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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Not being good in a car. I am good for maybe three or four hours, then I get real antsy. I usually try to sleep in the car. I'm not good at driving long distances because I tend to zone out. Smoking? I'm an ex smoker. Had to quit, didn't want to so, if you smoke, I enjoy second hand smoke just as much as first hand smoke.

I threw out the suggestion this morning to DH and he didn't give me an answer either way. I'll work on him though. I do have a question though. I went on line last night and checked out the ferry. Do you think we could pass as senior citizens (65)?? The senior rate is half the price.15_2_118.gif

My band really tightened up today. Had a package of morning minis for Breakfast, ate three of them and gave the rest to DH. I was stuffed. Then, went to a steam engine show and DH and I got a sausage burger for lunch. Gave DH half of it too. Then we joined a group of friends for dinner at Wendy's and had one of their new chicken wraps (like Mcdonalds) and DH had to finish half that one too. Evening snack was a slice of watermelon. I am stuffed ! !



Hi Kari

No I am not a smoker.... so WE should get along just fine... Linda tells me that the driving time across Micchigan to Muskegan is 3 1/4 to 4 hours... perhaps that's in your tolerance time line LOL... if not feel free to SLEEP while I drive.. I will not be insulted in the least. AS long as I can still have my radio/CD's on...???

I booked my passage on the ferry... I am 52 so I don't think I'll pass for the 65... GOD, at least I don't hope so???

My fare was $140 incl taxes.

TIMES ARE FROM Muskegon to Milwaukee Thurs. 7/24/08 @ 4:45 p.m. arrives in Milwaukee at 6:15 p.m.

Coming back... Milwaukee leaves 12:30 p.m. Mon 7/28/08 and arrives on the michigan side at 4:pm...

Now you should check with LindaA to see if it o.k. with her to crash at her place overnight going and coming back... that's not up to me of course...

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Thanks for the apology. Everyone's weight loss journey is 1 that is personal to them. I took your comments about my weight loss team personally but I appreciate the apology.


I'm getting plenty of sleep....no need for me to have any extra naps.


Thanks for your encouragement. That's what I really need right now.

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OK Ladies, I'm going to try posting a pic. If it works, I'll let you know who's who. If not, someone can clue me in as to what to do. (I went to advanced, clicked on the paperclip attachment icon, browsed for my file and attached it.)


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OK, That sort of worked. If you click on the pic, it will enlarge. We have (from the left) DD (in blue dress) and BF; me (coral top, denim skirt) and DH; pregnant DIL (green and white dress) and DS#1; future DIL (brown and white dress) and DS #3. DS #2 never made the trip :)

So there you have it.

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OK Ladies, I'm going to try posting a pic. If it works, I'll let you know who's who. If not, someone can clue me in as to what to do. (I went to advanced, clicked on the paperclip attachment icon, browsed for my file and attached it.)

You look awesome! I loved that picture... now i know I'll be able to recognise you when I get off the boat in Milwalkee

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Hey Gang I'M BACK !!!!!

Haven't read post yet - Had a great time - the Wynn WAS GREAT!!!

I am tired - I have been up since 5 every morning - Won $250 :wink_smile: off of $7

We are going to have to pace ourselves on our M of A trip - but again we don't have to be at meetings at 7 a.m. every morning :thumbup:

My plane trip to Vegas was delayed an hour - got on the plane - a mike was broke - couldn't fix it - had to get off and wait for them to bring a new plane - the reload - got to vegas and hour later - no shopping :thumbup: well did get a bathing suit in one of the shops at the hotel -

Comming home was ok - just wanted to get home... Met some great pple

Ok off to read what I have missed over the last 3 day

Missed you guys.:wub:.

btw - that dress (well me in the dress) got ton's of complements from total strangers :bored:- what an ego booster

(like mine needs boosting right :thumbup:)

CBL :thumbup:

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:wink_smile: CONGRATULATION !!!!:bored:

:thumbup:WAY TO GO !!!!:thumbup:

:thumbup: I AM SO PROUD OF YOU. :thumbup:

:biggrin2:YOU DID IT:biggrin2: !!!!

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:wink_smile: CONGRATULATION !!!!:bored:

:thumbup:WAY TO GO !!!!:thumbup:

:thumbup: I AM SO PROUD OF YOU. :thumbup:

:biggrin2:YOU DID IT:biggrin2: !!!!

Karri you made your run... we are all so proud of you... now take care of the leg/foot!!! O.k.???

Janet: Glad you won some $$$ dosn't that feel awesome!! Now you'll have more to spend at M of A..

It is getting so close and I am so excited to get to meet you all in person.

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Linda - OMW now don't take this wrong - cuz my Mom was 40 when she passed away - but you resemble my Mom at 40 - So we do look alike :wink_smile:- pple are going to think we are sisters :biggrin2:

Ruby - Congrats on the baggy 8's - yes our bodies change without the scale always showing the diff - that's why taking measurement is a good thing - as far as logging in stuff - I think it's a learning tool - I am not as good anymore about logging - still do it half a$$

OMW - I only had a page to go back - you guys were quite over the weekend...

OK - I gotta ck my desk - ttyl :bored:

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Holy Cats!!! It was a crazy few days trying to get caught up with you all. I sure did miss you guys the last 3 weeks.

I didn't gain during my 10 days at the lake. I couldn't believe it. I was pretty sure I was in for a gain of at least 5 pounds. I didn't eat right, I didn't drink my fluids, and I didn't get in any exercise. It was just horrible on the weight front. Impressed that I managed to stay at the same weight though. I don't deserve it for sure though. I guess it says something about the fact that I have learned a few things in the last months about eating. What I think of as bad now isn't nearly as horrible as my habits were last fall.

I had a goal that after I lost 50 pounds I would go geocaching and get this really tough cache. I knew that last year it was completely undoable. Well, I went for it while I was at my mom's. It was about 3/4 a mile up a mountain side. Now that is 3/4 a mile horizontal distance but that doesn't account for the mountain climb. I took my brother and my mom insisted on coming. Long story but they turned back while we were still .6 miles from the cache. I got to within 1/2 mile, but decided I didn't want to find it alone. I wanted to share that triumph. So I turned back and hiked back down by an easier route. It's a huge accomplishment that I got as far as I did, but a downer that I didn't get to it. I'll try again another time. The trip up took about an hour and a half and the trip down about 45 minutes. I was sweating up a storm by the end. Yesterday I took a long walk....added a bit of running but nothing sustained. I can't really even call it running but I know I did it. I walked for about 1.25 hours. That and a bit of geocaching in short spurts while I was gone was pretty close to it while I was gone. I'm adding 5 sessions, but wish I could add more. I'm definitely not going to make my goal this month. Oh well....more incentive for next month.

Since I've been home I've been better about eating and drinking. I've had plenty of liquid the last few days and I'm feeling better than I have for awhile. My eating has been a bit better but I'm concentrating on the rules again. Eating, just eating, nothing else. Making sure it's the right order. Taking my time. No drinking with food. All that stuff that I wasn't paying attention to. Hopefully my weight loss will jump start again now that I'm following the rules.

I want to say a ton of things but kids are up again so I'd better let this go and write more tonight.

So many exciting things happened while I was gone. I can't wait to talk about it!

See you all tonight

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Good to have you back.

WE missed you, too!!


You, too, Janet~!

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Man, I sure am having an awful time staying on track. After a good week last week, I blew it over the weekend, and then again today. You'd think that with only 9 pounds to go, I'd see the end and press on, but Noooo. I am sick and tired of saying "No." The demons know this and are on me all the time. 80% effort's not good enough. This has to be 100%effort 100% if the time. ITS NOT FAIR

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Man, I sure am having an awful time staying on track. After a good week last week, I blew it over the weekend, and then again today. You'd think that with only 9 pounds to go, I'd see the end and press on, but Noooo. I am sick and tired of saying "No." The demons know this and are on me all the time. 80% effort's not good enough. This has to be 100%effort 100% if the time. ITS NOT FAIR

AMEN!!! I don't know if it helps but I'm with you! I've been off track more than on track. In fact, sometime I think my train has just completely derailed.

I seem to only be able to eat and keep down bad for me things. Anything fairly healthy is stuck! Tonight hamburger patty, watermelon, and cantelope....all stuck. Now I'm sitting here miserable. I ate slow. I chewed everything....and now...stuck tighter than tight. Yet when I snuck some of my son's chips this afternoon....no problem! grrrrr

Well...we are going to the pool for a couple of hours. I think I'm going to count it as exercise even if it isn't tough exercise. We'll see.

But Linda. I'm right there with you!

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Ok girls - I am back and I want to tell you both something - We have to say no for the rest of our lives... It's not about being fair - it's about living a healthy life. Oh my notes are at work - but Obesity is a disease.

We are pre-disposed to have it - it's in us and the gun is load. It's just the way it is.. No we weren't the lucky ones who can eat every thing and not gain weight - they are few and far between - 64% of America (or the world i forget) is obese...

You don't have to say No for the rest of your life - you just can't say yes on a daily basis... You can have treats - but it's all about the balance.

We can't think of this as a diet - we really really have to think of this as a way of life. Remember Diets don't work - even this weekend the professionals said it negative words - like diet must be replaced with Healthy eating.. Exercise replaced with physical activity - to me it's all just a name and as the saying goes - a thing is still a thing no matter what name you give it.

Our bodies were built for the caveman era - but now with cars, tv, food at our disposal 24/7 and portion sizes have quadrupled in the last 20 yrs - the whole transfat issues - refined carbs - sugar - our bodies weren't made to eat all this junk and not do any physical exercise

I messed up on Friday night - the room was stocked with junk - just had Snacks at the meet & greet & a glass of wine by the time I got back to my room (had to drop $20 in a machine :lol:) I was tried and hungry - but it was too late to order food which was $$$ and had no way of reheating it later - so I got into the reese pb piece - Ok not good - tired & hungry all food triggers for me - well you know what - I did it - didn't feel too bad about it - cuz even eating healthy 98% of the time - I can allow for that 2% of junk - well I walked - meeting rooms on the other side of hotel - and i was in heels - ate a lite bf - lunch - dinner and on Saturday they restocked the candy - but I didn't touch it or the cookies..

Why cuz I knew I had indulged the night before and had ate 1/2 of the mini muffin size dessert at dinner - and this 100 lbs is gone and I don't want it back.

If you go back saying yes more than you say no and you don't keep a balance - it's going to come back on...

We have to fight this battle forever - don't think that when you get to goal it's over - no it's not about the scale moving down wards anymore it's about maintaining and to maintain you will have to say no more than yes ...

Ok enough of me on my soap box --- what did Ruby call me the thread mommy or something like that :P So you all know this is said with love from the bottom of my heart..

Steph - Congrats on maintaining your weigh for 3 weeks when you were out of your element - That in it's self is a big accomplishment and all your exercise - Way to go girl... You will get back on track..

Linda - Nine pounds to go - You can do it you know you can - you will be there by the time of our trip - how can we motivate you to strive for it..

Lets see - what can I bribe you with - oh ya - remember we are getting you the Mother of the Groom dress.. so that you will shine on your Son's wedding day (I am right it's your son getting married :lol:) and if that doesn't work - I will buy you your drink of choice for dinner when we all get together - (I know Karri - I shouldn't be bribing with food or drink but I know my GF likes her cocktails :lol:)

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You are so right. I was really good most of the time at the lake in what I had to choose from. No Desserts, a few (maybe 3) mini snickers the whole time. I even drove back to town the second day to buy fruit and kashi to eat for breakfast and to snack on so that I could say no to all the other stuff. My biggest problem wasn't the choices I made it was HOW I ate. I am really having sticking issues. I'm doing well. I'm proud of the choices I'm making. The chips were 3 chips I put on my ds's plate at lunch. only 3 and the bag is in the cupboard not calling my name. I would much rather eat good stuff.

And now onto my soapbox for this rant!!!! Why the freak is good stuff so expensive? I bought 3 dozen monster muffins at Sams for my MIL for the family reunion. Each dozen were less than $6. And they were FREAKING HUGE!!! So I went today to buy some fruit for dinner and I bought some grapes, some canteloup, a few slices of watermelon, a small bit of brocolli, a bag of carrots and a bunch of bananas and a small thing of raspberries....and it was more than $30! Almost $40! How insane is that? And it's just not fruit and veggies. Cereal that has all kinds of junk can be bought in the BIG bags for $4. My kashi that is probably 5 or 6 bowls is almost $5. Skim milk is almost $1 more a gallon. Whole grain bread is almost twice the price of white junk bread. Canned junk veggies are cheap but try to buy the frozen or fresh and you're going to have to mortgage the house. Bottled Water is more expensive than a bottle of pop! What is wrong with this world? It is definitely driving me nuts.

Okay...off that rant. It just gravels my butt that I have to pay so much more to feed my family healthy food.

I'm going to get middle quack off to bed and then I'll be back to address those I've put off for too long.

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