didn't think it was an appropriate comment to make. We share our experiences and what we learn here and in other places, from our health care providers, etc. in an effort to offer insight to one another and not to criticize or judge someone else. Basically, what we're trying to reinforce in one another is what Janet says, follow the rules, the band works!

But it's been a good day overall. TOPS weigh in this morning & I was down 3 1/2 lb for the week. I won best loser of the week as well as another separate challenge some of us were doing. So I walked away with well over $10 in "prize" money, plus the weekly fruit basket which included about a pound of fresh raspberries from someone's garden. It was GREAT!!

Weather continues to be quite pleasant here so I was out riding around on my scooter for over 2 hours this afternoon. Spent a lot of time looking around at Target. Wow!! Good time to do some Christmas shopping... lots of kids' stuff, toys, etc. on sale. I didn't buy much. Teachers... school supplies on sale already!!! Hasn't school just been out a couple of weeks??? Why are they rushing the "back to school" stuff???




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We went to Wally world today to get some yogurt and I found running tank tops for 3$ so I bought one. Here is a picture of me in it. There are NO binders, no spanx...just my bare belly and the shirt. It isn't the greatest picture of me, but my belly looks freaking fantastic!

Forget the belly..............the whole package looks freaking fantastic!!

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thanks Janet, got all the cell numbers loaded into my phone for the trip

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Hi ladies. Hope everyone is having a great day so far. I have had an okay morning so far. Got my mess of a house picked up....at least all the public areas.

They are grouting my new shower so hopefully tomorrow I can have my own bathroom back. They don't know when they will get back to get my floor done but as long as I can get out of the 3 foot by 3 foot cell that my dh calls a shower I'll be happy. I don't know how he does it.

I decided to do the 5 day pouch test. So far I've had 1/2 bottle of Water and an 8 oz Protein Shake. Sitting here looking at another trying to talk myself into drinking it. It's one of my Atkins ones that I have left from surgery. It makes me gag just looking at it, but I'm hungry so I'll probably bite the bullet and it won't be too bad. I'm counting today as the second half of first day since I didn't eat anything after 10am yesterday. SIL is having a birthday party tomorrow night for my nephew so I'm not sure how I'm going to handle that. Probably take some liquid and tell them I'm still on liquids from after my fill. Then I'll not be tempted to start with pizza.

I didn't get on my wii this morning so I'm not changing my weight until tomorrow morning. May change my weigh in day to Wednesday too. Monday's just seem to be so crazy around here.

Just got my hair cut so I'm almost ready for the trip! Having a pedicure on Saturday and then I'll be all set.

Phyl, don't let other people get you too down. When we are frustrated with ourselves it is so much easier to attack someone else than take their advice. You have never treated anyone here with anything but respect and given sound advice. I've never thought of you as a "self-proclaimed" anything. I've never thought of anyone on here as anything but someone that was trying to help me be as successful as I can be. I'm sorry you felt bad. I hope it feels better today.

Okay...going to go do some website work.

Talk to you all later.

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Phyl, don't let other people get you too down. When we are frustrated with ourselves it is so much easier to attack someone else than take their advice. You have never treated anyone here with anything but respect and given sound advice. I've never thought of you as a "self-proclaimed" anything. I've never thought of anyone on here as anything but someone that was trying to help me be as successful as I can be. I'm sorry you felt bad. I hope it feels better today.

Gal responded to my post this morning. I took it entirely too personally. Her comments were not directed at this website at all but at some other health & fitness type websites. And a trainer at her gym has been relentlessly on her case about what she is doing wrong and telling her the 45 lb she's lost was all Water and muscle, etc, etc, etc. When she explained herself more fully I really felt bad for her. It sounds like she's been knocking herself out at the gym, and I believe eating all the right stuff and losing very slowly. So.... all is okay!

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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