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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Quick question for everyone;

does your "stomach" throb when you are eating???

I get this now and again....

Now I know that once I start burping while eating, its my band's signal to STOP eating... but what's with the throbbing???


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Peaches...Does it only happen with certain foods? Maybe that food has a difficult time going through the stoma. I haven't had this problem but that was my thought!

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Good evening 7's!!!! Hope you are all having a great weekend. DH and I had a funeral this morning and then when I came home I wasn't feeling well so I spent some time on th couch. Now that I'm feeling a little more human we are going on a motorcycle ride. I'm trying to decide if I'm up to driving tomorrow on our 150 mile loop. I am afraid I won't enjoy riding behind him for that long but not sure I'm up for the drive. I just don't know.

Tomorrow is graduation and then semester test time. I'm going to be out of my classroom on Thursday so that PeeWee Herman can move in. I hope he enjoys it.

Wednesday I am hosting a bbq at my house for any of my students and the faculty that want to come. I said I would supply burgers and dogs and they could bring everything else. I doubt there will be too many but who knows. The might surprise me.

Well...sounds like DH is firing up his bike. I better run. Have a great night and enjoy the rest of the weekend.

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HOLY COW (or cats!) I did it. :leaving: I ran 7, walked 1, ran 2, walked 1.3, ran .7. I can't believe how far I have come. I am sooooo proud of myself. And I am proud that I can say that I am proud of myself.:sad: I have only ever been able to say that one other time in my life and that is when I graduated from college the first time!

My DH is the greatest. He was out there giving me Water at every mile. He had his bike and would ride to the "check points" and stand there with water and cheer me on...it was so great... He really does look out for me. Sometimes I get so focused that I don't think about things...that is what he is there for!

So I have not analyzed the run with my Nike+ running system yet but I will post it on my blog so if you want to check that out you can. LJM introduced me to the nike+ and it is really cool. At the end I got a message from Lance Armstrong congratulating me on my longest run yet. You can push a button on your ipod and it goes to your power song to help give you a boost. It counts your miles and averages your speed. It also calculates your calories based on speed and weight. Today it said that I burned 1392 calories. :w00t:That is right on with what the treadmill says...just a little over 100 calories per mile!

Today is a free food day for me. Why you ask...because on Friday I weighed 152 and thought it was a fluke. When I weighed in yesterday 153, but I ate RIGHT before I went to bed. This morning back down to 152. I can't go any lower. And on days like today when I have already burned 1392 calories before 10AM I figure I can't have any FF or LF stuff. I am not going hog wild and sitting down with ice cream (cause that would have me spending the entire day in the bathroom) or candy, fast food, chips, or crap like that. It just means that we are bbq'ing hamburgers tonight and I am actually going to have ground beef. I am even going to put mayo on it...though that will have to be light mayo because that is all we have. I don't know what we are having for lunch, but I am sure DH will make sure that it is reasonable but higher calories than I would normally eat. I don't want to get to the point that I have to put weight ON, so I just have to have these days when I do the long miles. I guess you could say this is a bonus to maintaining (though it makes me nervous!)

Well I hope everyone has a splendid Sunday. I need to do my cooking for the week...once I sit for a while...my legs are sore...wonder why?!?!:sneaky:

Edited by salsa1877

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Hi Everyone,

Salsa - I wish I did half of your exercise. O.K., a 1/4. Girl, you Rock!!

If anyone watched Extreme Makeover today, The house is about 3 miles from me.

I am sore from all the biking this weekend. We did 9 miles Sat. morning, then about 6more later. Then we walked about 2miles later.

I didn't take my medicine last night, and I'm a little scared to swallow them tonight. :leaving: I'll do it with hot tea. :sneaky:

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scallops rice for dinner - i am hungry tonite - Ithink it's cuz everyone around me is eating..

ok off to what not to wear - cbl :wink_smile:

Where have you been all weekend???

We had really nice weather for three or four days in a row now!! So we've been outside alot... I've taken some long rides around the neighborhood and down to the lake on my scooter. Even bought some petunias and alyssum at RiteAid today and came home and planted them.

O.k. I'll try again.... Janet, how do you cook your scallops???? :tt2:

This is a little late, but we like to sautee them in a litle EVOO with some onions and garlic... a little Old Bay seasoning is good. They cook real fast... don't overcook or they get tough. If you have the big ones, you can even put them on the grill. I've always wanted to try them on the George Foreman, but DH insists that won't work because they're too big. I'm going to try it sometime when he's not home!!

He's such a control freak!!

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Good Morning Everyone, I came here to say good morning and to say a little prayer.

Dear God, Please give me the strenght to continue biting my tongue and not tell my secretary off. One more week, Please let me make it one more week.

Phyl - I been wanting to try cooking scallops. Not that I can eat them, but I'll cook them for the family. We had shrimp last night, and I couldn't keep them down.

We went camping this weekend. Last night while bathing I noticed a black spot at the very top of my thigh. It was a Tick. OMG, a freakin Tick.

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I think it is a fluke and I am not changing my ticker, but when I stepped on the scale this morning...I was at 150. Do you know what that means if it is true??????? That means I have lost 100 pounds. That would mean that I hit my original goal. I wasn't going to say anything because I do think it is a fluke, but I just had to share. I have an email into my PS about what to do if I get below 150 because I don't want to risk getting the best TT possible because I know she was concerned about me losing very much more weight.

Okay I posting this without balloons and smiley faces, because I do think it was a fluke, but we will see tomorrow. BTW, I contacted my nutritionist this weekend and she does want me weighing everyday because we need to adjust calories and she wants to see what is going on with daily weights. So that is why I am weighing so often.

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O.k. I'll try again.... Janet, how do you cook your scallops???? :tt2:

Candice - A little EVOO Margrine Garlic in a saute pan - and put it over rice

HOLY COW (or cats!) I did it. :thumbs_up: I ran 7, walked 1, ran 2, walked 1.3, ran .7. I can't believe how far I have come. I am sooooo proud of myself. And I am proud that I can say that I am proud of myself.:wub: I have only ever been able to say that one other time in my life and that is when I graduated from college the first time!

My DH is the greatest. He was out there giving me Water at every mile. He had his bike and would ride to the "check points" and stand there with Water and cheer me on...it was so great... He really does look out for me. Sometimes I get so focused that I don't think about things...that is what he is there for!

So I have not analyzed the run with my Nike+ running system yet but I will post it on my blog so if you want to check that out you can. LJM introduced me to the nike+ and it is really cool. At the end I got a message from Lance Armstrong congratulating me on my longest run yet. You can push a button on your ipod and it goes to your power song to help give you a boost. It counts your miles and averages your speed. It also calculates your calories based on speed and weight. Today it said that I burned 1392 calories. :w00t:That is right on with what the treadmill says...just a little over 100 calories per mile!

I was at 150. Do you know what that means if it is true??????? That means I have lost 100 pounds. That would mean that I hit my original goal.

Karri - CONGRATULATION on the Run :confused_smile:


It's not a fluke - it's your exercise :thumbup: I like the free food days - those are the days that you should go out to eat...

Weekly cooking - It was 10 last night and I realize I didn't cook for my weekly lunch - Having all these pple at my house has really thrown me off my routine.

Saturday - Went food shopping - came home and Family came and 5 kids -5 grown kids and me - so BBQ and swam - Watched movie Sat night had a small piece of Choc Cake - (within caloried :tongue:) Yesertday - home depot - planed some flowers (the top of my head is sunburned - 110 degrees yesterday) - swam - watched 2 movies - cooked - had another small 2 sq inches of choc cake (again within calories but pb's a little on it:ohmy:)

Tonite I am going to have to cook for the week...

Hi Everyone,

Salsa - I wish I did half of your exercise. O.K., a 1/4. Girl, you Rock!! If anyone watched Extreme Makeover today, The house is about 3 miles from me. I am sore from all the biking this weekend. We did 9 miles Sat. morning, then about 6more later. Then we walked about 2miles later. I didn't take my medicine last night, and I'm a little scared to swallow them tonight. :eek: I'll do it with hot tea. :eek:

Denise - Were you out there cheering??? My BP med is tiny so I am lucky no problems with pills

Where have you been all weekend???

We had really nice weather for three or four days in a row now!! So we've been outside alot... I've taken some long rides around the neighborhood and down to the lake on my scooter. Even bought some petunias and alyssum at RiteAid today and came home and planted them.

I'm going to try it sometime when he's not home!!

He's such a control freak!!

Phyl - I saw that you were having good weather due to some high - that is causing our HOT weather... I am going to hate to see my elect bill next month

Weekly cooking - It was 10 last night and I realize I didn't cook for my weekly lunch - Having all these pple at my house has really thrown me off my routine.

Saturday - Went food shopping - came home and Family came and 5 kids -5 grown kids and me - so BBQ and swam - Watched movie Sat night had a small piece of Choc Cake - (within caloried :tongue:)

Yesertday - home depot & target - planed some flowers (the top of my head is sunburned - 110 degrees yesterday) - swam - watched 2 movies - cooked - had another small 2 sq inches of choc cake (again within calories but pb's a little on it:ohmy:)

Tonite I am going to have to cook for the week..

It's going to be another hot day today 109 - then cool to the 90's during the week..

Steph - Hope you had a great bike ride with DH - I would leave some parting shots for pee wee ...

Ok gotta ck my desk CBL :tongue:

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Good morning 7's!!!

I had a great day yesterday. Rode over 200 miles! That was my first big ride and I guess I did it up big. Before that 15 miles was my max. My tailbone hurt by the end though. Holey Hannah I almost cried trying to sit through graduation. Last year when I bought my bike the seat was nice and cushy. Yesterday I realized that it wasn't the seat that was cushy, it was my butt! It's not so cushy anymore. We're talking about getting me a better (read bigger) bike. I don't know, I like mine, it just doesn't have a lot of power.

The zoloft must really be working because I didn't even cry through the graduation. I usually sit there and bawl. It really is sad though. I'll miss my pipsqueaks.

Can I have a bit of a meltdown here though? This is going to sound very irrational but I need to get it out and my DH just isn't going to get it. My mom was here, as you know for a few weeks. She has always been small. When she had her restaurant we actually worried about her getting too small. At one point she was shopping in the children's section (she is also very short). Well so she was all hung up on my weight loss. But also very hung up on her weight gain. Now for my mom, at 4' 11" and 130 pounds, I just rolled my eyes. I told her about tracking her meals and seeing that she is eating well and balancing out her nutrition. I thought that was important because she can eat one meal of eggs and toast a day. anyway....

Last night she calls and asks about daily plate and I gave her the address again and she says she walked a mile and how excited she was and now she's looking into joining a gym. Great for her, I'm really excited about it, but a little concerned that she thinks a size 8 is fat. But then I talked to my BIL and he says "I hear your getting really skinny." uhhh....no???? What has my mom told them? What are they expecting? I'm proud of me but what if they think I'm going to be skinny when I get out there at the end of the week. I have this crazy fear that they are going to look at me and think, "So what's the big deal? She's still fat!" I wanted to go out next week and everyone be proud of me and now I think they are expecting something I'm not. Now how are they going to be happy? I know that there is no way they won't be excited to see me down almost 60 pounds, but I really think they are expecting something I'm not.

See....completely irrational. grrrrr. I hate it when I'm irrational. And as irrational as it is, I can't get it out of my head. I dreamed about it last night. How stupid is that?

Okay....semester tests today so I'll be online quite a bit today. I have to sit very quiet and still. So I'll correct tests but other than that, surf the net.

Have a great day 7's. See you in a bit.

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Good morning 7's!!!

I had a great day yesterday. Rode over 200 miles! That was my first big ride and I guess I did it up big. Before that 15 miles was my max. My tailbone hurt by the end though. Holey Hannah I almost cried trying to sit through graduation. Last year when I bought my bike the seat was nice and cushy. Yesterday I realized that it wasn't the seat that was cushy, it was my butt! It's not so cushy anymore. We're talking about getting me a better (read bigger) bike. I don't know, I like mine, it just doesn't have a lot of power.

The zoloft must really be working because I didn't even cry through the graduation. I usually sit there and bawl. It really is sad though. I'll miss my pipsqueaks.

Can I have a bit of a meltdown here though? This is going to sound very irrational but I need to get it out and my DH just isn't going to get it. My mom was here, as you know for a few weeks. She has always been small. When she had her restaurant we actually worried about her getting too small. At one point she was shopping in the children's section (she is also very short). Well so she was all hung up on my weight loss. But also very hung up on her weight gain. Now for my mom, at 4' 11" and 130 pounds, I just rolled my eyes. I told her about tracking her meals and seeing that she is eating well and balancing out her nutrition. I thought that was important because she can eat one meal of eggs and toast a day. anyway....

Last night she calls and asks about daily plate and I gave her the address again and she says she walked a mile and how excited she was and now she's looking into joining a gym. Great for her, I'm really excited about it, but a little concerned that she thinks a size 8 is fat. But then I talked to my BIL and he says "I hear your getting really skinny." uhhh....no???? What has my mom told them? What are they expecting? I'm proud of me but what if they think I'm going to be skinny when I get out there at the end of the week. I have this crazy fear that they are going to look at me and think, "So what's the big deal? She's still fat!" I wanted to go out next week and everyone be proud of me and now I think they are expecting something I'm not. Now how are they going to be happy? I know that there is no way they won't be excited to see me down almost 60 pounds, but I really think they are expecting something I'm not.

See....completely irrational. grrrrr. I hate it when I'm irrational. And as irrational as it is, I can't get it out of my head. I dreamed about it last night. How stupid is that?

Okay....semester tests today so I'll be online quite a bit today. I have to sit very quiet and still. So I'll correct tests but other than that, surf the net.

Have a great day 7's. See you in a bit.

Steph - Your family is going to see you as skinny even though the scales says 165 which we know isn't skinny - but compared to what we were people now consider us skinny - I had a gf here at work tell me I didn't need to lose anymore weight (this was at 160) I was getting too skinny there is no way that 160 is too skinny - but I am seen like that.

As far as your Mom is concerned to her size 8 is fat - when I was at ww and someone came in wanting to lose 15 lbs - we all just shook our heads saying ya that's what we wish 15 lbs why bother you look fine - but that's how thin people do it - they don't let it get to 100 lbs that needs to be lost. Your Mom with be healthier going to the gym - exercise helps with our bones etc and as we get older we need to keep our muscles - so many older pple fall and hurt themselves as their legs aren't as strong -

As to the sore butt - i can relate last weekend sitting on the metal bleachers at the concert hurt my butt - felt like I had been riding a horse:tongue:

Hugs your are not irrational - you are normal

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Yep Janet beat me too it. you have to figure that these people have seen us fat for so long so when you drop weight they start thinking that you are skinny...and compared to what you were before...you are skinny. It will always take us a longer time to see it though. In fact when I looked in the mirror this morning I said to myself for the first time...you actually are skinny....and I meant it. It has taken me a long time to get there. Now if I had been standing in front of the mirror naked I would have thought that I was jabba-the-hut...six more weeks until that is resolved!

As for a size 8...that could be fat for her. Hell I am a size 8 and I think that I could stand to lose a few more pounds (if I wasn't having surgery).

As said before...you are not irrational, just notmal.

Glad to hear the zoloft is working. One of the side effects for me was that I couldn't cry. Though at the time it was a blessing because I was breaking down in tears during every class!

Poopy on all you people ending school right now. I know we have been through this before, but still....I have 4 weeks left.

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But then I talked to my BIL and he says "I hear your getting really skinny." uhhh....no???? What has my mom told them? What are they expecting? I'm proud of me but what if they think I'm going to be skinny when I get out there at the end of the week. I have this crazy fear that they are going to look at me and think, "So what's the big deal? She's still fat!" I wanted to go out next week and everyone be proud of me and now I think they are expecting something I'm not. Now how are they going to be happy? I know that there is no way they won't be excited to see me down almost 60 pounds, but I really think they are expecting something I'm not.

You need to stop them in their tracks and say "I'm not trying to get skinny, I'm working towards being healthy."

I don't know if anyone else feels the same way about the word 'skinny', but to me it's not always a positive thing. It can be just as bad as saying someone's fat. It just doesn't sound healthy. And remember, just because they say the words, doesn't mean it's true.

I haven't always felt this way though. All the time I've been struggling with losing weight I've said to myself "I WANT TO BE SKINNY!!!!!" But not anymore. More than anything, I want to be healthy. I think this change in thinking is helping me with my weight loss journey. I'm so tired of thinking of myself as having a weight loss problem. This week my scales stayed the same again. And I wasn't bothered by that. My body is changing, I'm feeling better than I ever have in decades and food doesn't dictate my life. I think differently about it. I choose meals according to their calories and Protein values more often than I choose them because I want to taste that food in my mouth. I've stopped beating myself up for wanting something sweet, then the following day wanting something salty. I know I'm always going to have the most problems when Aunt Flo is around, but for the rest of the month, the discipline is more tolerable. I can live with that now.

We went to a pot-luck get together for ex-pat Canadians to Celebrate Victoria Day yesterday. There was food galore there. I spent more time talking and enjoying the company of other people than looking at the food and imagining myself stuffing it all in my mouth. That's a NSV for me. There was cake, candy, chips, Pasta and lots of other evil foods that in the past would make me miserable because I'd want SO bad to load my plate up with as much as I could carry and want to go back for seconds, thirds, fourths, hoping someone didn't notice. I nibbled a few chips, had a bite out of some cake, passed on the candy and Pasta and just drank Water and talked, and talked and talked. And I really had a good time!

We need to stop putting pressure on ourselves to look as good as other people expect or think we should. I know I don't have the body of a model. I know I never will. I don't want to. But this is the first time in forever that I can look at myself in the mirror and not be disgusted. I have plenty of parts that need improvement, but oh my word it's such a relief not to have to carry that fat person attitude around with me anymore.

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Points taken. Thank you all for putting me back in line. You all said things that made so much sense. I guess they will think I'm skinny. Oh well.

I am feeling so much better that the number on the scale is secondary anymore. I like the way I'm beginning to look in clothes. My feet don't hurt when I walk anymore. My aches and pains are from exercising and they make me smile now. I did do this to become healthy. Skinny (and I can't help it, I want to be skinny Ruby. I think it's a beautiful word) is just a bi product of the journey.

As for my mom. I love the fact she is doing something to improve herself. I think it's funny that she sees herself as fat after looking at me for the last 20 years, but whatever. We all know that body image is in the eye of the beholder. I wish she wanted to get healthy instead of thinner. She wants to fit in a size of jeans, not be able to play with her grandkids. She wants to not have to buy new panties, instead of wishing she didn't huff and puff when she goes up the stairs. I guess I'm just not saying it right. I WANT her to be healthy and however she gets there is great. For the last couple of years, since my dad died, she really didn't care much about her health. But my reasons for doing this aren't her reasons. Whatever I believe is MY belief, and I can't force it on her.

Now....Karri, you should Celebrate the weight. You were really worried about upping your goal weight and it really bothered you. Now you won't be able to say that it was just the TT. It was YOU. You did it! Celebrate it. Your body will adjust to whatever you are throwing at it. Don't panic if you're under 150. I'm sure the PS will be able to do just fine with that.

Denise, you can make it through this week. You don't have to kill her. I know the desire, but stay strong. Just paraphrase Jesus, "Forgive her, for she knows not what she does." It's one week.

Phyl and Janet, about the scallops. I bought some and they are in the freezer. I want to cook them but don't know what to serve with them. Can I grill them and how do I know when they are done. I keep reading "don't over cook them" but how will I know? Do they go well with fruit? Could I kabob them with mushrooms and peppers and pineapple? Suggestions? I'm a grilling fiend when it's nice and will grill 5 nights a week now.

Okay....lunch. Half done, only half more to go!

Have a great day 7's

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I want to be skinny too - in fact my 12 yr old great niece said Saturday - Aunt Janet you are so tiny (again 157 isn't tiny by any imagination but it's 93 lbs less than before)

What to serve with scallops - the kabobs is a good idea - Wild Rice to serve with them I usually have them over white rice - you know when they are done they turn from clear white to a creamy white (opek ??)

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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