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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Good Morning Gang

Ruby - I am VERY PROUD of you - you threw the crap away - last yr at this time you would have not done that.. I too love being sore from exercise - it's a good sore - I know that tomorrow I will be sore in my arms and bra fat area as we worked those areas last night.

My trainer gave me a great complement - he said that if I was younger that he could see me being a body builder kind of person - not full out but buff - now some of you might have taken offense at the "younger" comment -but my trainer is like me - we speak the same language and I totally get what he was saying - that due to my saggy skin (age/yrs of fatness) that I am not going to ever have a buff body - but that my DETERMINATION was there and that just from the work we have done for the last 2 1/2 months there is a diff in my body... I am not a super sensitive person - when I showed him my before pic he asked "how did you let yourself get that way" a girl at work said weren't you offended - and I said no - he was speaking the truth - I can deal with the truth - how does someone let them self gain 100+ lbs over what they should be - Denial - 5 lbs every few month - giving up - We all know the answers to that one..


I am glad you got a new computer - I was thinking of getting a laptop so that when I go to Vegas I can communicate with you guys - but I really can't justify the cost - and think I would rather use that $$$ to keep my trainer


You are doing the work needed to find out why you are being drawn to sweets - stress, old habits - comfort (sugar gives us)

I feel that as long as we do the mental work and realize what we are doing then we are ahead of the game (even if you have indulged) You are truly looking into why you are giving into those cravings and you will figure out how not to..

Linda - Have a great time - have a couple of the drinks of the day for me - I will take the calories - You are in the Cozumel area right - make sure you take your sun block and enjoy yourself - you deserve it...

Congrats on DD graduation...

Karri - Where are you ??? Have you ran so much that you are totally exhausted and your fingers aren't working :cry_smile:

Kari - You too - what's up..

Candice - Good food choices - the food cops are in the vicinity ....

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I'm struggling with will power as well like Steph and Phyl are. Aunt Flo is here and she doesn't make things any easier. I was in Walgreens yesterday buying a couple of headbands and when I got to the counter the woman there asked if I wanted to get 2 choc bars for $1 as they were on special. Ruby said "No thank you." but not fast enough as Aunt Flo chimed in with "Sure, I'll take a Snickers and some Peanut M&Ms!" :thumbup: I took two bites of the Snickers and could easily have stuffed the rest in my mouth along with the M&Ms AND the packaging. But I got so angry at myself that I threw the lot in the garbage bin! :hurray::cursing::hurray::cursing: Still thinking about those two bites I had though. :cry_smile: They were wonderful. My goodness they were delicious! :hurray:Drink! Drink! Drink!

Good job throwing the candy away!!

Wednesdays there are always temptations for me! We go to our Primetimers group at church. Two different volunteer cooks fix us lunch each week. Yesterday it was cabbage Soup, which was really healthy and really good! But I probably ate a little too much of it, as well as a small piece of bread. BUT, there was also homemade cheese cake made by the lady sitting next to me at my table!! I did my usual three bites, but probably lots more calories than my usual three bites! And then we went to costco where I had a few samples! Bad afternoon! The scale didn't go down this week, so I need to really watch it!

My trainer gave me a great complement - he said that if I was younger that he could see me being a body builder kind of person - not full out but buff - now some of you might have taken offense at the "younger" comment -but my trainer is like me - we speak the same language and I totally get what he was saying - that due to my saggy skin (age/yrs of fatness) that I am not going to ever have a buff body - but that my DETERMINATION was there and that just from the work we have done for the last 2 1/2 months there is a diff in my body... I am not a super sensitive person - when I showed him my before pic he asked "how did you let yourself get that way" a girl at work said weren't you offended - and I said no - he was speaking the truth - I can deal with the truth - how does someone let them self gain 100+ lbs over what they should be - Denial - 5 lbs every few month - giving up - We all know the answers to that one..


I am glad you got a new computer - I was thinking of getting a laptop so that when I go to Vegas I can communicate with you guys - but I really can't justify the cost - and think I would rather use that $$$ to keep my trainer ....

That trainer guy sounds like a "peach"~~!!

Circuit City has a great laptop on sale this week for $699, so didn't hurt the wallet too badly~!

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Morning all. Just a quick check in. I've been busy busy this morning and have a ton more to do. I will check in and out.

Janet, I would be lost without my laptop. It is like an extension of my body. I can't watch tv without it (my adhd). It sits on my desk, it sits on my lap. I don't even go to the den to do any work. It is where ever I am.

Phyl, getting back up and running is such a pain in the butt. I spilled coffee in mine last year and was without for about 2 weeks. We bought a external thing to read my old laptop's drive and transferred that way. It was SOOOO much easier.

Karri, you didn't check in. Hope the kids didn't suck you back into their pit of life drain. They can do that you know! Especially at this time of year. Hope your training is going well.

Peaches, we missed you. Glad you checked back in.

Linda, can I come too???? I'll just call you calgon. Take me away!!!!

Okay. I'd better run. Lots to do. Hope your Water intake is going well!

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I am here....thanks for noticing me...Did I sound like eeyore?!? Things are actually going pretty well, but I am tired. The end of the week is always the worst because I get up so gosh darn early and my big runs come at the end of the week. I have a 6 mile run today followed by a 2 mile walk, 2 mile run, 2 mile walk for a total of 12 miles. I am looking forward to it, but know that I am going to be exhausted. Surprisingly enough the kids are actually still behaving and working harder than ever. I love our new proficiency grading system. I am getting better at it so the grading is getting less and less. Still is a lot of work though.

I am just sick of eating though. I know a lot of you wish that you had this problem so that is why I try not to post about this but I am having a hard time. I lost 1.5 pounds last week and so I upped the calories to 1800 calories but I am still resistant to adding in high caloried foods, so I feel like I am eating TONS of food...and frankly I am sick of it. I have spent the last several months learning not to eat and now I have to eat so much food. I still am quite restricted even without a fill so when I ate Breakfast this morning I actually got sick from the amount of food that I needed to eat to get my calories in. Then tonight I am having Pasta so that I can up the calories and get some carbs after the long run...but I am anticipating feeling ill because of how full I am going to feel. 1800 calories = a ton of food! I don't like it...picture me stomping my feet and thrwoing a fit. Okay gotta get my kids started.

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I am here....thanks for noticing me...Did I sound like eeyore?!? Things are actually going pretty well, but I am tired. The end of the week is always the worst because I get up so gosh darn early and my big runs come at the end of the week. I have a 6 mile run today followed by a 2 mile walk, 2 mile run, 2 mile walk for a total of 12 miles. I am looking forward to it, but know that I am going to be exhausted. Surprisingly enough the kids are actually still behaving and working harder than ever. I love our new proficiency grading system. I am getting better at it so the grading is getting less and less. Still is a lot of work though.

I am just sick of eating though. I know a lot of you wish that you had this problem so that is why I try not to post about this but I am having a hard time. I lost 1.5 pounds last week and so I upped the calories to 1800 calories but I am still resistant to adding in high caloried foods, so I feel like I am eating TONS of food...and frankly I am sick of it. I have spent the last several months learning not to eat and now I have to eat so much food. I still am quite restricted even without a fill so when I ate breakfast this morning I actually got sick from the amount of food that I needed to eat to get my calories in. Then tonight I am having Pasta so that I can up the calories and get some carbs after the long run...but I am anticipating feeling ill because of how full I am going to feel. 1800 calories = a ton of food! I don't like it...picture me stomping my feet and thrwoing a fit. Okay gotta get my kids started.

I have my EYEORE socks on today!!

TWELVE MILES is very ambitious!! Oh my!!

I am having trouble eating today too!! very tight today for some reason. Had an egg and a piece of Sara Lee toast this morning... hard time getting it down. Same with lunch.. small piece of grilled fish (leftovers) and about 1/4 cup of wild rice. DH fixed pork roast w/sauerkraut, roasted potatoes and carrots for dinner and i could only eat a few bites! And I"ve had about a dozen papaya tabs trying to settle my stomach since!!

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Just a quick check in to let you all know that I'm thinking about you, but won't be able to keep up for the next 10 days or so. We're off to Indy for DD's graduation and then to Chicago to get on a plane for the Rivera Maya. I am so pumped--I'm going as a "normal" person--maybe overweight, but not obese! You know what I'm saying.

I did have 0.3 unfill yesterday afternoon. Last night I slept well for the first time in a month. I just hope I still have restriction. We're going to an all inclusive resort where I could eat (and drink) 24x7. I don't intend to loose while there, but I sure don't want to gain.

So, bye for now. I'll be back on Memorial Day (May 26 for you Canadians)

DEAR LINDA: wow you lucky dog you... I love Mexico... and guess what? Its a long weekend for us "Canadians" too.. Its Queen Victoria's Birthday and we Celebrate it on May 24 or the closest weekend to it.... YEAH!!!

Have a blast on your holiday, and its only 7 days so whatever damage you do eating and drinking it'll come off fast once you are home... You have lost so much weight, I'll bet you don't even take advantage of the Buffet's... HUGS and HAVE FUN!

I am here....thanks for noticing me...Did I sound like eeyore?!? Things are actually going pretty well, but I am tired. The end of the week is always the worst because I get up so gosh darn early and my big runs come at the end of the week. I have a 6 mile run today followed by a 2 mile walk, 2 mile run, 2 mile walk for a total of 12 miles. I am looking forward to it, but know that I am going to be exhausted. Surprisingly enough the kids are actually still behaving and working harder than ever. I love our new proficiency grading system. I am getting better at it so the grading is getting less and less. Still is a lot of work though.

I am just sick of eating though. I know a lot of you wish that you had this problem so that is why I try not to post about this but I am having a hard time. I lost 1.5 pounds last week and so I upped the calories to 1800 calories but I am still resistant to adding in high caloried foods, so I feel like I am eating TONS of food...and frankly I am sick of it. I have spent the last several months learning not to eat and now I have to eat so much food. I still am quite restricted even without a fill so when I ate breakfast this morning I actually got sick from the amount of food that I needed to eat to get my calories in. Then tonight I am having Pasta so that I can up the calories and get some carbs after the long run...but I am anticipating feeling ill because of how full I am going to feel. 1800 calories = a ton of food! I don't like it...picture me stomping my feet and thrwoing a fit. Okay gotta get my kids started.

Hi Salsa; You are right, WE HATE to hear about ALL the food you get to eat!!! :biggrin: but then hey! you are WORKING your BUTT off... so you need those calories to rebuild your body and muscles... ITS FUEL, not garbage that you are eating. Now for calorie dense foods, hummm have you tried Guacamole? It is a GOOD fat, from vegetable source..

My Late MIL used to make a salad at Xmas time half of a ripe avocado, take out pit, and fill with Shrimp/crab meat/mayo mixure... very yummy and high protien... might do the trick.

Also, use real cream in your sauces over pasta... and add NUTS... they are also a dense calorie food, but have GOOD fats in them omega's and such...

Also, instead of cooking and sauteeing your food in PAM use real olive oil...

The cals will add up...

Good luck with that.. and don't be hard on yourself... compare yourself to a HUMMER or Cadillac... needs premium grade fuel right?

Well, we that are still trying to lose are those Hybrid economy cars that use less gas... get it??? :lol:

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I agree with Peaches. You are now a luxury model!!! A sports coupe per se.

I know you don't like to put "garbage" in but have you tried the Protein Powder stuff to add to things. body builders use it so it can't be too awful??? Another thought I had was what about adding juices to your liquid side? Drinking a couple v8's or something might be easier than eating even MORE food. I don't have ideas for calorie dense foods though. If I think of something I'll mention it. Everything I come up with seems to be milk based or bad for us stuff.

I'll keep thinking though...

Okay, back to the muck out of the classroom. I have collected way too much stuff to have only been here 6 years. I have a good 3 car loads to take out of here. And I'm not leaving a damned thing for snot-nose. He gets the furniture!

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I have my EYEORE socks on today!!

TWELVE MILES is very ambitious!! Oh my!!

I am having trouble eating today too!! very tight today for some reason. Had an egg and a piece of Sara Lee toast this morning... hard time getting it down. Same with lunch.. small piece of grilled fish (leftovers) and about 1/4 cup of wild rice. DH fixed pork roast w/sauerkraut, roasted potatoes and carrots for dinner and i could only eat a few bites! And I"ve had about a dozen papaya tabs trying to settle my stomach since!!

Phyl - You have been emotional - maybe that's it.. Go with Soup for a day - are you stuck or upset stomach - since I have never stayed stuck - it either goes down or comes back up (last nights chicken came back up but lunch today no problem)

The cals will add up...

Good luck with that.. and don't be hard on yourself... compare yourself to a HUMMER or Cadillac... needs premium grade fuel right?

Well, we that are still trying to lose are those Hybrid economy cars that use less gas... get it??? :biggrin:

Candice love this example - Karri - it's true - I think adding nuts - real oil (healthy) and cream etc would be a good healthy way to increase your calories - 12 miles tonite- OMW I'm tried just thinking about it - today is my off day - had an hour of quiteness but everyone is home - and noise - tv loud - 4 yr old being a 4 yr old - but they got take out for dinner (burger king) - well I hope it was their dinner cuz I didn't take anything out - This is the part I don't like cooking meals for all the picky eaters -

Last night was ck tacos - DIL made enough rice to feed an frickin army - she knows that DS doesn't eat it - so that leaves 2 DGD and her - what a waste of food.... and they don't seem to eat left overs..

I just got a bill that I owe another $352 to the hospital - I guess they made an adjustment in feb - I gotta call blue cross tomorrow.. this is bs 7 months after the fact.

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I know I need to add the healthy fats but mentally...I am not there yet. Hell..I still eat FF cheese! I always say that I need to leave calories for the end of the day in case I am hungry after working out...but I am never hungry at night and I know this! Peaches the analogy was fabulous...I guess I am a hummer! I already have my meals planned for this week and we will see how the weigh in goes. I don't like to adjust things for 2 weeks to make sure that there are no oddities. If I have to add calories I certainly am going to add nuts or avocados. I don't like to cook with oil or add cream because it is too hard to calculate the correct amount of calories. Yes I still count calories. I have to...I totally underestimated the calories in the enchiladas we made Tuesday. After I ate them I calculated it to make sure that it was what I had estimated. They were 510 calories and I had only estimated them to be 400! So obviously I am still underestimating calories of foods that I don't normally eat.

But tonight I did something VERY stupid. The Water patrol should write me a ticket. I only had 1 bottle of water because I had to cover someone elses class during my prep which is when I normally get all of my water in so that I don't have to go to the bathroom during the day. Well I didn't get my water in. I didn't really think anything of it...until I started running. About 3 miles into the run...I cramped up. I tried to run through it but I couldn't I stopped and walked and then ran...cramped up again...walked...ran...walk...ran...walk...called DH to ask him to bring me some water. By the time he got there I was almost ready to pass out. Oh...I didn't mention that it was 80 degrees outside today...probably about 70 when I started running. So basically I only got 8 miles done...4 miles running and 4 miles pretty slow walking. My legs, stomach, back and even feet were cramping up from the dehydration. The heat got to me. I didn't hardly sweat at all...NOT a good sign. So instead of beating myself up I am just moving my LONG run/walk days to Sunday so that I can do them in the morning when it is cool outside. So no 12 miles today...but on Sunday. 8 miles is still nothing to sniff at...that is a long ways. According to my new nike+ I had an average pace of 4.3 miles per hour and burned 930 calories...not too shabby for being crippled the last 2 miles!

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I know I need to add the healthy fats but mentally...I am not there yet. Hell..I still eat FF cheese! I always say that I need to leave calories for the end of the day in case I am hungry after working out...but I am never hungry at night and I know this! Peaches the analogy was fabulous...I guess I am a hummer! I already have my meals planned for this week and we will see how the weigh in goes. I don't like to adjust things for 2 weeks to make sure that there are no oddities. If I have to add calories I certainly am going to add nuts or avocados. I don't like to cook with oil or add cream because it is too hard to calculate the correct amount of calories. Yes I still count calories. I have to...I totally underestimated the calories in the enchiladas we made Tuesday. After I ate them I calculated it to make sure that it was what I had estimated. They were 510 calories and I had only estimated them to be 400! So obviously I am still underestimating calories of foods that I don't normally eat.

But tonight I did something VERY stupid. The Water patrol should write me a ticket. I only had 1 bottle of water because I had to cover someone elses class during my prep which is when I normally get all of my water in so that I don't have to go to the bathroom during the day. Well I didn't get my water in. I didn't really think anything of it...until I started running. About 3 miles into the run...I cramped up. I tried to run through it but I couldn't I stopped and walked and then ran...cramped up again...walked...ran...walk...ran...walk...called DH to ask him to bring me some water. By the time he got there I was almost ready to pass out. Oh...I didn't mention that it was 80 degrees outside today...probably about 70 when I started running. So basically I only got 8 miles done...4 miles running and 4 miles pretty slow walking. My legs, stomach, back and even feet were cramping up from the dehydration. The heat got to me. I didn't hardly sweat at all...NOT a good sign. So instead of beating myself up I am just moving my LONG run/walk days to Sunday so that I can do them in the morning when it is cool outside. So no 12 miles today...but on Sunday. 8 miles is still nothing to sniff at...that is a long ways. According to my new nike+ I had an average pace of 4.3 miles per hour and burned 930 calories...not too shabby for being crippled the last 2 miles!


Mommie dearest hear is going to spank you !!! If you are going to

run - you gotta drink your water - so from now on PLAN IT FOR THE DAYS YOU ARE RUNNING... :thumbup::lol::w00t:

I am still counting calories but I am not as fastidious as you - I don't count the evoo that I use. Tonite scallops in a little evoo butter and garlic over rice and some green Beans - I scallops are like 100 so I guessmate my dinner to be 350 max - I don't dot my i's or cross my t's :smile:

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Mommie dearest hear is going to spank you !!! If you are going to

run - you gotta drink your Water - so from now on PLAN IT FOR THE DAYS YOU ARE RUNNING... :w00t::lol::smile:

I am still counting calories but I am not as fastidious as you - I don't count the evoo that I use. Tonite scallops in a little evoo butter and garlic over rice and some green Beans - I scallops are like 100 so I guessmate my dinner to be 350 max - I don't dot my i's or cross my t's :lol:

I told my DH to slap my hand and he hit it HARD!:thumbup: (Nobody freak out..he does NOT abuse me...I asked him to slap my hand!) I deserve it though...so he spanked me for you! And as for dotting my i's and crossing my t's...I do that too...only in perfect caligraphy! So yes...it is plan, plan, plan. Even I have momentary lapses in judgement.


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Hello Lucky 7's. So sorry I have been MIA. Things have been pretty miserable as I stated in my past post a few days ago. I had called the doctor on Last Friday and he ordered Klonipin 2 times daily for the anxiety and my tempter that just flies off at the drop of a hat I get angry and flustered. ok so I start taking that and then I am looped up and then the whole mothers day thing. Monday I called my doctors office to make an appointment (as I was bawling hystericallly and uncontrolably! 36_1_4.gif And the secretary said 'We made you one last friday for May 30th but it definately sounds like we need you in here asap so they got me in at 3:45 that afternoon. I went in after driving myself into town and about ditching my car twice (klonopin in my system) and then I called my GF and said you have to drive me or I am going to hurt myself or someone I am so fricked up from this medicine and everything. I go to the doctor and he tells me 'yup you are very ensitive to these meds .' (I have been ALOT more sensitive to all meds since lapband surgery. Something I could take before totally loops me out now. Even tylenol PM for godsake). Anyway, he thinks along with raising teenagers and the stress those cherubs bring I have PMPD and anxiety disorder along with depression. So I am now on Zoloft and I take 2mg of ativan as needed for anxiety. I can honestly tell you I feel alot calmer and happier but then again with the PMPD I started my monthly so that helps relieve some of those symptoms as well. At any rate I am feeling better and I am alot more relaxed. I still see the psych doctor for his opinion (per my docs request) next Thursday. We have a lot of depression and bi polar in our family so we are just trying to make sure we arent' missing anything. I have been on medications in the past and thought that I was past this but I can tell you if this is going to make me feel as good as I do now (compared to what I have for a long time) I am absolutely fine taking my antidepressent.

Also I got a fill yesterday. She gave me .6 and thought that would be to tight but she says my band is such a fickle thing that she thinks it opens up when I eat. I definately have restriction today. I am happy with it. I really had to push to get in 650 calories today and I know that isn't enough but I will work harder tomorrow. I have decided that I am going to try eating 5 times a day and smaller portions because if I do the 3 meals a day that my doc suggests there is no way I will ever get enough calories. I tried to eat a 3oz tuna pouch tonight and could only eat 2 bites and then I pd'ed because I was so full.

Well sorry to write such a long post. I just haven't been on for awhile and wanted to report and tell everyone that i am feeling better and thank you all for you advice shoulders and words of wisdom. Don't know where I would be without my 7's/

Ok now I am off to read the posts I have missed. Love you all!!!:thumbup:


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Good Morning Gang.... TGIF except I have more stress at home than here at work - GS doesn't like the house full - he's been in a mood the last few days - i tried to talk to him a little bit this morning - trying to explain that we are a family and family helps each other and that I don't nessecarily like it either (green candy stain on my carpet) but we have to do what we have to do - it won't last forever. I don't think he get - teenager are so selfish...

I told my DH to slap my hand and he hit it HARD!:thumbup: (Nobody freak out..he does NOT abuse me...I asked him to slap my hand!) I deserve it though...so he spanked me for you! And as for dotting my i's and crossing my t's...I do that too...only in perfect caligraphy! So yes...it is plan, plan, plan. Even I have momentary lapses in judgement.GOTTA GO TO BED...3:30 COMES EARLY

Karri - I seriously doubt that DH would ever hurt you - you are so much smarter than that... Tell DH his BMIL says that he needs to quiz you before you run - no Water no running

Hello Lucky 7's. So sorry I have been MIA. Things have been pretty miserable as I stated in my past post a few days ago. I had called the doctor on Last Friday and he ordered Klonipin 2 times daily for the anxiety and my tempter that just flies off at the drop of a hat I get angry and flustered. ok so I start taking that and then I am looped up and then the whole mothers day thing. Monday I called my doctors office to make an appointment (as I was bawling hystericallly and uncontrolably! And the secretary said 'We made you one last friday for May 30th but it definately sounds like we need you in here asap so they got me in at 3:45 that afternoon. I went in after driving myself into town and about ditching my car twice (klonopin in my system) and then I called my GF and said you have to drive me or I am going to hurt myself or someone I am so fricked up from this medicine and everything. I go to the doctor and he tells me 'yup you are very ensitive to these meds .' (I have been ALOT more sensitive to all meds since lapband surgery. Something I could take before totally loops me out now. Even tylenol PM for godsake). Anyway, he thinks along with raising teenagers and the stress those cherubs bring I have PMPD and anxiety disorder along with depression. So I am now on Zoloft and I take 2mg of ativan as needed for anxiety. I can honestly tell you I feel alot calmer and happier but then again with the PMPD I started my monthly so that helps relieve some of those symptoms as well. At any rate I am feeling better and I am alot more relaxed. I still see the psych doctor for his opinion (per my docs request) next Thursday. We have a lot of depression and bi polar in our family so we are just trying to make sure we arent' missing anything. I have been on medications in the past and thought that I was past this but I can tell you if this is going to make me feel as good as I do now (compared to what I have for a long time) I am absolutely fine taking my antidepressent.

Also I got a fill yesterday. She gave me .6 and thought that would be to tight but she says my band is such a fickle thing that she thinks it opens up when I eat. I definately have restriction today. I am happy with it. I really had to push to get in 650 calories today and I know that isn't enough but I will work harder tomorrow. I have decided that I am going to try eating 5 times a day and smaller portions because if I do the 3 meals a day that my doc suggests there is no way I will ever get enough calories. I tried to eat a 3oz tuna pouch tonight and could only eat 2 bites and then I pd'ed because I was so full.

Well sorry to write such a long post. I just haven't been on for awhile and wanted to report and tell everyone that i am feeling better and thank you all for you advice shoulders and words of wisdom. Don't know where I would be without my 7's/

Ok now I am off to read the posts I have missed. Love you all!!!:w00t:


Zolfot is good and I am glad you are going to the shrink - we all need to talk to an impartial 3rd party at times. I am glad that you are feeling better - and remember - you don't have to apolgize for long post - this is our thread and we can have a lot to say - OK....

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DH is so cute! Gosh I found a good one. :thumbup: When we were walking back last night and I was half keeled over in pain, he was planning my run and where he would be on Sunday. He will take his bike down to the canyon and he has already mapped out my Water stations. :tongue2:So after he gives me water the he will ride is bike to the next water station. This is going to be our plan for the remainder of my training. I am not allowed to do more than a 4 mile run in the canyon without him. Otherwise if I want to run I have to go to the gym where I can have water with me at all times. He said he would write it up in a contract if he needed to and make me sign it since I like to follow rules.:thumbup:

By the time I went to bed last night I had drank around 100 oz of water. When I woke up this morning and peed like crazy :w00t:I stepped on the scale...it was down 2 pounds.:thumbup: I am hoping that it is because I was still dehydrated. Cause I think if at my official weigh in tomorrow that I am down 2 pounds my DH is going to FREAK out. I promise I have been eating all the food that I need to. I won't change anything for another week though because we know that the body needs to adjust. I thought "if I could have eaten this many calories before being banded then I wouldnt' have needed surgery". Then I reminded myself that I was eating upwards of 3500-7000 calories a day pre-op. Kind of put it in perspective. I guess I did have a good metabolism after all...just couldn't keep up with the fast food, candy bars, DQ trips, doughnuts and MULITPLE helpings at dinner. Funny how we think we have a slow metabolism when we most likely do not. Yet another delusion we had!

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Hello Lucky 7's. So sorry I have been MIA. Things have been pretty miserable as I stated in my past post a few days ago. I had called the doctor on Last Friday and he ordered Klonipin 2 times daily for the anxiety and my tempter that just flies off at the drop of a hat I get angry and flustered. ok so I start taking that and then I am looped up and then the whole mothers day thing. Monday I called my doctors office to make an appointment (as I was bawling hystericallly and uncontrolably! 36_1_4.gif And the secretary said 'We made you one last friday for May 30th but it definately sounds like we need you in here asap so they got me in at 3:45 that afternoon. I went in after driving myself into town and about ditching my car twice (klonopin in my system) and then I called my GF and said you have to drive me or I am going to hurt myself or someone I am so fricked up from this medicine and everything. I go to the doctor and he tells me 'yup you are very ensitive to these meds .' (I have been ALOT more sensitive to all meds since lapband surgery. Something I could take before totally loops me out now. Even tylenol PM for godsake). Anyway, he thinks along with raising teenagers and the stress those cherubs bring I have PMPD and anxiety disorder along with depression. So I am now on Zoloft and I take 2mg of ativan as needed for anxiety. I can honestly tell you I feel alot calmer and happier but then again with the PMPD I started my monthly so that helps relieve some of those symptoms as well. At any rate I am feeling better and I am alot more relaxed. I still see the psych doctor for his opinion (per my docs request) next Thursday. We have a lot of depression and bi polar in our family so we are just trying to make sure we arent' missing anything. I have been on medications in the past and thought that I was past this but I can tell you if this is going to make me feel as good as I do now (compared to what I have for a long time) I am absolutely fine taking my antidepressent.

Also I got a fill yesterday. She gave me .6 and thought that would be to tight but she says my band is such a fickle thing that she thinks it opens up when I eat. I definately have restriction today. I am happy with it. I really had to push to get in 650 calories today and I know that isn't enough but I will work harder tomorrow. I have decided that I am going to try eating 5 times a day and smaller portions because if I do the 3 meals a day that my doc suggests there is no way I will ever get enough calories. I tried to eat a 3oz tuna pouch tonight and could only eat 2 bites and then I pd'ed because I was so full.

Well sorry to write such a long post. I just haven't been on for awhile and wanted to report and tell everyone that i am feeling better and thank you all for you advice shoulders and words of wisdom. Don't know where I would be without my 7's/

Ok now I am off to read the posts I have missed. Love you all!!!:thumbup:


I am glad to see that things are looking better for you. Fills are crazy. I have had such misery with mine that I am really hoping to not have to have one ever again. Of course I will if I have to...that is the beauty of the band...but I don't EVER want the thought of being too tight again. Hope you are getting in a few more calories. Do you have to be on liquids after a fill. My doc requires minimum 48 hours. I know that a lot of them are very different though!

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    • mamabear30106

      I started my 10 day pre op diet yesterday I need flavor!! I'm not big on the chocolate protein shakes so I just got to use up what I have was thinking about freezing it to make it like a ice cream so its something I can chew a little. Idk this is hard but I know I can do it just need to find new things to try 
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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

        This is a place to feel safe to vent, seek advice, hopefully without judgement.

        Compassion goes a long way :)

      2. BabySpoons

        Seems it would be more compassionate not to perform a WLS on someone until they are mentally ready for it. Unless of course they are on death's door...

    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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