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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Good Mornin Gang...

I've been up since 5 - but not on the computer :(


Lake sound fun - enjoy your time - relax and yep fresh fish - sounds good I am hungry right now.


Teeth - OMG your dentist in TX is cheaper than here - I got a 4 part bridge 2 fake teeth and 2 crown - I think the bill was like $4000 - insurance paid 1/2 ... Implants here are expensive and I haven't really heard alot of good about them - they take along time - So my vote is for the partials and yep you need them - you gotta be able to chew...


Love your telling what's on sale this week - great idea...

Ok not much to report since last night another day - work :thumbup:

Oh ya Linda - make sure you bring your spanxs & good bra for trying on your dresses... You must be busy - we havent heard from you in a few days...

Ok off to see whats on the schedule today... CBL :)

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See if this posts from my Blackberry.

Forgot to post this yesterday-- I bought a pair of pants on sale at Target yesterday, 75% off- size 2022!! Have not seen that size in about 25 years!

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I'm awake too! :biggrin2: I'm off to the dentist though this morning. :scared2: The crown on my tooth in front has fallen off so I need to get it fixed. I also need to get some partial dentures. On top of eating badly for years and years, I was also very careless when it came to dental health. I avoided dentists because they hurt me. Well...... now I'm paying the price for it.

A couple of years ago I had to have 8 of my back teeth removed. 2 upper left, 2 upper right, 2 lower left, 2 lower right. As a result of that, I've done all of my chewing on my front teeth. This has put pressure on them and forced them to do a job they're not meant for. Not to mention that for the past year I've had to chew, chew, chew to a pulp it's increased the workload considerably.

Last night my front crown buckled under the pressure yet again. It's the second time in as many months and my dentist said I NEED to get some teeth in back or the problem will never go away. I called an oral surgeon to ask about dental implants; where the put a post in your gum/bone and add a crown to it. Well I need 4 of them. And the cost per tooth starts at $1,940. :party: My insurance doesn't cover it. I really can't afford almost $8,000 right now. And even if I could, I'd be spending it on a TT, not teeth. :seeya: Partial dentures are going to set me back around $1,500 for both upper and lower. My hubby wants me to get the implants. I really can't justify spending that much on myself again. Not with the cost of lap band and my boob job last year. I don't even want to spend on dentures, but it's more of a necessity for the sake of my remaining teeth that I am.

So that's my fun plans for the day. I'll be thinking of you all while I'm drooling and spitting in the dentist's chair. :tt2::lol:

Oh I hear you , I dislike Dentists too :frown: a necessary evil.:eek:

But my 2 cents? GET THE IMPLANTS :biggrin:you :smile: are worth the investment.. you've already gotten the band (I paid $16k out of my own pocket)

and you NEED those molars to chew on for the rest of your life... Dentures NEVER fit as well or work as well as real teeth....

I am treating a lady today in such pain because of ill fitting dentures. She is in her 80's and in so much pain, its sad to see... and preventable.

*** ok I'm climbing down off my soap box now****

:tt2: Candice

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See if this posts from my Blackberry.

Forgot to post this yesterday-- I bought a pair of pants on sale at Target yesterday, 75% off- size 2022!! Have not seen that size in about 25 years!



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I hate my job - so I am dreaming about our trip - here's my itinerary

Leave PS 6:10 a.m on 7/25 - Arrive Denver 9:19 a.m

Leave Denver 10:20 a.m - Arrive St Paul 1:18 p.m

Hotel - Homewood Minneapolis Mall of America - Killebrew Dr

# 952 854 0900

Leave St Paul 2:06 on 7/28 - Arrive Denver 3:10 p.m

Leave Denver 5:59 - Arrive PS 7:09

I am told we are suppose to try Dave's BBQ ???

Remember to pack a bathing suit - we might want to hang at the pool and we can do some group exercise while drinking cocktails :scared2::lol::party:

Ok what size is everyone - I have some 12's & 10's - Phyl I have one nice top that's a 2 x I only wore it once or twice it's a ralph lauren nice top

Ok I guess I gotta get back to work :smile: CBL

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I hate my job - so I am dreaming about our trip - here's my itinerary

Leave PS 6:10 a.m on 7/25 - Arrive Denver 9:19 a.m

Leave Denver 10:20 a.m - Arrive St Paul 1:18 p.m

Hotel - Homewood Minneapolis Mall of America - Killebrew Dr

# 952 854 0900

Leave St Paul 2:06 on 7/28 - Arrive Denver 3:10 p.m

Leave Denver 5:59 - Arrive PS 7:09

I am told we are suppose to try Dave's BBQ ???

Remember to pack a bathing suit - we might want to hang at the pool and we can do some group exercise while drinking cocktails :tt2::lol::tt2:

Ok what size is everyone - I have some 12's & 10's - Phyl I have one nice top that's a 2 x I only wore it once or twice it's a ralph lauren nice top

Ok I guess I gotta get back to work :lol: CBL

:scared2: Didn't sleep well last night so I'm going to bed early tonight....

Your itinerary sounds great Janet... I like the pool aerobics.,.,.,.,.:eek:

I am currently wearing a 16 size (perhaps a 14 in US sizes or in better quality shops) I am exactly your height if I remember correctly, same age... just 180 lbs. :biggrin2: :seeya: :frown: :party: hopefully by MOFA I'll be breaking into the 170's

TTYAL :smile:

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So I had the scariest moment of my life about 2 hours ago. I went in to take a shower and DH was in there with me until I sent him out to get a clean towel from the cabinet. In the 20 seconds he was gone I passed out in the shower. I have a nice bruise on my left shoulder and the middle of my back from hitting the faucet. As soon as he heard me hit the tub he rushed in and I was sitting in the tub. I don't remember anything between the time he left and the time he came back in. Then as he was turning off the Water and holding my head...I passed out again. I guess I was only out for a split second that time but when I came too I felt like I was in a tunnel. My vision was blurred with starry images and my hearing was very distant. Seriously scared. Then I was afraid to look down. I feared that I was going to be sitting in a red bath tub...but alas I was not. I didn't split a single stitch but I think I almost pulled out my drains. My stomach doesn't hurt at all but my drains hurt like a B!TCH. I called the doctor but she hasn't called me back yet.

I was feel really good today. A little tired because we went to the store to get some Kashi Cereal that was on sale today, but we walked slowly and it wasn't very long. When we came home I laid in my chair and listened to my book because I was kind of tired. I got up, took some pictures and then went to take a shower. I felt great. The whole passing out thing was kind of a shock!

I am feeling better now except for my sore butt and back. Plus I have gained an extra shadow. DH won't let me go anywhere or do anything without him being a shadow. I guess it is a good thing. He is making dinner right now and telling me that I have to eat, eat, eat. He is convinced that I am not eating enough. He could be right considerng that after eating today I stepped on the scale and I was down 5.5 pounds. They only removed 4 pounds of skin so I have lost weight since surgery. So between now and Sunday I am going to eat whatever he feeds me and not ask about calories.

Doc still hasn't called so I will have DH call here on her cell phone. I want to make sure that there is nothing that I could have done internally.

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So I had the scariest moment of my life about 2 hours ago. I went in to take a shower and DH was in there with me until I sent him out to get a clean towel from the cabinet. In the 20 seconds he was gone I passed out in the shower. I have a nice bruise on my left shoulder and the middle of my back from hitting the faucet. As soon as he heard me hit the tub he rushed in and I was sitting in the tub. I don't remember anything between the time he left and the time he came back in. Then as he was turning off the Water and holding my head...I passed out again. I guess I was only out for a split second that time but when I came too I felt like I was in a tunnel. My vision was blurred with starry images and my hearing was very distant. Seriously scared. Then I was afraid to look down. I feared that I was going to be sitting in a red bath tub...but alas I was not. I didn't split a single stitch but I think I almost pulled out my drains. My stomach doesn't hurt at all but my drains hurt like a B!TCH. I called the doctor but she hasn't called me back yet.

I was feel really good today. A little tired because we went to the store to get some Kashi cereal that was on sale today, but we walked slowly and it wasn't very long. When we came home I laid in my chair and listened to my book because I was kind of tired. I got up, took some pictures and then went to take a shower. I felt great. The whole passing out thing was kind of a shock!

I am feeling better now except for my sore butt and back. Plus I have gained an extra shadow. DH won't let me go anywhere or do anything without him being a shadow. I guess it is a good thing. He is making dinner right now and telling me that I have to eat, eat, eat. He is convinced that I am not eating enough. He could be right considerng that after eating today I stepped on the scale and I was down 5.5 pounds. They only removed 4 pounds of skin so I have lost weight since surgery. So between now and Sunday I am going to eat whatever he feeds me and not ask about calories.

Doc still hasn't called so I will have DH call here on her cell phone. I want to make sure that there is nothing that I could have done internally.

So sorry to hear about your fall. Hope no damage was done.

A gal on the 50+ thread posted something I wanted to run by you, since you are our resident scientist:

"I spoke to my dietitian yesterday. She said that I should eat carbs with my Protein, otherwise the protein turns to sugar. I note from a lot of posts that many of you think that carbs are from hell and you try to avoid them as much as possible. What do you think of my dietitian's advice - do you buy it?. When she talks about carbs, I think she means rice, Pasta and potatoes, not sweet things."

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Hi ladies, I tried to post this this morning but got interupted so I'll continue it now.....

Yesterday was a better food day in some ways but in others it was just hell.

We rode Jeff's bike down to another town to get serviced and look for a different bike for me. Mine now is really a piece of something or other, but when we bought it I wasn't sure I really was going to like riding so I didn't want to pay a lot for one. Well we got what we payed for. Anyways it's time for a better bike and my best friend lives the other direction so we meet in the middle for lunch occasionally.

Okay...so I ate a bit of kashi and blueberries in the morning so that I had something in my tummy. Didn't drink any Water because I didn't want to stop to pee all the time. Then by about 11 I was starving but my BF hadn't made it to town yet so we waited....and for some reason I didn't even think about drinking. Well we didn't get lunch until almost 1 and then I didn't drink because I was eating. Well I rode on the back of my new bike for a bit and really jarred my neck on the back since Jeff was driving around. Had a bit of a headache but didn't think much of it. We then drove home and by the time we got here it was definitely turning into a Migraine. Came in and took some tylenol and prayed that it wasn't going to get worses. My prayers weren't answered. By 6 it was full bore and I couldn't hardly see. It was a rough night.

All in all I had the kashi, blueberries, some salad and a couple tops of pizza. I might have made 16 oz of Fluid but doubt it. I don't know. The headache was probably a big combination of not enough liquid and too much banging.

Today was pretty good. Some kashi and blueberries for Breakfast, a couple bites of a cheeseburger before I got stuck feeling and quit, some sunflower seeds for a snack and a hamburger patty for dinner. I made sure I've had at least 80 oz of liquid today. Went for a walk. All in all a good day.

Karri, that does sound very scary. I had a similar experience once when I was out. It can be very frightening but my dr said she suspected it was because I did too much and didn't eat. I hope it is as simple as over exhertion and under nourishment. Glad dh is being your shadow. What a great guy you have.

Phyl, great size victory! You should be so excited. I'm so happy for you.

Who went to the dentist??? I can't remember. Hope it went as well as it could. I don't know which way I would go. Implants or dentures. Hard decision. Money is always a huge consideration for me. I don't know which I would pick. Good luck on making that decision.

And whoever was going out for the long weekend with the puppy....I hope you have a great time. Relax and enjoy the world.

Janet, I'm sorry you were hating your job today. I hope you enjoy it more tomorrow.

Okay...I'm off for a bit. I'll be on and off the rests of the night.

Oh...and I have a new host for my website... it's at Steph's website no www. in front. I haven't done a bunch of more work on it but I will be working on it tomorrow a lot. I will check in later. Night

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"I spoke to my dietitian yesterday. She said that I should eat carbs with my Protein, otherwise the protein turns to sugar. I note from a lot of posts that many of you think that carbs are from hell and you try to avoid them as much as possible. What do you think of my dietitian's advice - do you buy it?. When she talks about carbs, I think she means rice, Pasta and potatoes, not sweet things."

Phyl - My opinion is...... Dats a crock o shit! If protien turned into sugar w/o carbs then people wouldn't go into ketosis on straight protien. But just to be sure I will dip my breakfast sausage in Syrup.< /span>

Thanks for the info on Medicare, they are trying to send her home. Her doctor told her today that they were gonna put her in a facility for rehab, but she decided to just let her stay in the hospital 2 more days.

Ruby - I make threw dental procedures with Xanex. I will not go w/o it. I have about 800 dollars worth of work that needs to be done. I'm waiting.

IMO - and no one can talk me out of it, when my generation was coming up we went to the dentist every 6 months. Every freakin time we went we had cavities. 3 this time, 2 this time.

I firmly believe our good teeth were filled just to make money. My children went every six months and each one has 1 small filling. My husband and I have a mouth full of fillings. It's pathetic! I know we won't have our teeth when we get old.

O.K. now for Karri, I'm gonna say this cause you are no where near enough to slap me.:redface:

What the hell are you trying to do kill yourself? You just had major surgery, you still have drains in, and you go to the store. WTH, the only walking you should be doing is around the inside of the house every once in a while to prevent bloodclots. Do you realize the truama your body has just gone through? You need to get a book and let your body heal. If you don't, it's going to revolt.

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Hi Phylls,

Man!! That sounds like its going to be fun and I really wanted to travel West this summer too. I'm going to be at a convention in Florida at that time. I'm sure ya'll are going to have a ball.

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Okay all. Trip is booked. Only problem is that my train doesn't leave until 11 pm on Monday. I'm not positive what I'm going to do alone all day....or what I'll do with my luggage. I'll have to think hard about this.

What time does Phyl's train leave? Forgot what time Janet's plane leaves. I'll figure out something. DH has a cousin who lives out there that would probably be able to handle me after work that day. I guess I'll have to do some fiddling.

Okay. I'm off to bed. Talk to you all in the morning.

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Today was pretty good. Some kashi and blueberries for breakfast, a couple bites of a cheeseburger before I got stuck feeling and quit, some sunflower seeds for a snack and a hamburger patty for dinner. I made sure I've had at least 80 oz of liquid today. Went for a walk. All in all a good day.

Phyl, great size victory! You should be so excited. I'm so happy for you.

Oh...and I have a new host for my website... it's at Steph's website no www. in front. I haven't done a bunch of more work on it but I will be working on it tomorrow a lot. I will check in later. Night

Did you see my post about the Kashi Go Lean on sale at Target this week.. 2/$5. Don't know if you have a Target near you or not, but good price.

Website looks good.

Did you make your train reservations yet??

Phyl - My opinion is...... Dats a crock o shit! If protien turned into sugar w/o carbs then people wouldn't go into ketosis on straight protien. But just to be sure I will dip my breakfast sausage in Syrup.< /span>

Thanks for the info on Medicare, they are trying to send her home. Her doctor told her today that they were gonna put her in a facility for rehab, but she decided to just let her stay in the hospital 2 more days.

Yeah, that was my thought, too!! Bunch of HOOEY!! Where do they get these NUTS from anyway???

Medicare.... opt for the rehab center if possible. I think that's the new Medicare byword for nursing home. Go for it if you possibly can even if it buys you just a few more days of care. Do you have anything to say about the decisions being made?? Strongly advise you be an adamant advocate for rehab! Then the next step is to push for at home physical therapy. If the doctor says she needs that, I think Medicare will pay for at least a few days a week of nursing care... caregiver, not nurse.

Hi All;

I'm in for July 23rd and born in July so I'm a lucky 7 as well.

Good luck and best wishes to a new life.


We are July 2007 people,

but you are welcome to visit any time.

There are several threads for July 2008 people

that you might want to check out.

Hi Phylls, Man!! That sounds like its going to be fun and I really wanted to travel West this summer too. I'm going to be at a convention in Florida at that time. I'm sure ya'll are going to have a ball.

Yes, we are looking forward to the trip.

So sorry you can't join us.

We're talking about Vegas for our "bandiversary" trip next year.

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Okay all. Trip is booked. Only problem is that my train doesn't leave until 11 pm on Monday. I'm not positive what I'm going to do alone all day....or what I'll do with my luggage. I'll have to think hard about this.

What time does Phyl's train leave? Forgot what time Janet's plane leaves. I'll figure out something. DH has a cousin who lives out there that would probably be able to handle me after work that day. I guess I'll have to do some fiddling.

Okay. I'm off to bed. Talk to you all in the morning.


Our train leaves some time in the morning.

Janet leaves around 2 pm, so you can hang out with her for a little while.

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