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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Good Morning Gang....

Marcy - Happy Bandanniversary !!! 1 yr 50lbs way to go - You look great - keep up the good work and we do miss you !!!!

Karri - Well, I am not as lucky as you I still like fat - sugar etc - can't say that my taste buds have changed - haven't had a brownie in a year - but I really think I would still love them so - I just don't start- poor GS he likes them - well I guess I could make him some (I have a box of fat free in the cupboard) and have just 1 and make him keep the rest in his room :confused:

I just hate it when I can't sleep - but at least you will be able to nap during the day - go put your chair infront of the a/c - have a high calorie Protein Shake and take a nap while listening to your new book on your ipod..

Kari - Congrats on your NSV - that's great !:lol:

You are doing wonderful - sure going to miss you at our M of A trip - well maybe next year you will be able to swing Vegas -

Ok boss just walked in - gotta split - will be back later:tt2:

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Good morning ladies. No walk for me this morning. The wind would blow me over. It's horrible out there today. So when the kids lay down for nap I'm going to wii fit for an hour. Then hopefully this evening the wind will have died down to a miserable roar and I can go for my 5k+ walk up the long hill. Weight was down a bit this morning but it's not an official weigh in day so I don't count it.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do on Monday. I have an appointment. I'm getting that stuck feeling every now and then but know it's because I still am trying to inhale my food. When I eat slowly and enjoy I have no problems and can eat more than a cup. I think I need more restriction but am afraid I'll be stuck more often. I just don't know. My loss has slowed to a crawl in the last month though so I'm really debating. I hate being so undecisive.

Big problem with being stuck too often is that it discourages dh from wanting to have this done. I try to explain to him that it is more me not doing the right things but he is very iffy anyways. He doesn't think he can learn to eat the right way and when he sees me stuck after three bites he wavers even more. In a lot of ways he needed the surgery a lot more than I did, but I'm the one who was willing to say enough is enough. I try not to push and only bring it up occasionally and think I am getting through to him. I wish I knew the magic words that would make him come to the conclusion that this is best. But I also know that it is an extremely personal decision and not the best one for a lot of people.....so I'm stuck yet again.

Okay. I'm going to go play with the kids. Have a great day all. See you later.

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I was banded on July 9th so far so good I did have a hiatal hernia my doc had to repair which was unexpected so I'm in a little more pain than most. I'm having some diarrhea but I feel okay still have a little pain in my shoulders and chest from the gases. But other than that no regrets...just excited

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Okay ladies. I have a couple of minutes while the kids settle down to sleep before I wii fit. I wanted to say a few things about what I read this morning....

Marcy, You look fantastic. 50 pounds is a great loss in one year and you should be celebrating it. It does look like more than that from your pictures. What a whole new you! Congratulations on your Bandiversary. I hope you are going to do something spectacular to Celebrate your success.

Kari, what a great NSV!!! I'm happy I did the surgery before the diabetes became an issue but I can imagine how exciting it is to be coming off your meds. And lowering the BP is a great success! Wow for you!

Karri, I hope you are enjoying a quiet day in the a/c. Let the coolness lull you to sleep. Did your doc give you any suggestions on what you could do to help you sleep since she took away your narcotics? I'm really hoping the cooler air will do the trick. I hope you got a good nap in this morning. As for the bacon issue, I wish I had your taste buds. It all still tastes fabulous to me. Except maybe ice cream....that's too sweet. I can live with a bite or two of dh's every now and again....but all the other bad for me stuff still tastes so darn good. I wish I knew how you did it. You are amazing. Have a great day and drink drink drink, eat, eat, eat!!! To add cals have you thought of that powder that weight trainers put in everything....I think it's just Protein but I don't know for sure. I know you have trouble with milk products so I don't know what to suggest....what about a nice hearty meat, bean, and cheese enchillada? Add some salsa and that could be good. Adding Protein to oatmeal or hot granola might be good. I don't know.

Okay. I think I need to wake dh up from his lunch time nap so I can kick him out and get fitting.....see you later ladies.

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I was able to go back to sleep for a couple hours. It helped with the swelling a bit. NO the doc didn't give me any suggestions on what to do. I tend to have trouble sleeping during the summers normally as I am usually not as busy as I am at work, but this is getting ridiculous. I am really tired..but not sleepy.

I just couldn't get comfortable last night. I was too hot...too cold...too hot. Physically I couldn't get comfortable because I was too full and too swollen.

I am going to try and eat some lunch and then head off to try and take another nap.

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Ahhh...I did get a nap and I feel much better.

As for not liking certain foods anymore. I think it is because I just didn't eat them when I was losing. I think most people still used a little oil or sugar when eating. However, I never really did. I cut out most of it. I didn't eat Peanut Butter for 7 months. When i did eat it...I just didn't like it any more. Same thing with bacon.

Well we are going to try and play a game. I will try to check in later.

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Candice (peaches) emailed and I thought I would post it here for anyone who didn't get it.....

Hi Gals;

First, I've missed the boards!!! I am up at my Sister's camp in Northern Ontario....

She has DIAL UP @#%#@*%$@#*$#! and it is slower than the second coming!

So KARRI: OMG I am so worried about you!!! Did you get to ahospital to get checked out? You could have had a small stoke... Vision problems with passing out... that is very serious... PLEASE PLEASE get checked out. and Do as you Hubby tells you!!! He loves you so much. you are a VERY lucky girl....

O.k. here's were I do some bragging. TODAY is my ONe Year Band-i-versay. And I just realized it now!!

Do you know how I spent myday?

Hiking up a mountain!! yup that's right. We took a small boat across the lake, put in then Hiked up and across a rocky knoll to another lake where we took another boat to the bottom of the mountain. Then my BIL the "GUIDE" walked our asses up the CLIFF MOUNTAIN... all tolled it took 6 hours there and back. My sister is 62, me 53 yrs(almost) well it was a trip of a lifetime... the vista's from the top of the mountain were awesome.

The bugs were really bad. My DS and I wore Bug nets over our heads and faces.. (I'll send pix when I get home) It was a hoot, we never stopped whinning the whole time... we kept begging the guys for rest stops and pee stops.... but nope, not until we got to the summit.

My BIL just kept saying "it's o.k. you can make it, just a wee bit farther, it'll be worth it , I promise"....

Well when we got to the top I layed down in a blueberry and Lichen patch (so soft) it was the best little bed i ever layed down in...

ANYWAys, I ramble... but it was my ANNUAL N.S.V. for sure!!!

More later,

Love Candice (peaches9)

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Hey, Ruby.. how's the pouch test going??? Any more M & Ms????

I got through the two days of liquids and moved on to soft Protein today. I've had 700 calories today, but over 100 gm of protein!! Had 1/4 cup of eggbeaters for Breakfast, then 1/2 can of tuna for lunch... It kind of got stuck & kept me feeling full until about 4 pm. I couldn't drink much today because I have felt so full all day. Had 5 1/2 oz of baked halibut for dinner and that did about the same thing. It was real moist so it shouldn't have done that. Then tonight I ate the rest of the tuna. I've probably popped about another 100 calories of Papaya tablets trying to get the fish to settle down!! 'm going to have eggbeaters for Breakfast again. I have a meatloaf ready to go in the oven for dinner. Cheating a little with that because I put in a couple of mushrooms & about 1/2 can of diced tomatoes.

Thanks for the message from Candice, Steph. Sounds like she's enjoying her getaway.

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Good evening ladies. DH and the boys went to the drive in and us two girls stayed home. Jai went to bed at 9 and then I did a half hour of wii fit again. Not enough to count it as a second session. The strength training kicked my butt today. It was the first time I'd tried to do them. I did lunges and they KILLED me. I got through it but it was working me to the dead point. I tried them tonight and there was no way for me to go 45 minutes tonight. It was still very windy tonight so I didn't walk.

Did everyone get their Water in today? I got 4 bottles in so I'm good for the day. Will probably get another bottle in before bed since I'll wait up for the guys.

Kids drove me bonkers today. I don't know how I'm going to be a stay at home mom. Maybe it was the wind and that they couldn't get out. They were screaming all day. Jai didn't sleep well last night. I was tired because of it, so maybe it was a little of my own problem. I just know it was nuts at my house. The quiet now is wonderful. Watching qvc and just enjoying it....except I want to buy!!!! But I'm waiting until we go to the qvc store instead. I really want to smell this philosophy stuff.

Good night everyones. I will talk to you in the morning.

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Phyl, I was going to ask. What is the pouch test supposed to accomplish besides jumpstarting a plateau? Where did it come from?

My book about the success habits of weight loss surgery patients talks about testing pouch size with cottage cheese but this pouch test I haven't heard about before. Just wondering what the idea behind it is....

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Phyl, I was going to ask. What is the pouch test supposed to accomplish besides jump starting a plateau? Where did it come from? My book about the success habits of weight loss surgery patients talks about testing pouch size with cottage cheese but this pouch test I haven't heard about before. Just wondering what the idea behind it is....

It's on the Living After WLS website. This is what they say:

Have you lost control of your weight loss surgery tool?

Today learn and live the plan that is sweeping the surgical weight loss community. If you are asking:

Does my pouch still work?

Have I broken my pouch?

Am I doomed to be a failure at this too?

Can I lose the weight I've regained?

Is the honeymoon period over?

I never made it to goal weight and now I'm gaining. Help!

If you are asking these questions then the 5 Day Pouch Test is for you. In 5 Days you can rediscover your pouch, get back on track and lose weight with your weight loss surgery tool. You have not failed! You can learn to use the tool again!

Take me to the 5 Day Pouch Test!

I'm not sure what made me decide to do it. Partly that stupid orthopedic surgeon, I think, who made me feel like I'm done and this is all the weight I'm going to lose. First time I saw him he quoted the stats... LapBand patients typically lose 50-60% of their excess weight. So I all of a sudden got this "I'll show you" attitude. That was part of my motivation.

I honestly have to say... I am "REDISCOVERING" my pouch because after two days on liquids, I can barely eat today. Those first two days were tough and I was hungry most of the time. But today I have honestly not been hungry at all and I'm just about right at 700 calories.

The 5 day test I think was originally supposed to be for bypass people who needed to "shrink" their pouch because they were eating too much.

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Hey gang what's up...

I am beat wasn't going to get on the computer at all tonight - I am just too tired to think - but on QVC (listening Steph & Denise) phyilosoplhy is the TSV and they had a body spray (it's not todays spec value but I love the scent) - pure grace (ivory soap smell) that I had to order before it sold out and gs was on the phone - so as usual email pops up first had to ck that out - GREAT NSV for Candice on her Bandanniversay !!!

Then had to come here and say Hi and see what went on today (was super busy at work :smile2:) Oh ya I HAD A FANTASTIC DINNER.... I am fricking super stuffed really didn't need the last 3 bite but it tasted so damn good (yes steph I wish I could be more like my daughter too) Well here it is - I know you all want to know what was fantastic

Lean Cuisine Fettuccine Alfredo - ok ya not exciting - well I added 4 cut up scallops to it that I had sautéed in a little evoo & butter & garlic - OMG IT WAS SO FANTASTIC.... The lean cuisine is 270 cal - scallops 100 -= 370 calories (well really most likely 400 with the little bit of oil that stuck to the scallops as I spooned them our - but I am not technical - I count it as 370) and like I said I should have quit before I did but I just couldn't - it was so fantastic - total comfort food - I thought I went to heaven and died - an Italian restaurant couldn't have been better. As you can see I still love food.... :):lol::thumbup:

Soy nut for bf 130 - salad for lunch 250 - snack popcorn 200 (large bag) dinner 370 - 950 today and I am stuffed - and No I did terrible on my Water - maybe one bottle - and will have some before bed.

Ok for those who have the tmi #2 problems - I have some chewable caltrate 600 D plus Calcium supplements (I know they aren't citrate but I figure I am getting some calcium from these - I do have the citrates but forget to take them in the mornings ) anyway - I have been taking them before (2) bed every night (they taste good I wish the chewable vit tasted as good)- well in the morning I have not been having any problems - were as before I was only going every 2 or 3 days...:cool:

Ok this is why I didn't get on the computer when I got home - i get on here and end up 2 hrs are gone - My eyes are tired - so I am headed back to the couch and to bed in a few - so will talk to you all tomorrow..

Sweet Dreams...



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Janet - Only bypass patients have to take the citrate. The Calcium carbonate is just fine for lap-band patients. My lap-band doc and both my crazy nutritionist and the nutritionist that runs the in person support group I went to all said that any form of calcium will work for banded patients. Bypass patients need the citrate because it can be absorbed lower in the intestine but since we don't have the malabsorptive part we are just fine.

I did much better with food today. I have NO idea how many calories, but I did find a huge trigger food for me. I can't have nuts around. I don't like Peanut Butter anymore, but nuts...BAD! I am not going to take them away from myself right now and I frankly don't give a damn what I am eating right now because for the first time in days I don't feel like I am going to keel over everytime I stand up. Once Sunday is over then I am going back to 1800ish calories. DH and my doc said that if I don't have any more dizzy spells that I can start walking 1 mile per day on Sunday. I won't try to push it too hard...but I can't stand sitting on my a$$ all the time.

Well I am going to try and lull myself to sleep. Doc gave me permission to take tylenol pm so that is my next order of business!

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Hey, Ruby.. how's the pouch test going??? Any more M & Ms????

Hey Phyll,

Yesterday was a little tougher for me. I was hungry from about 1pm on but that eased up at around 7. So only 6 hours of torture. :cool::lol: I'm looking forward to today and having some food. I know I won't be able to get anything in this morning, but I'm definitely having either scrambled egg or tuna for lunch. :crying:

I think this test has been good for me. It's made me realise that I've kind of slipped a little and reached for food when it wasn't necessary to do so. I've taken to having a Protein Shake when things are a little tougher instead of reaching for a 100 calorie snack pack. Even though I only have one per snack, I may be snacking far too much during the day.

No more M&Ms for me. :smile2: It was just that one pack that my son didn't like, there aren't any in my house. But that's not to say I didn't think about wanting some all day. :lol:

As for the bacon. I like the microwave variety. Before I used to like mine cooked in butter and soft, but now I like this microwave stuff and cooked longer than usual until it's almost burned. :thumbup: Then I'll pat it dry with a paper towel until it's really crunchy and there's no moisture at all. I started eating it like this after my last fill. I was really tight and could hardly get any food down. Well, Cookies and potato chips would slide through. :) So I wanted something a little better for me and less addictive than that so I switched to eating my bacon that way.

Yes. "Rediscovering" my band is a good way to put it. Thanks for getting me onto this Phyll. I'll try not to stick you with any pins today. :smile: Hope it didn't hurt too much yesterday. :lol:

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Hey Phyll,

Yesterday was a little tougher for me. I was hungry from about 1pm on but that eased up at around 7. So only 6 hours of torture. :):lol: I'm looking forward to today and having some food. I know I won't be able to get anything in this morning, but I'm definitely having either scrambled egg or tuna for lunch. :drool:

I think this test has been good for me. It's made me realise that I've kind of slipped a little and reached for food when it wasn't necessary to do so. I've taken to having a Protein shake when things are a little tougher instead of reaching for a 100 calorie snack pack. Even though I only have one per snack, I may be snacking far too much during the day.

No more M&Ms for me. :lol: It was just that one pack that my son didn't like, there aren't any in my house. But that's not to say I didn't think about wanting some all day. :tt2:

As for the bacon. I like the microwave variety. Before I used to like mine cooked in butter and soft, but now I like this microwave stuff and cooked longer than usual until it's almost burned. :lol: Then I'll pat it dry with a paper towel until it's really crunchy and there's no moisture at all. I started eating it like this after my last fill. I was really tight and could hardly get any food down. Well, Cookies and potato chips would slide through. :thumbup: So I wanted something a little better for me and less addictive than that so I switched to eating my bacon that way.

Yes. "Rediscovering" my band is a good way to put it. Thanks for getting me onto this Phyll. I'll try not to stick you with any pins today. :laugh: Hope it didn't hurt too much yesterday. :lol:

Yes, and it is renewing my committment and my discipline. The first two days were tough, but feels good now.

The bacon sounds okay the way you describe it. I guess I won't stick you with pins if you have some. I felt so stuffed all day yesterday that I didn't get in enough liquid. The first two days I felt like I got my exercise running to the bathroom to pee. Yesterday there was a dramatic change in that! It was hard to make myself drink because I felt stuck almost all day and all I had was about 800-900 calories.

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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